Thanks for the update.
I was not surprised to learn that Adobe was not supporting version 8, but I was surprised to learn that it still supported version 11. Typically the Adobe support has been for purchased/registered/current version.
Be that as it may...to work on your Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 issue.
1. When you did the deletion of the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file, did you also delete the whole 8.0 Folder in which it existed? If not, please do so.
Please refer back to post 4 in this thread.
2. If you have not already, assure that you do not have any pile ups of preview files, conformed audio, or conformed video files.
Assuming default locations...
Preview Files. Libraries/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Elements/8.0 and the Adobe Premiere Elements Preview Files Folder.
Conformed Audio: Libraries/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Elements/8.0 and the Media Cache Files Folder.
Conformed Video: Go to Edit Menu/Preferences/Media and the Media Cache Database area there and hit the Clean put. Then
go to the path shown to the original conformed video files to make sure that they are gone.
3. Create a new User Account with Administrative Privileges, and install Premiere Elements 8.0 to run from there.
(Do not delete the old account. It just remains unused.) After the program is installed, then install the 8.0.1 Update.
4. Some have resolved this type of problem by (as last resort) reinstalling the computer operating system or reverting back to the factory settings. I am not sure if we are ready for that yet.
5. Before trying to open the program, have you gone to the Task Manager to make sure the program is not listed as an open process?
And, have you tried to open the program from the .exe files in Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Premiere Elements 8.0/ and
Adobe Premiere Elements 8.0.exe (opens to Welcome Screen)
Adobe Premiere Elements.exe (bypasses Welcome Screen)
Please review the above and then let us know if any of the above had any impact on your issue.
Add On...Please remind me, is your program installed from disc or from online downloaded files from Adobe.