Normally you should be able to choose Help - Updates from within Photoshop's menus and get the job done.
By the way I'd suggest downloading and installing Camera Raw 8.5...
From: Keeping Photoshop Up-To-Date
What if the computer that Photoshop is on is not connected to the internet?
You’ll need to find a computer that is connected to the internet, and download the update to an external drive or media that you can move to the computer that’s not on the ‘net:
Macintosh Updates/Downloads
Windows Updates/Downloads
Direct download links for Camera Raw ... for Photoshop CC:
Camera Raw 8.5 Macintosh
Camera Raw 8.5 Windows
Direct download links for Camera Raw ... for Photoshop CS6:
Camera Raw 8.5 Macintosh
Camera Raw 8.5 Windows