Hello, dear Sirs and dear Ladies,
i have found result that you would like to access one-clidck with window after they window don't open much instance again. I want tell you about Adobe Air Application Solutions.
Without access via one click:
private var exAboutWin:ExampleAboutWindow; protected function accessWithoutoneClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { exAboutWin = new ExampleAboutWindow(); exAboutWin.systemChrome = NativeWindowSystemChrome.STANDARD; exAboutWin.type = NativeWindowType.UTILITY; exAboutWin.resizable = false; exAboutWin.title = "About Air Application"; exAboutWin.open(true); }
With access via one click:
protected function accessWithoneClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { for (var i:int = 0; i < 1; i++) { if(!nativeApplication.openedWindows[1]) { exAboutWin = new ExampleAboutWindow(); exAboutWin.systemChrome = NativeWindowSystemChrome.STANDARD; exAboutWin.type = NativeWindowType.UTILITY; exAboutWin.resizable = false; exAboutWin.title = "About Air Application"; exAboutWin.open(true); } } }
There are different ways with Air Window
Watch my video! This is a good result with access via one-click
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