Thanks for the follow up.
With Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1 on Windows 8.1 64 bit, I would suggest that following.
Export a H.264.mp4 file for the upload to YouTube at the YouTube web site.
To do that in 9,
Share/Mobile Phones and Players
Apple iPod and iPhone
and Presets = iPod and iPhone High Quality
Then under the Advanced Button/Video Tab of the preset, customize the Video Tab fields accordingly. The following is only an example.
Your values would be based on your Premiere Elements project settings and the properties of your source media that you imported to the
In my example, I had a 1080p project (1920 x 1080 @ 29.97 progressive frames per second).
So under the Advanced Button/Video Tab for the above Share/Mobile Players/Apple iPod and iPhone with Presets = iPod and IPhone High Qulaity
First I set the Level = 5.1 and Profile = High. That gave Frame Width 1920 and Frame Height 1080.
The Bitrate Settings can be adjusted downward to allow for smaller file sizes if file size becomes an issue.
There needs to be a compromise between bitrate and quality and file size. Here I set for Target Bitrate =
32 Mbps (megabytes per second) and Maximum Bitrate = 40 Mbps. The estimated file size for the
export can be seen further down in this Export Settings area. It is cut off at the bottom in my
If your Timeline video is other than the above, please give the project settings and properties of your
source media, and I will suggest other settings for this particular export.
Any questions, please let us know.
Thank you.