THANK YOU!!! ..... I would welcome remarks from others, of course, but you have responded to the biggest question that I posted the question for.
..... Speed. or lack thereof. When I am doing something simple like "Brushing in a darker exposure to a background", my actions follow the stroke of my mouse by 1/5th of a second at times. .... I mean really??.. 1/5th?? 1/10th? I don't know how long...... But if I can sit back and watch the shading darken across the screen, long after I stopped moving the mouse..... I have an issue somewhere.
Every time I close Lightroom (Cloud version), a popup box says my
"Settings for the catalog "Lightroom 5 Catalog" indicate it should be backed up once a week ...
...........and since downloading LR in December, I have always chosen "Skip this time" And since I use LR every single day I was "guessing this may be part of the problem .....