Hi! I am starting with a 6 inch by 6 inch 600 pixel TIFF image. When I use Save to Web to create a JPEG, it decreases pixels to 72 which is what I want--but the image size of the new file shows as like 20 inches by 20 inches. I know that the original is untouched. Should I be ignoring the image size here? Here is my concern. I want the viewer to see the complete image. Is Save to Web truly jumping up the image size here? If I email myself the image---I do see the whole picture. I am concerned that the new file says 20 inches by 20 inches. Will a recipient be receiving a 20 inch by 20 inch file that might not be viewable on their screen. Hope this makes sense--confusing to me! I have read a few websites that say when using Save to Web just focus on the pixels--not on the image size. Why is image size showing as much bigger than original? Thanks!!!