I did tested the form online. I went to our website and followed standard procedure that a potential customer would perform in order to send us their info to get a quote. That's where this error message popped up.
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'oduser1.db.7927716.hostedresource.com' (0) in /home/content/76/12767976/html/backend/configHR.php on line 7
no can do
I do not know if the MySql database is hosted on different servers. I don't think so. How can I be sure? I have no idea if i'm even able to log in to the MySQL database. I'll probably need to call someone.
Everything was fine until GoDaddy had us change the ftp username and password for the server. I keep wanting to look at that as some sort of reason that this has all of a sudden gone down the tubes this year. But its' just as likely that our account shut down or something, isn't it? I mean he died 3 years ago and we haven't logged into the database since. We would simply open up the site and make minor changes to it such as dates and wording here and there, and left everything else alone just so we didn't accidentally mess it all up.
What would be your next move?