Just noticed this and it looks ongoing - I just posted my own thread before seeing this one
1) We receive a notification in mid May saying there's a billing issue. This is news to us as the account(s) have been running quite satisfactorily for 16 months without any previous issue so there's obviously no problem with our business credit card. Two personal accounts are being paid by the same card.
2) I contact Adobe and say there should be no issue because of the above. I am told that there is no problem, Adobe will try again in 7 days.
3) 7 days later we receive the same message as (1) informing us that Adobe 'don't wish to see you go'.
4) I contact Adobe via online chat and am asked to re-enter credit card details and am then assured that everything will now be OK. I check our credit card account and see that Adobe have taken 2 x £1 token payments, presumably to verify credit card details. Looking good, problems now sorted? - WRONG!
5) Keep receiving 'don't wish to see you go' nag letters - telephone Adobe support this time and ask what on earth is going on with their accounts dept. Informed them them of previous actions and given case no. Being given a case number appears to be totally pointless as when I checked, it was waiting for input from me (the details of which I'd obviously related over the phone). As there was no input from me in 24 hrs the case was closed!! - Great.
6) Re-opened closed case number yesteday and informed via message box that matter was far from closed and still awaiting response from Adobe.
Come on Adobe - sort yourseves out! As it stands at present, we are likely to be cut off in 5 days time because Adobe can't be bothered to take a payment from a card which they've recently verified ( I've sent image snaphots of our bank account to Adobe to prove this!).
Today they have refunded the 2 x £1 verification payments so in effect are acknowledging that all details supplied are valid (as they have always been - nothing has changed at our end!) and they still have problems taking a payment??
What on earth is going on??