My Program: I have CS5 version 11.5.2 and am running it on a windows 7 laptop. I have never tried to use it before now, just opened it once or twice to admire it's look. Now I need it & so tried to open it.
What happens: the startup screen appears and does its thing. It slows on "initializing fonts" and "build workspace" but continues to launch the full-screen program window. Problem: the window is blank- white- and stays that way no matter how long I wait. Sometimes the computer-busy-thinking wheel comes up, sometimes not. Sometimes after I wait a long time the program top bar appears without the not-responding qualifier, only to add it soon after.
Problems It Isn't: My laptop's hardware is more than capable for running this program- it was purchased with this software in mind. Cpu/processing usage is low as it sits white. I have tried everything on any related forum- deleting caches, updating the computer and program, resetting configurations/settings. The launch log has no errors in it. There were no improper font files. I have restarted the computer. Nothing has helped at all! I shy away from re-installing the program; I don't have the program CDs with me. I don't even remember if I bought CDs or downloaded it from the site.
What could this possibly be? I have spent all morning on this- thanks for your speedy response!