I'm a novice as far as AE goes, but am working on a script to dynamically modify a project.
The project in question has a text layer has a single string, but with variable font size (the text is a price, where the cents portion is a smaller font with different baseline). I want to use a script to change that text, but simply setting a new text document doesn't retain the variable formatting - all digits end up with the same font size.
From the scripting guide, I see that the font size of a text document object is accessible, but only in very limited form - setting the value sets it for the entire document, with no options to set it for a range of characters. Would I be correct to assume that programmatically creating/updating a document with multiple font sizes is not possible?
If that's the case, what would be my best options to achieve the same effect? If the project is changed to have multiple layers/documents, is there a way to adjust the positioning to maintain proper spacing/kerning between the independent strings? (I also have a dollar sign with yet another font size preceding the price, so I would actually have three pieces of text to position in my script and can't just right/left justify the two strings).
Thanks for any advice!