This is so crazy, I don't even know where to start. I'll try in a nutshell:
1) I have InDesign CS on disc.
2) I upgraded to CS2. I have record of all of that, and Adobe has my record of that purchase. (Although I can no longer download from their site)
3) I upgraded to CS3. Neither I, nor Adobe has record of that purchase. I seem to have a vague memory of Adobe switching their client login/site/store, and after that, my CS3 purchase was wiped. (But I never dealt with it b/c I stopped freelancing to have children)
So now, all my freelance files are in CS3. Clearly, I cannot use a prior version (CS2) to access any of these files. Also, I have just viewed Adobe's policies on upgrading to CS6 or Cloud, and you have to have purchased CS3 (which I did but have no record of).
How do I, if at all, ever find record of my CS3 upgrade? And then of course can I re-install? Adobe says they only keep downloads for 3 years. I have tried to find a way to directly email/contact/phone Adobe, and they just refer me back here to the "community" -- it's really maddening, all of it!
If anyone has a clue on what direction to steer me, I would be very appreciative.