I noticed that Illustrator tends to edit allot of things that I create and try to fix, and my goal is to make everything as natural as possible without the interference of this unwanted editing. I have multiple questions under this category.
While painting lines with my Intuos Pro tablet, I use the pressure settings, and I have the paint settings set for no smoothing and the lowest fidelity. This allows my lines to not do their own funky thing when I draw them, but yet it still seems to change little things here and there. For instance, sharp point edges i draw still become slightly rounded. This is probably one of the most pesky things. Say for instance i draw a bunch of continuous sharp points in a row with one single line, like monster teeth or something, most become slightly curved. The smaller I make them, the more the problem occurs. Big isnt a problem, but in detailed drawings its a hassle. Also, unwanted and intentional curves get filled in sometimes depending on the intensity of the curve's angle. Finally, lines still have a tendency to slightly change their shape ever so slightly.
When editing lines with the direct selection tool, when i pick an end point and delete it from a drawn line, that suddenly changed the whole shape of the line i drew. This is especially a pain with lines that feature allot of bumps and curves, resulting in points throwing off into new directions. Even the thickness of the line changes. Parts can become skinnier, and fatter. I'm not sure if this has to do with the fact that i used the pressure option with my tablet since thats how i drew the line, and its creating its own pressure points throughout the line? I also double clicked on the direct selection tool and there is an option under its settings about altering or what not that is check marked, but its greyed out and wont let me choose it.
In the end, I just want to draw things how I want them, and be able to edit without unwanted reshaping.