Thanks for the reply.
I have not forgotten about your question regarding creating templates in Premiere Elements. I am in the process of compiling
my thoughts and examples (and facts) on that. There are possibilities but not with everything in one file. Some of the problems include:
a. not being able in all cases to maintain a file's transparency in the export
b. getting an export with editable text in all situations
c. other
One thought might be to set up a dummy project for each template. And, then you would open the dummy project copy to work
with that template in the opened copy.
Titles can be created in the Titler and saved to the computer hard drive as .prtl files. These .prtl files can be opened in other
Premiere Elements projects. Have you looked at the Title Templates that come with the program? These can be used as is
or customized in the Titler. These Title Templates also lend themselves to being saved as .prtl files to the computer hard drive
and then use in other projects.
I will try to get back to this tomorrow. Can you give some examples of specific templates that you are seeking?