First off, are you on Premiere 2014.0.0 or 2014.0.1. If you're not sure, check the About box. If you have not yet applied the update, I suggest that you do so and see whether the crash is still occurring.
Please tell us more about the circumstances of the crashes--what you're doing when it happens. Also, given your comment that PPro "doesn't respond and I am forced to force quit," I suspect that what you're hitting is actually a hang, not a crash. "Crash" refers to cases where a program basically shuts itself down, whereas a "hang" involves the app continue to run but becoming unresponsive. Some types of hangs will resolve themselves if given enough time. I investigated one this week where the app recovered after anywhere from 4 to 10 minutes.
The distinction is important for several reasons, among them that a true crash usually generates a crash report on Mac whereas a hang does not. With a hang, you can sometimes harvest useful information by going to Activity Monitor, selecting the program in question, clicking the Information button ("i") in the upper left corner, then clicking Sample. Whether it's a crash or a hang, attaching the crash report or the sample to a post here as well as to the bug report you file can help us isolate the problem. Adobe doesn’t let you attach a file to forum posts due to legal and security issues, but you can upload files using’s Sendnow ( or similar services (, etc.).
Finally, since you're on a Mac, the first thing to try (after updating if applicable) is to check whether your "user" has read/write access to all of the folders in each of the following paths:
- /Users/<USERNAME>/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Pro/8.0
- /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Premiere Pro/8.0
- /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Premiere Pro/8.0
A number of customers have had a variety of problems on OS X 10.9.x due to permissions getting set to read-only in the course of applying an update to the OS.