Thanks for the follow up.
In Premiere Elements 11 and 12 takes over setting the project preset based on the properties of the first file drag to the Timeline. Sometimes it does it right; sometimes not. You can check what the project has set by using the readings from Edit Menu/Project Settings/General and the readings for Editing Mode, Timebase, Frame Size, and Pixel Aspect Ratio even if the fields look grayed out. If the project preset is set for NTSC AVCHD Full HD1080p30, then the Edit Menu/Project Settings/General should be as represented in the following screenshot
Please refer to setting the project preset yourself manually and then importing the source media into the project.
Depending on how the current stage of troubleshooting progresses, you might want to post a screenshot
of your Expert workspace, showing the Edit area monitor display of the rendered Timeline.
We will be watching for your results.
Thank you.