I have a problem with printing from Lightroom and, after searching fruitlessly for answers, I am posting here in hope someone may have run into a similar problem before.
I have a new Epson 3880 (which replaced an R3000 with a broken print head) and while examining the first few test prints I noticed that printing large images (13x19 or 17x22) results in some pixelation artifacts, in particular on diagonal edges in nature landscape images. This occurred with both Lightroom 5.5 and 5.6, but not Photoshop CS4.
Printing setup details: I am using Epson paper (luster/exhibition fiber) with the matching Epson ICC profiles. Printer settings were 2880x1440 resolution, high speed off, edge smoothing off, fine detail off, color management off. I tried different print resolutions in the print module within Lightroom, including 240, 360, and 720ppi, as well as with print resolution setting off. Same problem occurred regardless of whether print sharpening was turned on or off within Lightroom. The problem occurs with multiple test images, taken with a Canon 5DII and RX100II.
The problem does not occur when:
- printing smaller images (e.g. 11x14) on the same paper and with the same print resolution settings
- converting the image to a TIFF or PSD file and printing it with the same resolution from within Adobe Photoshop (CS4), or loading the raw directly into Photoshop and printing from there. I used Photoshop to scale the output to 360ppi to match the Lightroom settings.
- printing a TIFF from Lightroom (e.g. from a scan of a 6x7 negative)
Thanks a lot in advance!