Here's my problem: I've already had a behance account for at least a year now :
But upon activating creative suite, it automatically created a behance account for me:
This wouldn't be that big of a problem if they had separate e-mail addresses but they're both on the same e-mail. Now I'm only allowed into the new empty account and can't access my real account in any way.
I've gone through various channels over the course of a few days I started by e-mailing behance and waiting a full day with no response.
Then I tweeted @adobecare with no response either.
Then I went through Adobe's recommended chat service, they were unable to assist me and told me the only way to fix it was to call technical support during their business hours.
I just got off the phone with technical support who says they don't offer behance support and to come to the adobe forums.
So here I am, hoping that there's someway to get my actual account back.
Please help, this is very frustrating.