you can call any AE function from an external thread!
what you should do is:
1. in your entry point function register the idle hook, and launch the
external thread.
2. have your external thread stroke it's gotten data in some global scope
3. when AE calls your idle hook function, check if that global scope
structure was filled and ready to be used. if so, execute you processing
code from within the idle hook. if not, check again next time around.
4. done? set your "skip idle hook" flag to true so you don't process again,
and kill the external thread.
5. you're done. go to lunch.
alternatively, you can make a sychronized call to your server from within
the idle hook call, and save yourself the external thread stuff.
i repeat the idea behind all of this:
you may only use AE suites when AE is ready for it.
when is AE ready for it?
only when AE calls you. (i.e. the entry point function or idle hook
so you have to register the idle hook and perform your operations that
interface with AE at such a time.
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Zhiqiang_Li <>