I hate Adobe now!
I hate it so much!
I'm German but engl. speaking and I only use English Software on English Operating Systems.
When I purchased CS5 then the update to CS5.5 and then the update to CS6 MasterCollection in Germany
I had to pay much more for the software than US users even when I ordered an English only installation.
1st class European Rip-Off ... anyway I purchased it and thought it's a long term investment in my business.
Now after I spend more than 3500 EUR in this software Adobe does not offer updates anymore for it!
Instead they offer me a special lower price for the cloud for a stinky year ... and then for 70 f*ck!ng EUR per month .... for RENT - a lifetime ..... 70 EUR per month.... 840 EUR a year and I will never own it.... b@st4rds!
Adobe ***** on all customers who purchased the software....
I hope the st!nky m0r0n who had the cloud idea jumps in front of a speeding car.
Greedy b*stard$!