Quote:"What good was that supposed to do?"
I thought this was a forum for newbies. If I knew it wasn't going to do any good, obviously, I wouldn't have tried it! If the 'stupidity' of newbies tries your patience and has you rolling your eyes, then perhaps best not to let them annoy you with their stupid attempts, and hang out with those who are your equals. At least I am giving this a go. Many people are too scared to even go near PS. Or they give up the first time something goes wrong. I try to solve my own problems first. I try to learn by creating challenges - such as wanting to adjust the background on my own picture that I want to use for my own purposes rather than having everything spoon-fed to me and being afraid to move away from whatever a tutorial or book offers. Yes, I follow tutorials, but I also try and expand out from that by looking at my own pictures and what do I want to do with them, and then try and work out how to do it, even if I don't know everything yet. (And clearly I don't, as you were all too quick to remind me). I'm the kind of person who is not afraid to press a key to see what will happen. At least I am trying, and willing to learn.
As I said in my OP, the reason I chose the course of action that I did was that I was following a tutorial that I found online that instructed me that that was the way to do it; that is, to adjust one part of a photo. And the instruction said to create a new layer with the part you want to adjust cut out, and then adjust it. That part worked. So in that regard, the tutorial instructed me correctly. What I wasn't bargaining on was the 'seam' where the fur transition is not smooth. As for using brushes as you suggested, I tried that, and also the healing tool, but when I tried to use them on that layer, PS advised me that I could not use them on it. I tried a few other things, including selecting the seam area and trying to adjust that (ok, go on, laugh) but that didn't work either, but when the tools weren't working, I was left stuck on what to try next. Clearly I've done something wrong, now please teach me how I may have approached it better. I hope the screen shot is clear enough. Thank you.