Sorry I missed the link the first time I read the post.
I still need to adapt the script from that post for my form but how should I add it to the current script I have written to attach it to the mail etc.
If I do it as shown below then I get a syntax error at line 14 where I have else this.mailDoc({
var parts = "Request - "+getField("Component").value+" - "+getField("Serial_Number").value+" - "+getField("rep_Number").value
var cBody = getField("Diagnostic").value
var emptyFields = [];
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var f= this.getField(this.getNthFieldName(i));
if (f.type!="button" && f.required ) {
if ((f.type=="text" && f.value=="") || (f.type=="checkbox" && f.value=="Off")) emptyFields.push(;
if (emptyFields.length>0) {
app.alert("Error! You must fill in the following fields:\n" + emptyFields.join("\n"));
else this.mailDoc({
cTo: "",
cCc: "",
cSubject: parts,
cMsg: cBody