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Solutions and Test Banks purchase-Updated titles 2013-2014


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Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting 1st Edition By Taylor Instructors (SM)

Advanced Accounting 10e - Beams (SM+TB)

Cost Accounting_Matz Usry_9th Edition (SM)

Cost Management By Hansen+6th Edition (SM+PPT)

COST ACCOUNTING  Managerial Emphaysis by Horngren_11th  Edition (SM)

COST ACCOUNTING Managerial Emphasis by Horngren_12th  Edition (SM)

COST ACCOUNTING Managerial Emphasis by Horngren_13th  Edition (SM+TB)

COST ACCOUNTING Managerial Emphasis by Horngren_14th  Edition (SM)

Garrison Noreen_11th Edition (SM+IM)

Garrison Noreen_12th Edition (SM+TB+PPT)

Garrison Noreen_13th Edition (SM+PPT)

Managerial Accounting by Ronald Hilton- 6th Edition

Managerial Accounting by Ronald Hilton- 7th Edition

Managerial Accounting by Ronald Hilton- 8th Edition

Auditing _ARENS_13e (SM)

Auditing & Assurance Services__ARENS_ 12 E ( SM )

Auditing_LOUWERS_ 2e (SM)

MicroEconomics_Theory and application_Browning,Zupan_11thE (SM+TB+IM)

Entrepreneurial Finance_ Chris Leach  Ronald W. Melicher_4th E (IM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance-Brealey,Myers_4th Edition (SM)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance-Brealey,Myers_6th Edition (SM)

Corporate Fnance_Brigham_2nd Edition (SM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Corporate Finance 7e_Brealey (SM+Cases)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance-Ross-7th E (SM)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance-Ross-8th E (SM+TB)

Introduction to Corporate Finance, 2nd Edition_William L. Megginson, Scott B. Smart(SM+TB+PPT)

Behavioral Finance Psychology, Decision-Making, and Markets, 1st Edition_Lucy Ackert, Richard Deaves (SM+PPT)

CFIN 2010, 1st Edition_Scott Besley,Eugene F. Brigham (SM+TB+Algorithmic TB)

Entrepreneurial Finance_ Chris Leach  Ronald W. Melicher_3rd E (SM+TB+Excel for Instructors)

Corporate Finance A Focused Approach, 3rd Edition-Brigham (SM+TB+PPT)

Corporate Finance, 4th Edition-Brigham (SM+TB+PPT+Other resources)

Entrepreneurial Finance_ Chris Leach  Ronald W. Melicher_2nd E (IM+TB+PPT+Excel for Instructors)

CFIN 2010, 2nd Edition_Scott Besley,Eugene F. Brigham (SM+TB+PPT+Prep Card Solutions+Algorithmic TB)

Introduction to Corporate Finance, 1st Edition_William L. Megginson, Scott B. Smart (IM+TB+PPT)

Corporate Finance, 2nd Edition_Scott B. Smart ,William L. Megginson,Lawrence J. Gitman (SM)

Corporate Finance Linking Theory to What Companies Do, 3rd Edition_John Graham ,Scott B. Smart ,William L. Megginson (SM+TB+IM)

Financial Management-Van Horne_12th E (SM+PPT)

Financial Management-Van Horne_13th E (SM+TB+PPT)

Financial and Managerial Accounting_Williams Haka_11th Edition (SM)

Financial and Managerial Accounting_Williams Haka_13th Edition (SM_1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 Chapters)

Financial and Managerial Accounting_Williams Haka_15th Edition (SM)

Practical Financial Management by Lasher_5th Edition (SM+TB)

Practical Financial Management by Lasher_6th Edition (SM+TB+IM+PPT+Sol for Tax Problems+Excel Computer problem solutions)

International Financial Management-Jeff Madura-11th Edition (SM+TB+PPT+IM)

International Financial Management, Abridged Edition, 10th Edition-Jeff Madura (SM+TB+PPT)

International Financial Management, 8th Edition_Jeff Madura (SM+TB+PPT)

Financial Markets and Institutions, 8th Edition_Jeff Madura (SM+TB+PPT)

Contemporary Financial Management, 11th Edition-R. Charles Moyer (IM+TB+PPT)

Financial Management Theory And Practice, Brigham-10th Ed (SM)

Financial Management Theory And Practice, Brigham-11th Ed (SM)

Financial Management Theory And Practice, Brigham-12th Ed (SM+TB+PPT+Complete Spread Sheet Solutions+MiniCase Spreadsheet Solutions)

Financial Management Theory And Practice, Brigham-13th Ed (SM+TB+PPT+Build a model solutions)

Financial Markets and Institutions, 9th Edition-Jeff Madura (SM+TB+PPT)

Financial Markets and Institutions, Abridged Edition, 8th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB+PPT)

International Financial Management, Abridged Edition, 9th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB+PPT)

International Financial Management, 9th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB+PPT)

Financial Markets and Institutions, Abridged Edition, 9th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB+PPT)

International Financial Management, 10th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB+PPT)

Financial Markets and Institutions, 7th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, 6th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham, Dr. Joel F. Houston (IM+TB+PPT+Complete Spreadsheet solutions+Complete Integrated case models)

Financial Management Theory and Practice, 13th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhard (SM+TB+PPT+Build a model solutions)

Intermediate Financial Management, 10th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham,Phillip R. Daves (SM+TB+PPT)

Short-Term Financial Management, 3rd Edition_Terry S. Maness,John T. Zietlow (SM+TB+Case Solutions+Excel Spreadsheet solutions)

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham, Dr. Joel F. Houston (SM+TB+PPT+Other Instructor resources(4))

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, 7th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham, Dr. Joel F. Houston (SM+TB+PPT+Other Instructor resources(4))

Contemporary Financial Management, 12th Edition-R. Charles Moyer (IM+TB+PPT+Excel Models)

Fundamentals of Financial Management (with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition), 12th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham, Dr. Joel F. Houston (SM+TB+PPT+Spreadsheet Problem Solutions)

Contemporary Financial Management, 10th Edition-R. Charles Moyer (IM+TB+PPT)

Strategic Financial Management Application of Corporate Finance, 1st Edition_Samuel C. Weaver ,J. Fred Weston (SM+TB)

Human Resource Management_Robert Decenzo_8th Edition (TB)

Self Managemenr-Using Behavioral and Cognitive Principles to Manage Your Life by SARAFINO (TB+Application Exercises)

Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation A Strategic Perspective, 7th Edition_James M. Wahlen  Stephen P. Baginski  Mark Bradshaw (SM+TB+Other Instructor resources(11))

Business Analysis and Valuation Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases, 4th Edition_Krishna G. Palepu (TB+Discussion Question Solutions+PPT+Teaching notes)

Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel, 4th Edition_Timothy R. Mayes,Todd M. Shank (IM+Instructor Text Problem Solutions)

Investment_Charles P Jones_10th Edition (SM)

Strategic Business Management-12th E-Fred R David (IM)

AccountingPrinciples_8e_Kieso (TB)

Operations Management by Heizer –Edition_9th (TB)

Accounting Information System By Romney, Steinbart (TB)

Strategic Management by Thomas L. Wheelen; David L. Hunger (TB)

Intermediate Accounting by Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield _13th E (TB)

Operations Management by Slack , Robert Johnston_5th Edition (SM)

Calculus by Stewart -- 5th Edition (SM)

Principles of Managerial Finance by Gitman_10th Edition (SM)

Financial Management_ KEOWN_ 10e (SM)

Saunders IMA Risk Management Approach,” 4th edition (SM)

Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making, 4th Edition,Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso (SM+TB+IM)

Introduction to International Economics, 3rd Edition International Student Version_Salvatore (IM)

Personal Finance, 11th Edition_E. Thomas Garman,Raymond E. Forgue (SM+TB+Premiun Slides+IR Manual)

Principles of Finance, 5th Edition_Scott Besley ,Eugene F. Brigham (SM+TB)

Basic Finance An Introduction to Financial Institutions, Investments and Management, 10th Edition_Herbert B. Mayo (IM+TB+PPT)

Personal Finance, 10th Edition_E. Thomas Garman,Raymond E. Forgue (SM)

Principles of Finance, 4th Edition_Scott Besley ,Eugene F. Brigham (SM)

Basic Finance An Introduction to Financial Institutions, Investments and Management, 9th Edition_Herbert B. Mayo (SM+PPT)

Principles of Finance, 3rd Edition_Scott Besley ,Eugene F. Brigham (SM)

Fundamentals of International Finance, 1st Edition_Roy Crum ,Eugene F. Brigham,Dr. Joel F. Houston (SM+TB)

Finance for Executives Managing for Value Creation, 4th E_Gabriel Hawawini ,Claude Viallet (SM+Lecture Outlines+PPT)

Accounting Information Systems, 9th Edition_Ulric J. Gelinas ,Richard B. Dull, Patrick Wheeler(SM+Other Instructor Resources)

Accounting, 23rd Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve,Jonathan Duchac (SM+TB+Other resources)

Accounting, 24th Edition_Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac (SM+TB)

Auditing A Business Risk Approach, 8th Edition_Larry E. Rittenberg ,Karla Johnstone, Audrey Gramling (SM+IM+TB)

Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2010, 8th Edition_James Perry,Richard Newmark (IM+IM Data Files)

Cases in Financial Reporting, 1st Edition_Michael J. Sandretto (Teaching notes+Other resources)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-24, 11th Edition_Tracie L. Nobles,Cathy Scott,Douglas J. McQuaig,Patricia A. Bille (SM+TB+Chapter quizzes+Quiz solutions)

Cornerstones of Financial Accounting, 2nd Edition_Jay Rich, Jeff Jones, Maryanne Mowen, Don Hansen (SM+IM+Excel templates solutions)

Cornerstones of Financial and Managerial Accounting, 2nd Edition_Jay Rich ,Jeff Jones,Dan L. Heitger,Maryanne Mowen,Don Hansen (IM+SM)

Corporate Financial Accounting, 11th Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve,Jonathan Duchac (SM)

Excel Quick, 4th Edition_Gaylord N. Smith (Instructor resources)

Financial Accounting, 11th Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers (SM)

Financial Accounting, 12th Edition_Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac (SM+TB+IM+Test Sections)

Financial and Managerial Accounting, 9th Edition_Belverd E. Needles,Marian Powers,Susan V. Crosson (IM+TB+SM)

Intermediate Accounting, 18th Edition_Earl K. Stice,James D. Stice(IM+SM+TB)

Managerial Accounting, 11th Edition_Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac(SM+TB)

Using Excel & Access for Accounting 2010, 3rd Edition_Glenn Owen(IM+Rubrics+Excel file for instructors)

Using Peachtree Complete 2011 for Accounting, 5th Edition_Glenn Owen (Instructor solution files+Rubrics+Demonstrations Balance Sheet with Design demo SA)

Payroll Accounting 2012, 22nd Edition_Bernard J. Bieg, Judith A. Toland(Complete Solutions)

Business & Professional Ethics, 6th Edition_Leonard J. Brooks, Paul Dunn (IM+MCQS+PPT+Ex-MBA Course Material)

Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, 4th Edition_Maryanne M. Mowen, Don R. Hansen, Dan L. Heitger(SM+IM)

Fraud Examination, 4th Edition_W. Steve Albrecht, Chad O. Albrecht , Conan C. Albrech, Mark F. Zimbelman(SM+TB)

Financial & Managerial Accounting, 11th Edition_Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonath (SM+TB)

Using Quickbooks Pro 2011 for Accounting, 10th Edition_Glenn Owen (SM+Demontrations+IM+Rubrics)

Managerial Accounting An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses, 11th Edition_Michael W. Maher, Clyde P. Stickney, Roman L. Weil (SM+TB)

Advanced Accounting, 11th Edition_Paul M. Fischer, William J. Taylor, Rita H. Cheng (SM+PPT)

Principles of Financial Accounting, 11th Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers (SM+IM+TB)

Integrated Accounting for Windows®, 7th Edition_Dale A. Klooster ,Warren Allen (IM)

Managerial Accounting, 9th Edition_ Susan V. Crosson, Belverd E. Needles (SM)

Principles of Accounting, 11th Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers, Susan V. Crosson (SM+IM+TB)

Accounting Concepts and Applications, 11th Edition_W. Steve Albrecht, James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, Monte R. Swain (SM+IM+PPT)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-24, 10th Edition_Douglas J. McQuaig,Patricia A. Bille,Tracie L. Nobles (SM+TB+Other resources)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-12, 10th Edition_Douglas J. McQuaig ,Patricia A. Bille,Tracie L. Nobles (SM+TB)

Financial Accounting, 11th Edition_W. Steve Albrecht ,Earl K. Stice,James D. Stice(IM+PPT)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-9, 20th Edition_James A. Heintz,Robert W. Parry (SM+TB)

Financial and Managerial Accounting Using Excel® for Success, 1st Edition_James Reeve, Carl Warren, Jonathan Duchac(SM+TB)

Principles of Financial Accounting, 11th Edition_Belverd E. Needles,Marian Powers (IM+SM+TB)

Accounting Using Excel® for Success, 1st Edition_James Reeve,Carl S. Warren,Jonathan Duchac(SM)

Accounting Information Systems A Practitioner Emphasis, 7th Edition_Cynthia D. Heagy, Constance M. Lehmann (SM+TB)

Financial Accounting The Impact on Decision Makers, 7th Edition_Gary A. Porter ,Curtis L. Norton (SM+IM)

Cornerstones of Cost Accounting, 1st Edition_Don Hansen,Maryanne M. Mowen(SM+IM+TB)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-15, 20th Edition_James A. Heintz,Robert W. Parry(SM+TB)

Payroll Accounting 2011, 21st Edition_Bernard J. Bieg,Judith A. Toland(SM+Net Activities Solutons)

Cost Management Accounting and Control, 6th Edition_Don R. Hansen ,Maryanne M. Mowen,Liming Guan(SM+IM+TB)

Intermediate Accounting, 17th Edition_James D. Stice,Earl K. Stice,Fred Skousen(SM+TB+Instructor Excel Solutions)

Management, 10th Edition_Warren R. Plunkett,Gemmy S. Allen,Raymond F. Attner(IM+TB)

Accounting Information Systems, 7th Edition_James A. Hall (SM+TB)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-27, 20th Edition_James A. Heintz,Robert W. Parry (SM+TB+Excel Solutions)

Survey of Accounting, 5th Edition_Carl S. Warren (SM+TB)

Intermediate Accounting (Book Only), 11th Edition_Loren A. Nikolai,John D. Bazley,Jefferson P. Jones (SM+TB+IM+Excel Solutions)

Payroll Accounting 2010, 20th Edition_Bernard J. Bieg,Judith A. Toland (SM+Net Activity Solutions)

Financial Accounting, 10th Edition_Belverd E. Needles,Marian Powers (SM)

Principles of Cost Accounting, 15th Edition_Edward J. Vanderbeck (SM+TB)

Cornerstones of Financial and Managerial Accounting, Current Trends Update, 1st Edition_Jay Rich, Jeff Jones, Maryanne Mowen, Don Hansen, Dan L. Heitger (SM)

Accounting Information Systems, 8th Edition_Ulric J. Gelinas,Richard B. Dull (SM+TB)

Survey of Accounting, 4th Edition_Carl S. Warren (SM+TB)

Managerial Accounting A Focus on Ethical Decision Making, 5th Edition_Steve Jackson,Roby B. Sawyers,Greg Jenkins (SM)

Financial Accounting The Impact on Decision Makers, 6th Edition_Gary A. Porter,Curtis L. Norton (SM)

Corporate Financial Accounting, 10th Edition_Carl S. Warren ,James M. Reeve,Jonathan Duchac (SM+Turning Point)

Advanced Accounting, 10th Edition_Paul M. Fischer,Rita H. Cheng ,William J. Taylor (SM+TB)

Financial Accounting, 11th Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve,Jonathan Duchac (SM)

Managerial Accounting, 10th Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve,Jonathan Duchac (SM+IM)

Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, 3rd Edition_Maryanne M. Mowen, Don R. Hansen, Dan L. Heitger (SM+IM+PPT)

Managerial Accounting An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses, 10th Edition_Michael W. Maher, Clyde P. Stickney, Roman L. Weil (SM+TB)

Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, 2nd Edition_Maryanne M. Mowen,Don R. Hansen (SM+Instructor PPT)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-27, 19th Edition_James A. Heintz ,Robert W. Parry (SM)

Managerial Accounting A Focus on Ethical Decision Making, 4th Edition_Steve Jackson ,Roby B. Sawyers ,Greg Jenkins (SM)

Fundamental Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, 1st Edition_Dan L. Heitger,Maryanne M. Mowen,Don R. Hansen (SM)

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 1st Edition_Paul M. Fischer,William J. Taylor,Rita H. Cheng (ISM+TB)

Accounting Information Systems, 7th Edition_Ulric J. Gelinas,Richard B. Dull (SM+TB)

Principles of Cost Accounting, 14th Edition_Edward J. Vanderbeck (SM+TB)

Financial Accounting The Impact on Decision Makers, 5th Edition_Gary A. Porter ,Curtis L. Norton (IM+Instructor PPT)

Corporate Financial Accounting, 9th Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve (SM+IM)

Financial Accounting An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses, 12th Edition_Clyde P. Stickney ,Roman L. Weil (SM+IM+Instructor PPT)

Financial Accounting A Bridge to Decision Making, 6th Edition_Robert W. Ingram,Thomas L. Albright (SM+TB+Other resources)

Financial Reporting and Analysis Using Financial Accounting Information, 10th Edition_Charles H. Gibson (SM+TB+IM)

Accounting Information Systems, 5th Edition_James A. Hall (TB+PPT)

Accounting, 22nd Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve,Jonathan Duchac (SM)

Intermediate Accounting, 10th Edition_Loren A. Nikolai,John D. Bazley,Jefferson P. Jones (SM)

Managerial Accounting, 9th Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve (SM+IM)

Financial & Managerial Accounting, 9th Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve (SM)

Financial Accounting, 10th Edition_Carl S. Warren,James M. Reeve,Jonathan Duchac (SM)

Survey of Accounting, 3rd Edition_Carl S. Warren (SM)

Financial Accounting Information for Decisions, 6th Edition_Robert W. Ingram,Thomas L. Albright (SM+TB)

Accounting Principles, 10th Edition International Student Version_Weygandt, Kimmel,


Cost Accounting Foundations & Evolutions, 6th Edition_Michael R. Kinney ,Jenice Prather-Kinsey,Cecily A. Raiborn (SM)

Managerial Accounting An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses, 9th Edition_Michael W. Maher,Clyde P. Stickney,Roman L. Weil (SM)

Accounting and Auditing Research Tools and Strategies, 6th Edition_Thomas Weirich,Thomas C. Pearson,Alan Reinstein (SM+Cases and solutions)

Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2003, 3rd Edition_James T. Perry,Gary P. Schneider (IM)

Financial ACCT 2010 Student Edition, 1st Edition_Norman H. Godwin,C. Wayne Alderman (SM+IM)

Information Technology Auditing, 3rd Edition_James A. Hall (SM+TB+Bradmark Case with Solutions)

International Financial Reporting Standards An Introduction, 2nd Edition_Belverd E. Needles,Marian Powers (SM+TB)

Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives & Accountants, 5th Edition_Leonard J. Brooks ,Paul Dunn (SM+MCQS)

Contemporary Auditing Real Issues & Cases, Update, 7th Edition_Michael C. Knapp (SM)

Auditing A Business Risk Approach, 6th Edition_Larry E. Rittenberg,Bradley J. Schwieger ,Karla Johnstone (SM+TB)

Operations Management, 8E_Lee J. Krajewski,Larry P. Ritzman,Manoj K. Malhotra (SM+TB+PPT)

Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation A Strategic Perspective, 6th Edition_Clyde P. Stickney,Paul Brown,James M. Wahlen (IM+User Manual)

Fraud Examination, Revised, 2nd Edition_W. Steve Albrecht,Conan C. Albrecht ,Chad O. Albrecht (IM+Alternative Short-Case Solutions)

Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition Volume 1_Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt,Terry D. Warfield (SM+TB)

Management, 12th Edition_Robert Kreitner,Carlene Cassidy (IM+TB)

Strategic Management Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization, 10th Edition_Michael A. Hitt,R. Duane Ireland,Robert E. Hoskisson (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management Essential Perspectives, 6th Edition_Robert L. Mathis,John H. Jackson (IM+TB)

Effective Management, 5th Edition_Chuck Williams (IM+TB)

Essentials of Management, 9th Edition_Andrew J. DuBrin (IM+TB)

Financial Accounting Information for Decisions,4th Edition_John J. Wild (SM)

Advanced Financial Accounting, 8th Edition_Richard Baker, Valdean Lembke, Thomas King, Cynthia Jeffrey (SM)

Advanced Accounting,9th Edition_Joe Ben Hoyle, Thomas Schaefer, Timothy Doupnik (TB)

Advanced Financial Accounting,5th Edition_Richard E Baker, Valdean C Lembke, Thomas E King (SM)

Financial Management Principles and Applications,10th Edition_Arthur J. Keown, John H. , John W. Petty, David F. Scott (SM)

Management, 10th Edition_Richard L. Daft (IM+TB)

Essentials of Strategic Management, 3rd Edition_Charles W. L. Hill,Gareth R. Jones (IM+TB+Case Notes)

Small Business Management Entrepreneurship and Beyond, 5th Edition_Timothy S. Hatten (IM+TB)

Fundamentals of Management, 6th Edition_Ricky W. Griffin (IM+TB+PPT)

Business and Society Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management, 8th Edition_Archie B. Carroll,Ann K. Buchholtz (IM+Ethics in Practice chapter matrix)

Management Fundamentals Concepts, Applications, Skill Development, 5th Edition_Robert N. Lussier (IM+TB)

Strategic Management Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization, 9th Edition_Michael A. Hitt,R. Duane Ireland,Robert E. Hoskisson (IM+TB)

Management, 10th Edition_Ricky W. Griffin (IM+TB)

Supervisory Management, 8th Edition_Donald C. Mosley,Don C. Mosley, Jr,Paul H. Pietri (IM+TB)

Understanding Management, 7th Edition_Richard L. Daft ,Dorothy Marcic (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management, 13th Edition_Robert L. Mathis,John H. Jackson (IM+TB+Supplement Case solutions )

Management, 6th Edition_Chuck Williams (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management Applications, 7th Edition_Stella M. Nkomo,Myron D. Fottler,R. Bruce McAfee (IM)

The Management of Technology and Innovation A Strategic Approach, 2nd Edition_

A. White ,Garry D. Bruton (IM+TB)

Strategize! Experiential Exercises in Strategic Management, 3rd Edition_C. Gopinath,Julie I. Siciliano (IM)

Strategic Management An Integrated Approach, 9th Edition_Charles W. L. Hill,Gareth R. Jones (IM+TB+Case Teaching Notes)

Foundations in Strategic Management, 5th Edition_Jeffrey S. Harrison,Caron H. St. John (IM+TB+PPT)

Strategic Management Value Creation, Sustainability, and Performance, 1st Edition_Charles E. Bamford,Page West (IM+TB+PPT)

Human Resource Management Managerial Tool for Competitive Advantage, 5th Edition_Lawrence Kleiman (IM+TB)

Small Business Management Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 15th Edition_Justin G. Longenecker ,J. William Petty ,Leslie E. Palich,Carlos W. Moore (IM+TB)

Managerial Accounting, 4th Edition by James Jiambalvo (SM+TB+IM)

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2012 Edition_Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, Karen A. Fortin (SM+TB+Research Problem Solutions)

Business Law The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment, 12e_Jane P Mallor, A. James Barnes (SM)

Principles of Managerial Finance by Gitman_5th Edition (SM)

Principles of Managerial Finance by Gitman_12th Edition (SM+PPT)

Strategic Business Management_13th E_Fred R David (IM+Cases Manual+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Investing by Lawrence J. Gitman and Michael D. Joehnk_Ninth Edition (SM)

Fundamentals of Investing by Lawrence J. Gitman and Michael D. Joehnk_10th Edition (SM)

Personal Financial Planning, 11th Edition_Lawrence J. Gitman, Michael D. Joehnk (SM+TB+PPT)

Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, International Edition, 3rd Edition_Maryanne M. Mowen,Don R. Hansen (SM+IM+TB)

Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation A Strategic Perspective, 7th Edition_James M. Wahlen,Stephen P. Baginski,Mark Bradshaw (SM+TB)

Financial Markets and Institutions, 10th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB)

International Financial Management by Cheol Eun,Bruce Resnick_5th Edition (SM)

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 11th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham,Dr. Joel F. Houston (IM)

Principles of marketing,13th edition_Global Edition by Philip Kotler (TB)

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler_11th Edition (IM)

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler_13th Edition (IM+PPT)

Marketing Management,A Framework for Marketing Management by Kotler,4e (TB+IM incomplete)

Accounting Information Systems, 8th Edition_James A. Hall (SM+TB)

Financial Accounting The Impact on Decision Makers, 8th Edition_Gary A. Porter,Curtis L. Norton (IM+SM+TB+PPT)

Cost Accounting Foundations and Evolutions, 8th Edition_Michael R. Kinney ,Cecily A. Raiborn (SM+IM)

Financial Reporting and Analysis Using Financial Accounting Information, 12th Edition_Charles H. Gibson (SM+TB)

Management, 9th Edition_Richard L. Daft (IM+TB+PPT)

Supervision Concepts and Practices of Management, 11th Edition_Edwin C. Leonard(IM+TB+PPT)

Business Ethics A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach, 5th Edition_Joseph W. Weiss (IM+TB+PPT)

Essentials of Management, 8th Edition_Andrew J. DuBrin (IM+TB+PPT)

Small Business Management A Planning Approach, 3rd Edition_Joel Corman,Robert Lussier,Lori Pennel (IM+TB+PPT)

Financial Accounting in an Economic Context, International Student Version, 8th Edition_Jamie Pratt (IM+SM+TB)

Personal Financial Planning, 12th Edition_Lawrence J. Gitman, Michael D. Joehnk,Randy Billingsley (SM+TB)

Introduction to Corporate Finance What Companies Do, 3rd Edition_John Graham ,Scott B. Smart (SM+TB)

Corporate Finance A Focused Approach, 2nd Edition_Michael C. Ehrhardt,Eugene F. Brigham (SM+TB)

Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel®, 6th Edition_Timothy R. Mayes ,Todd M. Shank (IM)

PFIN2, 2nd Edition_Lawrence J. Gitman ,Michael D. Joehnk ,Randall Billingsley (IM+TB)

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 10th Edition_Frank K. Reilly ,Keith C. Brown (IM+SM)

PFIN 2010, 1st Edition_Lawrence J. Gitman ,Michael D. Joehnk ,Randall Billingsley (IM+TB)

Advanced Accounting, 5th Edition International Student Version_Debra C. Jeter, Paul K.

(SM+TB+IM+Study Guide)

Investments Principles and Concepts, 11th Edition_Charles P. Jones (IM+TB+Spreadsheet Solutions+Cases)

Financial Reporting and Analysis Using Financial Accounting Information, 12th Edition_Charles H. Gibson (SM+TB)

Financial Reporting and Analysis Using Financial Accounting Information, 11th Edition_Charles H. Gibson (SM+TB)

Financial Reporting and Analysis Using Financial Accounting Information, 10th Edition_Charles H. Gibson (SM+TB)

Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases, 8th Edition_Michael A. Hitt ,R. Duane Ireland,Robert E. Hoskisson (IM+TB+Instructor PPT)

Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts, 8th Edition_Michael A. Hitt ,R. Duane Ireland,Robert E. Hoskisson (IM+TB+Instructor PPT)

Management Fundamentals Concepts, Applications, Skill Development, 4th Edition_Robert N. Lussier (IM+TB)

Business and Society Ethics and Stakeholder Management, 7th Edition_Archie B. Carroll,Ann K. Buchholtz (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management Applications Cases, Exercises, Incidents, and Skill Builders, 6th Edition_Stella M. Nkomo ,Myron D. Fottler,R. Bruce McAfee (IM)

Management Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations, 9th Edition_Warren R. Plunkett ,Raymond F. Attner,Gemmy S. Allen (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management, 12th Edition_Robert L. Mathis ,John H. Jackson (IM+TB)

Effective Management, 3rd Edition_Chuck Williams (IM+TB)

Small Business Management Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 14th Edition_Justin G. Longenecker ,Carlos W. Moore ,J. William Petty ,Leslie E. Palich (IM+TB)

Investments by Bodie,Kane,Marcus_8th Edition (SM+PPTOverview+XLS)

Investments by Bodie,Kane,Marcus_9th Edition (SM+TB)

Principles of Auditing and Other Assurance Services, 15e by O. Ray Whittington, Kurt Pany (TB)

Foundations in Strategic Management, 4th Edition_Jeffrey S. Harrison,Caron H. St. John (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books A Primer for Management, 2nd Edition_Michael P. Dumler,Steven J. Skinner (IM+TB)

International Human Resource Management Managing People in a Multinational Context, 5th Edition_Peter J. Dowling ,Marion Festing PhD,Allen D. Engle, Sr. D.B.A ( IM+PPT Cases+Case Answers+Essay Exam Questions )

Management, 8th Edition_Richard L. Daft (IM+TB)

Multinational Management, 4th Edition_John B. Cullen(IM+TB)

Bank Management, 7th Edition_Timothy W. Koch,S. Scott MacDonald (IM+TB)

Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, 8th Edition_Don M. Chance ,Robert Brooks (SM+TB)

Portfolio Construction, Management, and Protection, 5th Edition_Robert A. Strong (SM+TB+Internet Excersises)

Investments An Introduction, 9th Edition_Herbert B. Mayo (SM+TB)

An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, 7th Edition_Don M. Chance,Robert Brooks (SM+TB+Technical Notes)

Portfolio Construction, Management, and Protection, 4th Edition_Robert A. Strong (IM+TB)

Bank Management, 6th Edition_Timothy W. Koch ,S. Scott MacDonald (IM+TB+Bank Cases with solutions)

Risk Management and Derivatives, 1st Edition_René M. Stulz (SM)

Real Options A Practitioner's Guide, Revised Edition, 1st Edition_Tom Copeland ,Vladimir Antikarov (SM)

Using Financial Accounting Information The Alternative to Debits and Credits, 8th Edition_Gary A. Porter,Curtis L. Norton (IM+SM+TB+PPT)

Managerial ACCT2, 2nd Edition_Roby B. Sawyers,Steve Jackson,Greg Jenkins (SM+TB+IM)

Financial ACCT2, 2nd Edition_Norman H. Godwin ,C. Wayne Alderman (SM+IM+TB)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-12, 11th Edition_Tracie L. Nobles ,Cathy Scott,Douglas J. McQuaig,Patricia A. Bille (SM+TB+PPT+Achievment Test Sections)

Using Peachtree Complete 2012 for Accounting, 6th Edition_Glenn Owen (SM)

Accounting Using Excel® for Success, 2nd Edition_James Reeve,Carl S. Warren,Jonathan Duchac (SM+IM)

Using Peachtree Complete 2010 for Accounting, 4th Edition_Glenn Owen (SM)

Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2007, 7th Edition_James T. PerryRichard Newmark (IM)

Principles of Information Systems, 10th Edition_Ralph M. Stair, George Reynolds (IM+SM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 6th Edition_Ralph M. Stair ,George Reynolds (SM+TB+IM+PPT+Running Web Cases)

Electronic Commerce, 9th Edition_Gary Schneider (SM+TB+IM)

Electronic Commerce, 8th Edition_Gary Schneider (SM+IM+Test Engine)

Electronic Commerce, 7th Edition_Gary Schneider (IM)

MIS 2010, 1st Edition_Hossein Bidgoli (IM+PPT)

Data Communications and Computer Networks A Business User's Approach, 7th Edition_Curt White (IM+TB)

Systems Analysis and Design, 9th Edition_Gary B. Shelly ,Harry J. Rosenblatt (IM+TB)

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition_John W. Satzinger,Robert B. Jackson,Stephen D. Burd (SM+TB+IM)

Systems Analysis and Design, 9th Edition__Gary B. Shelly ,Harry J. Rosenblatt (SM+IM+TB)

MIS2, 2nd Edition_Hossein Bidgoli (IM+PPT)

Ethics in Information Technology, 4th Edition_George Reynolds (SM+TB+IM+Classic Cases and Solutions)

Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access and Excel®, 9th Edition_v,Joseph Brady,Gerard S. Cook (Solutions+Hall of fame cases+Solutions)

Information Technology Project Management, Revised, 6th Edition_Kathy Schwalbe (SM+TB+IM)

Systems Analysis and Design, Video Enhanced, 8th Edition_Gary B. Shelly ,Harry J. Rosenblatt (SM+TB)

Systems Architecture, 6th Edition_Stephen D. Burd (SM+TB+IM)

Data Communications and Computer Networks A Business User's Approach, 6th Edition_Curt White (IM)

Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access and Excel®, 8th Edition_Ellen Monk ,Joseph Brady (SM)

Information Technology for Managers, 1st Edition_George Reynolds (SM+TB+PPT)

Ethics in Information Technology, 3rd Edition_George Reynolds (IM+SM)

Principles of Information Systems, 9th Edition_Ralph M. Stair,George Reynolds (SM+TB+IM)

Management Information Systems, 6th Edition_Effy Oz (IM+TB)

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 5th Edition_Ralph M. Stair,George Reynolds (SM+IM+TB)

Enterprise Resource Planning, 3rd Edition_Bret Wagner ,Ellen Monk (SM+IM+TB)

Problem Solving Cases with Microsoft Access and Excel, 6th Edition_Joseph Brady,Ellen Monk (SM+IM)

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 4th Edition_Ralph M. Stair ,George Reynolds (SM+IM)

Information Technology in Theory, 1st Edition_Pelin Aksoy,Laura DeNardis (IM+TB)

Information Technology Project Management, Reprint, 5th Edition_Kathy Schwalbe (SM+IM)

Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Edition_Gary B. Shelly ,Thomas J. Cashman ,Harry J. Rosenblatt (SM+TB+IM)

Intermediate Accounting, 14th Edition by Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield (SM+TB+IM)

Managerial Economics by William F. Samuelson, Stephen G. Marks_7th Edition (SM+TB+IM)

Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, 7th Edition_Michael A. Hitt ,R. Duane Ireland,Robert E. Hoskisson (IM+TB)

Management Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders, 5th Edition_Pamela S. Lewis ,Stephen H. Goodman,Patricia M. Fandt,Joseph Michlitsch (TB)

The Management of Technology and Innovation A Strategic Approach, 1st Edition_Margaret A. White,Garry D. Bruton (TB)

Advantage Books Human Resource Management Essential Perspectives, 4th Edition_Robert L. Mathis,John H. Jackson (IM+TB)

Business and Society Ethics and Stakeholder Management, 6th Edition_Archie B. Carroll,Ann K. Buchholtz (IM+TB)

Understanding Management, 5th Edition_Richard L. Daft,Dorothy Marcic (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management A Strategic Approach, 5th Edition_William P. Anthony (TB)

Management Fundamentals Concepts, Applications, Skill Development, 3rd Edition_Robert N. Lussier (IM+TB)

Management Skills, Application, Practice, and Development, 1st Edition_John Ivancevich ,Thomas N. Duening (IM+TB)

Essentials of Managerial Finance, 14th Edition_Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham (SM+TB+Spreadsheet Problems Solutions)

Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making, 6th Edition_Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso (SM+TB+IM)

Managerial Accounting, 6th Edition International Student Version_Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso (SM+TB+IM)

Accounting Information Systems A Business Process Approach, 2nd Edition_Frederick Jones,Dasaratha Rama (SM)

Excel and Access for Accounting, 1st Edition_Glenn Owen (IM+Excel Instructor Files+Access Instructor Files)

Management Accounting The Cornerstone of Business Decisions, 1st Edition_Maryanne M. Mowen,Don R. Hansen (SM)

Financial Accounting An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses, 13th Edition_Clyde P. Stickney,Roman L. Weil,Katherine Schipper,Jennifer Francis (SM)

International Corporate Finance, International Edition, 10th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB+PPT)

Introduction to Business, 4th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB)

Strategic Market Management Global Perspectives, First Edition_Aaker, McLoughlin (TB+Case Studies)

Managerial Economics, International Student Version, 6th Edition_Samuelson, Marks (IM+TB)

Intermediate Financial Management, 11th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham,Phillip R. Daves (SM+TB+PPT+Build A Model,Solutions)

Investments An Introduction, 10th Edition_Herbert B. Mayo (SM+TB)

An Applied Course in Real Options Valuation, 1st Edition_Richard L. Shockley (SM)

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 8th Edition_Frank K. Reilly,Keith C. Brown (SM+TB)

Information Technology Management, 8th Edition International Student Version_Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino (SM+TB)

Construction Management, 4th Edition International Student version_Daniel W. Halpin, Bolivar A. Senior (SM)

Management, 7th Edition_Richard L. Daft (IM+TB+PPT)

Our Feature Presentation Management, 1st Edition_Joseph E. Champoux (IM)

Management and Organizational Behavior An Integrated Perspective, 1st Edition_John L. Pierce,Donald Gardner,Contributor, Randall B. Dunham (IM)

Business and Society A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility, 4th Edition_Debbie M. Thorne,O. C. Ferrell,Linda Ferrell (IM+TB)

Business Planning and Control Integrating Accounting, Strategy, and People_Bruce Bowhill (SM)

Managerial Accounting Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment, 9e_Ronald W. Hilton (SM+TB)

A Guide to Modern Econometrics, 4th Edition_Marno Verbeek (SM)

Finite Mathematics An Applied Approach, International Student Version, 11th Edition_Michael Sullivan (SM+TB)

Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, 6th Edition_by Alan C. Shapiro, Atulya Sarin (SM+TB)

Industrial and Organizational Psychology Research and Practice, 6th Edition International Student Version_Paul E. Spector (IM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition_Hill, Griffiths, Lim (SM+IM+TB)

Financial Accounting, 7th Edition_ Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel (SM+TB+IM)

Project Management in Practice, 3rd Edition_Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer, Margaret M. Sutton (IM+TB+PPT)

International Corporate Finance, International Edition (with World Map), 9th Edition_Jeff Madura (SM)

Information Technology Project Management, 6th Edition_Kathy Schwalbe (IM+SM)

Management Information Systems, 5th Edition_Effy Oz (IM)

Management of Information Security, 1st Edition_Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP,Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP (IM)

Accounting Information Systems, 12th Edition International Student Version_by Mark G. Simkin, Carolyn A. Strand Norman (SM+TB)

Introduction to Finance Markets, Investments, and Financial Management, 14th Edition_Ronald W. Melicher, Edgar A. Norton (SM+TB)

Technical Mathematics with Calculus, 6th Edition_ Paul A. Calter, Michael A. Calter (SM+TB)

Financial Economics_Frank J. Fabozzi, CFA, Edwin H. Neave, Guofu Zhou (SM)

Management of Information Technology, 4th Edition_Carroll W Frenzel,John Frenzel (SM)

Leadership Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 5th Edition_Robert N. Lussier,Christopher F. Achua (SM+TB)

GLOBAL, 2nd Edition_Mike Peng (SM+TB)

Managing Human Resources, 16th Edition_Scott A. Snell,George W. Bohlander (IM+TB+Teaching Manuals notes)

Financial Accounting A Global Approach_ Rod Monger (IM+TB+Additional Exercises)

Fundamentals of Applied Econometrics_Richard A. Ashley (SM+Additional Exercises with answers)

Intermediate Financial Management, 9th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham, Phillip R. Daves (SM+TB)

Multinational Finance, 4th Edition_Kirt Butler (SM+TB+Handouts)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2nd Edition_Robert Parrino, David S. Kidwell, Thomas Bates (SM+IM+TB)

Applied Business Statistics Making Better Business Decisions, 7th Edition International Student Version_Ken Black (SM+TB+PPT+Cases)

Marketing Research, 9th Edition_Carl McDaniel, Jr., Roger Gates (IM+TB+PPT)

Cost Management  A Strategic Emphasis, 3e_Edward J Blocher,David E Stout,Gary Cokins,Kung H Chen (SM)

Intermediate Accounting Reporting and Analysis, 1st Edition_James M. Wahlen,Jefferson P. Jones,Donald P. Pagach (SM+IM+TB+Excel Solutions+Cases Solutions)

Principles of Cost Accounting, 16th Edition_Edward J. Vanderbeck (SM)

Financial Accounting, 10th Edition_Belverd E. Needles,Marian Powers (SM+IM)

Using Financial Accounting Information The Alternative to Debits & Credits, 5th Edition_Gary A. Porter,Curtis L. Norton (SM+IM+TB)

Accounting Concepts and Applications, 10th Edition_W. Steve Albrecht, James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, Monte R. Swain (SM+IM)

Technically-Write!, 6th Edition_Ronald S. Blicq, Lisa Moretto (SM)

Intermediate Accounting, 16th Edition_James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, Fred Skousen (SM+IM)

Intermediate Accounting Reporting and Analysis, 1st Edition_James M. Wahlen,Jefferson P. Jones,Donald P. Pagach (IM+SM+Excel Solutions)

Intermediate Accounting, International Edition, 17th Edition_James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Accounting Concepts, International Edition, 11th Edition_James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, W. Steve Albrecht, Monte R. Swain (SM+TB+IM)

Intermediate Financial Accounting, International Edition, 18th Edition_James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice (SM+TB+IM)

Financial Accounting The Cornerstone of Business Decisions, International Edition, 2nd Edition_Jeff Jones, Maryanne Mowen, Don Hansen, Jay Rich (SM+TB+IM+Excel Solution)

Principles of Corporate Financial Accounting, International Edition, 11th Edition_James M. Reeve, Carl S. Warren, Jonathan Duchac (SM+TB+IM)

Principles of Cost Accounting, 16th Edition_Edward J. Vanderbeck (SM)

Principles of Financial Accounting, International Edition, 12th Edition_James M. Reeve, Carl S. Warren, Jonathan Duchac (SM+TB+IM)

Financial Accounting, International Edition (with IFRS) 11e_Marian Powers, Belverd E. Needles (SM+TB)

Financial Accounting Principles, International Edition, 11th Edition_Marian Powers, Belverd E. Needles (SM+TB+IM)

Financial Accounting Concepts, International Edition, 11th Edition_James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, W. Steve Albrecht (SM+TB+IM)

Introduction to Financial Accounting, International Edition, 7th Edition_Curtis L. Norton, Gary A. Porter (SM+TB+IM)

Financial Accounting, International Edition, 2nd Edition_Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac (SM+TB+IM)

Financial Accounting A User Perspective, International Edition, 6th Edition_Thomas L. Albright, Robert W. Ingram (SM+TB+IM+Ecxcel in action solutions)

Financial Accounting with Journal Entries, International Edition, 6th Edition_Thomas L. Albright, Robert W. Ingram (SM+IM)

Forensic Accounting, International Edition, 4th Edition_Mark F. Zimbelman, W. Steve Albrecht, Conan C. Albrecht, Chad O. Albrecht (SM+TB)

Auditing Cases, International Edition, 8th Edition_Michael C. Knapp (SM)

An Introduction to Institutions, Management & Investments, International Edition, 10th Edition_Herbert B. Mayo (SM+TB)

Management for Practical Investing with Stock-Trak Coupon, International Edition, 4th Edition_Robert A Strong (SM+TB)

New Venture Creation, International Edition 6e_Kathleen R. Allen (IM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Small Business Management, International Edition, 5th Edition_Timothy S. Hatten (IM+TB)

Introduction to Entrepreneurship, International Edition, 8th Edition_Donald F. Kuratko (IM+TB+PPT)

Enterprise!, International Edition, 1st Edition_William B. Gartner, Marlene G. Bellamy (IM+TB+PPT)

Entrepreneurship A Process Perspective, International Edition, 2nd Edition_Robert A. Baron, Scott A. Shane (IM+TB+PPT)

Business and Society Ethics and Stakeholder Management, International Edition, 8th Edition_Ann K. Buchholtz, Archie B. Carroll (IM+TB)

Social Responsibility and Business, International Edition, 4th EditionO. C. Ferrell, Debbie M. Thorne, Linda Ferrell (IM+TB)

Managing Organizational Behavior, International Edition, 10th Edition_Gregory Moorhead, Ricky W. Griffin (IM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior Tools for Success, International Edition, 1st Edition_Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M.(IM+TB+Premium PPT)

Principles of Organizational Behavior Realities & Challenges, International Edition, 7th Edition_James Campbell Quick, Debra L. Nelson, Ph.D (IM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Organizational Behavior, International Edition, 13th Edition_John W. Slocum Jr., Don Hellriegel (IM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior Core Concepts, International Edition, 6th Edition_Robert Vecchio (IM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Networking and Data Communications, International Edition, 6th Edition_Curt White (IM+TB+PPT)

E-Business, International Edition, 9th Edition_Gary Schneider (SM+TB+IM)

Strategic International Management, International Edition, 5th Edition_K. Praveen Parboteeah, John B. Cullen (IM+TB+PPT)

Global Strategic Management, International Edition, 2nd Edition_Mike W. Peng (IM+TB+PPT)

Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design An Agile, Iterative Approach, International Edition, 6th Edition_John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd (SM+IM+TB)

Information Systems Essentials, International Edition, 6th Edition_Ralph M. Stair, George Reynolds (IM+TB+SM)

Information Systems, International Edition, 10th Edition_Ralph M. Stair, George Reynolds (SM+TB+IM)

Analysis and Design for Systems , International Edition, 9th Edition_Gary B. Shelly, Harry J. Rosenblatt (SM+TB+Solution to online projects+Extra Case Study Solutions + Chapter Reinforcement Solutions)

Financial Statement Analysis, International Edition, 12th Edition_Charles H. Gibson (SM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior, 10th Edition_Ricky W. Griffin,Gregory Moorhead (IM+TB+PPT)

Human Relations Principles and Practices, 7th Edition_Barry L. Reece (IM+TB)

Organizational Behavior Science, The Real World, and You, 7th Edition_Debra L. Nelson, Ph.D, James Campbell Quick (IM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior, 13th Edition_Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum Jr (IM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior, 12th Edition_Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum Jr (IM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior, 11th Edition_Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum Jr (IM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior, 4th Edition_Andrew J. DuBrin (IM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior Core Concepts, 6th Edition_Robert Vecchio (IM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior, 2nd Edition_Michael R. Carrell, Daniel F. Jennings, Christina Heavrin (IM+TB+PPT)

Managing for the Future Organizational Behavior and Processes, 3rd Edition_Deborah G. Ancona,Thomas A. Kochan,Maureen Scully,John Van Maanen,D. Eleanor Westney (IM)

Introductory Statistics, 7th Edition International Student Version_by Prem S. Mann (SM+IM+TB)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics, International Student Version, 10th Edition_Erwin Kreyszig (SM)

Cost Management Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance, 2nd Edition_Leslie G. Eldenburg, Susan K. Wolcott (SM+IM+TB)

Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money, 11th Edition International Student Version_David S. Kidwell (IM+TB)

Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money, 11th Edition_Kidwell, Blackwell, Whidbee, Sias (IM+TB)

Global Marketing Management, International Student Version, 5th Edition_Masaaki (Mike) Kotabe (IM+TB)

Managerial Accounting, 1st Edition_ Charles E. Davis, Elizabeth Davis (SM+TB)

Microeconomics, International Student Version, 4th Edition_David Besanko, Ronald Braeutigam (SM+TB+IM)

Sciences An Integrated Approach, International Student Version, 6th Edition_James Trefil, Robert M. Hazen (TB)

Financial Markets and Institutions, 7E_Frederic S. Mishkin,Stanley Eakins (SM+TB)

Leadership Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 7th Edition_Andrew J. DuBrin (IM+PPT)

Experiential Exercises in Organizational Theory and Design, 2nd Edition_H. Eugene Baker III,Steven K. Paulson (IM)

Organizational Theory A Strategic Perspective, 1st Edition_Donald Lester,John A. Parnell (IM+TB+PPT)

Accounting Information Systems Controls and Processes, 1st Edition_Leslie Turner, Andrea Weickgenannt (SM+TB+IM+PPT+Excel Solutions)

Principles of Genetics,5th Edition, International Student Version_D. Peter Snustad, Michael J. Simmons (IM+TB)

Survey of Accounting, 6th Edition_Carl S. Warren (IM+SM+TB+PPT)

Understanding Management, 8th Edition_Richard L. Daft,Dorothy Marcic (IM+TB+PPT)

Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, 9th Edition_Don M. Chance,Robert Brooks(SM+TB+Second City Case Solutions+Technical Notes)

MGMT4, 4th Edition_Chuck Williams (IM+TB+PPT)

Accounting, 2nd Edition_Michael Jones (SM+TB+PPT)

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, 1st Edition_Mary-Jo Kranacher, Richard Riley, Joseph T. Wells (SM+TB+PPT)

ORGB 3, Student Edition, 3rd Edition_Debra L. Nelson,James Campbell Quick (IM+TB+PPT)

Management, 7th Edition_Chuck Williams (TB+PPT)

MGMT5, 5th Edition_Chuck Williams (IM+TB+PPT)

Database Systems Design, Implementation, and Management, 10th Edition_Carlos Coronel,Steven Morris,Peter Rob (IM+TB+Data Files+Instructor Manual Figures)

Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis Text and Cases, 10th Edition_Richard G. Schroeder, Myrtle W. Clark, Jack M. Cathey (SM+TB+PPT)

Financial Information Analysis, 2nd Edition_Philip O'Regan (SM+TB_First 6 chapters+Computational Exercises)

Multinational Financial Management, International Student Version, 9th Edition_Alan C. Shapiro(IM+TB+PPT)

The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements, 3rd Edition_Gerald I. White, Ashwinpaul C. Sondhi, Dov Fried (SM+Cases Solutions+Appendixes+Annual Reports)

Core Concepts of Financial Analysis A User Approach_Gary Giroux (SM+TB+Group Projects)

Applied Corporate Finance, 3rd Edition_Aswath Damodaran (SM+Instructor Manuals + Derivatives and Discussions)

Investments Principles of Portfolio and Equity Analysis_Michael G. McMillan, CFA, Jerald E. Pinto, CFA, Wendy Pirie, CFA, Gerhard Van de Venter, CFA, ,Lawrence E. Kochard, CFA (Solution Manuals + Power Points)

Principles of Economics, 6th Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw (SM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior, 13E_Stephen P. Robbins,Timothy A. Judge (IM+TB)

Modern Financial Markets Prices, Yields, and Risk Analysis_David W. Blackwell, Mark D. Griffiths, Drew B. Winters (SM+TB)

Financial and Economic Analysis for Engineering and Technology Management, 2nd Edition_Henry E. Riggs (Solution Manuals + Cases)

Income Tax Fundamentals 2012, 30th Edition_Gerald E. Whittenburg,Martha Altus-Buller (SM+TB+Other resources)

Financial Reporting for Managers A Value-Creation Perspective, 1st Edition_Jamie Pratt, D. Eric Hirst (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Personal Finance Skills for Life_Vickie L. Bajtelsmit (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Intermediate Financial Management, 11th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham,Phillip R. Daves(SM+TB+Build a model solutions+PPT)

Supervision Concepts and Practices of Management, 12th Edition_Edwin C. Leonard (IM+TB+PPT)

Managerial Accounting, 2E_Karen W. Braun,Wendy M. Tietz,Walter T. Harrison, Jr (SM+TB)

Launching New Ventures An Entrepreneurial Approach, 6th Edition_Kathleen R. Allen (IM+TB+PPT)

Entrepreneurship Theory, Process, and Practice, 8th Edition_Donald F. Kuratko (IM+TB+PPT)

Creating the Enterprise, 1st Edition_William B. Gartner,Marlene G. Bellamy (IM+TB+PPT)

Entrepreneurship A Process Perspective, 2nd Edition_Robert A. Baron,Scott A. Shane (IM+TB+PPT)

Entrepreneurship, 7th Edition_Donald F. Kuratko,Richard M. Hodgetts (IM+TB+PPT)

Entrepreneurism Exploring Entrepreneurship from a Business Process Perspective, 1st Edition_Thomas N. Duening,William Sherrill (IM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Fraud Examination, 3rd Edition_Joseph T. Wells (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Operations Management, International Student Version, 7th Edition_Roberta S. Russell (SM+TB+IM+Excel Homework Solutions+PPT)

Introduction to Management, International Student Version, 11th Edition_John R. Schermerhorn (IM+TB+Cases+PPT)

Core Concepts of Accounting, 2nd Edition_Cecily A. Raiborn (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Project Management A Managerial Approach, 8th Edition International Student Version_Jack R. Meredith (IM+TB+PPT+Appendices)

Core Concepts of Government and Not-For-Profit Accounting, 2nd edition_Michael H. Granof, Penelope S. Wardlow (SM+TB)

Financial Accounting by Michael Jones (SM+TB+PPT)

Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems, 11th Edition_Nancy A. Bagranoff, Mark G. Simkin, Carolyn Strand Norman, Ph.D., CPA (SM+TB+PPT)

Contemporary Corporate Finance, International Edition, 12th Edition_James R. McGuigan, R. Charles Moyer, Ramesh P. Rao , William J. Kretlow (SM+TB+Excel Models+PPT)

Introduction to Financial Management, International Edition, 3rd Edition_Scott B. Smart, John Graham (SM+TB+PPT)

Core Concepts of Financial Management, 1st Edition_Dr. Eugene Brigham, Dr. Joel F. Houston, Dr. Yao-Min Chiang, Dr. Hon-Sing Lee, Dr. Bany Ariffin (IM+PPT)

Financial Management Theory and Practice, 1st Edition_Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt, Jerome Gessaroli, Richard R. Nason (SM+PPT+TB+Mini cases Spreadsheets+Other resources)

Corporate Finance, 8th Edition_Steve Lumby, Chris Jones (IM)

International Corporate Finance, International Edition, 11th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB+PPT)

Planning Your Personal Finances, International Edition, 12th Edition_Michael D. Joehnk, Randy Billingsley, Lawrence J. Gitman (SM+TB+Cases Solutions)

An Introduction to Institutions, Management & Investments, International Edition, 10th Edition_Herbert B. Mayo (IM+TB+PPT)

Managerial Accounting The Cornerstone of Business Decisions, International Edition, 4th Edition_Maryanne M. Mowen, Don R. Hansen, Dan L. Heitger (SM+TB+IM+Excel Solutions+PPT)

Principles of Managerial Accounting, International Edition, 11th Edition_James M. Reeve, Carl S. Warren, Jonathan Duchac (SM+TB+IM+Excel Solutions+PPT)

Managerial Accounting Principles, International Edition, 9th Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Susan V. Crosson (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Managerial ACCT 2010 Student Edition, 1st Edition_Roby B. Sawyers, Steve Jackson, Greg Jenkins (SM+TB+IM+PPT+Case Solutions+Multiple Choice Questions)

Company Accounting Australia-New Zealand Edition, 5th Edition_Peter Jubb, Stephen Haswell, Ian Langfield-Smith (SM+TB+PPT)

Management and Cost Accounting, 7th Edition_Colin Drury (IM+Case Studies with teaching notes+Additional Questions and Answers)

Management Accounting, 1st Edition_Gary Tibbits, Graeme Mitchell, Don Hansen, Maryanne Mowen (SM+PPT)

The Management of Strategy Cases, International Edition, 10th Edition_R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, Michael A. Hitt (Case Notes)

The Management of Strategy Concepts and Cases, International Edition, 10th Edition_R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, Michael A. Hitt (IM+TB+PPT+Case Notes)

Strategic Management, 1st Edition_Henk W. Volberda, Robert E. Morgan , Patrick Reinmoeller, Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson (IM+Case Notes)

Understanding Business Strategy Concepts Plus, 3rd Edition_R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, Michael A. Hitt (IM+TB+PPT+Case Notes)

Strategic Management Fundamentals, International Edition, 5th Edition_Caron H. St. John, Jeffrey S. Harrison_Caron H. St. John, Jeffrey S. Harrison (IM+TB+PPT)

Strategic Management, 6th Edition_John L. Thompson, Frank Martin (IM+TB+PPT)

Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, 2nd Edition_by Keith Alfredson, Ken J. Leo, Ruth Picker, Janice Loftus, Kerry Clark, Victoria Wise (SM+TB)

Introduction to Information Systems Enabling and Transforming Business, 3rd Edition_R. Kelly Rainer, Efraim Turban, Richard E. Potter, Casey G. Cegielski (IM+TB+PPT)

The Architecture of Computer Hardware and System Software An Information Technology Approach, International Student Version, 4th Edition_Irv Englander (SM+PPT)

Auditing and Assurance Services Understanding the Integrated Audit, 1st edition_Karen L. Hooks (AM+TB+IM+Review Question Solutions+ACL Assignments)

Contemporary Industrial Organization A Quantitative Approach_Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, George Norman (SM+PPT)

Project Management A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 10th Edition_Harold Kerzner (IM+TB+PPT)

Economics of Strategy, 5th Edition_David Besanko, David Dranove, Scott Schaefer, Mark Shanley (IM+TB+PPT)

Accounting Information Systems Controls and Processes, 1st Edition_Leslie Turner, Andrea Weickgenannt (SM+TB+IM+PPT+Spatteli,s Pizzeria Solutions+Process Map,Flowchart,Diagram Solutions)

Valuation Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition, 5th Edition_McKinsey & Company Inc., Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels (SM+Henkel Case+Other resources)

M & B, 2nd Edition_Dean Croushore (IM+TB)

Strategic Management of Information Systems, International Student Version, 4th Edition_Keri E. Pearlson, Carol S. Saunders (IM+TB+PPT+Cases Solutions)

Human Resource Management, 2nd Edition_Greg L. Stewart, Kenneth G. Brown (IM+TB+Interactive Experiental Exercises+PPT)

Organizational Behavior, International Student Version, 3rd Edition_Michael A. Hitt, Adrienne Colella, C. Chet Miller (IM+TB+PPT+Other Instructor Resources)

Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5E_Ralph P. Grimaldi (SM)

Strategic Management Text and Cases, 4e_Gregory G. Dess,G. T. Lumpkin,Alan B. Eisner (TB)

Information Systems for Managers Text & Cases, 2nd Edition_Gabe Piccoli (Cases Solutions + TB+Teaching notes for minicases)

Management Information Systems Moving Business Forward_R. Kelly Rainer, Hugh J. Watson (IM+TB+Database Activity)

Modern Auditing Assurance Services and the Integrity of Financial Reporting, 8th Edition_William C. Boynton, Raymond N. Johnson (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Auditing A Business Risk Approach, 7th Edition_Larry E. Rittenberg,Karla Johnstone,Audrey Gramling (SM+IM+PPT+Complete Biltrite Solution Files)

Financial & Managerial Accounting The Basis for Business Decisions, 14e_Jan R. Williams,Susan F. Haka,Mark S. Bettner,Joseph V. Carcello (SM)

Strategic Management (Arab World Editions) Concepts & Cases_Abbas J. Ali,Abdulrahman Al-Aali,Fred David (TB)

Intermediate Accounting (Book Only), 11th Edition_Loren A. Nikolai, John D. Bazley, Jefferson P. Jones (SM)

Principles of Econometrics, International Student Version, 4th Edition_R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths, Guay C. Lim (SM+TB+PPT+Additional Resources)

Organizational Behavior, 12th Edition International Student Version_John R. Schermerhorn, Richard N. Osborn, Mary Uhl-Bien, James G. Hunt (IM+TB+PPT)

Core Concepts of Organizational Behavior_John R. Schermerhorn, James G. Hunt, Richard N. Osborn (TB+Instructor Resources Guide+PPT)

Marketing Research, 10th Edition International Student Version_David A. Aaker (IM+TB+PPT+Cases)

Intermediate Accounting, 13th Edition_Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield (SM+TB+IM+PPT+Other Resources)

Managing Organizations and People, Modular Version, 7th Edition_Paul F. Buller,Randall S. Schuler (Cases Solutions)

Macroeconomics Private and Public Choice, 14th Edition_James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Russell S. Sobel, David A. Macpherson (IM+TB)

Diversity Consciousness Opening our Minds to People, Cultures and Opportunities, 3E_Richard D. Bucher (IM with TB)

Accounting Information Systems, 12E_Marshall B. Romney,Paul J. Steinbart (SM+TB)

Managerial Accounting, 14e_Ray H. Garrison,Eric W. Noreen,Peter C. Brewer (SM+TB)

ECON Microeconomics, 1st Edition_William A. McEachern (IM+TB)

Understanding Physics, 2nd Edition_Michael Mansfield, Colm O'Sullivan(IM+PPT)

Principles of Managerial Finance, 13E_Lawrence J. Gitman,Chad J. Zutter (IM+TB)

Fundamentals of Networking and Data Communications, International Edition, 7th Edition_Curt White (SM+TB)

Discrete Mathematics, 7E_Richard Johnsonbaugh (SM)

Contemporary Auditing Real Issues and Cases, 8th Edition_Michael C. Knapp (SM)

Auditing Assurance and Risk, 3rd Edition_W. Robert Knechel, Steve Salterio, Brian Ballou (SM+TB+Additional Canadian Resources)

Global Business, 2nd Edition_Mike Peng (IM+TB+PPT)

Global Strategy, 2nd Edition_Mike W. Peng (IM+TB+PPT)

Electronic Commerce, 10th Edition_Gary Schneider (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Corporate Finance European Edition_Peter Moles, Robert Parrino, David S. Kidwell (SM+TB+PPT+IM)

Cost Accounting Foundations and Evolutions, 9th Edition_Michael R. Kinney, Cecily A. Raiborn (SM+IM+TB+Instructor Excel Spreadsheet Solutions+PPT)

Principles of Financial Accounting with Conceptual Emphasis on IFRS, 1st Edition_James M. Reeve, Carl S. Warren, Jonathan Duchac, Wanncherng Wang (SM)

Principles of Accounting Information Systems Asia Edition, 1st Edition_James A. Hall (SM+TB+PPT)

Accounting An Asian Edition, 2nd Edition_Joyce Fung-Goh B.L., Suriya Binte Shukor, Marie Christine Que Cheong, Fadhlina Samsudin, Tan Shu Hong (SM+PPT)

Cornerstones of Cost Accounting, 1st Edition_Canadian Edition_Don Hansen, Maryanne Mowen, George Gekas, David McConomy (SM+IM+Spreadsheet Solution Files)

Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, First Canadian Edition_Maryanne M. Mowen,Don R. Hansen,Dan L. Heitger,George Gekas,David McConomy (SM+TB+IM+Spreadsheet Solutions+Solutions Transparency Masters)

College Physics, 6E_Jerry D Wilson,Anthony J Buffa,Bo Lou (TB)

Cost Accounting, 14E_Charles T. Horngren,Srikant M. Datar,Madhav Rajan (SM+TB)

Small Business Management Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 16th Edition_Justin G. Longenecker, J. William Petty, Leslie E. Palich, Frank Hoy (IM+TB)

Financial Accounting, 6th Edition_Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso (SM+TB+PPT+)

Accounting, 9E_Charles T. Horngren,Walter T. Harrison, Jr,M. Suzanne Oliver (SM+TB)

Financial Reporting and Analysis, 13th Edition_Charles H. Gibson (SM+TB+PPT)

Managing Business Process Flows 3e _Ravi Anupindi,Sunil Chopra,Sudhakar D. Deshmukh,Jan A. Van Mieghem,Eitan Zemel (SM+TB)

¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura, 6E_Eduardo Zayas-Bazán,Susan M. Bacon,Holly Nibert (IM+Supplements+TB)

Macroeconomics, 9th Edition_William Boyes, Michael Melvin (IM+TB+PPT)

Essentials of Strategic Management,5E_J. David Hunger,Thomas L. Wheelen (TB)

Basic Marketing Research with Excel, 3E_Alvin C Burns,Ronald F. Bush (IRM+TB)

The Legal Environment of Business Text and Cases—Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and Corporate Issues, 8th Edition_Frank B. Cross,Roger LeRoy Mille (SM+Alternative Case Problems with Solutions+TB)

Organizational Behaviour, 2nd Edition_French, Rayner, Rees, Rumbles (IM+TB)

CFIN 3, 3rd Edition_Scott Besley,Eugene F. Brigham (SM+TB+PPT+Spread Sheet Problem Solutions)

Understanding Business, 10e_William G. Nickels,James M. McHugh,Susan M. McHugh (SM+TB)

Essentials of Marketing with Connect Plus, 13th Edition_William D. Perreault, Jr,Joseph P. Cannon,E. Jerome McCarthy (SM+TB)

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, 4th Edition_Ellen Monk, Bret Wagner (IM+TB+PPT)

Advanced Accounting, 9e_Joe Ben Hoyle,Thomas Schaefer,Timothy Doupnik (SM+TB)

Business Communication Essentials, 5E_Courtland L. Bovee,John V. Thill (SM+TB)

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, 4E_Michael H. Moffett,Arthur I. Stonehill,David K. Eiteman (SM+TB)

Marketing Management, 4E_Russ Winer,Ravi Dhar (IM+TB)

Accounting Information Systems The Crossroads of Accounting and IT_Donna Kay,Ali Ovlia (SM+TB)

Intermediate Accounting, 7e_David Spiceland,James F. Sepe,Mark W. Nelson (SM+TB)

Macroeconomics Principles and Policy, 12th Edition_William J. Baumol,Alan S. Blinder (SM+TB+PPT+Other resources)

Advanced Accounting, 11E_Floyd A. Beams,Joseph H. Anthony,Bruce Bettinghaus,Kenneth Smith (SM+TB+PPT+E-Supplements)

International Economics, 9E_Steven Husted,Michael Melvin (IM+TB)

Operations Management, 9E_Lee J. Krajewski,Larry P. Ritzman,Manoj K. Malhotra (SM+TB+PPT)

Strategic Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition_Jeffrey A. Mello (IM+Harvard Cases for Strategic HR+PPT)

Software Engineering, 9E_Ian Sommerville (SM+Quizzes)

International Financial Management, 2E_Geert J Bekaert,Robert J. Hodrick (SM+TB)

Data Analysis, Optimization, and Simulation Modeling, International Edition, 4th Edition_S. Christian Albright, Christopher Zappe, Wayne Winston (SM+TB)

Managerial Economics & Business Strategy, 7e_Michael Baye (SM)

Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods, 8th Edition_Robert L Peurifoy,Clifford J. Schexnayder,Aviad Shapira,Robert Schmitt (SM)

Chemical Process Safety Fundamentals with Applications, 3E_Daniel A. Crowl,Joseph F. Louvar (SM+PPT)

Quality Control, 8E_Dale H. Besterfield, Ph.D., P.E (IM+TB)

Quality Improvement, 9E_Dale H. Besterfield, Ph.D., P.E (IM)

Contemporary Logistics, 10E_Paul R. Murphy,Jr,Donald Wood (SM+TB+PPT)

Human Resource Development, 6th Edition_Jon M. Werner, Randy L. DeSimone (Cases Solutions + TB + PPT + Additional Resources)

Management Fundamentals Concepts, Applications, Skill Development, 5th Edition_Robert N. Lussier (IM+TB+PPT)

HR, 1st Edition _Angelo S. DeNisi, Ricky W. Griffin (IM+TB+Cases Solutions+PPT)

Optimization in Operations Research_Ronald L. Rardin (SM)

Business Mathematics, 9E_Cheryl Cleaves, Ph.D,Margie Hobbs, Ph.D.,Jeffrey Noble (SM+IM)

Microeconomics An Intuitive Approach with Calculus, 1st Edition_Thomas Nechyba (SM+TB)

Organizational Behavior, 14E_Stephen P. Robbins,Timothy A. Judge (SM+TB)

Understanding Financial Statements, 10E_Aileen M. Ormiston,Lyn M. Fraser (SM+TB+PPT)

Biological Science with MasteringBiology, 4E_Scott Freeman (Instructor Guide)

Information Systems Essentials,3e_Stephen Haag,Maeve Cummings (SM+TB)

College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, 12E_Raymond A. Barnett,Michael R. Ziegler,Karl E. Byleen (SM)

Organization Theory and Design, 11th Edition_Richard L. Daft (SM+TB+PPT)

Quantitative Methods for Business, 12th Edition_David R. Anderson,Dennis J. Sweeney,Thomas A. Williams,Jeffrey D. Camm,James J. Cochran,Michael J. Fry,Jeffrey W. Ohlmann (SM+TB+Cases Solutions+PPT)

Excel Applications for Accounting Principles, 4th Edition_Gaylord N. Smith (Instructor Resources)

Advanced Accounting, 11e_Joe B. Hoyle,,Thomas F. Schaefer,Timothy S. Doupnik (SM+TB)

Personal Finance, 4E_Jeff Madura (SM+TB)

Consumer Behavior, 10E_Michael R. Solomon (IM+TB+PPT)

Physiology of Behavior, 11E_Neil R. Carlson (IM+TB)

Precalculus Essentials, 3E_Robert F. Blitzer (SM+TB)

Foundations of Finance, 7E_Arthur J. Keown,John D. Martin,J. William Petty (SM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Investing, 11E_Lawrence J. Gitman,Michael D. Joehnk,,Scott J. Smart (SM+TB+PPT)

Real Estate Finance & Investments, 14e_William B. Brueggeman,Jeffrey D. Fisher (TB)

Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting with Answer Sheet (EI), 3E_Raymond S. Schmidgall,James W. Damitio, Ph.D, CMA (SM+TB)

Derivatives Markets, 2E_Robert L. McDonald (SM+TB)

Cultural Anthropology in a Globalizing World Plus NEW MyAnthroLab with Pearson eText, 3E_Barbara D. Miller (IM w TB)

Consumer Behavior, 1st Edition_Frank Kardes, Maria Cronley, Thomas Cline (IM+TB)

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8E_John C. Hull (SM+TB+Excel Files)

Essentials of Marketing, 7th Edition_Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel (SM+TB+Sample Marketing Plan)

Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 7th Edition_Terence A. Shimp (IM+TB)

Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management_John Mangan, Chandra Lalwani, Tim Butcher (SM)

Money, Banking, and the Financial System Plus NEW MyLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package_R. Glenn Hubbard,Anthony P. O'Brien (SM+TB+PPT)

Introduction to Information Systems, 4th Edition, ISV_R. Kelly Rainer, Casey G. Cegielski (TB)

Transactions and Strategies Economics for Management (with InfoApps), 1st Edition_Robert J. Michaels (SM+TB+PPT)

Systems Engineering and Analysis, 5E_Benjamin S. Blanchard,Wolter J. Fabrycky (SM)

Auditing and Assurance Services, 14E_Alvin A Arens,Randal J Elder,Mark Beasley (SM+TB+PPT)

International Business Competing in the Global Marketplace, 8e_Charles W. L. Hill (TB)

Dynamic Business Law, 2nd Edition_Nancy K. Kubasek,M. Neil Browne,Andrea Giampetro-Meyer,Linda Barkacs,Dan Herron,Carrie Williamson,Lucien Dhooge (SM+TB)

Microeconomics, 10th Edition_Roger A. Arnold (SM+TB+PPT)

Mathematics with Applications, 10E_Margaret Lial,Thomas W. Hungerford,John Holcomb (SM+TB+PPT)

Business Law Principles for Today's Commercial Environment, 3rd Edition_David P. Twomey,Marianne M. Jennings (SM+TB+Study Guide Answers)

Management, 11E_Stephen P. Robbins,Mary Coulter (SM+TB+PPT)

Framework for Marketing Management, 5E_Philip Kotler,Kevin Keller (SM+TB+PPT)

Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child, 8th Edition_Lynn R. Marotz (SM+TB)

Essentials of Corporate Finance, 7e_Stephen A. Ross,Randolph W. Westerfield,Bradford D. Jordan (ISM+TB)

Real Estate Principles A Value Approach, 2e_David C. Ling,Wayne R. Archer (TB)

College Physics Plus MasteringPhysics -- Access Card Package, 9E_Hugh D. Young (SM+TB)

Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance, 4E_J. Fred Weston,Mark L. Mitchell,J. Harold Mulherin (SM+PPT+Cases Solutions)

Framework for Human Resource Management, A, 7E_Gary Dessler (SM+TB)

Market-Based Management, 6E_Roger Best (SM+TB+PPT)

Introduction to Materials Management, 7E_J. R. Tony Arnold,Stephen N. Chapman,Lloyd M. Clive (SM+TB+PPT)

Management Information Systems Plus MyMISLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 12E_Ken Laudon,Jane Laudon (SM+TB+PPT+Dirt Bike Running Cases + Career Resources)

Management Control Systems Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives, 3E_Kenneth Merchant,Wim Van der Stede (SM+Excel Solutions)

Steel Structures Design and Behavior, 5E_Charles G. Salmon,John E. Johnson,Faris A. Malhas (Solutions of Chapter 3,6,7,8,9,12)

Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting with Answer Sheet (EI), 7E_Raymond S. Schmidgall, (SM+TB)

Theory of Strategic Management with Cases, International Edition, 10th Edition_Gareth R. Jones, Charles W. L. Hill (IM+TB+PPT+Cases Solutions)

Theory of Strategic Management with Cases, International Edition, 9th Edition_Gareth R. Jones, Charles W. L. Hill (IM+TB+PPT+Case Solutions+Web Files)

Statistics, Data Analysis, and Decision Modeling, 5E_James R. Evans (SM+TB+PPT)

Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 8th Edition_Terence A. Shimp (IM+TB+PPT)

New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2010, Comprehensive, 1st Edition _Joseph J. Adamski, Kathleen T. Finnegan (SM)

Accounting Information Systems, 11E_George H. Bodnar,William S. Hopwood (SM+TB+PPT)

Construction Accounting & Financial Management, 3E_Steven Peterson, MBA,PE (SM+TB)

Principles of Marketing Plus NEW MyMarketing Lab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 14E_Philip Kotler,Gary Armstrong (IM+TB)

Marketing Management Plus New MyMarketingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 14E_Philip Kotler,Kevin Keller(IM+TB+PPT)

Strategic Management Concepts Competitiveness and Globalization, 10th Edition_Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson (TB+IM)

New Era of Management, International Edition, 10th Edition_Richard L. Daft (SM+TB+PPT)

Supply Chain Management A Global Perspective_Nada R. Sanders (IM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning, 16e_Sally M. Jones,Shelley C. Rhoades-Catanach (SM+TB)

Processes, Systems, and Information An Introduction to MIS Plus MyMISLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package_David M. Kroenke,Earl McKinney (SM+TB+PPT)

Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics (2013)_Harmelink, and Hasselback, et al. Smith (SM+TB)

Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, 4th Edition_Kenneth M. Leet,Chia-Ming Uang,Anne Gilber (SM)

Simulation Using ProModel, 3rd Edition_Charles  R. Harrell (SM)

Operations Management, 11e_William J. Stevenson (SM+TB)

Tax Research, 4E_Barbara H Karlin (SM)

Strategic Management A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, 14E_Fred R. David (IM+Cases Manuals+TB+PPT)

Statistics for Managers using MS Excel, 6E_David M. Levine,Mark L. Berenson,Timothy C. Krehbiel,David F. Stephan (SM+TB+PPT)

Operations Management, 10E_Jay Heizer,Barry Render (SM+TB)

Economics for Managers, 2E_Paul G. Farnham (SM+TB)

Principles of Supply Chain Management A Balanced Approach, 3rd Edition_Joel D. Wisner,Keah-Choon Tan,G. Keong Leong (ISM+Case notes+TB+TN)

A Guide to International Financial Reporting Standards, 3rd Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers (SM+TB)

Supply Chain Management A Logistics Perspective, 9th Edition_John J. Coyle,C. John Langley, Jr,Robert A. Novack,Brian J. Gibson (IM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4e_Raymond Noe,John Hollenbeck,Barry Gerhart,Patrick Wright (TB)

Western Civilization, 8th Edition_Jackson J. Spielvogel (IM+TB)

Social Problems, Census Update Plus MySocLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 4E_John J. Macionis (IM+TB)

Managerial Economics Applications, Strategy and Tactics (with InfoApps 2-Semester Printed Access Card), 12th Edition_James R. McGuigan,R. Charles Moyer,Frederick H.deB. Harris (SM+TB)

Health Economics, 6th Edition_Dr. Rexford E. Santerre,Dr. Stephen P. Neun (SM+TB+PPT)

Biostatistics A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences, 9th Edition_Wayne W. Daniel (SM)

Managerial Accounting_Stacey M. Whitecotton,Robert Libby,Fred Phillips (SM+TB)

Organizational Behavior, 15E_Stephen P. Robbins,Timothy A. Judge (IM+TB)

Microeconomics, 3E_R. Glenn Hubbard,Anthony P. O'Brien (SM+TB)

Macroeconomics, 3E_R. Glenn Hubbard,Anthony P. O'Brien (SM+TB)

Cases in Financial Reporting, 1st Edition_Michael J. Sandretto (SM)

Concepts of Genetics Plus MasteringGenetics -- Access Card Package, 10E_William S. Klug,Michael R. Cummings,Charlotte A. Spencer,Michael A. Palladino (TB)

Introduction to Statistics, 9E_Carmine DeSanto,Michael Totoro (Instructor Guide)

Organizational Behavior Science, The Real World, and You, 8th Edition_Debra L. Nelson, Ph.D,James Campbell Quick (IM+TB)

Management Information Systems, 10E_Raymond McLeod,George Schell (IM+Data Files+TB)

Valuation, 2E_Sheridan J Titman,John D. Martin (Excel Solutions + PPT)

Principles of Microeconomics, 5th Edition_Robert H Frank,Ben Bernanke (SM+TB)

Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services, 18e_O. Ray Whittington,Kurt Pany (SM+TB)

Developing Child, The, 13E_Helen L. Bee,Denise Boyd (IM+TB)

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition_John W. Satzinger,Robert B. Jackson,Stephen D. Burd (TB)

Employment Law for Business, 7e_Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander,Laura P. Hartman (TB)

Economics Principles and Applications, 6th Edition_Robert E. Hall, Marc Lieberman (TB)

Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4E_Frank J. Fabozzi,Franco P. Modigliani,Frank J. Jones (SM+TB+PPT)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013 Taxation of Business Entities, 16th Edition_James E. Smith,William A. Raabe,David M. Maloney (SM)

Prestressed Concrete Fifth Edition Upgrade ACI, AASHTO, IBC 2009 Codes Version, 5E_Edward G. Nawy (SM)

Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3E_Cecil Bozarth,Robert B. Handfield (SM+TB+PPT)

Business Law Text and Cases - Legal, Ethical, Global, and Corporate Environment, 12th Edition_Kenneth W. Clarkson,Roger LeRoy Miller,Frank B. Cross (SM+TB+IM+PPT+Alternate Case Problems + Cases Print outs)

Microeconomics Private and Public Choice, 14th Edition_James D. Gwartney,Richard L. Stroup,Russell S. Sobel,David A. Macpherson (IM+TB+Special topics – The Internet + Special Topics – Power Points)

Advanced Financial Accounting, 9e_Richard E. Baker,Theodore E. Christensen,David M. Cottrell (SM+TB)

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 8th Edition_Gerald Corey (TB)

Programming Logic and Design, Comprehensive, 7th Edition_Joyce Farrell (SM+TB+IM)

Managerial Economics A Problem-Solving Approach, 2nd Edition_Luke M. Froeb, Brian T. McCann (SM+TB+PPT+Instructor Guide)

Microeconomics An Intuitive Approach, International Edition, 1st Edition_Thomas Nechyba (SM+TB+IM)

Business Law Today The Essentials, 9th Edition_Roger LeRoy Miller,Gaylord A. Jentz (SM+TB+PPT+Case Print outs)

Macroeconomics, Third Canadian Edition, 3E_Stephen D. Williamson (SM+PPT+Data Sets+TB)

Business Data Networks and Security, 9E_Raymond R Panko,Julia Panko (IM+TB+PPT)

Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits_Chenming C. Hu (SM)

Integrated Business Processes with ERP Systems_Simha R. Magal , Jeffrey Word (TB+Lecture Notes)

Selling Building Partnerships, 8th Edition_Stephen B Castleberry,John F Tanner (TB)

International Economics , 9E_Paul R. Krugman,Maurice Obstfeld,Marc Melitz (SM+TB)

Business Communication, 16th Edition_Carol M. Lehman,Debbie D. DuFrene (SM+TB)

Business Ethics How to Design and Manage Ethical Organizations_Denis Collins (TB)

Earth An Introduction to Physical Geology, 10E_Edward J. Tarbuck,Frederick K. Lutgens,Dennis Tasa (SM+TB)

Entrepreneurship Starting and Operating a Small Business, 3E_Steve Mariotti,Caroline Glackin (IM+TB)

Marketing, 2e_Dhruv Grewal,Michael Levy (TB)

Intermediate Accounting 9e Canadian Ed Vol 2 Kieso Weygandt Warfield Young Wiecek (TB)

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 9th Edition_Frank K. Reilly,Keith C. Brown (SM+TB)

Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences, 10th Edition_Robert R. Pagano (IM with TB)

Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Applications, 10E_Lorraine R. Gay,Geoffrey E. Mills,Peter W. Airasian (IM)

Health Economics and Policy (with Economic Applications), 5th Edition_Health Economics and Policy (with Economic Applications), 5th Edition_James W. Henderson (IM w TB)

Health Economics and Policy, 4th Edition_James W. Henderson (IM w TB)

Sociology, 12e_Richard T. Schaefer (TB)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance,2E_Jonathan Berk,Peter DeMarzo,Jarrad Harford (SM+TB+IM+PPT)

Java Foundations Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures, 2E_John Lewis,Peter DePasquale,Joseph Chase (SM+TB)

Financial Accounting for MBAs_Peter D. Easton , John J. Wild , Robert F. Halsey , Mary Lea McAnally (TB)

The Legal Environment Today Business In Its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting, 7th Edition_Roger LeRoy Miller,Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Case Print outs +PPT)

Statistics for Business Decision Making and Analysis_Robert A. Stine,Dean Foster (TB)

Managing Human Resources, 15th Edition_George W. Bohlander,Scott A. Snell (TB)

Systems Analysis & Design Methods, 7e_Jeffrey L. Whitten,Lonnie D. Bentley (SM+TB)

Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access and Excel®, 10th Edition_Ellen Monk, Joseph Brady, Gerard S. Cook (Case Solutions + Hall of Fame cases with solutions+Tutorial solutions)

Business Communication Essentials International Version, 5E_Courtland L. Bovee,John V. Thill (IM+TB)

Management Information Systems w Connect Plus Access Code Card, 2nd Edition_Paige Baltzan (TB)

Framework for Marketing Management, 5E_Philip Kotler,Kevin Keller (IM+TB)

Second Course in Statistics, A Regression Analysis, 7E_William Mendenhall,Terry Sincich (SM+PPT)

Microbiology An Introduction Plus MasteringMicrobiology with eText -- Access Card Package, 11E_Gerard J. Tortora,Berdell R. Funke,Christine L. Case (TB)

Microbiology An Introduction with MasteringMicrobiology and MyMicrobiologyPlace Website, 10E_Gerard J. Tortora,Berdell R. Funke,Christine L. Case (TB)

Business Communication Today Plus NEW MyBCommLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 11E_Courtland L. Bovee,John V. Thill (IM+TB+PPT)

Systems Engineering and Analysis, 5E_Benjamin S. Blanchard,Wolter J. Fabrycky (SM)

Business Communication Essentials, 4E_Courtland L. Bovee,John V. Thill (IM+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior, 10th Edition_Robert Kreitner,Angelo Kinicki (ISM+TB)

Economics, 10th Edition_Roger A. Arnold (IM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Corporate Finance, Second Canadian Edition, 2E_Lawrence J. Gitman,Sean M. Hennessey (SM+TB)

Essentials of Strategic Management The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 2e_John E. Gamble,Arthur A. Thompson, Jr (SM+TB+Cases Solutions)

Java Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design, 7th Edition_Jo Ann Smith (SM)

Business and Society Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management, 8th Edition_Archie B. Carroll,Ann K. Buchholtz (TB)

Statistics for Business and Economics, 11E_James T. McClave,P. George Benson,Terry Sincich (ISM+TB)

Concepts in Strategic Management & Business Policy, 12E_Thomas L. Wheelen,J. David Hunger (SM+TB)

Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy Toward Global Sustainability, 13E_Thomas L. Wheelen,J. David Hunger (SM+TB+PPT)

Financial Accounting Plus NEW MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9E_Walter T. Harrison, Jr,Charles T. Horngren,C. William Thomas (SM+TB+PPT)

Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card, 9E_Y. Daniel Liang (SM+TB+PPT)

Electronics Fundamentals Circuits, Devices & Applications, 8E_Thomas L. Floyd,David Buchla (SM)

Financial Accounting Plus NEW My Accounting Lab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 2E_Robert Kemp,Jeffrey Waybright (SM+TB+PPT)

MIS 3, 3rd Edition_Hossein Bidgoli (SM+TB+IM)

Management Information Systems, 11E_Ken Laudon,Jane Laudon (IM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013 Comprehensive, 36th Edition_William H. Hoffman, Jr,David M. Maloney,William A. Raabe,James C. Young (SM+TB)

Essentials of Strategic Management The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 3rd Edition_John E Gamble,Arthur A Thompson, Jr,Margaret Peteraf (TB)

Understanding Business, 9e_William G. Nickels,James M. McHugh,Susan M. McHugh (SM)

Operations and Supply Management The Core, 2e_F. Robert Jacobs,Richard B. Chase (SM+TB)

Competing for Advantage, 3rd Edition_Robert E. Hoskisson,Michael A. Hitt,R. Duane Ireland,Jeffrey S. Harrison (IM+TB+PPT)

Strategic Management An Integrated Approach, 10th Edition _Charles W. L. Hill, Gareth R. Jones (SM+TB+Cases Solutions)

Elementary Statistics Picturing the World, 4E_Ron Larson,Elizabeth Farber (SM+TB)

Elementary Statistics Picturing the World, 5E_Ron Larson,Elizabeth Farber (SM+TB)

Financial & Managerial Accounting, 3E_Charles T. Horngren,Walter T. Harrison, Jr,M. Suzanne Oliver (SM+TB)

Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing_Kathleen Ouimet Perrin (IM+TB)

Interpersonal Communication Book, The, 13E_Joseph A. DeVito (IM w TB + PPT)

Interpersonal Communication Book, The, 12E_Joseph A. DeVito (IM w TB + PPT)

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 5e_Joe B. Hoyle,Thomas F. Schaefer,Timothy S. Doupnik (ISM+TB)

Contemporary Management, 7e_Gareth R. Jones,Jennifer M. George (TB)

Enterprise Systems for Management, 2E_Luvai Motiwalla,Jeffrey Thompson (SM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Operations Management, 8E_Jay Heizer,Barry Render (SM+TB+PPT)

Sociology A Down-to-Earth Approach Plus NEW MySocLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 11E_James M. Henslin (IM+TB+PPT)

Personnel Management in Government Agencies and Nonprofit Organizations, 5E_Dennis L. Dresang (IM)

Understanding Basic Statistics, Brief, 5th Edition_Charles Henry Brase,Corrinne Pellillo Brase (SM+TB)

MKTG, 6th Edition_Charles W. Lamb,Joe F. Hair,Carl McDaniel (IM+TB+PPT)

The Legal Environment Today Business In Its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting, 6th Edition_Roger LeRoy Miller,Frank B. Cross (SM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 10e_Stephen A. Ross,Randolph W. Westerfield,Bradford D. Jordan (SM+TB)

The Legal Environment Today, 5th Edition_Roger LeRoy Miller,Frank B. Cross (SM+TB+PPT+Cases Solutions+Case Print out)

Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 7th Edition_Constance E. Bagley (IM+TB+PPT)

Environmental Economics and Management Theory, Policy, and Applications, 6th Edition_Scott J. Callan, Janet M. Thomas (IM+TB+PPT)

Marketing, 3e_Dhruv Grewal,Michael Levy (TB)

Introduction to Management Science, 11E_Bernard W. Taylor (SM+TB)

Introduction to Management Science, 10E_Bernard W. Taylor (SM+TB+PPT)

Statistics The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 3E_Alan Agresti,Christine Franklin (SM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Organizational Behavior Realities & Challenges, International Edition, 8th Edition_James Campbell Quick, Debra L. Nelson, Ph.D (SM+TB+PPT)

Construction Planning and Scheduling, 4E_Jimmie W. Hinze (SM+PPT)

IR The New World of International Relations, 9E_Michael G. Roskin,Nicholas O. Berry (IM w TB + PPT)

IR The New World of International Relations, 8E_Michael G. Roskin,Nicholas O. Berry (IM w TB)

Accounting What the Numbers Mean, 8e_David H. Marshall,Wayne W. McManus,Daniel F. Viele (SM+TB)

Basic Marketing A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach, 18e_William D. Perreault, Jr,Joseph P. Cannon,E. Jerome McCarthy (IM+TB)

Applied Management Science Modeling, Spreadsheet Analysis, and Communication for Decision Making, 2nd Edition_John A. Lawrence, Barry A. Pasternack (SM+TB)

Fundamental Accounting Principles, 20e_John J. Wild,Ken W. Shaw,Barbara Chiappetta (SM+TB)

Modern Marketing Research Concepts, Methods, and Cases, 2nd Edition_Fred M. Feinberg,Thomas Kinnear,James R. Taylor (IM+TB+Cases Solutions+PPT)

Succeeding in Business with Microsoft® Excel® 2010 A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition_Debra Gross,Frank Akaiwa,Karleen Nordquist (SM+Cases Solutions+TB)

Principles of Corporate Finance, Second Canadian Edition, 2E_Lawrence J. Gitman,Sean M. Hennessey (SM+TB+PPT)

Moral Issues in Business, 12th Edition_William H. Shaw,Vincent Barry (IM+TB)

Principles of Human Anatomy, 12th Edition_Gerard J. Tortora,Mark Nielsen (TB)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 9e_Stephen A. Ross,Randolph W. Westerfield,Bradford D. Jordan (SM+TB)

Principles of Computer Security CompTIA Security+ and Beyond (Exam SY0-301), 3rd Edition, 3rd Edition_Wm. Arthur Conklin,Gregory B. White,Dwayne Williams,Roger L. Davis,Chuck Cothren,Corey Schou (TB)

Effective Small Business Management, 10E_Norman M. Scarborough (IM w Cases Solutions + TB+ PPT)

Effective Small Business Management, 9E_Norman M. Scarborough,Thomas W. Zimmerer,Doug Wilson (IM+Cases Solutions+TB+PPT)

Organizational Behavior Global Edition, 15E_Stephen Robbins,Timothy Judge (IM+TB)

Financial Accounting_Tony Davies,Ian Crawford (IM+PPT)

Macroeconomics Policy and Practice_Frederic S. Mishkin (SM+TB+PPT)

Financial Management Principles and Applications, 11E_Sheridan J Titman,John D. Martin,Arthur J. Keown (SM+TB+PPT+Cases Solutions)

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics, 7e_Douglas A. Lind,William C. Marchal,Samuel A. Wathen (SM+TB)

Marketing An Introduction, 11E_Gary Armstrong,Philip Kotler (IM+TB)

Essential University Physics Plus MasteringPhysics with eText -- Access Card Package, 2E_Richard Wolfson (SM+TB)

Macroeconomics, 9E_Richard T. Froyen (IM+TB)

Macroeconomics Theories and Policies, 10E_Richard T. Froyen (IM+TB)

Strategic Marketing Problems Cases and Comments, 12E_Roger Kerin,Robert Peterson (Student Excel IM)

Strategic Marketing Problems, 13E_Roger Kerin,Robert Peterson (PPT)

Guide to Operating Systems, 4th Edition_Michael Palmer, Michael Walters (SM+IM+TB)

Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition_Tamara Dean (IM+SM+TB)

Mathematics for Teachers An Interactive Approach for Grades K-8, 4th Edition_Thomas Sonnabend (TB)

Health Information Technology and Management_Richard Gartee (SM+TB)

Business Intelligence_Rajiv Sabherwal,Irma Becerra-Fernandez (TB)

Clearly Visual Basic Programming with Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010, 2nd Edition _Diane Zak (SM)

Traffic Engineering, 4E_Roger P. Roess,Elena S. Prassas,William R. McShane (SM)

Financial Markets and Institutions, 5th Edition_Anthony Saunders,Marcia Millon Cornett (TB)

Essentials of Strategic Management The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 3rd Edition_John E Gamble,Arthur A Thompson, Jr,Margaret Peteraf (SM+TB)

Modern Industrial Organization, 4E_Dennis W. Carlton,Jeffrey M. Perloff (IM)

Business Forecasting, 9E_John E. Hanke,Dean Wichern (SM)

Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications, 4E_Kenneth E. Clow,Donald E. Baack (IM+TB+PPT)

Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications, 5E_Kenneth E. Clow,Donald E. Baack (IM+TB)

Management, Tenth Canadian Edition with MyManagementLab, 10E_Stephen P. Robbins,Mary Coulter,Ed Leach,Mary Kilfoil (Cases+IM+TB+PPT)

Management, Ninth Canadian Edition with MyManagementLab, 9E_Stephen P. Robbins,Mary Coulter,Nancy Langton (IM+TB+PPT)

ECON Micro3, 3rd Edition_William A. McEachern (IM+TB)

ECON Macro 3, 3rd Edition_William A. McEachern (IM+TB)

Intermediate Accounting Principles and Analysis, 2nd Edition_Terry D. Warfield,Jerry J. Weygandt,Donald E. Kieso (SM+TB)

New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2010, Comprehensive, 1st Edition_Joseph J. Adamski, Kathleen T. Finnegan (SM+TB+Other IR)

Organic Chemistry, 1st Edition_David R. Klein (SM+TB)

Quantitative Methods for Business, 11th Edition_David R. Anderson,Dennis J. Sweeney,Thomas A. Williams,Jeffrey D. Camm,R. Kipp Martin (ISM+TB)

Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy_Peter,Olson ,8th E (TB)

Western Civilization Volume II Since 1500, 8th Edition_Jackson J. Spielvogel (SM+TB)

Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures, 5th Edition _Raymond G. Miltenberger (IM w TB + PPT)

Modern Database Management, 11E_Jeffrey A. Hoffer,Ramesh Venkataraman,Heikki Topi (IM+TB+PPT)

Modern Database Management, 10E_Jeffrey A. Hoffer,Ramesh Venkataraman,Heikki Topi (IM+TB+PPT)

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 6th Edition_H. Stephen Stoker (SM)

Microeconomics Principles and Applications, 6th Edition_Robert E. Hall,Marc Lieberman (TB)

Multinational Management, 5th Edition_John B. Cullen (IM+TB+PPT+Ending Case Notes)

Animal Physiology From Genes to Organisms, 2nd Edition _Lauralee Sherwood, Hillar Klandorf, Paul Yancey (TB)

Macroeconomics Principles and Applications, 6th Edition_Robert E. Hall,Marc Lieberman (ISM+TB)

Exploring Economics, 6th Edition_Robert L. Sexton (IM)

Economics and Contemporary Issues, 9th Edition_William McLean,Michael Applegate (IM+TB+PPT)

Economics, 9th Edition_William Boyes, Michael Melvin (IM+PPT)

Exploring Macroeconomics, 6th Edition_Robert L. Sexton (IM+PPT)

Exploring Microeconomics, 6th Edition_Robert L. Sexton (IM)

International Economics, 14th Edition_Robert Carbaugh (IM+TB)

Basic Economics, 16th Edition_Frank V. Mastrianna (ISM)

Survey of Economics, 8th Edition_Irvin B. Tucker (IM+TB)

Economics Private and Public Choice, 14th Edition_James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Russell S. Sobel, David A. Macpherson (IM+TB)

Microeconomics, 9th Edition_William Boyes, Michael Melvin (IM+TB)

Principles of Macroeconomics, 7th Edition_John B. Taylor,Akila Weerapana (SM+TB)

Principles of Economics, 7th Edition_John B. Taylor,Akila Weerapana (SM+TB)

Microeconomics Principles and Policy, 12th Edition_William J. Baumol ,Alan S. Blinder (SM+TB)

Economics Principles and Policy, 12th Edition_William J. Baumol ,Alan S. Blinder (SM+TB+Instructor Manual Lecture Notes)

Microeconomics A Contemporary Introduction, 9th Edition_William A. McEachern (IM+TB)

Economics A Contemporary Introduction, 9th Edition_William A. McEachern (TB)

Fundamentals of International Finance_Roy Crum,Eugene F. Brigham,Joel F. Houston (SM+TB)

Business Data Communications_Manish Agrawal (SM+TB)

Managerial Epidemiology for Health Care Organizations, 2nd Edition_Peter J. Fos, PhD, David J. Fine, Brian W. Amy , Miguel A. Zúniga (SM)

Company Accounting, 9th Edition_Ken J. Leo , John Hoggett , John Sweeting (SM+TB)

Macroeconomics A Contemporary Introduction, 9th Edition_William A. McEachern (SM+TB)

Business, 11th Edition_William M. Pride,Robert J. Hughes,Jack R. Kapoor (IM)

Microeconomic Theory Basic Principles and Extensions, 11th Edition_Walter Nicholson, Christopher Snyder (Solutions to ODD Problems + Brief answer to queries + Chapter 18 Spreadsheet)

Principles of Microeconomics, 7th Edition _John B. Taylor, Akila Weerapana (SM+TB)

Brief Principles of Macroeconomics, 6th Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw (IM+TB)

Principles of Microeconomics, 6th Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw (IM+TB)

Macroeconomics, 10th Edition _Roger A. Arnold (IM+TB)

Economics Private and Public Choice, 13th Edition _James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Russell S. Sobel, David A. Macpherson (IM+TB)

Microeconomics An Intuitive Approach, 1st Edition_Thomas Nechyba (SM+TB)

Macroeconomics Private and Public Choice, 13th Edition_James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Russell S. Sobel, David A. Macpherson (IM+TB)

Economics Principles and Policy, Update 2010 Edition, 11th Edition_William J. Baumol, Alan S. Blinder (IM+TB)

Exploring Microeconomics, 5th Edition_Robert L. Sexton (SM+TB+IM)

Microeconomics Private and Public Choice, 13th Edition_James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Russell S. Sobel, David A. Macpherson (IM+TB)

Strategic Management Text and Cases, 5e_Gregory G. Dess,G. T. Lumpkin,Alan B. Eisner (SM+TB)

Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0 An Object-Oriented Approach 2e Dennis Tegarden (SM+TB)

Basic Marketing Research Using Microsoft Excel Data Analysis, First Canadian Edition with Companion Website_Alvin C. Burns,Ronald F. Bush,Judith Nash (IM+TB+PPT+Image Library)

Income Tax Fundamentals 2012, 30th Edition _Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller (SM+Quick Tax Reference)

Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2012, 3e_Brian C. Spilker,Benjamin C. Ayers,John Robinson,Ron Worsham,Ed Outslay,John Barrick,Connie D. Weaver (SM)

Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities, 2013 edition, 4th Edition_Brian C.  Spilker,Benjamin C.  Ayers,John Robinson,Edmund Outslay,Ronald  G.  Worsham,John A.  Barrick,Connie Weaver (SM+TB)

Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel®, 4th Edition_David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams (SM+TB)

Employee Benefits, 4th Edition_Joseph J. Martocchio (TB)

Microeconomics Principles and Policy, Update 2010 Edition, 11th Edition_William J. Baumol, Alan S. Blinder (IM+TB)

International Economics, 13th Edition _Robert Carbaugh (IM+TB)

Survey of ECON, 1st Edition _Robert L. Sexton (IM+TB)

Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 10E_George E. Rejda (SM+TB)

Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 11E_George E. Rejda (SM+TB+PPT)

Risk Management and Insurance 2e Scott Harrington Gregory Niehaus (SM)

International Business Plus NEW MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 7E_Ricky W. Griffin,Mike W. Pustay (IM+TB+PPT)

An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design, 4th Edition_Joyce Farrell (SM+TB+IM)

New Perspectives on HTML, CSS, and Dynamic HTML, 5th Edition_Patrick M. Carey (SM+TB+IM)

Programming Logic and Design, Introductory, 7th Edition_Joyce Farrell (SM+TB+IM)

Programming with Mobile Applications Android, iOS, and Windows® Phone 7, 1st Edition _Thomas J. Duffy (IM+TB+SM)

Modern Radio Production Production Programming & Performance, 9th Edition _Carl Hausman, Frank (Fritz) Messere, Lewis O'Donnell, Philip Benoit (IM+TB)

C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 6th Edition _D.S. Malik (SM+TB+IM+Figure files Solutions+Coursemte assignment solutions)

C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 6th Edition _D.S. Malik (SM+TB+IM+Figure Files Sol+Coursemate assignment solutions)

C++ for Engineers and Scientists, 4th Edition _Gary J. Bronson (SM+TB+IM+Figure Files)

Whetten Developing Management Skills plus MyManagementLab, Global Edition, 8e, 8E_David A. Whetten,Kim S. Cameron,David A Whetten (IM+TB)

Android Boot Camp for Developers using Java, Introductory A Beginner's Guide to Creating Your First Android Apps, 1st Edition_Corinne Hoisington (TB+Exerise Solutions)

Technician's Guide to Programmable Controllers, 6th Edition _Terry Borden, Richard A. Cox (TB)

Oracle® 11g PLSQL Programming, 2nd Edition_ Joan Casteel (SM+TB+IM)

Introduction to Programming with C++, 7th Edition_ Diane Zak (SM+TB)

Programming Languages Principles and Practices, 3rd Edition_Kenneth C. Louden, Kenneth A. Lambert (SM)

Java Programming, 6th Edition_Joyce Farrell (SM+TB+IM)

New Perspectives on HTML and CSS Introductory, 6th Edition_Patrick M. Carey (SM+TB+IM+Quick Check Answers)

Programming with Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2010, 5th Edition _Diane Zak (SM+IM)

Fundamentals of Python First Programs, 1st Edition _Kenneth A. Lambert (SM+IM)

Java Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 5th Edition_D.S. Malik (SM+TB+IM)

Principles of Program Design Problem-Solving with JavaScript, 1st Edition_Paul Addison (SM+IM)

A First Book of C++, 4th Edition_Gary J. Bronson (SM+TB+IM)

Programming Logic and Design Introductory, 6th Edition _Joyce Farrell (SM+TB+End of Chapter PDF,s)

Microsoft® Visual C# 2010 An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, 4th Edition_Joyce Farrell (SM+IM)

Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010 for Windows, Web, Office, and Database Applications Comprehensive, 1st Edition _Gary B. Shelly, Corinne Hoisington (SM+TB)

C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 3rd Edition_Barbara Doyle (IM)

Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010 RELOADED, 4th Edition_Diane Zak (Solution to Exercises + Answer to review problems+IM+TB)

C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 5th Edition _D.S. Malik (SM+IM)

Fundamentals of Java AP Computer Science Essentials, 4th Edition_Kenneth Lambert, Martin Osborne (SM+IM)

JavaScript The Web Technologies Series, 5th Edition_Don Gosselin (SM+IM)

Case Studies in Finance Managing for Corporate Value Creation, 6e_Robert F. Bruner,Kenneth M. Eades,Michael J. Schill (SM)

Programming Logic and Design Comprehensive, 6th Edition_Joyce Farrell (SM+IM)

An Introduction to Programming With C++, 6th Edition_Diane Zak (Solution files+Answer to Review Questions+IM)


Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010 for Windows, Web, and Office Applications Complete, 1st Edition_Gary B. Shelly, Corinne Hoisington (SM+TB)

C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 5th Edition_D.S. Malik (SM+IM)

An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design, 3rd Edition_Joyce Farrell (SM+IM)

International Marketing, 10th Editio_Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen (IM+TB)

Contemporary Marketing, 2013 Update, 15th Edition _Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (IM+TB)

Social Media Marketing A Strategic Approach, 1st Edition_Melissa S. Barker, Donald I. Barker, Nicholas F. Bormann, Krista E. Neher (IM+TB)

SELL, 3rd Edition_Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond W. LaForge, Ramon A. Avila, Charles H. Schwepker, Michael R. Williams (IM+TB)

PROMO2, 2nd Edition _Thomas O'Guinn, Chris Allen, Richard J. Semenik (IM+TB)

Internet Marketing Integrating Online and Offline Strategies, 3rd Edition_Mary-Lou Roberts, Debra Zahay (TB+IM)

Business Research Methods, 9th Edition_William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin, Jon C. Carr, Mitch Griffin (IM+Data Sets+TB)

Marketing, 12th Edition_Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel (IM+TB)

MM, 3rd Edition_Dawn Iacobucci (IM+TB+Online Mini Cases)

Business Marketing Management B2B, 11th Edition_Michael D. Hutt, Thomas W. Speh (IM+TB+Engagement Exercises)

Foundations of Marketing, 5th Edition_William M. Pride, O. C. Ferrell (IM+TB)

Modern Marketing Research Concepts, Methods, and Cases, 2nd Edition _Fred M. Feinberg, Thomas Kinnear, James R. Taylor (IM+TB+Cases Solutions+Extra Instructor Materials)

CB4, 4th Edition_Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris (IM+TB+Complete Online Cases)

Consumer Behavior, 6th Edition_Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis, Rik Pieters (IM+TB)

Essentials of Marketing Research, 5th Edition_William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin (IM+TB+Data Seets)

MR, 1st Edition_ Tom J. Brown, Tracy A. Suter (IM+TB)

Marketing Channels, 8th Edition_Bert Rosenbloom (TB+Case Notes+Teaching notes)

SELL, 2nd Edition_Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond W. LaForge, Ramon A. Avila, Charles H. Schwepker, Michael R. Williams (IM+TB)

MM, 2nd Edition_Dawn Iacobucci (IM+TB)

Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, 6th Edition_ Thomas O'Guinn, Chris Allen, Richard J. Semenik (IM+TB)

MKTG, 5th Edition_Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel (IM+TB)

Contemporary Marketing, 15th Edition_Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (IM+TB)

Marketing 2012, 16th Edition_ William M. Pride, O.C. Ferrell (IM+TB)

CB3, 3rd Edition _Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris (IM+TB)

Retailing, 7th Edition_Patrick M. Dunne, Robert F. Lusch, James R. Carver (IM+TB)

Corporate Finance, 2E_Jonathan Berk,Peter DeMarzo (SM+TB+IM)

Organizational Behavior Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, 3e_Jason A. Colquitt,Jeffery A. LePine,Michael J. Wesson (SM+TB)

Chemistry for Engineering Students, 2nd Edition_Larry Brown, Tom Holme (TB)

Economics of social issues 2010 custom edition 19th ed_Sharp, A., Register, C., & Grimes, P,Sharp, A., Register, C., & Grimes, P (TB)

Economics Today, 14E_Roger LeRoy Miller (TB)

Compensation, 10e_George T. Milkovich,Jerry M. Newman,Barry Gerhart (TB)

Information Technology for Management Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, 7th Edition International Student Version_Efraim Turban,Linda Volonino,Ephraim McLean,James Wetherbe (IM+TB+Tech Guides)

EARTH, 1st Edition_Graham R. Thompson,Jonathan Turk (IM+TB)

Financial Accounting, 8th Edition_Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel (SM+TB)

Strategic Management 1e,Competitiveness & Globalization Concepts & Cases_Henk W. Volberda,Robert E. Morgan,Patrick Reinmoeller,Michael A. Hitt,R. Duane Ireland,Robert E. Hoskisson (TB)

Global Marketing, 3rd Edition _Kate Gillespie, H. David Hennessey (IM+TB)

Foundations of Marketing, 4th Edition_William M. Pride, O. C. Ferrell (IM)

Marketing Strategy, 5th Edition_O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline (TB+Case Notes)

Essentials of Business Communication, 8th Edition_Mary Ellen Guffey (IM+TB)

Green Marketing Management, 1st Edition_Robert Dahlstrom (IM+TB)

International Logistics Management of International Trade Operations, 3rd Edition_Pierre A. David, Ph.D., Richard D. Stewart, Ph.D (IM+TB)

SELL, 1st Edition_Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond W. LaForge, Ramon A. Avila, Charles H. Schwepker, Michael R. Williams (IM+TB)

Services Marketing Concepts, Strategies, & Cases, 4th Edition _K. Douglas Hoffman, John E.G. Bateson (IM+TB+Cases Solutions)

Transportation A Supply Chain Perspective, 7th Edition_John J. Coyle, Robert A. Novack, Brian Gibson, Edward J. Bardi (IM+TB)

CB2, 2nd Edition _Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris (IM+TB)

The Law of Marketing, 2nd Edition_Lynda J. Oswald (IM w TB)

Contemporary Marketing 2011, 14th Edition_Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (IM+TB)

Consumer Behavior, 5th Edition_Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis (IM+TB)

Business Marketing Management B2B, 10th Edition_Michael D. Hutt, Thomas W. Speh (IM+TB)

Exploring Marketing Research, 10th Edition_ William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin (IM+TB+Comprehensive Cases )

MM (Marketing Management), 1st Edition_ Dawn Iacobucci (IM+TB)

Essentials of Marketing Research, 4th Edition_ William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin (IM+TB)

Business Research Methods, 8th Edition_William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin, Jon C. Carr, Mitch Griffin (IM+Cases Solutions+TB)

Crafting & Executing Strategy The Quest for Competitive Advantage Concepts and Cases, 18e_Arthur A. Thompson, Jr,Margaret A. Peteraf,John E. Gamble,A. J. Strickland III (TB+IM w Cases Solutions)

International Marketing, 9th Edition_Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen (IM+TB)

Basic Marketing Research, 7th Edition_Gilbert A. Churchill, Tom J. Brown, Tracy A. Suter (IM+TB+Additional Cases with solutions+IM Cases+Semester Project)

Contemporary Marketing, 14th Edition _Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (IM+TB)

Principles of Internet Marketing New Tools and Methods for Web Developers, 1st Edition_Jason Miletsky (SM+TB+IM)

Marketing Research Methodological Foundations, 10th Edition_Dawn Iacobucci, Gilbert A. Churchill (IM+TB)

Essentials of Marketing, 6th Edition_Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel (IM+TB)

International Marketing, 3rd Edition_Dana-Nicoleta Lascu (IM+TB)

Foundations of Microeconomics Plus NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 6E_Robin Bade,Michael Parkin (SM+TB+IM)

Contemporary Marketing 2009 Update, 13th Edition _Contemporary Marketing 2009 Update, 13th Edition (IM+TB+Instructor BCRC Exercises)

Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, 5th Edition _Thomas O'Guinn, Chris Allen, Richard J. Semenik (IM+TB+Internet Exercises)

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition _Robert M. Monczka, Robert B. Handfield, Larry C. Giunipero, James L. Patterson (Case Studies+TB)

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition _Robert M. Monczka, Robert B. Handfield, Larry C. Giunipero, James L. Patterson (Instructor Materials +TB+ Cases)

Marketing Express, 2nd Edition _William M. Pride, O. C. Ferrell (IM+TB)

Marketing, 10th Edition_Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel_ (IM+TB)

Marketing, 11th Edition_Charles W. Lamb,Joe F. Hair,Carl McDaniel (IM+TB+Who wants to be a marketer)

Supply Chain Management A Logistics Perspective, 8th Edition _John J. Coyle, C. John Langley, Jr., Brian J. Gibson, Robert A. Novack, Edward J. Bardi (IM+TB+Case Notes)

Modern Marketing Research Concepts, Methods, and Cases, 1st Edition_Fred M. Feinberg,Thomas Kinnear,James R. Taylor (IM+TB+Data Sets)

Marketing Marketing in the 21st Century, 11th Edition _Joel R. Evans, Barry Berman (IM+TB+Lecture Manual+Practice Quizzes)

Retailing, 6th Edition_Patrick M. Dunne, Robert F. Lusch (IM)

Contemporary Marketing, 13th Edition _Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (TB+IM)

Professional Selling A Trust-Based Approach, 4th Edition _Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond W. LaForge, Ramon A. Avila, Charles H. Schwepker, Michael R. Williams (IM+TB)

Marketing Strategy, 4th Edition _O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline (TB+Case Teaching Notes)

Internet Marketing Integrating Online and Offline Strategies, 2nd Edition _Mary-Lou Roberts (IM+TB)

Marketing, 9th Edition _Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel (IM+TB)

Essentials of Marketing Research, 3rd Edition_William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin (IM)

Exploring Marketing Research, 9th Edition _William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin (IM+TB+Cases)

International Marketing, 8th Edition _Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen (IM+TB)

Strategic Marketing Communications A Systems Approach to IMC, 1st Edition _M. Joseph Sirgy, Don Rahtz (IM+TB)

Basic Marketing Research, 6th Edition_Gilbert A. Churchill, Tom J. Brown (IM w Cases Sol + Supplements Sol+TB)

Financial Markets and Institutions, 6E_Frederic S. Mishkin,Stanley Eakins (IM+TB)

Payroll Accounting 2013, 23rd Edition_Bernard J. Bieg, Judith A. Toland (SM+TB+ Achievement Test+Excel Solutions)

Internet Marketing and e-Commerce, 1st Edition _Ward Hanson, Kirthi Kalyanam (IM)

Contemporary Marketing, Update 2006, 12th Edition _Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (IM+TB)

Marketing, 8th Edition _Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel (IM+TB)

Contemporary Marketing, 12th Edition _Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (IM+TB)

Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, 4th Edition _Thomas O'Guinn, Chris Allen, Richard J. Semenik (IM+TB)

Services Marketing Concepts, Strategies, & Cases, 3rd Edition _K. Douglas Hoffman, John E.G. Bateson (IM+TB)

Essentials of Marketing, 5th Edition _Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel (IM+TB)

Marketing Research Methodological Foundations, 9th Edition_Gilbert A. Churchill, Dawn Iacobucci (IM+TB+Case Solutions+Data Set Solutions)

Electronic Marketing Integrating Electronic Resources into the Marketing Process, 2nd Edition _Joel Reedy, Shauna J. Schullo (IM+TB)

Marketing Channels A Management View, 7th Edition _Bert Rosenbloom (IM+TB+Cases)

Biological Psychology, 11th Edition _James W. Kalat (IM+TB)

General Chemistry, 10th Edition _Darrell D. Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon (SM+TB)

Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change Companion Site, 6e_Martin S. Silberberg (SM+TB)

Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, Hybrid, 10th Edition _Frederick A. Bettelheim, William H. Brown, Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell, Omar Torres (SM)

Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, 10th Edition _Frederick A. Bettelheim, William H. Brown, Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell, Omar Torres (SM)

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 6th Edition _H. Stephen Stoker (SM)

Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, 8th Edition _Frederick A. Bettelheim, William H. Brown, Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell, Omar Torres (SM)

Organic and Biological Chemistry, 6th Edition_H. Stephen Stoker (SM)

General Chemistry, Hybrid, 10th Edition _Darrell D. Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon (SM)

A Microscale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques, 5th Edition _Donald L. Pavia, George S. Kriz, Gary M. Lampman, Randall G. Engel (IM)

Biochemistry, 5th Edition _Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham (TB)

Chemistry in Focus A Molecular View of Our World, 5th Edition _Nivaldo J. Tro (IM+TB)

Biochemistry, 7th Edition _Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (IM)

An Integrated Approach to Health Sciences Anatomy and Physiology, Math, Chemistry and Medical Microbiology, 2nd Edition _Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff Ankney, Joe Wilson, John Havrilla (IM+Answer Keys)

Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, 10th Edition _Emil Slowinski, Wayne C. Wolsey, Robert Rossi (IM)

Chemistry An Atoms First Approach, 1st Edition _Steven S. Zumdahl, Susan A. Zumdahl (IM)

Descriptive Inorganic, Coordination, and Solid State Chemistry, 3rd Edition_Glen E. Rodgers (IM)

Organic Chemistry A Short Course, 13th Edition _Harold Hart, Christopher M. Hadad, Leslie E. Craine, David J. Hart (IM+Lab Manual)

A Small Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd Edition _Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz, Randall G. Engel (IM)

Chemical Principles, Enhanced Edition (Book Only), 6th Edition _Steven S. Zumdahl (IM)

Society The Basics, 12E_John J. Macionis (IM+TB)

Introductory Chemistry A Foundation, 7th Edition _Steven S. Zumdahl, Donald J. DeCoste (TB+Instructor Guide for Lab Manual)

Experiments in General Chemistry Featuring MeasureNet, 2nd Edition _Bobby Stanton, Lin Zhu, Charles Butch Atwood (IM)

Introduction to Chemical Principles A Laboratory Approach, 7th Edition _Susan A. Weiner, Blaine Harrison (IM)

Principles of Chemistry The Molecular Science, 1st Edition_ John W. Moore, Conrad L. Stanitski, Peter C. Jurs (SM)

Chemistry Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition_ Daniel L. Reger, Scott R. Goode, David W. Ball (IM)

Introductory Chemistry An Active Learning Approach, 4th Edition_Mark S. Cracolice, Edward I. Peters (IM)

Chemistry, 8th Edition_Steven S. Zumdahl, Susan A. Zumdahl (Answer to End of Chapter Questions + IRM+ IRM for LabManual)

Chemistry, 9th Edition_ Kenneth W. Whitten, Raymond E. Davis, Larry Peck, George G. Stanley (SM)

Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, Enhanced Edition, 7th Edition_John C. Kotz, Paul M. Treichel, John Townsend (SM)

Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, 9th Edition _Frederick A. Bettelheim, William H. Brown, Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (SM)

Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, 7th Edition _Frederick A. Bettelheim, William H. Brown, Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (SM)

Chemistry in Focus A Molecular View of Our World, 4th Edition _Nivaldo J. Tro (IM)

Introduction to Spectroscopy, 4th Edition_Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz, James a. Vyvyan (Answers for Ch 1-10)

Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 7th Edition _John C. Kotz, Paul M. Treichel, John Townsend (SM)

Chemistry Principles and Reactions, 6th Edition_William L. Masterton, Cecile N. Hurley (SM)

Principles of Modern Chemistry, 6th Edition _David W. Oxtoby, H. Pat Gillis, Alan Campion (SM)

Chemistry for Today General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 6th Edition _Spencer L. Seager, Michael R. Slabaugh (SM)

Safety Scale Lab Experiments, 6th Edition _Spencer L. Seager, Michael R. Slabaugh (IM)

Biochemistry, 6th Edition _Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (SM)

Chemistry, 8th Edition _Kenneth W. Whitten, Raymond E. Davis, Larry Peck, George G. Stanley (SM)

Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th Edition_Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch (IM)

Chemistry in Focus A Molecular View of Our World, 3rd Edition _Nivaldo J. Tro (IM+TB+Optional Forensic Chemistry Chapter)

Introductory Chemistry An Active Learning Approach, 3rd Edition_Mark S. Cracolice, Edward I. Peters (IM+TB)

Basics of Introductory Chemistry with Math Review, 1st Edition_ Mark S. Cracolice (TB)

Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques A Microscale Approach, 4th Edition_Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz, Randall G. Engel (IM)

Experiments in General Chemistry Featuring MeasureNet, 1st Edition _Bobby Stanton, Lin Zhu, Charles Butch Atwood (IM)

Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition_Joe Hornback (TB)

Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques A Small-Scale Approach, 2nd Edition_Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz, Randall G. Engel (IM)

History of the American Economy, 11th Edition_Gary M. Walton, Hugh Rockoff (TB)

Introduction to Chemical Principles A Laboratory Approach, 6th Edition_Susan A. Weiner (IM)

Standard and Microscale Experiments in General Chemistry, 5th Edition _Carl B. Bishop, Muriel B. Bishop, Kenneth W. Whitten (Lab IM)

Principles of Environmental Geochemistry, 1st Edition _Nelson Eby (SM)

Chemistry Science of Change, 4th Edition _David W. Oxtoby (IM+TB)

Descriptive Inorganic, Coordination, and Solid State Chemistry, 2nd Edition_Glen E. Rodgers (IM)

Principles of Business Forecasting, 1st Edition _Keith Ord, Robert Fildes (SM)

Statistics for Management and Economics, 9th Edition _Gerald Keller (SM+TB)

Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel®, 4th Edition _David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams (SM+Case Solutions+TB)

Successful Project Management, 5th Edition _ Jack Gido, James P. Clements (IM)

Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised, 11th Edition _David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams (SM+TB+Cases Solutions+Data Sets)

Statistics for Management and Economics, Abbreviated Edition, 9th Edition _Gerald Keller (SM+TB+Data Sets)

An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised, 13th Edition _David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, R. Kipp Martin (SM+Cases Solutions+TB)

Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel®, 5th Edition _David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams (SM+TB+Cases Solutions)

Contemporary Project Management, 2nd Edition _ Timothy Kloppenborg (SM+TB+Data Files)

VBA for Modelers Developing Decision Support Systems, 4th Edition _ S. Christian Albright (SM+Example Files+Bonus Chapters)

Practical Management Science, 4th Edition _Wayne L. Winston, S. Christian Albright (SM+TB+Case Solutions+Solution Shells)

Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised, 6th Edition_David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams (SM+TB)

Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence, 8th Edition _James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay (IM+Data Files)

Operations and Supply Chain Management for the 21st Century, 1st Edition_Ken Boyer,Rohit Verma (SM+IM+TB)

Introduction to Low Voltage Systems, 2nd Edition _ Sam DiPaola, Amy DiPaola (SM)

Energy Its Use and the Environment, 5th Edition _Roger A. Hinrichs, Merlin H. Kleinbach (IM+Test Questions)

Inquiry into Physics, 7th Edition _ Vern J. Ostdiek, Donald J. Bord (IM+TB)

Principles of Physics A Calculus-Based Text, Volume 1, 5th Edition _Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett (TB)

An Introduction to Physical Science, 13th Edition _James T. Shipman, Jerry D. Wilson, Charles A. Higgins, Jr (IM+TB+IM for Lab Manual)

Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th Edition _ Stephen T. Thornton, Andrew Rex (SM)

College Physics Reasoning and Relationships, 2nd Edition _ Nicholas Giordano (ISM+TB)

Physics A Conceptual World View, 7th Edition _Larry Kirkpatrick, Gregory E. Francis (IM)

Physics Laboratory Experiments, 7th Edition _Jerry D. Wilson, Cecilia A. Hernández (Lab Manual)

Inquiry into Physics, 6th Edition _ Vern J. Ostdiek, Donald J. Bord (IM)

Physics A World View, 6th Edition _Larry Kirkpatrick, Gregory E. Francis(IM)

Modern Physics, 3rd Edition _Raymond A. Serway, Clement J. Moses, Curt A. Moyer(SM)

Analytical Mechanics, 7th Edition _Grant R. Fowles, George L. Cassiday (SM)

Inquiry into Physics, 5th Edition _ Vern J. Ostdiek, Donald J. Bord (IM)

Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 5th Edition _Stephen T. Thornton, Jerry B. Marion (SM)

Mathematics for Physicists, 1st Edition_Susan Lea (SM+Optional Topics)

Physics AlgebraTrig, 3rd Edition _Eugene Hecht (SM)

Mechanics of Materials, 8th Edition _ James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno (SM)

Circuit Analysis Theory and Practice, 5th Edition _Allan H. Robbins, Wilhelm C. Miller (TB)

Legal Aspects of Architecture, Engineering and the Construction Process, 9th Edition _Justin Sweet, Marc M. Schneier (SM)

Print Reading for Engineering and Manufacturing Technology, 3rd Edition _ David A Madsen (Textbook Solutions+Online Comparison Print Reading Tests Solutions)

Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering, 4th Edition _Braja M. Das (SM)

MATLAB Programming with Applications for Engineers, 1st Edition _Stephen J. Chapman (SM)

AutoCAD® Tutor for Engineering Graphics 2013 and Beyond, 1st Edition _ Kevin Lang (IM+TB)

Mechanics of Materials, SI Edition, 8th Edition _ James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno (SM)

AutoCAD A Problem-Solving Approach 2013 and Beyond, 1st Edition _Sham Tickoo (IM)

Print Reading for Architecture and Construction Technology, 3rd Edition _David A Madsen, Alan Jefferis, David P. Madsen, Tereasa Jefferis (SM)

Fundamentals of Mechatronics, SI Edition, 1st Edition _Musa Jouaneh (ISM)

An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, 3rd Edition _ Jonathan Wickert, Kemper Lewis (SM)

Fundamentals of Mechatronics, 1st Edition _Musa Jouaneh (SM)

Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, 3rd Edition_Alex Krulikowski (IM+TB)

Steel Design, 5th Edition_William T. Segui (ISM)

SolidWorks 2012 Tutor, 1st Edition_Alan J. Kalameja, Mark Voisinet (Answer to Review Questions)

The Aubin Academy Master Series Revit Architecture 2012, 1st Edition_Paul F. Aubin (TB)

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 5th Edition_Daryl L. Logan (SM)

A First Course in the Finite Element Method, SI Version, 5th Edition_ Daryl L. Logan (SM)

Mechanical Vibrations Theory and Applications, SI Edition, 1st Edition _ S. Graham Kelly (SM)

Power System Analysis & Design, SI Version, 5th Edition_J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Thomas Overbye (SM)

Autodesk® Inventor® 2012 Essentials Plus, 1st Edition_Daniel T. Banach, Travis Jones, Alan J. Kalameja (IM)

Matrix Analysis of Structures, 2nd Edition _Aslam Kassimali (SM)

Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB®, 3rd Edition _Vinay K. Ingle, John G. Proakis (ISM)

Mechanics of Materials, SI Edition, 2nd Edition _Andrew Pytel, Jaan Kiusalaas (SM)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Edition _Peter V. O'Neil (SM)

Mechanics of Fluids, 4th Edition _Merle C. Potter, David C. Wiggert, Bassem H. Ramadan (SM)

Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB®, 2nd Edition _ Robert J. Schilling, Sandra L. Harris (SM)

Aerospace Engineering From the Ground Up, 1st Edition_Ben Senson, Jasen Ritter (IM)

Accessing AUTOCAD Architecture 2012, 1st Edition_William G. Wyatt, Sr (IM)

Harnessing AutoCAD 2012, 1st Edition_G.V. Krishnan, Thomas Stellman (IM+TB)

Solid Waste Engineering, 2nd Edition _ William A. Worrell, P. Aarne Vesilind (SM)

Mechanical Vibrations Theory and Applications, 1st Edition _ S. Graham Kelly (SM)

Mechanics of Materials, Brief SI Edition, 1st Edition_James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno (SM)

Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Edition _ Andrew Pytel, Jaan Kiusalaas (SM)

Project Lead the Way Civil Engineering and Architecture, 1st Edition_Donna Matteson, Deborah Kennedy, Stuart Baur, Eva Kultermann (IM)

Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 8th Edition_Jay L. Devore (TB)

Data Communication and Networking A Practical Approach, 1st Edition_Massoud Moussavi (IM+TB)

The Science and Engineering of Materials, SI Edition, 6th Edition_Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Fulay, Wendelin J. Wright (SM+Knovel Problem and Solutions)

Embedded Microcomputer Systems Real Time Interfacing, 3rd Edition_ Jonathan W. Valvano (SM)

Power System Analysis and Design, 5th Edition_J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Thomas Overbye (SM+Preliminary TB)

Mechanics of Materials, Brief Edition, 1st Edition_James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno (SM)

Management (Arab World Editions)_Yusuf Sidani,Dima Jamali,Stephen P. Robbins,Mary Coulter (IM+TB)

Matrix Analysis of Structures SI Version, 2nd Edition_Aslam Kassimali (SM+Matrix Analysis MATLAB Code)

Engineering Mechanics Statics - SI Version, 3rd Edition _ Andrew Pytel, Jaan Kiusalaas (SM)

The Science and Engineering of Materials, 6th Edition _Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Fulay, Wendelin J. Wright (SM+Knovel Problems and Solutions)

Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems, 3rd Edition _ Dharma P. Agrawal, Qing-An Zeng (SM)

Harnessing AutoCAD 2011, 1st Edition _ G.V. Krishnan, Thomas Stellman (Instructor Guide)

Engineering Fundamentals An Introduction to Engineering, 4th Edition _ Saeed Moaveni (SM+TB)

Principles of Heat Transfer, 7th Edition _Frank Kreith, Raj M. Manglik, Mark S. Bohn (SM)

Engineering Fundamentals An Introduction to Engineering, SI Edition, 4th Edition _ Saeed Moaveni (SM+TB)

Microelectronic Circuits Analysis & Design, 2nd Edition _ Muhammad H. Rashid (SM)

Design of Fluid Thermal Systems - SI Version, 3rd Edition _ William S. Janna (SM)

Mechatronics System Design, 2nd Edition _ Devdas Shetty, Richard A. Kolk (SM)

Transportation Infrastructure Engineering A Multimodal Integration, SI Version, 1st Edition _Lester A. Hoel, Nicholas J. Garber, Adel W. Sadek (SM)

Principles of Foundation Engineering, SI Edition, 7th Edition _ Braja M. Das (SM)

Principles of Foundation Engineering, 7th Edition _ Braja M. Das (SM)

Introduction to Environmental Engineering - SI Version, 3rd Edition _P. Aarne Vesilind, Susan M. Morgan, Lauren G. Heine (SM)

Mechatronics System Design, SI Version, 2nd Edition _ Devdas Shetty, Richard A. Kolk (SM)

Structural Analysis, SI Edition, 4th Edition _ Aslam Kassimali (SM)

Principles of Heat Transfer, SI Edition, 7th Edition _Frank Kreith,Raj M. Manglik,Mark S. Bohn (SM)

Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, 3rd Edition_Andrew Pytel,Jaan Kiusalaas (SM)

Essentials of Materials Science & Engineering - SI Version, 2nd Edition _Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Fulay (SM)

Physical Metallurgy Principles - SI Version, 4th Edition _Reza Abbaschian, Robert E. Reed-Hill (SM)

Traffic & Highway Engineering - SI Version, 4th Edition_Nicholas J. Garber, Lester A. Hoel (SM)

Engineering Mechanics Statics, 3rd Edition_ Andrew Pytel, Jaan Kiusalaas (SM)

Essential Calculus Early Transcendentals, 2nd Edition _ James Stewart (SM+TB)

Brief Calculus An Applied Approach, 9th Edition _ Ron Larson (TB)

Applied Calculus, 6th Edition_Geoffrey C. Berresford, Andrew M. Rockett (TB)

Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 6th Edition_Soo T. Tan (TB)

Calculus An Applied Approach, 9th Edition_ Ron Larson (TB)

Essential Calculus, 2nd Edition_James Stewart (SM)

Applied Calculus, Brief, 6th Edition_Geoffrey C. Berresford, Andrew M. Rockett (TB)

College Algebra and Calculus An Applied Approach, 2nd Edition_Ron Larson, Anne V. Hodgkins (TB)

Principles of Physics A Calculus-Based Text, 5th Edition_Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett (SM+TB)

Technical Mathematics, 4th Edition_John C. Peterson (SM)

Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, 10th Edition_Ronald J. Harshbarger, James J. Reynolds (TB)

Understanding Business Ethics_Peter Stanwick,Sarah Stanwick (IM+TB)

Psychology Core Concepts Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 7E_Philip G. Zimbardo,Robert L. Johnson,Vivian McCann Hamilton (IM+TB)

Statistics, Data Analysis, and Decision Modeling, 5E_James R. Evans (SM+TB+PPT)

Concepts in Federal Taxation 2013, 20th Edition_Kevin E. Murphy,Mark Higgins (SM+IM+TB)

Individual Taxation 2013, 7th Edition _James W. Pratt, William N. Kulsrud (IM w TB+SM)

Corporate, Partnership, Estate and Gift Taxation 2013, 7th Edition _ James W. Pratt, William N. Kulsrud (SM+Instructor Guide w TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013 Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 36th Edition _William H. Hoffman, Jr., William A. Raabe, James E. Smith, David M. Maloney (SM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013 Individual Income Taxes, 36th Edition _ William Hoffman, James E. Smith (SM)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012 Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 35th Edition _William H. Hoffman, Jr., William A. Raabe, James E. Smith, David M. Maloney (SM)

Financial Accounting, 7e_Robert Libby,Patricia A. Libby,Daniel G. Short (SM+TB)

Federal Taxation 2012, 6th Edition _ James W. Pratt, William N. Kulsrud (Instructor Guide with Test Bank)

Federal Tax Research, 9th Edition _William A. Raabe, Gerald E. Whittenburg, Debra L. Sanders, Roby B. Sawyers, Steven L. Gill (Contributing Author) (SM)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012 Taxation of Business Entities, 15th Edition _James E. Smith, William A. Raabe, David M. Maloney (SM)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012 Individual Income Taxes, 35th Edition_ William Hoffman, James E. Smith (SM)

Corporate, Partnership, Estate and Gift Taxation 2012, 6th Edition_James W. Pratt, William N. Kulsrud (IG w TB + SM)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012 Comprehensive, 35th Edition_William H. Hoffman, Jr., David M. Maloney, William A. Raabe, James C. Young (SM)

Management, 11th Edition_John R. Schermerhorn (TB)

Concepts in Federal Taxation 2012, 19th Edition_Kevin E. Murphy, Mark Higgins (SM+IM)

Individual Taxation 2012, 6th Edition_ James W. Pratt, William N. Kulsrud (IG w TB+SM)

2011 Corporate, Partnership, Estate and Gift Taxation, 5th Edition_James W. Pratt, William N. Kulsrud (SM+TB+IG w TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011 Taxation of Business Entities, 14th Edition_James E. Smith, William A. Raabe, David M. Maloney (SM+TB+Practice Set Solutions)

Concepts in Federal Taxation 2011, 18th Edition_Kevin E. Murphy, Mark Higgins (SM+IM)

2011 Individual Taxation, 5th Edition_James W. Pratt, William N. Kulsrud (SM+TB)

Income Tax Fundamentals 2011, 29th Edition _Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller (SM)

Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 3rd Edition_Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, David Tegarden (SM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011 Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 34th Edition _William H. Hoffman, Jr., William A. Raabe, James E. Smith, David M. Maloney (SM+Practice Set Solutions+Instructor Guide)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011 Comprehensive, 34th Edition _Eugene Willis, William H. Hoffman, Jr., David M. Maloney, William A. Raabe, James C. Young (SM+Practice Set Solutions)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010 Individual Income Taxes, 33rd Edition _William Hoffman, James E. Smith, Eugene Willis (SM+TB+IG)

Physics with MasteringPhysics, 4E,James S. Walker (SM)

Concepts in Federal Taxation 2010, 17th Edition_Kevin E. Murphy, Mark Higgins (SM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010 Corporations,Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 33rd Edition _William H. Hoffman, Jr., William A. Raabe, James E. Smith, David M. Maloney (SM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010 Taxation of Business Entities, 13th Edition _James E. Smith, William A. Raabe, David M. Maloney (SM+TB)

Income Tax Fundamentals 2010, 28th Edition_Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller (SM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010 Comprehensive, 33rd Edition_Eugene Willis, William H. Hoffman, Jr., David M. Maloney, William A. Raabe (SM+TB+Instructor Guide)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009 Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 32nd Edition_William H. Hoffman, Jr., William A. Raabe, James E. Smith, David M. Maloney (SM+TB)

Income Tax Fundamentals 2009, 27th Edition _Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller (SM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation Comprehensive 2009, 32nd Edition _Eugene Willis, William H. Hoffman, Jr., David M. Maloney, William A. Raabe (SM+TB)

Concepts in Federal Taxation 2009 Edition, 16th Edition _Kevin E. Murphy, Mark Higgins (SM)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009 Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 32nd Edition_William H. Hoffman, Jr., William A. Raabe, James E. Smith, David M. Maloney (SM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation Taxation of Business Entities, 12th Edition _James E. Smith, William A. Raabe, David M. Maloney (SM+TB)

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009 Individual Income Taxes, 32nd Edition _William H. Hoffman, Jr., James E. Smith, Eugene Willis (SM+TB)

West Federal Taxation 2008 Comprehensive Volume, 31st Edition _Eugene Willis, William H. Hoffman, Jr., David M. Maloney, William A. Raabe (SM+TB)

West Federal Taxation 2008 Corporations,Partnerships, Estates, and Trusts, 31st Edition _William H. Hoffman, Jr., William A. Raabe, James E. Smith, David M. Maloney (SM+TB)

West Federal Taxation 2008 Taxation of Business Entities, 11th Edition _James E. Smith, William A. Raabe, David M. Maloney (SM+TB)

Concepts in Federal Taxation 2008 Edition, 15th Edition _Kevin E. Murphy, Mark Higgins (SM)

West Federal Taxation 2008 Individual Income Taxes, 31st Edition _William H. Hoffman, Jr., James E. Smith, Eugene Willis (SM)

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2007 Edition, 1st Edition_Shirley Dennis-Escoffier,Karen A. Fortin (SM)

Australian Financial Accounting,6th E_Craig Deegan (TB)

Contemporary Business Reports, 5th Edition _ Shirley Kuiper, Dorinda Clippinger (IM+TB)

Procedures & Theory for Administrative Professionals, 7th Edition _Karin Stulz, Kellie A. Shumack, Ph.D., Patsy Fulton-Calkins (IM+Chapter Tests)

Successful Writing at Work, 10th Edition _Philip C. Kolin (IM w TB)

Business Communication In Person, In Print, Online, 8th Edition _ Amy Newman, Scot Ober (IG+TB+Complete Handouts)

Business and Professional Communication in a Digital Age, 1st Edition _Dr. Jennifer H. Waldeck, Patricia Kearney, Tim Plax (IM)

BCOM, 4th Edition _Carol M. Lehman, Debbie D. DuFrene (IM+TB)

The Ultimate Job Hunter's Guidebook, 6th Edition _Susan D. Greene, Melanie C.L. Martel (Discussion Questions + Quiz Answers)

Business Communication Process and Product, 7th Edition _ Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy (IM+TB)

Business English, 10th Edition _Mary Ellen Guffey, Carolyn M. Seefer (IM+TB)

Communicating for Results A Guide for Business and the Professions, 9th Edition_ Cheryl Hamilton (IM)

Personal Development for Life and Work, 10th Edition _ Ann Masters, Harold R. Wallace (TB)

Business Communication, 8th Edition_A.C. Buddy Krizan,Patricia Merrier,Joyce P. Logan,Karen Schneiter Williams (IM+TB)

Business and Professional Communication in the Global Workplace, 3rd Edition_H.L. Goodall, Jr., Sandra Goodall, Jill Schiefelbein (IRM+TB)

HOW 12 A Handbook for Office Professionals, 12th Edition _ James L. Clark, Lyn R. Clark (IM)

Business Communication, 2nd Edition _ Thomas Means (IM+Tests)

Business Communication Process and Product, 6th Edition _ Mary Ellen Guffey (IM+TB)

Business Communication, 15th Edition _Carol M. Lehman, Debbie D. DuFrene (IM+TB)

Business Communication, 7th Edition _A.C. Buddy Krizan, Patricia Merrier, Joyce P. Logan, Karen Schneiter Williams (IM+Practice Quizzes)

Communicating for Results A Guide for Business and the Professions, 8th Edition_ Cheryl Hamilton (IM)

Essentials of Business Communication, 7th Edition _ Mary Ellen Guffey (IM+TB)

Contemporary Business Report Writing, 3rd Edition _ Shirley Kuiper (IM+TB)

Strategies for Managerial Writing, 1st Edition _ Steven Gale, Mark Garrison (IM)

Business Communication Process and Product, 5th Edition _ Mary Ellen Guffey (IM+TB)

Strategic Business Communication An Integrated, Ethical Approach, 1st Edition _ Robyn Walker (IM)

Professional English, 1st Edition_Mary Ellen Guffey (IM w TB)

Financial Management Core Concepts, 2E_Raymond Brooks (IM+TB+PPT)

Financial Statement Analysis, 10e_K. R. Subramanyam,John J. Wild (SM+TB)

Auditing and Assurance Services, 4e_Timothy J. Louwers,Robert J. Ramsay,David H. Sinason,Jerry R. Strawser,Jay C. Thibodeau (TB)

Communicating at Work Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions, 10e_Ronald B. Adler,Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst (TB)

Diversity in Organizations, 1st Edition_Myrtle P. Bell (IM+TB)

Diversity in Organizations, 2nd Edition_Myrtle P. Bell (IM+TB)

Taxes & Business Strategy, 4E_Myron S. Scholes,Mark A. Wolfson,Merle M. Erickson,Edward L. Maydew,Terrence J. Shevlin (SM)

Derivatives,Principles & Practice,1st Edition_Rangarajan Sundaram,Sanjiv Das (TB)

Java How to Program (early objects), 9E_Paul Deitel,Harvey Deitel (SM+TB)

Race, Class, & Gender An Anthology, 8th Edition _Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins (IM w TB+Exam Manual)

Sociology The Essentials, 7th Edition _Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor (IM+TB)

Sociology in Our Times, 9th Edition _ Diana Kendall (IM+TB)

Understanding Social Problems, 8th Edition _Linda A. Mooney, Ph.D., David Knox, Ph.D., Caroline Schacht, M.A (IM+TB+Exam View Manual)

Sociology Pop Culture to Social Structure, 3rd Edition _ Robert J. Brym, John Lie (IM+TB)

MIS Cases Decision Making wih Application Software, 4E_Lisa Miller (SM)

Introduction to Econometrics, 3E_James H Stock,Mark W. Watson (SM+TB)

HIST, Volume 2, 2nd Edition_Kevin M. Schultz (TB)

Stats Data and Models, 3E_Richard D. De Veaux,Paul F. Velleman,David E. Bock (SM+TB w Guide)

Interviewing Principles and Practices, 13e_Charles J. Stewart,William B. Cash, Jr (TB)

Workplace Writing Planning, Packaging, and Perfecting Communication,Sharon Gerson,Steven Gerson (IM+TB)

Introduction to Management Accounting _Chapters 1-14_15E,Charles T.Horngren,Gary L. Sundem,William O. Stratton,Dave Burgstahler,Jeff O. Schatzberg (SM+TB+IM)

Elements of Culture An Applied Perspective, 1st Edition _ Susan Andreatta, Gary Ferraro (IM+TB)

Social Research Counts, 1st Edition_ Earl Babbie (IM+TB)

Choices in Relationships An Introduction to Marriage and the Family, 11th Edition_David Knox, Ph.D., Caroline Schacht, M.A (IM w TB)

Sociology A Global Perspective, 8th Edition _Joan Ferrante (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Sociology, 11th Edition _Jon M. Shepard (IM+TB)

The Essentials of Statistics A Tool for Social Research, 3rd Edition _Joseph F. Healey (IM w TB+Even Numbered Questions)

The Practice of Social Research, 13th Edition _Earl R. Babbie (IM w TB)

The Sociology of Health, Illness, and Health Care A Critical Approach, 6th Edition _ Rose Weitz (IM w TB)

Sociology in a Changing World, 9th Edition _ William Kornblum (IM+TB)

Sociology in Our Times The Essentials, 8th Edition _ Diana Kendall (IM+TB)

The Social Organization of Work, 5th Edition _ Randy Hodson, Teresa A. Sullivan (IM w TB)

Race and Ethnic Relations American and Global Perspectives, 9th Edition_ Martin N. Marger (IM w TB)

Developing Management Skills, 8E_David A. Whetten,Kim S. Cameron (IM+TB+PPT)

Consumer Behaviour Buying, Having, and Being, Fifth Canadian Edition with MyMarketingLab, 5E_Michael R. Solomon,Judith L. Zaichkowsky,Rosemary Polegato (IM+TB)

Statistics A Tool for Social Research, 9th Edition _ Joseph F. Healey (IM w TB)

Marriages, Families, and Relationships Making Choices in a Diverse Society, 11th Edition_Mary Ann Lamanna,Agnes Riedmann (IM w TB)

SOC, 2nd Edition _ Nijole V. Benokraitis (IM+TB+Chapter Summary Exercises)

Population An Introduction to Concepts and Issues, 11th Edition _ John R. Weeks (IM w TB)

Constructions of Deviance Social Power, Context, and Interaction, 7th Edition _ Patricia A. Adler, Peter Adler (IM w TB)

Investigating Change Web-based Analyses of US Census and American Community Survey Data, 3rd Edition _ William H. Frey (SM)

Sociology in Our Times, 8th Edition _ Diana Kendall (IM)

Understanding Dying, Death, and Bereavement, 7th Edition _Michael R. Leming, George E. Dickinson (IM w TB)

Aging, the Individual, and Society, 9th Edition _ Susan M. Hillier, Georgia M. Barrow (IM+TB)

Sociology of Deviant Behavior, 14th Edition _ Marshall B. Clinard, Robert F. Meier (IM)

Understanding Social Problems, 7th Edition _Linda A. Mooney, Ph.D., David Knox, Ph.D., Caroline Schacht, M.A (IM)

Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology, 6th Edition _ Michael G. Maxfield, Earl R. Babbie (IM+TB+Lesson Plan)

Sociology A Global Perspective, Enhanced, 7th Edition _ Joan Ferrante (IM)

The Marriage and Family Experience Intimate Relationships in a Changing Society, 11th Edition _Bryan Strong, Christine DeVault, Theodore F. Cohen (IM+TB)

Social Psychology, 7th Edition _ John D. DeLamater, Daniel J. Myers (IM)

Policing and Society A Global Approach, 1st Edition _Michael J. Palmiotto, PhD, N. Prabha Unnithan, PhD (IM+TB)

The Basics of Social Research, 5th Edition _ Earl R. Babbie (IM)

Seeing Sociology An Introduction, 1st Edition _ Joan Ferrante (IM+TB)

Humanities, The Culture, Continuity and Change, Volume II 1600 to the Present with NEW MyArtsLab with eText -- Access Card Package,2E_Henry M. Sayre (IM +TB)

Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 3rd Edition_Susanna S. Epp (IM+Test Questions+Fill in the blanks review)

Physiology of Behavior, 11E_Neil R. Carlson (IM+TB)

Physiology of Behavior, 10E_Neil R. Carlson (IM+TB)

International Business Law and Its Environment, 8th Edition_Richard Schaffer, Filiberto Agusti, Lucien J. Dhooge, Beverley Earle (IM+TB)

Marketing The Core, 4e_Roger A. Kerin,Steven W. Hartley,William Rudelius (TB)

Business Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, 9th Edition_Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB+PPT)

Essentials of Sociology, 8th Edition _David B. Brinkerhoff, Lynn K. White, Suzanne T. Ortega, Rose Weitz (IM)

Sociology The Essentials, 6th Edition _Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor (IM)

An Invitation to Social Research How It's Done, 4th Edition _ Emily Stier Adler, Roger Clark (IM)

M & F, 1st Edition_ David Knox, Ph.D (IM+TB+Student worksheet solutions)

M&F2, 2nd Edition _ David Knox, Ph.D (IM+TB)

Applied Social Research A Tool for the Human Services, 8th Edition_Duane R. Monette, Thomas J. Sullivan, Cornell R. DeJong (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Introduction to Sociology, 10th Edition _ Henry L. Tischler (IM)

Sexuality Now Embracing Diversity, 3rd Edition _ Janell L. Carroll (IM)

Sexuality Now Embracing Diversity, 4th Edition _ Janell L. Carroll (IM+TB)

Sociological Odyssey Contemporary Readings in Introductory Sociology, 3rd Edition _ Patricia A. Adler, Peter Adler (TB)

Sociology Your Compass for a New World, Brief Edition Enhanced Edition, 2nd Edition _ Robert J. Brym, John Lie (TB)

SOC, 1st Edition _ Nijole V. Benokraitis (Beyond the book)

The Practice of Social Research, 12th Edition _ Earl R. Babbie (IM)

Ten Questions A Sociological Perspective, 7th Edition _ Joel M. Charon (IM)

Ten Questions A Sociological Perspective, 8th Edition _ Joel M. Charon (IM w TB)

The Sociology of Health, Illness, and Health Care A Critical Approach, 5th Edition_ Rose Weitz (IM w TB)

The Essentials of Statistics A Tool for Social Research, 2nd Edition_ Joseph F. Healey (IM)

Race, Class, & Gender An Anthology, 7th Edition_ Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins (IM w TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Sociology, 10th Edition_Jon M. Shepard (IM)

Sociological Footprints Introductory Readings in Sociology, 11th Edition_Leonard Cargan, Jeanne H. Ballantine (IM w TB)

Managerial Economics Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy, 10e_Christopher R. Thomas,S. Charles Maurice (TB)

Criminal Evidence Principles and Cases, 7th Edition _Thomas J. Gardner, Terry M. Anderson (IM+TB)

Introduction to Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting, 7E_Martin Ives,Terry K. Patton,Suesan R. Patton (ISM+TB)

College Accounting Plus NEW MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 12E_Jeffrey Slater (SM+TB)

Computer Security Principles and Practice, 2E_William Stallings,Lawrie Brown (IM+TB)

Economics Principles, Applications and Tools, 7E_Arthur O'Sullivan,Steven Sheffrin,Stephen Perez (SM+TB)

Discovering the Life Span, 2E_Robert S. Feldman, Ph.D (IM+TB)

Dire Predictions Understanding Global Warming_Michael Mann,Lee R. Kump (IRM)

Prentice Hall's Federal Taxation 2013 Comprehensive Plus NEW MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 26E_Thomas R. Pope,Kenneth E. Anderson (IM+TB)

Living in the Environment Principles, Connections, and Solutions, 17th Edition_G. Tyler Miller Jr,Scott Spoolman (IM+TB+PPT+Lab Manual)

Exploring Research, 8E_Neil J. Salkind (IM w TB)

Supply Chain Logistics Management,4e_Donald J. Bowersox,David J. Closs,M. Bixby Cooper,John C. Bowersox (SM with Cases +TB)

Statistics A Tool for Social Research, 8th Edition _ Joseph F. Healey (IM)

Understanding Social Problems, 6th Edition _Linda A. Mooney, Ph.D., David Knox, Ph.D., Caroline Schacht, M.A (IM)

Race and Ethnic Relations American and Global Perspectives, 8th Edition _ Martin N. Marger (IM)

Sociology Understanding a Diverse Society, Updated, 4th Edition_Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor (IM+TB)

Sociology in a Changing World, 8th Edition _ William Kornblum (IM)

Sociology of Deviant Behavior, 13th Edition _ Marshall B. Clinard, Robert F. Meier (IM w TB)

Applied Social Research A Tool for the Human Services, 7th Edition_ Duane R. Monette, Thomas J. Sullivan, Cornell R. DeJong (IM)

Population An Introduction to Concepts and Issues, 10th Edition_ John R. Weeks (IM w TB)

Sociology in Our Times, 7th Edition_Diana Kendall (IM)

Essentials of Sociology, 7th Edition_David B. Brinkerhoff, Lynn K. White, Suzanne T. Ortega, Rose Weitz (IM)

Sociological Footprints Introductory Readings in Sociology, 11th Edition_ Leonard Cargan, Jeanne H. Ballantine (IM w TB)

Sociology The Essentials, 4th Edition_Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor (TB)

Sociology Your Compass for a New World, 3rd Edition_ Robert J. Brym, John Lie (IM)

Fundamentals of Engineering Economics, 3E_Chan S. Park (SM)

Elementary Statistics, 11E_Mario F. Triola (SM+TB+SPSS Manual)

Managerial Accounting for Managers, 2e_Eric W. Noreen,Peter C. Brewer,Ray H. Garrison (SM)

Practical Management Science, Revised, 3rd Edition_Wayne L. Winston,S. Christian Albright (SM)

Fundamentals of Investments Valuation and Management, 6e_Bradford D. Jordan,Thomas W. Miller, Jr,Steven D. Dolvin (SM+TB)

Managerial Accounting An Asian Perspective_Ray H. Garrison,Eric W. Noreen,Peter C. Brewer,Cheng Nam Sang,Katherine Yuen (TB)

Sociology, 10th Edition _ Rodney Stark (IM)

Race, Class, and Gender An Anthology, 6th Edition _Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins (IM w TB)

Understanding Dying, Death, and Bereavement, 6th Edition _Michael R. Leming, George E. Dickinson (IM w TB)

Sociology A Global Perspective, 6th Edition _ Joan Ferrante (IM)

Sociology Your Compass for a New World, The Brief Edition (with InfoTrac), 1st Edition_ Robert J. Brym, John Lie (IRM)

Discovering Sociology Using MicroCase® ExplorIT, 3rd Edition_Steven E. Barkan (IM+Answer Key)

Human Intimacy Marriage, the Family, and Its Meaning, 10th Edition_ Frank D. Cox (IM)

Understanding Social Problems (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac), 4th, 4th Edition_Linda A. Mooney, Ph.D., David Knox, Ph.D., Caroline Schacht, M.A (IM w TB+Minicase Exercise Solutions)

Statistics A Tool for Social Research, 7th Edition_ Joseph F. Healey (IM)

Sociology in a Changing World, 7th Edition_William Kornblum (IM + Microcase Exercise Answers)

Population An Introduction to Concepts and Issues, 9th Edition_ John R. Weeks (IM)

Essentials of Sociology, 6th Edition _David B. Brinkerhoff, Lynn K. White, Suzanne T. Ortega, Rose Weitz (IM+TB+Microcase Exercise Answers)

The Basics of Social Research, 3rd Edition _ Earl R. Babbie (IM w TB)

Economic Issues for Consumers, 10th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Alan D. Stafford (Study Guide Answer Key)

Sociology of Deviant Behavior, 12th Edition _ Marshall B. Clinard, Robert F. Meier (IM)

Social Forces and Aging, 10th Edition _Robert C. Atchley, Amanda Barusch (IM)

Investigating Change in American Society, 2nd Edition _ William H. Frey (IM)

Social Statistics A Text Using MicroCase, 4th Edition _ William Fox (IRG w TB)

Social Organization of Work, 3rd Edition_ Randy Hodson, Teresa A. Sullivan (IM w TB)

Sociology Concepts and Characteristics, 11th Edition _ Judson R. Landis (IM)

Sociology of Marriage and the Family Gender, Love, and Property, 5th Edition _ Scott L. Coltrane, Randall Collins (IM w TB)

Cornerstones of Cost Management, 2nd Edition_Don R. Hansen,Maryanne M. Mowen (SM+TB)

International Human Resource Management Managing People in a Multinational Context, 5th Edition_Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing PhD, Allen D. Engle, Sr. D.B.A (IM+Cases Manual)

Strategic Staffing, 2E_Jean Phillips,Stan Gully (IM+TB+PPT)

World Economy, The Geography, Business, Development, 6E_Frederick P. Stutz,Barney Warf (TB)

Research Methods for Business Students, 6E_Mark N.K. Saunders,Philip Lewis,Adrian Thornhill (IRM+TB)

Supply Chain Logistics Management,3rd E_Donald Bowersox, David Closs, M. Bixby Cooper (TB)

Supply Chain Logistics Management,4e_Donald J. Bowersox,David J. Closs,M. Bixby Cooper,John C. Bowersox (TB)

Research Methods for Business Students, 5th E_Mark N.K. Saunders,Philip Lewis,Adrian Thornhill (TB)

Strategic Management in Action, 6E_Mary Coulter (IM+TB+PPT)

Strategic Management in Action, 4E_Mary Coulter (IM w TB+Additional Cases)

International Business The Challenge of Global Competition, 13e_Donald A. Ball,J. Michael Geringer,Jeanne M. McNett,Michael S. Minor (TB)

Network Security Essentials Applications and Standards, 4E_William Stallings (IM+Project Manual+TB)

Cases in Financial Reporting, 5E_D. Eric Hirst,Mary Lea McAnally (SM)

Global Marketing, 7E_Warren J. Keegan,Mark Green (IM+TB+PPT,s)

Operations Management Processes and Supply Chains Plus NEW MyOMLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 10E_Lee J. Krajewski,Larry P. Ritzman,Manoj K. Malhotra (SM+TB+IM)

Operations Management Process and Value Chains and Student CD Package, 8E_Lee J. Krajewski,Larry P. Ritzman,Manoj K. Malhotra (TB)

Human Resource Management, 12E_R. Wayne Mondy (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management, 11E_R. Wayne Mondy (IM+TB)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-27, 21st Edition_James A. Heintz, Robert W. Parry (SM+TB+Acheivement Tests+Module Solutions, The combination Journal)

Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, 5th Edition_Maryanne M. Mowen, Don R. Hansen, Dan L. Heitger (SM+Excel Template Solutions)

College Accounting, Chapters 1-15, 21st Edition_James A. Heintz, Robert W. Parry (SM+TB+Acheivement Tests+Module Solutions, The combination Journal)

Foundations in Strategic Management, 6th Edition_Jeffrey S. Harrison, Caron H. St. John (IM+TB+PPT)

Information Technology Project Management, 7th Edition_Kathy Schwalbe (IM+Solutions to Exercises+Figure Files)

Building Management Skills An Action-First Approach, 1st Edition_Richard L. Daft, Dorothy Marcic (IM+TB+PPT)

Principles of Information Systems, 11th Edition _ Ralph M. Stair, George Reynolds (IM+Solutions for Exercises+Figure Files)

Introduction to Global Business Understanding the International Environment & Global Business Functions, 1st Edition_Julian E. Gaspar, Antonio Arreola-Risa, Leonard Bierman, Richard T. Hise (IM+TB)

Global Strategy, 3rd Edition _ Mike W. Peng (IM+TB+Integrative Cases+PPT)

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 7th Edition _ Ralph M. Stair, George Reynolds (SM+IM+Figure Files)

Global Business, 3rd Edition_ Mike Peng (IM+TB+PPT+Integrative Cases)

Contemporary Marketing, 16th Edition _ Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (IM+TB)

Economics A Contemporary Introduction, 10th Edition _ William A. McEachern (IM)

Business Law Today Text & Summarized Cases Diverse, Ethical, Online, and Global Environment, Standard Edition, 10th Edition_Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+Case Printouts+Answer Manual)

Macroeconomics A Contemporary Approach, 10th Edition _ William A. McEachern (IM)

Economics for Today, 8th Edition _ Irvin B. Tucker (IM)

Digital Systems Design Using VHDL, 2nd Edition_Charles H. Roth, Jr., Lizy Kurian John (SM)

Contemporary Business, 14th Edition_Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz (SM+TB+IM+IG)

Strategic Management and Business Policy Toward Global Sustainability, 13E_Thomas L. Wheelen,J. David Hunger (IM+TB+Cases Manual+PPT)

Foundations of Operations Management, Third Canadian Edition with MyOMLab, 3E_Larry P. Ritzman,Lee J. Krajewski,Manoj K. Malhotra,Robert D. Klassen (IM+SM+TB)

Foundations of Operations Management, Second Canadian Edition, 2E_Larry P. Ritzman,Lee J. Krajewski,Manoj K. Malhotra,Robert D. Klassen (IM+SM+TG)

Principles of Economics.4th Edition_Robert Frank, Ben Bernanke (TB)

Lifespan Development, 6E_Denise Boyd,Helen L. Bee (IM+TB)

Abnormal Psychology Core Concepts, 2E_James N. Butcher,Susan Mineka,Jill M. Hooley (IM+TB)

Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance, 9E_Mark S. Dorfman (IM+TB+PPT)

Exploring Lifespan Development, 2E_Laura E. Berk (IM+TB)

Business Law Today Text & Summarized Cases Diverse, Ethical, Online, and Global Environment, Standard Edition, 10th Edition _Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Cases Printouts+Answer Manuals)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Text and Exercises, 7th Edition _Roger LeRoy Miller, William E. Hollowell (IM+TB+Answer Manual)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Today The Essentials, 10th Edition _Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Cases Printouts+Answer Manuals)

Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Edition, 6th Edition _Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB+Answer Manual)

Labor and Employment Law Text & Cases, 15th Edition _ David Twomey (IM)

Cengage Advantage Books Fundamentals of Business Law Summarized Cases, 9th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller (IM+TB+Cases Printouts+Answer Manuals)

Cengage Advantage Books Fundamentals of Business Law Excerpted Cases, 3rd Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller (IM+Answer Manual+Alternate Case Problems with solutions)

The Law of Corporations and Other Business Organizations, 6th Edition _ Angela Schneeman (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Foundations of the Legal Environment of Business, 2nd Edition _ Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Business Law, Alternate Edition, 12th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Case Print Outs+Alternate Case Problems with answers)

Cengage Advantage Books Introduction to Business Law, 4th Edition _ Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB)

Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment, 11th Edition _ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM+TB)

Employment Law for Human Resource Practice, 4th Edition _ David J. Walsh (IM+TB+Online Quizzes)

Applied Business Ethics A Skills-Based Approach, 1st Edition _ Dean Bredeson (IM)

The Legal Environment of Business, 11th Edition_ Roger E. Meiners, Al H. Ringleb, Frances L. Edwards (IM+TB)

CyberLaw Text and Cases, 3rd Edition_ Gerald R. Ferrera, Margo E. K. Reder, Stephen D. Lichtenstein, Robert Bird, Jonathan J. Darrow, Jeffrey Aresty, Jacqueline Klosek (SM)

The Law of Contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code, 2nd Edition_Pamela Tepper (IM+TB)

Business Law Today Comprehensive, 9th Edition _Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Answer Manual)

Business Ethics Case Studies and Selected Readings, 7th Edition _ Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Essentials of Business Law, 4th Edition _Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Modern Principles of Business Law, 1st Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller (IM+TB+Answer Manual+Alternate Case Manuals with cases)

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 7th Edition _ Terry Halbert, Elaine Ingulli (IM+TB)

Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 15th Edition_ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM+TB)

Real Estate Law, 9th Edition _ Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

The Law of Marketing, 2nd Edition_Lynda J. Oswald (IM w TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Essentials of the Legal Environment, 3rd Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross, Gaylord A. Jentz (TB+Answer Manual)

Business Law Today, Standard Edition, 9th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Answer Manual)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law, 8th Edition_ Arnold J. Goldman, William D. Sigismond (IM+TB)

Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Volume, 21st Edition _ David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB+Study Guide Answers+Answer to CPA Questions)

Business Law and the Regulation of Business, 10th Edition _ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Text and Exercises, 6th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, William E. Hollowell (IM+TB+Answer Manual+Workset Answers)

Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, 21st Edition _ David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB+Answer to CPA Questions+Study Guide Answers)

Legal Environment, 4th Edition _ Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Today The Essentials, 9th Edition_ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Case Printouts)

Cengage Advantage Books Law for Business, 17th Edition _ The Honorable John D. Ashcroft, J.D., Janet Ashcroft, J.D (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Introduction to Business Law, 3rd Edition _ Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB)

Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment, 10th Edition _ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Fundamentals of Business Law Excerpted Cases, 2nd Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Alternate Case Problems with solutions)

Employment Law for Human Resource Practice, 3rd Edition _ David J. Walsh (IM+TB)

Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 6th Edition _ Constance E. Bagley, Diane Savage (IM+TB+Answer Manual)

Cengage Advantage Books Fundamentals of Business Law Summarized Cases, 8th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Alternate Case Problems with solutions)

Cengage Advantage Books Foundations of the Legal Environment of Business, 1st Edition _ Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Labor and Employment Law Text & Cases, 14th Edition _ David Twomey (IM)

Staffing Organizations, 6e_Herbert G Heneman,Timothy A Judge (TB)

Organizational Behavior Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices, 5th edition_Angelo Kinick (TB)

Business Law, Alternate Edition, 11th Edition _ Gaylord A. Jentz, Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Answer Manual)

Business Law Today Comprehensive, 8th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Caseprintouts+Answer Manual)

Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Edition, 5th Edition_ Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB)

The Legal Environment Today Business In Its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting, 6th Edition_ Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Alternate Case Problems with answers)

Business Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, 8th Edition_ Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 6th Edition_ Terry Halbert, Elaine Ingulli (IM+TB)

Business and Society Ethics and Stakeholder Management, 7th Edition_ Archie B. Carroll, Ann K. Buchholtz (IM+TB)

Business Ethics Case Studies and Selected Readings, 6th Edition _ Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 14th Edition _ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM+TB)

International Business Law and Its Environment, 7th Edition _ Richard Schaffer, Filiberto Agusti, Beverley Earle (IM+TB)

The Legal Environment of Business, 10th Edition _ Roger E. Meiners, Al H. Ringleb, Frances L. Edwards (IM+TB)

Business Law Text and Cases, 11th Edition _ Kenneth W. Clarkson, Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz, Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Answer Manuals with solutions+Case Printouts)

The Legal Environment of Business Text and Cases -- Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and E-Commerce Issues, 7th Edition_ Frank B. Cross, Roger LeRoy Miller (IM+TB+Answer Manual+Alternate Case Problems with solutions)

Business Law Principles for Today's Commercial Environment, 2nd Edition _ David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Law for Business, 16th Edition _ The Honorable John D. Ashcroft, J.D., Janet Ashcroft, J.D (IM+TB+Acheivement Tests)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Text and Exercises, 5th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, William E. Hollowell (IM+TB)

Understanding the Law, 5th Edition _ Donald L. Carper, John A. McKinsey, Bill W. West (IM+TB)

Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Edition, 20th Edition _ David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Today The Essentials, 8th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Answer Manual)

Cengage Advantage Books Essentials of the Legal Environment, 2nd Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Answers Manual)

Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Edition, 20th Edition _ David Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Business Law and the Regulation of Business, 9th Edition _ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM+TB)

Business Law Today, Standard Edition, 8th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Answer Manual)

Cengage Advantage Books Essentials of Business Law, 3rd Edition _ Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB)

Legal Environment, 3rd Edition _ Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB)

Business Law Today Comprehensive, 7th Edition _ Roger Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (TB)

Fundamentals of Business Law Excerpted Cases, 1st Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (Answer Manual + TB)

The Legal Environment Today, 5th Edition_ Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Answer Manual+Case-Problems Cases)

West's Business Law, Alternate Edition, 10th Edition_ Gaylord A. Jentz, Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Answer Manaul)

Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment, 9th Edition_ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM)

Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Edition, 4th Edition_ Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IM+TB)

West's Legal Environment of Business, 6th Edition_ Frank B. Cross, Roger LeRoy Miller (TB)

Fundamentals of Business Law Summarized Cases, 7th Edition_ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (IM+TB+Case Printouts+Answer Manual+Alternate Case Problems with answers)

Labor & Employment Law Text and Cases, 13th Edition_ David Twomey (IM)

International Business Law A Transactional Approach, 2nd Edition _ Larry DiMatteo, Lucien J. Dhooge (IM+TB)

Business Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, 7th Edition _ Marianne M. Jennings (IM)

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 5th Edition _ Terry Halbert, Elaine Ingulli (IM+TB)

Business Ethics Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach, 4th Edition _ Joseph W. Weiss (IM+TB+Case Teaching Notes)

Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 5th Edition _ Constance E. Bagley, Diane Savage (IM+Answer Manual)

Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 13th Edition _ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM)

West's Business Law, 10th Edition _ Kenneth W. Clarkson, Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz, Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Case printouts+Answer Manual)

Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism, 5E_Philip R Kotler,John T. Bowen,James Makens, Ph.D (IM+TB)

Business Ethics Case Studies and Selected Readings, 5th Edition _ Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Business and Society Ethics and Stakeholder Management, 6th Edition _ Archie B. Carroll, Ann K. Buchholtz (IM+TB)

Business Law and the Regulation of Business, 8th Edition_ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (IM)

Business Law Text and Exercises, 4th Edition_ Roger LeRoy Miller, William E. Hollowell (IM+TB)

Database Systems Design, Implementation, and Management, 9th Edition_Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris, Peter Rob (IM+TB+Instructor Files)

Consumer Behavior, 9E_Michael R. Solomon (IM+TB)

New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office 2010, First Course, 1st Edition_Ann Shaffer, Patrick Carey, June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, Kathleen T. Finnegan (IM+TB+Additional Cases)

Environment The Science Behind the Stories, Second Canadian Edition with MyEnvironmentPlace, 2E_Jay H. Withgott,Scott R. Brennan,Barbara Murck (IM+TB)

HIST Volume 1, 2nd Edition_Kevin M. Schultz (TB)

Financial Accounting Theory, 6E_William R. Scott (SM)

Shapland and Turner Cases in Financial Accounting and NEW MyAccountingLab with eText -- Access Card Package_Julie Shapland,Cynthia Turner (SM)

Management Accounting Information for Decision-Making and Strategy Execution, 6E_Anthony A. Atkinson,Robert S. Kaplan,Ella Mae Matsumura,S. Mark Young (SM+TB+IM)

Shapland and Turner Cases in Financial Accounting and NEW MyAccountingLab with eText -- Access Card Package_Julie Shapland,Cynthia Turner (SM)

Biology The Dynamic Science, 3rd Edition _ Peter J. Russell, Paul E. Hertz, Beverly McMillan (IM+TB)

Human Heredity Principles and Issues, 10th Edition _ Michael Cummings (IM+TB)

Environmental Issues and Solutions A Modular Approach, 1st Edition _ Norman Myers, Scott Spoolman (IM+TB)

Human Physiology From Cells to Systems, 8th Edition _ Lauralee Sherwood (IM+TB)

Introduction to Marine Biology, 4th Edition _ George Karleskint, Richard Turner, James Small (IM+TB)

Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology, 4th Edition _ Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr (IM)

Environmental Science, 14th Edition _ G. Tyler Miller Jr., Scott Spoolman (IM+TB)

Biology Today and Tomorrow without Physiology, 4th Edition _ Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr (IM+TB)

Biology The Unity and Diversity of Life, 13th Edition _ Cecie Starr, Ralph Taggart, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr (IM+TB)

Laboratory Manual for Non-Majors Biology, 6th Edition _ James W. Perry, David Morton, Joy B. Perry (IM)

Biochemistry, 7th Edition _ Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (IM)

Fundamentals of Human Physiology, 4th Edition _ Lauralee Sherwood (IM+TB)

Human Biology, 9th Edition _ Cecie Starr, Beverly McMillan (IM+TB)

Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, 1st Edition _ Dr. Donald C. Rizzo (IM)

Data Analysis and Decision Making, 4th Edition_ S. Christian Albright, Wayne Winston, Christopher Zappe (SM+TB+Case Solutions)

Psychological Science Modeling Scientific Literacy_Mark Krause,Daniel Corts (IM+TB)

Contemporary Auditing, 9th Edition_Michael C. Knapp (SM)

Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 12th Edition_Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney (SM+TB)

Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, Update, 12th Edition _ Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney (IM+TB)

Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control, 3E_John J. Craig (SM)

Film A Critical Introduction, 3E_Maria T. Pramaggiore,Tom Wallis (IM w TB+PPT)

Cengage Advantage Books Sustaining the Earth, 10th Edition _ G. Tyler Miller Jr., Scott Spoolman (IM+TB)

Biology The Dynamic Science, 2nd Edition _ Peter J. Russell, Paul E. Hertz, Beverly McMillan (TB)

Environmental Science, 13th Edition _ G. Tyler Miller Jr., Scott Spoolman (IM+Lab Manual)

Human Heredity Principles and Issues, 9th Edition _ Michael Cummings (IM+TB)

Biology, 9th Edition _ Eldra Solomon, Linda Berg, Diana W. Martin (IM+TB)

Biology Concepts and Applications, 8th Edition _ Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr (IM)

Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology, 3rd Edition _ Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr (TB)

An Introduction to Management Science, 13th Edition_ David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, R. Kipp Martin (SM+TB+Cases Solutions)

Introduction to Marine Biology, 3rd Edition_ George Karleskint, Richard Turner, James Small (IM)

Digital Planet Tomorrow's Technology and You, Introductory, 10E_George Beekman,Ben Beekman (TB)

Digital Planet Tomorrow's Technology and You, Complete, 10E_George Beekman,Ben Beekman (IM+TB)

Human Biology, 8th Edition_ Cecie Starr, Beverly McMillan (TB)

Strategic Marketing,8th E_David W. Cravens,Nigel Piercy (TB)

Retailing, 8th Edition _ Patrick M. Dunne, Robert F. Lusch, James R. Carver (IM+Cases Solutions+TB)

Cases in Financial Management_Robert Stretcher,Timothy B. Michael (SM)

Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 3E_Steven A. Finkler (SM+TB)

Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 4E_Steven A. Finkler,Thad Calabrese,Robert Purtell,Daniel L. Smith (SM+TB)

Human Genetics and Society, 1st Edition _ Ronnee Yashon, Michael Cummings (TB)

Human Genetics and Society, 2nd Edition _ Ronnee Yashon, Michael Cummings (IM+TB)

Biology The Unity and Diversity of Life, 12th Edition_ Cecie Starr, Ralph Taggart, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr (TB)

Essentials of Ecology, 6th Edition_ G. Tyler Miller Jr., Scott Spoolman (IM+TB)

Biochemistry, 6th Edition_ Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (IM)

Introductory Botany Plants, People, and the Environment, Media Edition, 2nd Edition_ Linda R. Berg (IM+Lab Manual)

Environmental Science Problems, Connections and Solutions, 12th Edition _ G. Tyler Miller Jr., Scott Spoolman (IM)

Biology The Dynamic Science, 1st Edition _ Peter J. Russell, Stephen L. Wolfe, Paul E. Hertz, Cecie Starr (IM+TB)

Living in the Environment Principles, Connections, and Solutions, 15th Edition _ G. Tyler Miller Jr (IM)

Experiments in Biochemistry A Hands-on Approach, 2nd Edition_ Shawn O. Farrell, Lynn E. Taylor (IM)

Introduction to Marine Biology, 2nd Edition_ George Karleskint, Richard Turner, James Small (IM)

Fundamentals of Physiology A Human Perspective, 3rd Edition _ Lauralee Sherwood (IM+Lab Manual)

Introduction to Microbiology A Case-History Study Approach, 3rd Edition _ John L. Ingraham, Catherine A. Ingraham (IM)

Explore Life, 1st Edition _ John H. Postlethwait, Janet L. Hopson (Lab Manual + Lab Exercises)

Effective Writing, 9E_Claire B. May,Gordon S. May (IM)

Principles of Biochemistry With a Human Focus, 1st Edition _ Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham (TB)

Laboratory Manual for Human Biology, 2nd Edition _ David Morton, Joy B. Perry, James W. Perry (IM)

E-Commerce 2012, 8E_Kenneth Laudon,Carol Guercio Traver (IM+TB)

Entrepreneurship Successfully Launching New Ventures, 3E_Bruce R. Barringer,Duane Ireland (IM+TB)

Entrepreneurship Successfully Launching New Ventures, 4E_Bruce R. Barringer,Duane Ireland (IM+TB+PPT)

Managerial Accounting, 3E_Karen W. Braun,Wendy M Tietz (IM+TB)

Half the Human Experience, 8th Edition _ Janet Shibley Hyde, Nicole Else-Quest (IMwTB)

Social Psychology and Human Nature, Comprehensive Edition, 3rd Edition _ Roy F. Baumeister, Brad Bushman (IM+TB)

Psychology A Journey, 5th Edition _ Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer (IM+TB)

Our Sexuality, 12th Edition _ Robert L. Crooks, Karla Baur (IM+TB)

Group Dynamics, 6th Edition _ Donelson R. Forsyth (IM w TB)

Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 8th Edition _ Frederick J Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau (IM w TB)

Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 7th Edition _ Gary W. Heiman (IM w TB)

Language Development, 5th Edition _ Erika Hoff (IM w TB)

Statistics Plain and Simple, 3rd Edition _ Sherri L. Jackson (TB)

PSYCH, 3rd Edition_ Spencer A. Rathus (IM+TB)

HDEV, 3rd Edition_ Spencer A. Rathus (TB)

Psychology Themes and Variations, Briefer Version, 9th Edition_ Wayne Weiten (TB)

Essentials of Human Development A Life-Span View, 1st Edition_ Robert V. Kail, John C. Cavanaugh (IM)

What is Psychology Essentials, 2nd Edition _ Ellen E. Pastorino, Susann M. Doyle-Portillo (IM+TB)

IndustrialOrganizational Psychology An Applied Approach, 7th Edition _ Michael G. Aamodt (IM w TB)

Psychological Testing Principles, Applications, and Issues, 8th Edition _ Robert M. Kaplan, Dennis P. Saccuzzo (IM+TB)

Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind, 1st Edition _ John Cacioppo, Laura A. Freberg (IM+TB)

Death & Dying, Life & Living, 7th Edition _ Charles A. Corr, Donna M. Corr (IM w TB)

Discovery Series Introduction to Psychology, 1st Edition _ Rod Plotnik, Haig Kouyoumdjian (IM+TB)

Stress, Health and Well-Being Thriving in the 21st Century, 1st Edition _ Rick Harrington (TB)

Research Methods, 9th Edition _ Theresa L. White, Donald H. McBurney (IM w TB)

Psychology Concepts & Connections, Brief Version, 9th Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (TB+IM)

Human Development A Life-Span View, 6th Edition _ Robert V. Kail, John C. Cavanaugh (IM+TB)

Culture and Psychology, 5th Edition _ David Matsumoto, Linda Juang (IM+TB)

Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, 6th Edition _ V. Mark Durand, David H. Barlow (IM+TB)

Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition _ David Sue, Derald Wing Sue, Stanley Sue, Diane M. Sue (IM+TB)

Abnormal Child Psychology, 5th Edition _ Eric J. Mash, David A. Wolfe (IM w TB)

Introduction to Learning and Behavior, 4th Edition _ Russell A. Powell, P. Lynne Honey (IM w TB)

Psychology Themes and Variations, 9th Edition _ Wayne Weiten (IM+TB)

Theories of Personality, 10th Edition _ Duane P. Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz (IM+TB)

Psychology Concepts and Applications, 4th Edition _ Jeffrey S. Nevid (IM)

Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews, 13th Edition _ Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer (IM+TB)

Theories of Personality, 10th Edition _ Richard M. Ryckman (IM w TB)

Clinical Psychology, 8th Edition _ Timothy Trull, Mitch Prinstein (IM+TB)

Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind, Briefer Version, 1st Edition _ John Cacioppo, Laura A. Freberg (IM+TB)

Motivation Theory, Research, and Application, 6th Edition _ Herbert L. Petri, John M. Govern (IM+TB)

Discovery Series Introduction to Lifespan, 1st Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (IM+TB)

Research Design Explained, 8th Edition _ Mark L. Mitchell, Janina M. Jolley (IM+TB)

Conducting Research in Psychology Measuring the Weight of Smoke, 4th Edition _ Brett W. Pelham, Hart Blanton (IM w TB)

Statistical Methods for Psychology, 8th Edition _ David C. Howell (IRM)

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 9th Edition _ Frederick J Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau (Solutions to practice problems)

Discovery Series Human Sexuality, 1st Edition _ Janell L. Carroll (IM+TB)

Cognition Theories and Applications, 9th Edition _ Stephen K. Reed (IM+TB)

Human Sexuality From Cells to Society, 1st Edition _ Martha Rosenthal (IM+TB)

Children's Thinking, 5th Edition _ David F. Bjorklund (IM w TB)

Psychology Concepts and Connections, 10th Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (IM+TB)

Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, 9th Edition_Ronald J. Harshbarger, James J. Reynolds (ISM)

What is Psychology, 3rd Edition _ Ellen E. Pastorino, Susann M. Doyle-Portillo (IM+TB)

PSYCH, 2nd Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (IM+TB)

Theories of Human Learning What the Professor Said, 6th Edition _ Guy R. Lefrancois (IM w TB)

Behavioral Sciences STAT, 1st Edition _ Gary W. Heiman (IM+TB)

A History of Modern Psychology, 10th Edition _ Duane P. Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz (IM w TB)

Cognitive Psychology, 6th Edition _ Robert J. Sternberg (IM w TB)

Research Methods in Psychology, 9th Edition _ David G. Elmes, Barry H. Kantowitz, Henry L. Roediger, III (IM w TB)

Essentials of Psychology Concepts and Applications, 3rd Edition _ Jeffrey S. Nevid (IM+TB+Concept Maps)

Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th Edition _ Frederick J Gravetter, Lori-Ann B. Forzano (IM+TB)

Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures, 5th Edition _ Raymond G. Miltenberger (IM w TB)

Research Methods and Statistics A Critical Thinking Approach, 4th Edition _ Sherri L. Jackson (IM w TB)

Development Through Life A Psychosocial Approach, 11th Edition _ Barbara M. Newman, Philip R. Newman (TB)

Fundamentals of Case Management Practice Skills for the Human Services, 4th Edition _ Nancy Summers (IM+TB)

Theories of Psychotherapy & Counseling Concepts and Cases, 5th Edition _ Richard S. Sharf (IM+TB)

Child and Adolescent Development An Integrated Approach, 1st Edition_ David F. Bjorklund, Carlos Hernández Blasi (IM+TB)

Abnormal Psychology and Life A Dimensional Approach, 1st Edition_ Christopher Kearney, Timothy Trull (IM)

Methods Toward a Science of Behavior and Experience, 10th Edition_ William J. Ray (IM w TB)

Personality Theories Workbook, 5th Edition_ Donna Ashcraft (IM)

The Psychology of Women, 7th Edition_ Margaret W. Matlin (IM w TB)

Psychology Applied to Modern Life Adjustment in the 21st Century, 10th Edition_ Wayne Weiten, Dana S. Dunn, Elizabeth Yost Hammer (IM+TB)

Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach, 6th Edition_ David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand (IM+TB)

Psychology Modules for Active Learning, 12th Edition_ Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer (IM+TB)

Sniffy the Virtual Rat Lite, Version 3.0 (with CD-ROM), 3rd Edition _Tom Alloway, Greg Wilson, Jeff Graham (IM)

Child Development A Thematic Approach, 6th Edition _ Danuta Bukatko, Marvin W. Daehler (IM+TB)

Life-Span Human Development, 7th Edition _Carol K. Sigelman, Elizabeth A. Rider (IM+TB)

HDEV, 2nd Edition_Spencer A. Rathus (IM+TB)

Psychology, 9th Edition_ Douglas A. Bernstein, Louis A. Penner, Alison Clarke-Stewart, Edward J. Roy (IM+TB)

Personality, 8th Edition_ Jerry M. Burger (IM+TB)

Childhood and Adolescence Voyages in Development, 4th Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (IM+TB)

Psychology A Journey, 4th Edition _ Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer (IM+TB)

Development Infancy Through Adolescence, 1st Edition _ Laurence Steinberg, Deborah Lowe Vandell, Marc H. Bornstein (IM)

Childhood Voyages in Development, 4th Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (IM+TB)

Wrightsman's Psychology and the Legal System, 7th Edition _ Edie Greene, Kirk Heilbrun (IM w TB)

Life-Span Development Infancy Through Adulthood, 1st Edition _ Laurence Steinberg, Marc H. Bornstein, Deborah Lowe Vandell, Karen Rook (IM)

Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 6th Edition _ Gary W. Heiman (IM+Answer Key)

Multinational Business Finance, 13E_David K. Eiteman,Arthur I. Stonehill,Michael H. Moffett (IM+TB)

Personal Finance Turning Money into Wealth Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 6E_Arthur J. Keown (IM+TB)

Principles of Managerial Finance, Brief Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 6E_Lawrence J. Gitman,Chad J. Zutter (IM+TB)

Economics, 4E_R. Glenn Hubbard,Anthony P. O'Brien (ISM+TB)

Experiential Approach to Organization Development, 8E_Donald R Brown (IM+TB)

Business Data Communications and Networking, 10th Edition_Jerry FitzGerald, Alan Dennis (TB)

Strategic Management Concepts Global Edition, 14E_Fred David (ISM+TB)

Strategic Management Concepts and Cases Global Edition, 14E_Fred David (IM+TB+Case Financials+Case IM+PPT)

Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 7th Edition_ Frederick J Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau(IM w TB)

Research Methods A Modular Approach, 2nd Edition _ Sherri L. Jackson (IM w TB)

Social Psychology, 8th Edition _ Saul Kassin, Steven Fein, Hazel Rose Markus (IM+TB)

Cognitive Psychology Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience with Coglab Manual, 3rd Edition _ E. Bruce Goldstein (IM+TB)

Adult Development and Aging, 6th Edition _ John C. Cavanaugh, Fredda Blanchard-Fields (IM)

Psychology Themes and Variations, Briefer Edition, 8th Edition_ Wayne Weiten (IM+TB)

Disorders of Childhood Development and Psychopathology, 1st Edition_Robin Hornik Parritz, Michael F. Troy (IM+TB)

Basic Statistics Tales of Distributions, 10th Edition_ Chris Spatz (IM)

Development Infancy Through Adolescence, 1st Edition_ Laurence Steinberg, Deborah Lowe Vandell, Marc H (IM)

Social Psychology and Human Nature, Comprehensive Edition, 2nd Edition_ Roy F. Baumeister, Brad Bushman (IM)

Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 7th Edition_ David C. Howell (IM+TB)

Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th Edition_ Charles Stangor (IM w TB)

Our Sexuality, 11th Edition _ Robert L. Crooks, Karla Baur (IM)

IndustrialOrganizational Psychology, 6th Edition _ Michael G. Aamodt (IM+TB)

Sensation and Perception, 8th Edition _ E. Bruce Goldstein (IM+TB)

HDEV, 1st Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (TB)

Statistics for Business and Economics Plus MyStatLab -- Access Card Package, 8E_Paul Newbold,William Carlson,Betty Thorne (ISM+TB+PPT)

Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, 11E_Fred R. David (IM+TB)

Health Economics, 5E_Charles E. Phelps (IM+PPT)

Human Resource Management, 12E_Gary Dessler (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management Plus NEW MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 13E_Gary Dessler (IM+TB)

Effective Human Relations Interpersonal and Organizational Applications, 12th Edition_Barry L. Reece (IM+TB)

The Labor Relations Process, 10th Edition_William H. Holley , Kenneth M. Jennings, Roger S. Wolters (IM+TB+Case Notes)

Business Law The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment, 15e_Jane P. Mallor,A. James Barnes,Thomas Bowers,Arlen W. Langvardt (ISM+TB)

Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach, 5E_James F. Kurose,Keith W. Ross, (SM)

Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach, 6E_James F. Kurose,Keith W. Ross (SM)

GLOBAL, 1st Edition_Mike Peng (IM+TB)

Accounting for Decision Making and Control, 7e_Jerold L. Zimmerman (SM+TB)

Project Management, 2E_Jeffery K. Pinto (ISM+TB)

Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage Global Edition, 3E_Jeffery K. Pinto (ISM+TB+PPT)

Project Management Achieving Competitive Advantage, 3E_Jeffery K. Pinto (ISM+TB+PPT)

Ethics for the Information Age International Edition, 5E_Mike Quinn(IM+TB)

Ethics for the Information Age International Edition, 4E_Michael J. Quinn (ISM+TB)

Fraud Examination, 3rd Edition_W. Steve Albrecht, Conan C. Albrecht, Chad O. Albrecht, Mark F. Zimbelman (ISM+TB)

Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews, 12th Edition_ Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer (IM+TB)

Group Dynamics, 5th Edition _ Donelson R. Forsyth (IM)

Psychology Themes and Variations, 8th Edition_ Wayne Weiten (IM)

Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence, 8th Edition_ David Shaffer, Katherine Kipp (IRM)

Systems of Psychotherapy A Transtheoretical Analysis, 7th Edition _ James O. Prochaska, John C. Norcross (IM w TB)

I Never Knew I Had A Choice Explorations in Personal Growth, 9th Edition _ Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey (IM+TB)

M & B, 1st Edition_Dean Croushore (IM+TB)

Principles of Economics Plus NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 10E_Karl E. Case,Ray C Fair,Sharon C Oster (IM+TB)

Principles of Microeconomics Plus NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 10E_Karl E. Case,Ray C Fair,Sharon C Oster (IM+TB)

Principles of Macroeconomics Plus NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 10E_Karl E. Case,Ray C Fair,Sharon C Oster (IM+TB)

Logistics Engineering & Management, 6E_Benjamin S. Blanchard (ISM)

Leadership Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 6th Edition_Andrew J. DuBrin (IM+PPT)

Business and Administrative Communication, 10e_Kitty O. Locker,Donna S. Kienzler (TB)

Financial Management Theory & Practice, 14th Edition_Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt (SM+Minicase Excel Models+Build a model Solutions)

Corporate Finance A Focused Approach, 5th Edition_Michael C. Ehrhardt, Eugene F. Brigham (SM+TB+Build a model solution)

Personal Finance with Financial Planning Software & Write Down the Money & MyFinance Student Access Code Card Package, 3E_Jeff Madura (SM+TB)

Personal Finance with Financial Planning Software & MyFinanceLab Student Access Code Card Package, 3E_Jeff Madura (IM+TB)

Understanding Finance Money, Capital, and Investments_Karen D. Halpern (IM)

Advanced Corporate Finance_Joseph Ogden,Frank C. Jen,Philip F. O'Connor (IM+TB)

Language Development, 4th Edition_ Erika Hoff (IM w TB)

Research Methods and Statistics A Critical Thinking Approach, 4th Edition_ Sherri L. Jackson (IM w TB)

Death and Dying Life and Living, 6th Edition_ Charles A. Corr, Clyde M. Nabe, Donna M. Corr (IM w TB)

Financial Accounting An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses, 14th Edition_Roman L. Weil, Katherine Schipper, Jennifer Francis (ISM)

Accounting, 25th Edition_Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac (SM+Excel Template Solutions)

OM 4, 4th Edition_David Alan Collier, James R. Evans (IM+TB)

Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, The, 10E_Frederic S. Mishkin (SM+TB+PPT)

Services Marketing, 7E_Christopher H Lovelock,Jochen Wirtz (IRM+TB+PPT)

International Marketing, 14e_Philip R. Cateora,Mary C. Gilly,John L. Graham (TB)

International Business Competing in the Global Marketplace, 8e_Charles W. L. Hill (TB)

Psychology Applied to Modern Life Adjustment in the 21st Century, 9th Edition _Wayne Weiten, Margaret A. Lloyd, Dana S. Dunn, Elizabeth Yost Hammer (IM)

Personality Theories Workbook, 4th Edition _ Donna Ashcraft (IM)

Theories of Personality, 9th Edition _ Duane P. Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz (IM+TB)

Psychological Testing Principles, Applications, and Issues, 7th Edition _ Robert M. Kaplan, Dennis P. Saccuzzo (IM w TB+Data Exercises)

Psychology, 5th Edition _ James S. Nairne (IM+TB)

PSYCH, 1st Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (IRM)

Social Psychology and Human Nature, 1st Edition _ Roy F. Baumeister, Brad Bushman (IM)

Personality, 7th Edition_ Jerry M. Burger (IM)

Psychology Concepts and Connections, Media & Research Update, 9th Edition_ Spencer A. Rathus (IM)

Culture and Psychology, 4th Edition_ David Matsumoto, Linda Juang (IM+TB+PPT)

Essential Environment The Science behind the Stories Plus MasteringEnvironmentalScience with eText -- Access Card Package, 4E_Jay H Withgott,Matthew Laposata (IRM+TB)

Quality Management for Organizational Excellence Introduction to Total Quality, 7E_Dr. David L. Goetsch,Stanley Davis (IM w TB)

Marketing Planning_Stephan Sorger (IM+TB)

Essentials of Services Marketing, 2E_Jochen Wirtz,Patricia Chew,Christopher H Lovelock (IRM+Cases Notes+TB)

Sports Marketing_Michael Fetchko,Donald Roy,Kenneth E. Clow (IM+TB)

Marketing An Introduction Plus NEW MyMarketingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 11E_Gary Armstrong,Philip Kotler (IM w Cases+TB)

Sustainable Marketing_Diane Martin,John Schouten (IM+TB)

Social Media Marketing_Tracy Tuten,Michael R. Solomon (IM+TB)

Introduction to Information Systems, 16e_James A. O'Brien,George M. Marakas (TB)

Business Statistics in Practice, 6e_Bruce L. Bowerman,Richard T. O'Connell,Emily S. Murphree (ISM+TB)

Auditing Cases An Interactive Learning Approach, 4E_Mark S. Beasley,Frank A. Buckless,Steven M. Glover,Douglas F. Prawitt (ISM)

Auditing Cases An Interactive Learning Approach, 5E_Mark S. Beasley,Frank A. Buckless,Steven M. Glover,Douglas F. Prawitt (ISM)

Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategy, 12e_Del I. Hawkins,David L. Mothersbaugh (TB)

Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments, 6th Edition_Gerald Karp (TB)

Alternative Dispute Resolution A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2E_Laurie S. Coltri, J.D., Ph.D (IM)

Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategy, 11e_Del I. Hawkins,David L. Mothersbaugh (TB)

Database Processing, 12E_David M. Kroenke,David Auer (ISM+TB)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 6e_Richard A. Brealey,Stewart C. Myers,Alan J. Marcus (SM+TB)

International Accounting,2e_Timothy Doupnik,Hector Perera (TB)

International Economics By Dominick Salvatore_9th E (IM w TB)

International Business The New Realities International Edition, 2E_S. Tamer Cavusgil,Gary Knight,John Riesenberger (IM+TB)

Elements of Forecasting, 4th Edition_Francis X. Diebold (ISM)

Auditing and Assurance Services A Systematic Approach, 8e_William F. Messier,Steven M. Glover,Douglas F. Prawitt (SM+TB)

Behavioral Corporate Finance,1st E_Hersh Shefrin (ISM)

MATLAB Programming for Engineers, 4th Edition_Stephen J. Chapman (ISM+Instructor Files)

Business Statistics in Practice, 5e_Bruce L. Bowerman,Richard T. O'Connell,Emily S. Murphree (TB)

Business Statistics in Practice, 4e_Bruce L. Bowerman,Richard T. O'Connell,Emily S. Murphree (SM+TB)

Business Research Methods, 10e_Donald R. Cooper,Pamela S. Schindler (TB)

Principles of Accounting, 12th Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers, Susan V. Crosson (SM+Exercises:Set B with solutions)

Fundamentals of Management, 7th Edition_Ricky W. Griffin (IRM+PPT)

Psychology of Language, 5th Edition _ David W. Carroll (IM w TB)

Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures, 4th Edition_ Raymond G. Miltenberger (IM)

Psychology Themes and Variations, Briefer Edition, 7th Edition_ Wayne Weiten (IM)

Organization Theory and Design, 10th Edition_Richard L. Daft (IM+TB+Integrative Cases)

Essentials of Contemporary Advertising, 2nd Edition_William F. Arens,David H. Schaefer,Michael F. Weigold (TB)

Financial Accounting, 13th Edition_Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac (Excel Template Solutions)

Self-Directed Behavior Self-Modification for Personal Adjustment, 10th Edition_ David L. Watson, Roland G. Tharp (IM w TB)

Conducting Research in Psychology Measuring the Weight of Smoke, 3rd Edition_ Brett W. Pelham, Hart Blanton (IM)

Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind and Behavior, 11th Edition _ Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer (IM)

Psychology Themes and Variations, 7th Edition _ Wayne Weiten (IM)

Choices in Sexuality, 3rd Edition _ Susan McCammon, David Knox, Caroline Schacht (IM+TB)

The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 3rd Edition _ William Trochim, Ph.D., James P. Donnelly (TB)

Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition_ David Shaffer, Katherine Kipp (IM+TB)

Human Motivation, 6th Edition _ Robert E. Franken (IM w TB)

Casebook in Child Behavior Disorders, 3rd Edition_Christopher Kearney (Case Sol)

Sociology A Brief Introduction, 9e_Richard T. Schaefer (TB)

Elements of Real Analysis_Charles G. Denlinger (ISM)

Managing Quality, 4E_Thomas Foster (IM+TB)

Managing Quality Integrating the Supply Chain, 5E_S. Thomas W. Foster (IM+TB)

A Textbook of Social Psychology 6e Alcock Carment Sadava (IM+TB)

Introduction to Financial Accounting, 10E_Charles T. Horngren,Gary L. Sundem,John A. Elliott,Donna Philbrick (SM+TB+IM)

Experimental Psychology, 9th Edition _ Barry H. Kantowitz, Henry L. Roediger, III, David G. Elmes (IM w TB)

Psychology Concepts and Connections, 9th Edition _ Spencer A. Rathus (IM)

Childhood and Adolescence Voyages in Development, 4th Edition_ Spencer A. Rathus (TB)

Community Psychology Linking Individuals and Communities, 3rd Edition_ Bret Kloos, Jean Hill, Elizabeth Thomas, Abraham Wandersman, Maurice J. Elias, James H. Dalton (IM)

The Basics of Social Research, 5th Edition _ Earl R. Babbie (IM)

Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 6E_Norman M. Scarborough (IM+TB)

Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 7E_Norman M. Scarborough (IRM+TB)

Managerial Economics, 6E_Paul Keat,Philip K Young (IM+TB)

Enterprise!, 1st Edition_William B. Gartner, Marlene G. Bellamy (IM+TB)

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7E_John C. Hull (ISM+TB)

Risk Management and Financial Institutions, 2E_John C. Hull (IM)

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives and DerivaGem CD Package, 8E_John C. Hull (IM+TB)

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives with Derivagem CD, 7E_John C. Hull (TB)

Interpreting and Analyzing Financial Statements, 6E_Karen P. Schoenebeck,Mark P. Holtzman (IM)

International Accounting, 7E_Frederick D. Choi,Gary K. Meek (ISM)

International Marketing, 16e_Philip R. Cateora,Mary C. Gilly,John L. Graham (TB)

Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Edition _ Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch (ISM)

Business Essentials, Sixth Canadian Edition, with MyBusinessLab, 6E_Ronald J. Ebert,Ricky W. Griffin,Frederick A. Starke,George Dracopoulos (IRM+TB)

Introduction to Marketing, International Edition, 11th Edition_Carl McDaniel, Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair (IM+TB)

New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Comprehensive, 1st Edition_June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, Roy Ageloff, Patrick Carey (IM+TB)

Psychology Core Concepts, 7E_Philip G. Zimbardo,Robert L. Johnson,Vivian McCann Hamilton (IM+TB)

Exploring Management, 3rd Edition_John R. Schermerhorn (TB)

The Art of Leadership, 4th Edition_George Manning,Kent Curtis, (TB)

Introduction to Marketing, International Edition, 12th Edition_Carl McDaniel, Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair (IM+TB)

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, 4E_Jay B. Barney,William S Hesterly (IM+TB+Cases Notes)

Business, 12th Edition _ William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor (IM+TB)

Macroeconomics, 11th Edition _ Roger A. Arnold (IM)

New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 Brief, 1st Edition _ S. Scott Zimmerman, Beverly B. Zimmerman, Katherine T. Pinard (IRM+SM+TB)

New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010, Comprehensive, 1st Edition _ S. Scott Zimmerman, Beverly B. Zimmerman (TB)

New Perspectives on Microsoft® Word 2010 Comprehensive, 1st Edition_ S. Scott Zimmerman, Beverly B. Zimmerman, Ann Shaffer (SM+TB+SM for additional projects)

Economics, 11th Edition_ Roger A. Arnold (IM)

MM 4, 4th Edition_ Dawn Iacobucci (IM+TB)

Microeconomics A Contemporary Introduction, 10th Edition _ William A. McEachern (IM)

Cengage Advantage Books Essentials of the Legal Environment, 4th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross (IM+TB+Answer Manual)

Microeconomics for Today, 8th Edition _ Irvin B. Tucker (IM+TB)

Microeconomics, 11th Edition _ Roger A. Arnold (IM)

Macroeconomics for Today, 8th Edition_ Irvin B. Tucker (IM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Ethics A Textbook with Cases, 7th Edition_William H. Shaw (IM+TB)

Investment Banking Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions_Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl, Joseph R. Perella (TB)

Adolescence,1e_Ian McMahan (IM w TB)

Multinational Business Finance, 12E_David K. Eiteman,Arthur I. Stonehill,Michael H. Moffett (IM+TB)

Psychology An Introduction, 10e_Benjamin B. Lahey (TB)

Human Anatomy & Physiology Plus MasteringA&P with eText -- Access Card Package, 9E_Elaine N.Marieb,Katja Hoehn (Instructor Guide+TB)

Marketing, 5th Edition _ Charles Lamb, Joseph F Hair, Carl McDaniel, A.J. Faria, William J. Wellington (TB)

Conceptual Chemistry Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package, 5E_John A. Suchocki (ISM)

Principles of Information Security, 4th Edition_Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP, Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP (ISM+IM+TB)

Conceptual Physical Science Explorations, 2E_Paul G. Hewitt,John A. Suchocki,    Leslie A. Hewitt (TB)

International Business, 13E_John Daniels,Lee Radebaugh,Daniel Sullivan (IM+TB)

International Business Plus NEW MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 14E_John Daniels,Lee Radebaugh,Daniel Sullivan (IM+TB)

Finite Mathematics with Applications, 10E_Margaret Lial,Thomas W. Hungerford,John Holcomb (ISM+TB)

Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers, 7E_Dr. David L. Goetsch (IM+TB)

Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior, 6E_Jennifer M. George,Gareth R. Jones (IM+TB)

Marketing An Introduction, 10E_Gary Armstrong,Philip Kotler (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management_David Lepak,Mary Gowan (IM+TB)

Managerial Economics in a Global Economy ,5e_Dominic  Salvatore (SM+TB)

Living Religions, 8E_Mary Pat Fisher (IM w TB)

Living Religions A Brief Introduction Plus NEW MyReligionLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 3E_Mary Pat Fisher (IM w TB)

Basic Business Statistics Plus MyStatLab -- Access Card Package, 12E_Mark L. Berenson,David M. Levine,Timothy C. Krehbiel (IM+TB)

Practical Research Planning and Design, 10E_Paul D. Leedy,Jeanne Ellis Ormrod (IM w TB)

Practical Research Planning and Design, 9E_Paul D. Leedy,Jeanne Ellis Ormrod (IM w TB)

Basic Business Statistics Global Edition, 12E_Mark Berenson,David Levine,Timothy Krehbiel,David Stephan (IM+TB)

Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting Text and Cases, 2e_Steven M. Mintz,Roselyn E. Morris (SM+TB)

Strategic Management Creating Competitive Advantages, 6th Edition_Gregory G Dess,G.T. (Tom)  Lumpkin,Alan Eisner,Gerry McNamara (ISM+TB)

Organizational Behaviour Concepts, Controversies, Applications, Sixth Canadian Edition with MyOBLab, 6E_Nancy Langton,Stephen P. Robbins,Timothy A. Judge (IRM+TB)

Consumer Behavior Global Edition, 10E_Michael Solomon (IM+TB)

Virtual Biology Laboratory 4.0 - CengageNOW 2-Semester Printed Access Card, 4th Edition_John T. Beneski, Jack Waber (IM)

Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making , 5th Edition_Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso (SM+TB)

Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5E_Ramez Elmasri,Shamkant B. Navathe (ISM)

The Philosophical Journey An Interactive Approach, 5th Edition_William Lawhead (ISM)

Essentials of MIS, 10E_Kenneth Laudon,Jane Laudon (IM+TB+Video Case Notes+Lecture Notes)

Essentials of MIS, 9E_Kenneth Laudon,Jane Laudon (IM+TB+Lecture Notes)

Essential Statistics,1e_Robert Gould,Colleen N. Ryan (ISM+TB)

Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals, 2E_Robert F. Pierret (ISM)

Community Health Nursing Advocacy for Population Health, 5E_Mary Jo Clark, Ph.D., RN (IRM+TB)

Prentice Hall's Federal Taxation 2013 Comprehensive, 26E_Thomas R. Pope,Kenneth E. Anderson (IM+SM+TB)

Electrical Engineering Principles & Applications, 6E_Allan R. Hambley (ISM)

Global Marketing, 5E_Warren J. Keegan,Mark Green (IRM+TB)

IR The New World of International Relations, 9E_Michael G. Roskin,Nicholas O. Berry (IM w TB)

IR The New World of International Relations, 8E_Michael G. Roskin,Nicholas O. Berry (IM w TB)

America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System, 10th Edition_David W. Neubauer, Henry F. Fradella (IM+TB)

Media of Mass Communication, The, 10E_John Vivian (IM +TB)

Media of Mass Communication, 11E_John Vivian (IM + TB)

Accounting Information Systems Global Edition, 12E_Marshall B Romney,Paul J Steinbart (IM+SM+TB)

Accounting Information Systems International Edition, 11E_Marshall B. Romney,Paul J. Steinbart (IM+SM+TB)

Accounting Information Systems, 10E_Marshall B. Romney,Paul J. Steinbart (IM+SM+TB)

Conceptual Physics, 11E_Paul G. Hewitt (IM+Lab Manuals+Solutions+TB)

International Accounting, 3e_Timothy Doupnik,Hector Perera (IM+TB)

Employment and Labor Law, 7th Edition_Patrick J. Cihon, James Ottavio Castagnera (IM+TB)

Precalculus, 5th Edition_J. Douglas Faires, James DeFranza (TB)

Chemistry The Central Science, 11E_Theodore E. Brown,H. Eugene H LeMay,Bruce E. Bursten,Catherine Murphy,Patrick Woodward (IM+TB)

Chemistry The Central Science, 12E_Theodore E. Brown,H. Eugene H LeMay,Bruce E. Bursten,Catherine Murphy,Patrick Woodward (IM+TB)

Access to Health, 12E_Rebecca J. Donatelle,Patricia Ketcham (IM+TB)

Chemistry A Molecular Approach Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package, 2E_Nivaldo J. Tro (IM+IM for Lab Manual+TB)

Learning the Art of Helping Building Blocks and Techniques, 5E_Mark E. Young, (IM w TB)

International Financial Management Canadian Perspectives, 2e_Cheol S. Eun,Bruce G. Resnick,Donald J.S. Brean (TB)

Financial & Managerial Accounting The Basis for Business Decisions, 14e_Jan R. Williams,Hakka (TB)

Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 4th Edition_Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, David Tegarden (SM+TB)

Negotiation, 6e_Roy J. Lewicki,Bruce Barry,David M. Saunders (TB)

Foundations of Business, 3rd Edition_William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor (IM+TB)

Foundations of Business, 3rd Edition_William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor (IM+TB)

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 3e_Stephen G. Cecchetti,Kermit L. Schoenholtz (TB)

Survey of Economics Principles, Applications and Tools, 5E_Arthur O'Sullivan,Steven Sheffrin,Stephen Perez (SM+TB)

Quantitative Analysis for Management, 11E_Barry Render,Ralph M. Stair,Michael E. Hanna (ISM+TB)

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13E_Ernest F. Haeussler,Richard S. Paul,Richard J. Wood (ISM+TB)

Managerial Accounting 5th Edition_James Jiambalvo (ISM+TB)

Quantitative Analysis for Management, 10E_Barry Render,Ralph M. Stair,Michael E. Hanna (TB+Data Files)

International Business, 6E_John J. Wild,Kenneth L. Wild (ISM+TB)

Accounting Information Systems, 11E_Marshall B. Romney,Paul J. Steinbart (ISM+IM+TB)

Introduction to Electronic Commerce, 3E_Efraim Turban,David King,Judy Lang (ISM+TB)

Business Intelligence, 2E_Efraim Turban,Ramesh Sharda,Dursun Delen,David King (IM+TB)

Macroeconomics,3 e_Paul Krugman,Robin Wells (SM+TB)

Microeconomics, 19th Edition_Campbell R McConnell,Stanley L Brue,Sean Masaki Flynn (SM+TB)

Principles of Macroeconomics, 6th Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw (SM+TB)

Bank Management & Financial Services, 9e_Peter S. Rose,Sylvia C. Hudgins (TB)

Corporate Finance, 9e_Stephen A. Ross,Randolph W. Westerfield,Jeffrey F. Jaffe (TB)

Essentials of Investments, 9e_Zvi Bodie,Alex Kane,Alan J. Marcus (SM+TB)

Industrial Relations in Canada, 2nd Edition_Robert Hebdon, Travor Brown (IM+TB)

Staffing Organizations, 7e_Herbert G. Heneman III,Timothy A. Judge,John D. Kammeyer-Mueller (SM+TB)

Strategic Management Concepts, 13E_Fred R. David (IM+TB+PPT)

Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6E_Ramez Elmasri,Shamkant Navathe (ISM+Lab Manual)

MIS Essentials, 2E_David M. Kroenke (IM with Cases + TB)

Investments Analysis and Management 3e Canadian Ed by Cleary Charles Jones (IM+TB)

Income Tax Fundamentals 2013, 31st Edition_Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller, Steven L. Gill (IM w TB+Lecture Notes)

Financial Accounting A Business Process Approach, 3E_Jane L. Reimers (ISM+TB)

A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis,Brian Bradie (ISM)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 5th Canadian Edition, By Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Alan J. Marcus, Elizabeth M. Maynes, Devashis Mitra (ISM+TB)

Foundations of Earth Science Plus MasteringGeology with eText -- Access Card Package, 6E_Frederick K. Lutgens,Edward J. Tarbuck,Dennis Tasa (IM+TB)

Foundations of Earth Science, 6E_Frederick K. Lutgens,Edward J. Tarbuck,Dennis Tasa (IM+TB)

Gender Psychological Perspectives, 6E_Linda Brannon (IM w TB)

ORGB 2, 2nd Edition_Debra L. Nelson, James Campbell Quick (IM+TB)

Applied Partial Differential Equations, 4E_Richard Haberman (ISM)

Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, 5E_Richard Haberman (ISM)

Dynamic Business Law The Essentials, 2e_Nancy K. Kubasek,Neil M. Browne,Daniel J. Herron,Lucien J. Dhooge,Linda L. Barkacs (ISM+TB)

Technology In Action, Complete, 8E_Alan Evans,Kendall Martin,Mary Anne Poatsy (IM+TB)

Lecture- Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy, 3E_Edward E. Prather,Tim P. Slater,Jeff P. Adams,Gina Brissenden (IG + IM w TB)

Exploring Microsoft Office 2010, Volume 1_Robert Grauer,Mary Anne Poatsy,Michelle Hulett,Cynthia Krebs,Keith Mast,Keith Mulbery,Lynn Hogan,Rebecca Lawson (IM+TB)

Basic Statistics for Business & Economics, 8e_Douglas A. Lind,William G. Marchal,Samuel A. Wathen (ISM)

Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition_Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne (TB)

Accounting Text and Cases, 13e_Robert N. Anthony,David F. Hawkins,Kenneth A. Merchant (ISM)

Society in Focus An Introduction to Sociology, Census Update, 7E_William E. Thompson,Joseph V. Hickey (SM+TB)

Cognition, 7th Edition_Margaret W. Matlin (TB)

Business & Society Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 13e_Anne T. Lawrence,James Weber (TB)

HTML, XHTML, and CSS Comprehensive, 6th Edition_Gary B. Shelly, Denise M. Woods, William J. Dorin (IM+SM+TB)

Practice of Computing Using Python, The, 2E_William F. Punch,Richard Enbody (Solutions + Data Sets+Lab and Projects)

Strategic Management Text and Cases, 6e_Gregory G. Dess,G. T. Lumpkin,Alan B. Eisner,Gerry McNamara (IRM+Cases Solutions+TB)

Anatomy & Physiology with IP-10, 2E_Frederic H. Martini,Judi L. Nath (TB)

Principles of Macroeconomics, 5th Edition Canadian_N. Gregory Mankiw, Ronald D Kneebone, Kenneth J McKenzie (ISM)

Auditing The Art and Science of Assurance Engagements, Canadian Twelfth Edition with MyAccountingLab, 12E_Professor Alvin A. Arens,Randal J. Elder,Mark S. Beasley,Ingrid B. Splettstoesser (IRM+ISM)

Essential Cosmic Perspective Plus MasteringAstronomy with eText -- Access Card Package, 6E_Jeffrey O. Bennett,Megan O. Donahue,Nicholas Schneider,Mark Voit (IM+TB)

Microeconomic Analysis, 3rd Edition_Hal R. Varian (IM)

Human Resource Management, 13E_Gary Dessler (IM+TB)

International Money and Finance, 7E_Michael Melvin (IM+Cases Sol)

Cosmic Perspective with MasteringAstronomy, The, 6E_Jeffrey O. Bennett,Megan O. Donahue,Nicholas Schneider,Mark Voit (IG+TB)

Consumer Behavior, 10E_Leon Schiffman,Leslie Kanuk (IM+TB)

Cases in Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations,11e_David Dilts, Raymond Hilgert (ISM)

Corporate Finance Core Principles and Applications, 3e_Stephen A. Ross,Randolph W. Westerfield,Jeffrey F. Jaffe,Bradford D. Jordan (TB)

Essentials of Investments, 9e_Zvi Bodie,Alex Kane,Alan J. Marcus (SM)

Compensation, 10e_George T. Milkovich,Jerry M. Newman,Barry Gerhart (TB)

International Management Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, 7E_Helen Deresky (IM+TB)

Macroeconomics, 19th Edition_Campbell R McConnell,Stanley L Brue,Sean Masaki Flynn (SM+TB)

The Art of Public Speaking, 11th Edition_Stephen E Lucas (ISM+TB)

Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis, Sixth Canadian Edition 6E_Charles T. Horngren,Srikant M. Datar,George Foster,Madhav Rajan,Christopher D. Ittner,Maureen P. Gowing,Steve Janz (ISM+TB+IM)

Financial Accounting, First Canadian Edition with MyAccountingLab_Jeffrey Waybright,Liang-Hsuan Chen,Rhonda Pyper (ISM+TB+IM)

Leadership Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, 7e_Richard L. Hughes,Robert C. Ginnett,Gordon J. Curphy (TB)

Health Economics, 4E_Charles E. Phelps (IM )

Applications and Investigations in Earth Science, 7E_Edward J. Tarbuck,Frederick K. Lutgens,Dennis Tasa,Kenneth G. Pinzke (ISM)

Fundamentals of Statistics, 3E_Michael Sullivan, III (ISM+TB+SPSS Manual)

Psychology Frontiers and Applications,4e_Michael Passer,Ronald Smith,Michael Atkinson,John Mitchell,Darwin Muir (TB)

Ethical Decision Making in Business A Managerial Approach, International Edition, 9th Edition_John Fraedrich, O. C. Ferrell, Linda Ferrell (IM+TB+Case Notes)

Business Driven Information Systems, 3e_Paige Baltzan (TB)

Experience Music, 3e_Katherine Charlton (TB)

Cognition, 5E_Mark H. Ashcraft,Gabriel A. Radvansky (IM w TB+PPT)

Selling Today, 12E_Gerald L. Manning,Michael L. Ahearne,Barry L. Reece (IM+TB)

Experiencing MIS, 3E_David M. Kroenke (IRM+TB)

Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems_Simha R. Magal, Jeffrey Word (TB)

Organizational Behaviour Concepts, Controversies, Applications, Fifth Canadian Edition with MyOBLab, 5E_Nancy Langton,Stephen P. Robbins,Timothy A. Judge (IRM+TB)

Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity, 5E_Ansel C. Ugural,Saul K. Fenster (ISM)

International Business, 14E_John Daniels,Lee Radebaugh,Daniel Sullivan (IRM+TB)

Strategic Management Communication for Leaders, 2nd Edition_Robyn Walker (IRM+TB)

Legal Fundamentals for Canadian Business with Companion Website, 2E_Richard A. Yates (ISM+TB)

Legal Fundamentals for Canadian Business with MyBusLawLab, 3E_Richard A. Yates (ISM+TB)

International Business, 12E_John Daniels,Lee Radebaugh,Daniel Sullivan (IM+TB)

Employee Training and Development, 5e_Raymond A. Noe (ISM+TB)

Business Data Communications and Networking, 11th Edition_Jerry FitzGerald (SM+TB)

Supply Chain Management From Vision to Implementation_Stanley E. Fawcett,Lisa M. Ellram,Jeffrey A. Ogden (TB)

Business Marketing Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning, 4e_Robert F. Dwyer,John F. Tanner (ISM+TB)

Digital Control System Analysis and Design, 3E_Charles L. Phillips,H. Troy Nagle (ISM)

Supervision Managing for Results, 9e_John W. Newstrom (ISM)

Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 9e_George E. Belch,Michael A. Belch (ISM+TB)

Understanding and Managing Diversity, 5E_Carol Harvey,M. June Allard (IM+TB)

Foundations of Basic Nursing, 3rd Edition_Lois Elain White, Gena Duncan, Wendy Baumle (IM)

Supply Management, 8e_David N. Burt,Sheila D. Petcavage,Richard L. Pinkerton (TB)

Texas Politics Today, 2011-2012 Edition, 15th Edition _ William Earl Maxwell, Ernest Crain, Adolfo Santos (IM+TB)

Business Research Methods, 8th Edition_ William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin, Jon C. Carr, Mitch Griffin (IM+TB)

Business Research Methods, 9th Edition _ William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin, Jon C. Carr, Mitch Griffin (IM)

Management Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World, 10e_Thomas S. Bateman,Scott A. Snell (TB)

Personal Finance Turning Money into Wealth International Edition, 6E_Arthur J. Keown (ISM+TB)

Engineering Statistics, 5th Edition_Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger, Norma F. Hubele (ISM)

Chemistry A Molecular Approach Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package, 3E_Nivaldo J. Tro (TB)

Principles of Chemistry A Molecular Approach Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package, 2E_Nivaldo J. Tro (IRM+TB)

Introductory Chemistry Essentials Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package, 4E_Nivaldo J. Tro (IRM+TB)

Principles of Marketing, Eighth Canadian Edition, with MyMarketingLab, 8E_Philip R Kotler,Gary Armstrong,Peggy H. Cunningham,Valerie Trifts (IRM+TB)

Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, 13E_Russell C. Hibbeler (ISM)

Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investments, 2nd Edition_David M. Geltner, Norman G. Miller, Jim Clayton, Piet Eichholtz (Exam Questions)

Social Forces and Aging, 10th Edition_Robert C. Atchley, Amanda Barusch (IM)

Project Management Achieving Competitive Advantage and MS Project_Jeffrey K Pinto (IRM+TB)

Project Management Achieving Competitive Advantage, 3E_Jeffery K. Pinto (IRM+TB)

Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 6E_Jeffrey A. Hoffer,Joey George,Joe Valacich (IRM+TB)

Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets_Robert L. McDonald (ISM+TB)

Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Industry_Johnathan Hales,Hubert B. Van Hoof (IM+TB)

Leadership Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 4th Edition_Robert N. Lussier, Christopher F. Achua (IRM+TB)

Web 101, 3E_Wendy G. Lehnert,Richard L. Kopec (IRM+PPT)

Personal Finance An Integrated Planning Approach, 8E_Ralph R Frasca (IM+TB)

Personal Finance Integrated and Companion Website Access Card Package, 7E_Bernard J Winger,Ralph R Frasca (IM+TB)

Strategic Management A Dynamic Perspective - Concepts, First Canadian Edition_Mason A. Carpenter,William Gerard Sanders,Kenneth F. Harling (IM+TB)

Death, Society and Human Experience, 11E_Robert J. Kastenbaum (IM+TB)

Top 10 Rules of Ethics for Paralegals, 2E_Deborah K. Orlik (IRM)

Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 6e_Peter C. Brewer,Ray H. Garrison,Eric W. Noreen (TB)

Constructions of Deviance Social Power, Context, and Interaction, 7th Edition_Patricia A. Adler, Peter Adler (IRM+TB)

Principles of Marketing, 14E_Philip Kotler,Gary Armstrong (IRM+TB)

Principles of Marketing, 13E_Philip Kotler,Gary Armstrong (IRM+TB)

Cost Management A Strategic Emphasis, 6e_Edward J. Blocher,David E. Stout,Paul E. Juras,Gary Cokins (ISM+TB)

Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting Theory and Practice, 9E_Robert J. Freeman,Craig D. Shoulders,Gregory S. Allison,Terry K. Patton,G. Robert Smith, Jr (IM+SM+TB)

Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting Theory and Practice, Update, 9E_Robert J. Freeman,Craig D. Shoulders,Gregory S. Allison,Terry K. Patton,G. Robert Smith, Jr (IM+SM+TB)

Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting, 10E_Robert J. Freeman,Craig D. Shoulders,Gregory S. Allison,Terry K. Patton,G. Robert Smith, Jr (IM+SM+TB)

Strategies for E-Business concepts and cases, 2E_Tawfik Jelassi,Albrecht Enders (IRM)

Starting Points,A sociological journey_L Tepperman (TB+IM)

Big Java Late Objects_Cay S. Horstmann (ISM+TB)

Historical Geology, 7th Edition_Reed Wicander, James S. Monroe (IM+TB+Student Quizzes)

Managerial Accounting Tools for Business Decision-Making, 3rd Canadian Edition_Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel, Ibrahim M Aly (SM+IM+TB)

Introduction to Psychology, 9th Edition_James W. Kalat (TB)

A People and a Nation A History of the United States, Volume II Since 1865, 9th Edition_Mary Beth Norton, Carol Sheriff, David W. Blight, Howard P. Chudacoff, Fredrik Logevall, Beth Bailey (IRM+TB)

Essentials of Business Statistics, 4e_Bruce L. Bowerman,Richard T. O'Connell,Emily S. Murphree,J. B. Orris (TB)

Capital Investment Analysis for Engineering and Management, 3E_John R. Canada,William G. Sullivan,Dennis J. Kulonda,John A. White (ISM)

Technology in Action, Introductory, 9E_Alan Evans,Kendall Martin,Mary Anne Poatsy (ISM+TB)

Technology in Action, Introductory, 10E_Alan Evans,Kendall Martin,Mary Anne Poatsy (ISM+TB)

Services Marketing Global Edition, 7E_Christopher H Lovelock,Jochen Wirtz (IRM+TB)

Services Marketing Global Edition, 7E_Christopher Lovelock,Jochen Wirtz (IRM+TB)

Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 3E_Nagraj Balakrishnan,Barry Render,Ralph M. Stair (ISM+TB)

Automata, Computability and Complexity Theory and Applications_Elaine A. Rich (ISM)

Organizational Behavior Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, 2e_Jason A. Colquitt,Jeffery A. LePine,Michael J. Wesson (TB)

Gardner's Art through the Ages The Western Perspective, Volume I, 14th Edition_Fred S. Kleiner (TB+Guide to Study+Google Quizzes)

Western Civilization Beyond Boundaries, Volume I to 1715, 7th Edition _ Thomas F. X. Noble, Barry S. Strauss, Duane J. Osheim, Kristen B. Neuschel, Elinor Accampo, David D. Roberts, William B. Cohen (IRM+TB)

Making America A History of the United States, Brief, 6th Edition _ Carol Berkin, Christopher L. Miller, Robert W. Cherny, James L. Gormly, Douglas Egerton, Kelly Woestman (IM+TB)

Competing Visions A History of California, 2nd Edition _ Robert W. Cherny, Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo, Richard Griswold del Castillo (TB)

Mastering ArcGIS with Video Clips DVD-ROM, 5th Edition_Maribeth H. Price (ISM)

Criminology 2nd E_Freda Adler Gerhard O. Mueller William Laufer Jana Grekul (TB)

Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4E_David C. Lay (ISM+TB)

International Human Resource Management, 1st Edition_Stefan Gröschl, Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing PhD, Allen D. Engle, Sr. D.B.A (IM w TB)

Accounting Information Systems Basic Concepts & Current Issues, 3e_Robert L. Hurt (TB)

Theories of Development Concepts and Applications, 6E_William Crain (IM w TB)

Biochemistry, 4th Edition_Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham (TB)

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 3e_Melissa A. Schilling (TB)

Microsoft® Access 2010 Introductory, 1st Edition _ Gary B. Shelly, Philip J. Pratt, Mary Z. Last (TB)

Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Complete, 1st Edition _ Gary B. Shelly, Jeffrey J. Quasney (IM+SM+TB)

Supervision Today!, 6E_Stephen P. Robbins,David A. DeCenzo,    Robert Wolter (IM+TB)

Supervision Today!, 7E_Stephen P. Robbins,David A. DeCenzo,Robert Wolter (IM+TB+PPT)

Project Management Process, Technology and Practice_Ganesh Vaidyanathan (IM+TB+PPT)

Business to Business Marketing_Robert Vitale,Waldemar Pfoertsch,Joseph Giglierano (IRM)

Managerial Economics Markets and the Firm, 2nd Edition_William Boyes (IRM+TB)

Marketing Management, 13E_Philip R Kotler,Kevin Lane Keller (IRM+TB)

Financial Accounting, IFRS Edition 2nd Edition_Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso (TB)

America Past and Present, Volume 2, 10E_Robert A. Divine,T. H. Breen,R. Hal Williams,Ariela J. Gross,H. W. Brands (TB)

Calculus and Its Applications, 10E_Marvin L. Bittinger,David J. Ellenbogen,Scott Surgent (ISM+TB)

International Money and Finance, 8th Edition_Michael Melvin, Stefan Norrbin (IM+TB+PPT)

Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition_G. Michael Schneider, Judith Gersting (SM+TB+IM+Coursemate Solutions)

Contemporary Financial Intermediation,2nd Edition_Stuart I. Greenbaum,Anjan V. Thakor (IM+TB)

Strategic Management Concepts and Cases 1st Edition_ Frank Rothaermel, Frank T. Rothaermel, FRANK T. ROTHAERMEL (TB)

Essentials of Oceanography, 10E_Alan P. Trujillo,Harold V. Thurman (IRM+TB)

Supply Chain Logistics Management  3e Donald Bowersox  David Closs Bixby Cooper (SM+TB)

Organizational Theory, Design, and Change, 7E_Gareth R. Jones (IRM+TB)

Excellence in Business Communication, 10E_John V. Thill,Courtland L. Bovee (IM+TB)

Excellence in Business Communication, 9E_John V. Thill,Courtland L. Bovee (IM+TB)

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 4th Edition_Fred Phillips,Robert Libby,Patricia Libby (ISM)

Visualizing Human Biology, 3rd Edition_Kathleen A. Ireland (IRM+TB)

Strategic Management Cases An Integrated Approach, 10th Edition_Charles W. L. Hill, Gareth R. Jones (TB)

Introduction to Econometrics, 2E_James H. Stock,Mark W. Watson (IM+TB)

Legal Environment of Business, 5E_Nancy K. Kubasek,Bartley A. Brennan,M. Neil Browne (IM+TB)

Legal Environment of Business, The, 6E_Nancy K. Kubasek,Bartley A. Brennan,M. Neil Browne (IM+TB)

Fundamentals of Probability, with Stochastic Processes, 3E_Saeed Ghahramani (ISM)

Service Management Operations, Strategy, Information Technology, 7e_James A. Fitzsimmons,Mona J. Fitzsimmons (TB)

Macroeconomics Canada in the Global Environment with MyEconLab, 8E_Michael Parkin,Robin Bade (ISM+TB+IM)

Marketing Management Strategies, International Edition, 5th Edition_O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline (Case Notes+Lecture Outline+TB)

Strategic Management Formulation, Implementation, and Control, 12e_John A. Pearce,Richard B. Robinson, Jr (TB)

M Business Communication, 2e_Marie E. Flatley,Kathryn Rentz,Paula Lentz (TB)

International Corporate Finance_J. Ashok Robin (SM+TB)

OM, 3rd Edition_David Alan Collier, James R. Evans (IM+TB)

Lakeside Company Case Studies in Auditing, 12E_John M. Trussel,J. Douglas Frazer (ISM)

Lakeside Company Case Studies in Auditing, 11E_John M. Trussel,J. Douglas Frazer (ISM)

Oceanography, 8th Edition_Tom S. Garrison (IRM+TB)

International Economics ,Theory and Policy 8E_Paul R. Krugman,Maurice Obstfeld,Marc Melitz (TB)

Management, 3E_Michael A Hitt,Stewart Black,Lyman W Porter (IRM+TB)

High Acuity Nursing, 5E_Kathleen Dorman Wagner, RN, MSN, CS,Karen Johnson, RN, PhD, CCRN,Melanie Hardin-Pierce (IM+TB)

Understanding Symbolic Logic, 5E_Virginia Klenk, Ph.D (IM+TB)

Perspectives on Personality, 7E_Charles S. Carver,Michael F. Scheier (IM w TB)

Development Through the Lifespan, 5E_Laura E. Berk (IRM+TB)

Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology Plus MasteringBiology with eText -- Access Card Package, 4E_Eric J. Simon,Jean L. Dickey,Jane B. Reece (IRM)

Algebra and Trigonometry, 9E_Michael Sullivan (ISM+TB)

Management, 2E_Michael A Hitt,Stewart Black,Lyman W Porter (TB)

Public Finance, 10th Edition_David N. Hyman (IM w TB)

QuickBooks 2012 A Complete Course, 13E_Janet Horne (ISM+IRM+TB)

Strategic Management Concepts Competitiveness and Globalization, 9th Edition_Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson (IM+TB)

Retail Management A Strategic Approach, 11E_Barry Berman,Joel R Evans (IRM+TB)

Retail Management A Strategic Approach, 12E_Barry R Berman,Joel R. Evans (IRM+TB)

Business Ethics How to Design and Manage Ethical Organizations,1st E_Denis Collins (TB)

Core Concepts of Information Technology Auditing,1st E_James E. Hunton, Stephanie M. Bryant, Nancy A. Bagranoff (SM)

Texas The Lone Star State, 10E_Rupert N. Richardson,Adrian Anderson,Cary D Wintz,Ernest Wallace (TB)

ChurchillFordWalker's Sales Force Management, 10e_Mark W. Johnston,Greg W. Marshall (TB)

Price Theory and Applications, 8th Edition_Steven Landsburg (IRM+TB)

Administrative Medical Assisting, 7th Edition_Linda L. French, Marilyn T. Fordney (TB)

Perspectives on Argument, 7E_Nancy V. Wood,James Miller (IM w Exam Questions)

Principles of Neuropsychology, 2nd Edition_Eric A. Zillmer, Mary V. Spiers, William Culbertson (TB)

CCH Federal Taxation basic principle 2011 smith, harmelink, hasselback (TB)

CCH Federal Taxation comprehensive topics 2012 smith harmelink hasselback (ISM+TB)

CCH Federal Taxation comrehensive topics 2011 smith harmelink hasselback (TB)

Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, 3e_William N. Lanen,Shannon W. Anderson,Michael W. Maher (SM+TB)

Distributed Systems Concepts and Design, 5E_George Coulouris,Jean Dollimore,Tim Kindberg,Gordon Blair (ISM)

Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 7E_Norman M. Scarborough (IRM+TB)

Microeconomics, 8E_Robert Pindyck,Daniel Rubinfeld (IRM+TB)

Principles of Economics, 5th Edition _ N. Gregory Mankiw (IM+TB)

Principles of Fraud Examination, 3rd Edition_Joseph T. Wells (ISM+TB)

Connect Core Concepts in Health, 12e_Paul M. Insel,Walton T. Roth (TB)

Economic Development, 9E_Michael P. Todaro,Stephen C. Smith (IM w TB)

Economic Development, 10E_Michael P. Todaro,Stephen C. Smith (IM w TB)

Economic Development, 11E_Michael P. Todaro,Stephen C. Smith (IM w TB)

Macroeconomics 2008-2009 Update Edition plus MyEconLab One-semester Student Access Kit, 6E_Andrew B. Abel,Ben S. Bernanke,Dean Croushore (IM+TB+PPT)

Macroeconomics, 7E_Andrew B. Abel,Ben Bernanke,Dean Croushore (IM+TB)

Aerodynamics for Engineers, 5E_John J. Bertin,Russell M. Cummings (ISM)

Discrete-Time Control Systems, 2E_Katsuhiko Ogata (ISM)

Advertising & IMC Principles and Practice, 9E_Sandra Moriarty,Nancy D Mitchell,William D. Wells (IRM+TB)

Life Span Development A Topical Approach_Robert S. Feldman, Ph.D (IM+TB)

Principles of Macroeconomics, International Edition, 5th Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw (IM+TB)

Global Marketing Global Edition, 6E_Warren J. Keegan,Mark Green (IM+TB)

Business and Administrative Communication, 10e_Kitty O. Locker,Donna S. Kienzler (TB)

International Business, 7E_Ricky W. Griffin,Mike W. Pustay (IRM+TB)

Managerial Accounting_M. Suzanne Oliver,Charles T. Horngren (ISM+Working Papers+TB)

Operations Management, 4th Edition_R. Dan Reid, Nada R. Sanders (TB)

Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, 11e_Richard B. Chase,F. Robert Jacobs,Nicholas J. Aquilano (ISM)

Management of Organizational Behavior, 9E_Paul Hersey,Kenneth H. Blanchard,Dewey E. Johnson (IM w TB+Case Study answers)

Management of Organizational Behavior, 10E_Paul Hersey,Kenneth H. Blanchard,Dewey E. Johnson (IM+Case Study answers)

Human Resource Management Gaining a Competitive Advantage, 8e_Raymond A. Noe,John R. Hollenbeck,Barry Gerhart,Patrick M. Wright (ISM+TB)

Campbell Essential Biology Plus MasteringBiology with eText -- Access Card Package, 5E_Eric J. Simon,Jean L. Dickey,Jane B. Reece (IG+TB)

Statistics and Data Analysis From Elementary to Intermediate_Ajit C. Tamhane,Dorothy D. Dunlop (ISM)

Biological Science, 4E_Scott Freeman (IG+TB)

Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making, 4th Edition_Jacqueline Birt, Keryn Chalmers, Albie Brooks, Suzy Byrne, Judy Oliver (ISM+TB)

Organizational Behavior and Management, 9e_John M. Ivancevich,Robert Konopaske,Michael T. Matteson (TB)

Objects First with Java A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ, 5E_David J. Barnes,Michael Kölling (ISM)

Introduction to Business Information Systems, Third Canadian Edition_James Norrie, Michelle Nanjad, Mark W. Huber (TB)

Operations and Supply Chain Management The Core, 3e_F. Robert Jacobs,Richard B. Chase (ISM+TB)

Managing Information Technology, 7E_Carol V. Brown,Daniel W. DeHayes,Jeffrey A. Hoffer,Wainright E. Martin,William C. Perkins (IM+TB)

Introduction to Electronic Commerce, 2E_Efraim Turban,David King,Judy Lang (IM+TB)

Exploring Microsoft Office Word 2010 Comprehensive_Robert Grauer,Mary Anne Poatsy,Michelle Hulett,Lynn Hogan (ISM+TB)

Fundamentals of Investments, 3E_Gordon J. Alexander,William F. Sharpe,Jeffery V. Bailey (ISM+TB)

Prentice Hall's Federal Taxation 2013 Corporations, Partnerships, Estates & Trusts, 26E_Kenneth E. Anderson,Thomas R. Pope (ISM+TB)

Enterprise Information Systems A Pattern-Based Approach, 3e_Cheryl L. Dunn,J. Owen Cherrington,Anita S. Hollander (TB)

Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities, 16e_Jacqueline L. Reck,Suzanne L. Lowensohn,Earl R. Wilson (ISM+TB)

Understanding Humans An Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 10th Edition_Barry Lewis, Robert Jurmain, Lynn Kilgore (TB)

Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk about How to Do It Right, 5th Edition_Linda K. Trevino, Katherine A. Nelson (TB)

The Legal Environment of Business A Managerial Approach_Sean P. Melvin (ISM+TB)

Understanding Health Insurance A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement, 11th Edition_Michelle A. Green (TB)

Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 7th Edition _ Ann Ehrlich, Carol L. Schroeder (IM+TB)

Federal Taxation 2013, 7th Edition_James W. Pratt, William N. Kulsrud (IM+TB)

Health Psychology, 8e_Shelley E. Taylor (TB)

Advanced Accounting, 10E_Floyd A. Beams,Robin P. Clement,Joseph H. Anthony,Suzanne Lowensohn (IM+SM+TB)

Intermediate Accounting 12e Kieso (TB)

Music An Appreciation, 9e_Roger Kamien, Zubin Mehta Chair (TB)

Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts, 8th Edition_Thomas P Edmonds,Frances M McNair,Philip R Olds (TB)

Beginning & Intermediate Algebra, 5E_Elayn Martin-Gay (ISM+IM+TB)

John E. Freund's Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 7E_Irwin Miller,Marylees Miller (ISM)

John E. Freund's Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 8E_Irwin Miller,Marylees Miller (ISM)

Contract Law Fundamentals_Adam Epstein (IM w TB)

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics and the Life and social Sciences, 11E_Ernest F Haeussler,Richard S. Paul,R.J. Wood (TB)

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13E_Ernest F. Haeussler,Richard S. Paul,Richard J. Wood (ISM+TB)

Business Law, 8E_Henry R. Cheeseman (IM+TB)

Adolescence, 9e_Laurence Steinberg (TB)

Negotiation Readings, Exercises, and Cases, 6e_Roy J. Lewicki,David M. Saunders,Bruce Barry (ISM)

The Earth and Its Peoples, 5th Edition_Richard W. Bulliet, Pamela Kyle Crossley, Daniel R. Headrick, Steven W. Hirsch, Lyman L. Johnson, David Northrup (TB)

Accounting Research Tools and Strategies, 7th Edition_Thomas R. Weirich, Thomas C. Pearson, Natalie Tatiana Churyk (ISM)

Supply Chain Management, 5E_Sunil Chopra,Peter Meindl (IRM+TB)

New Perspectives on Microsoft ® Project 2010 Introductory, 1st Edition_Rachel Biheller Bunin (ISM+TB)

Drug Use and Abuse, 6th Edition_Stephen A. Maisto, Mark Galizio, Gerard J. Connors (TB)

Biology A Guide to the Natural World Plus MasteringBiology -- Access Card Package, 5E_David Krogh (TB)

International Marketing, 15e_Philip R. Cateora,Mary C. Gilly,John L. Graham (TB)

Systems Analysis and Design, 5th Edition_Alan Dennis (SM+TB)

Accounting Principles Fifth Canadian Edition,Part 1,2,3_Jerry J.; Kieso, Donald E.; Kimmel, Paul D.; Trenh (ISM+TB)

Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance, 10E_Mark S. Dorfman,David Cather (ISM+TB)

Real Estate Principles A Value Approach, 3e_David C. Ling,Wayne R. Archer (TB)

Retailing Management, 8e_Michael Levy,Barton A. Weitz (TB)

Retailing Management, 7e_Michael Levy,Barton A. Weitz (TB)

Organization Development and Change, 9th Edition_Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley (Case Notes + TB)

Computer Organization and Architecture, 9E_William Stallings (ISM+TB)

Human Sexuality Today, 7E_Bruce M. King (IM w TB)

RF Microelectronics, 2E_Behzad Razavi (ISM)

Operating Systems A Systematic View, 6E_William S. Davis,T.M. Rajkumar (ISM+TB)

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2013 Edition_Shirley Dennis-Escoffier (SM+TB)

Essentials of Marketing Research, 3rd Edition_Joseph F. Hair,Mary Wolfinbarger,Robert P Bush,David J. Ortinau (TB)

Environment The Science behind the Stories Plus MasteringEnvironmentalScience with eText -- Access Card Package, 4E_Jay H. Withgott,Scott R. Brennan (TB)

Economics of Health and Health Care, The, 7E_Sherman Folland,Allen C. Goodman,Miron Stano (IM)

Computer Accounting with QuickBooks ® 2012, 14e_Donna Kay (TB)

Essentials of International Economics,2nd E_Robert C. Feenstra; Alan M. Taylor (TB)

Fundamentals of Canadian Business Law, Second Edition John A Willes (TB)

Environment The Science behind the Stories, 3E_Jay H. Withgott,Scott R. Brennan (IG+TB)

Auditing A Risk-Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit, 9th Edition_Karla Johnstone, Audrey Gramling, Larry E. Rittenberg (ISM)

New Perspectives on HTML and CSS Comprehensive, 6th Edition_Patrick M. Carey (ISM+Cases ,Tutorials Solutions+TB)

Business Connecting Principles to Practice_William G. Nickels,James M. McHugh,Susan M. McHugh (TB)

International Business Competing in the Global Marketplace, 9e_Charles W. L. Hill (ISM+TB)

International Relations, 2012-2013 Update, 10E_Joshua S. Goldstein,Jon C. Pevehouse (IM w TB)

Global Business Today, 7e_Charles W. L. Hill (ISM+TB)

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 12E_Michael T. Madigan,John M. Martinko,David A. Stahl,David P. Clark (TB)

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 13E_Michael T. Madigan,John M. Martinko,David A. Stahl,David P. Clark (TB)

Starting Out With Visual Basic 2010, 5E Tony Gaddis,Kip R. Irvine (ISM+TB)

The Challenge of Democracy Essentials American Government in Global Politics, 8th Edition_Kenneth Janda, Jeffrey M. Berry, Jerry Goldman, Kevin W. Hula (IM+TB)

Experience Psychology_Laura A. King (TB)

Families A Sociological Perspective, 1st Edition_David M. Newman (TB)

Starting Out with Python, 2E_Tony Gaddis (ISM+TB)

Macroeconomics,8th E_N. Gregory Mankiw (ISM+TB)

Practical Financial Management, 7th Edition_William R. Lasher (ISM)

Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence, 9th Edition_James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay (IM+TB+Cases Sol)

Astronomy A Beginner's Guide to the Universe Plus MasteringAstronomy with eText -- Access Card Package, 7E_Eric Chaisson,Steve McMillan (IG+TB)

Astronomy A Beginner's Guide to the Universe with MasteringAstronomy, 6E_Eric Chaisson,Steve McMillan (IG+TB)

Introduction to Personality Toward an Integrative Science of the Person, 8th Edition_Walter Mischel, Yuichi Shoda, Ozlem Ayduk (TB)

International Business, 7E_John J. Wild,Kenneth L. Wild (IM+TB)

International Business The Challenges of Globalization, 5EJohn J. Wild,Kenneth L. Wild,Jerry C.Y. Han (IM+TB)

Communication Making Connections, 8E_William J. Seiler,Melissa L. Beall (IM+TB)

Communication Making Connections Plus NEW MyCommunication Lab with eText -- Access Card Package, 9E_William J. Seiler,Melissa L. Beall,Joseph Mazer (TB)

Biology Life on Earth with Physiology Plus MasteringBiology with eText -- Access Card Package, 9E_Gerald Audesirk,Teresa Audesirk,Bruce E. Byers (TB)

Biology Life on Earth with Physiology Plus MasteringBiology with eText -- Access Card Package, 10E_Gerald Audesirk,Teresa Audesirk,Bruce E. Byers (IG+TB)

Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, 4th Edition_Mark Ciampa (ISM+TB+Lab Manual)

Principles of Corporate Finance , 10e_Richard A. Brealey,Stewart C. Myers,Franklin Allen (TB)

Income Tax Fundamentals 2013, 31st Edition_Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller, Steven L. Gill (Contributing Author) (Solutions+Self Study Solutions)

Macroeconomics, 7e_David C. Colander (TB)

International Business The Challenges of Globalization, 4E_John J. Wild,Kenneth L. Wild (IM+TB)

Contemporary Strategy Analysis Concepts, Techniques, Applications, 6th Edition_Robert M. Grant (TB)

Industrial Organization Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications, 4th Edition_Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, George Norman (ISM)

Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations, 7th Edition_Thomas M. Devlin (TB)

Engineering Economy, 15E_William G. Sullivan,Elin M. Wicks,C. Patrick Koelling (ISM+TB)

Operations Research An Introduction, 9E_Hamdy A. Taha (ISM)

Services Marketing Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, 6e_Valarie A. Zeithaml,Mary Jo Bitner,Dwayne D. Gremler (TB)

The Leadership Experience, 5th Edition_Richard L. Daft (IRM+TB)

Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems Computing and Modeling, 4E_C. Henry Edwards,David E. Penney (ISM)

E-commerce 2013, 9E_Kenneth Laudon,Carol Guercio Traver (IM+TB)

E-Commerce Business,Technology, Society, 4E_Kenneth C Laudon,Carol Guercio Traver (IM+TB)

Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2010 A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition_Sandra Cable (IM+SM+TB)

Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 9E_Efraim Turban,Ramesh Sharda,Dursun Delen (ISM+TB)

Human Diseases A Systemic Approach, 7E_Mark Zelman, Ph.D,Elaine Tompary,Jill Raymond,Paul Holdaway, M.A,Mary Lou Mulvihill, Ph.D (IRM+TB)

Human Diseases A Systemic Approach, 6E_Mary Lou Mulvihill, Ph.D,Mark Zelman, Ph.D,Paul Holdaway, M.A,Elaine Tompary,Jill Raymond (TB)

Literature An Introduction to Reading and Writing, 10E_Edgar V. Roberts,Robert Zweig, (IM)

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, 3E_Michael H. Moffett,Arthur I. Stonehill,David K. Eiteman (ISM+TB)

Statistics for The Behavioral and Social Sciences A Brief Course, 5E_Arthur Aron, Ph.D.,Elliot Coups, Ph.D.,Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D (IM+TB)

Using MIS, 5E_David M. Kroenke (ISM+TB)

Introduction to Information Systems, 2nd Canadian Edition_R. Kelly Rainer, Casey G. Cegielski, Ingrid Splettstoesser-Hogeterp, Cristobal Sanchez-Rodriguez (TB)

Macroeconomics, 6E_Olivier Blanchard,David H. Johnson (IM+TB)

Trigonometry, 10E_Margaret Lial,John Hornsby,David I. Schneider,Callie Daniels (ISM+TB)

Trigonometry, 9E_Margaret Lial,John Hornsby,David I. Schneider (ISM+TB)

Strategic Compensation A Human Resource Management Approach, 6E_Joe Martocchio (IRM+TB)

Strategic Compensation A Human Resource Management Approach, 7E_Joe Martocchio (IRM+TB)

Objects First With Java A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ, 3E_David J. Barnes,Michael Kölling (ISM)

Marketing Research An Applied Orientation Global Edition, 6E_Naresh K Malhotra,SPSS SPSS (IRM+TB)

Business Ethics Ethical Decision Making & Cases, 8th Edition_O. C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell (TB)

Criminal Law, 10th Edition_Joel Samaha (IM+TB)

Programming the World Wide Web, 7E_Robert W. Sebesta (ISM)

Computer Networks and Internets, 5E_Douglas E. Comer (ISM)

Business Law, 14e_Jane P. Mallor,A. James Barnes,L. Thomas Bowers,Arlen W. Langvardt (TB)

Modern Labor Economics Theory and Public Policy, 11E_Ronald G Ehrenberg,Robert S. Smith (IM+TB)

Modern Labor Economics Theory and Public Policy, 10E_Ronald G. Ehrenberg,Robert S. Smith (IM+TB)

Modern Labor Economics Theory and Public Policy, 9E_Ronald G. Ehrenberg,Robert S. Smith (IM+TB+Case Study Answers)

Modern Labor Economics Theory and Public Policy, 8E_Ronald G. Ehrenberg,Robert S. Smith (IM+TB)

Child Psychology Development in a Changing Society, 5th Edition_Robin Harwood, Scott A. Miller, Ross Vasta (TB)

Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, 15e_Douglas A. Lind,William G. Marchal,Samuel A. Wathen (SM+TB)

Microsoft® Access 2010 Complete, 1st Edition_Gary B. Shelly, Philip J. Pratt, Mary Z. Last (ISM+IM+TB)

Microsoft® Access 2010 Comprehensive, 1st Edition_Gary B. Shelly, Philip J. Pratt, Mary Z. Last (ISM+IM+TB)

New Perspectives on the Internet Comprehensive, 9th Edition_Gary P. Schneider, Jessica Evans (IM+TB+SM+Data Files)

Auditing & Assurance Services, 5e_Timothy J. Louwers,Robert J. Ramsay,David H. Sinason,Jerry R. Strawser,Jay C. Thibodeau (SM+TB)

Mastering Public Speaking, 8E_George L. Grice,John F. Skinner (TB)

Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts, 6e_Thomas P. Edmonds,Bor-Yi Tsay,Philip R. Olds (ISM)

Personal Finance for Canadians, 9E_Elliot J. Currie,Thomas F. Chambers,Kathleen H. Brown (IRM+TB)

Analysis for Financial Management, 10e_Robert C. Higgins (ISM+TB)

Auditing and Assurance Services, Update, 14E_Alvin A Arens,Randal J Elder,Mark Beasley (ISM+TB+IRM)

International Financial Management, Abridged Edition, 11th Edition_Jeff Madura (IM+TB)

Technical Communication Process and Product, 7E_Sharon Gerson,Steven Gerson (IRM)

Technical Communication Process and Product, 6E_Sharon Gerson,Steven Gerson (IRM+TB)

Essential Environment The Science behind the Stories, 4E_Jay H Withgott,Matthew Laposata (IG+TB)

Earth Science, 13E_Edward J. Tarbuck,Frederick K. Lutgens,Dennis Tasa (IM+TB)

Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography, 8E_Robert W. Christopherson (IRM+TB)

Retailing Management, 3e_Michael Levy,Barton A. Weitz,Sheryn Beattie,Dea Watson (TB)

Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach, 4th Edition_Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (ISM)

Criminal Investigation, 8E_James N. Gilbert (IM)

Principles of Macroeconomics, 6th Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw (IRM+TB)

A People and a Nation A History of the United States, Brief Edition, Volume I, 9th Edition_Mary Beth Norton, Carol Sheriff, David W. Blight, Howard P. Chudacoff, Fredrik Logevall, Beth Bailey, Debra Michals (IRM+TB)

Strategic Human Resources Planning, 5th Edition_Monica Belcourt, Kenneth McBey , Ying Hong, Margaret Yap (IRM+TB)

Earth Science, 12E_Edward J. Tarbuck,Frederick K. Lutgens,Dennis Tasa (IM+TB)

Search Engines Information Retrieval in Practice_Bruce Croft,Donald Metzler,Trevor Strohman (ISM)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 2E_Jonathan Berk,Peter DeMarzo,Jarrad Harford (ISM+TB+IM)

Recruitment and Selection in Canada, 5th Edition_Victor M. Catano, Willi H. Wiesner, Rick D. Hackett (IRM+TB)

Financial and Managerial Accounting Information for Decisions, 4e_John J. Wild,Ken W. Shaw,Barbara Chiappetta (TB)

Elemental Geosystems, 7E_Robert W. Christopherson (IRM+TB+SM)

Thinking, 4E_Gary R. Kirby,Jeffrey R. Goodpaster (IM)

Selling Today Creating Customer Value, Sixth Canadian Edition with Companion Website, 6E_Gerald L. Manning,Michael L. Ahearne,Barry L. Reece,H.F. (Herb) MacKenzie (IM+TB)

Exploring Microsoft Office 2010 Plus_Robert Grauer,Mary Anne Poatsy,Michelle Hulett,Cynthia Krebs,Keith Mast,Keith Mulbery,Lynn Hogan (IM+SM+TB+Other Resources)

Principles of Financial Accounting, 3rd Edition_Jerry J. Weygandt, Lorena Mitrione, Michaela Rankin, Keryn Chalmers, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel (ISM+TB)

Management Accounting, 2nd Edition_Leslie G. Eldenburg, Albie Brooks, Judy Oliver, Gillian Vesty, Susan Wolcott (ISM)

Management, 12th Edition_John R. Schermerhorn (IRG+TB)

Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, 3rd Edition_Ruth Picker, Ken J. Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark (ISM+TB)

Calculus Early Transcendentals_William L. Briggs,Lyle Cochran (ISM+TRM+TB)

Elementary Linear Algebra, 10th Edition_Howard Anton (ISM+Other Resources)

MP Fundamentals of Taxation 2013 Edition with TaxAct Software, 6th Edition_Ana M. Cruz,Mike Deschamps,Frederick Niswander,Debra Prendergast,Dan  Schisler,Jinhee Trone (TB)

Corporate Finance, 9e_Stephen A. Ross,Randolph W. Westerfield,Jeffrey F. Jaffe (TB)

Introduction to Mass Communication Media Literacy and Culture, 7e,Update_Stanley J. Baran (TB)

A Framework for Marketing Management, 4E_Philip R Kotler,Kevin Lane Keller (TB)

Consumer Behaviour 4e Fourth Canadian Edition Michael R. Solomon (TB)

Introduction to Management Science A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets, 3e_Fred S. Hillier,Mark S. Hillier (ISM)

Understanding Computers in a Changing Society, 5th Edition_Deborah Morley (ISM+IM+TB)

Advanced Project Management Best Practices on Implementation, 2nd Edition_Harold Kerzner (ISM)

Macroeconomics, 4E_R. Glenn Hubbard,Anthony P. O'Brien (ISM+TB)

Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities, 15e_Earl Wilson,Jacqueline Reck,Susan Kattelus (ISM)

Financial and Managerial Accounting 1e Weygandt Kimmel, Kieso (ISM+TB)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 7e_Richard A. Brealey,Stewart C. Myers,Alan J. Marcus (SM+TB)

MGMT6, 6th Edition_Chuck Williams (IRM+TB)

Entrepreneurship Theory, Process, and Practice, 9th Edition_Donald F. Kuratko (IRM+TB)

Marketing Research, 6E_Alvin C. Burns,Ronald F. Bush (IRM+TB)

Marketing Research, 7E_Alvin C Burns,Ronald F. Bush (IRM+TB)

Systems Analysis and Design, 9E_Kenneth E. Kendall,Julie E. Kendall (ISM+TB)

Psychology,10e_David G. Myers (TB)

Systems Analysis and Design, 8E_Kenneth E. Kendall,Julie E. Kendall (ISM+TB)

First Course in Database Systems, A, 3E_Jeffrey D. Ullman,Jennifer Widom (ISM)

Introductory Circuit Analysis, 12E_Robert L. Boylestad (ISM+Lab Manual+TB)

Strategic Communication in Business and the Professions, 7E_Dan O'Hair,Gustav W. Friedrich,Lynda Dee Dixon (IM w TB)

Introduction to Management Science A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets, 4e_Frederick S. Hillier,Mark S. Hillier (ISM)

Organizational Behaviour Understanding and Managing Life at Work with MyOBLab, 8E_Gary Johns,Alan M. Saks (IRM+TB+PPT,s)

Hospitality Law Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry, 4th Edition_Stephen C. Barth (TB)

Macroeconomics A Modern Approach, 1st Edition_Robert J. Barro (IM+TB)

The Legal Environment Today Business In Its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting, 6th Edition_Roger LeRoy Miller ,Frank B. Cross (ISM+TB+Case Manuals)

International Business Strategy, Management, and the New Realities_Tamer Cavusgil,Gary Knight,John Riesenberger (IRM+TB)

International Business The New Realities, 2E_S. Tamer Cavusgil,Gary Knight,John Riesenberger (IRM+TB)

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012 Introductory, 14th Edition_June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja (ISM+IM+TB)

Psychology, 3E_Saundra K. Ciccarelli,J. Noland White (IRM+TB+Notes)

Essentials of Genetics, 7E_William S. Klug,Michael R. Cummings,Charlotte A. Spencer,Michael A. Palladino (TB)

Essentials of Genetics, 8E_William S. Klug,Michael R. Cummings,Charlotte A. Spencer,Michael A. Palladino (TB+Notes)

Health Psychology A Cultural Approach, 2nd Edition_Regan A.R. Gurung (TB)

Accounting Principles, 8th Edition_Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso (TB)

Accounting Principles, 9th Edition_Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso (TB)

Accounting Principles, 11th Edition_Jerry J. Weygandt (TB)

Auditing and Assurance Services A Systematic Approach, 7e_William F. Messier, Jr,Steven M. Glover,Douglas F. Prawitt (TB)

Business Law in Canada, Ninth Canadian Edition with MyBusLawLab, 9E_Richard A. Yates,Teresa Bereznicki-Korol,Trevor Clarke (IRM+TB)

Business Law in Canada, Tenth Canadian Edition with MyBusLawLab, 10E_Richard A. Yates,Teresa Bereznicki-Korol,Trevor Clarke (ISM+TB)

Chemistry, 6E_John E. McMurry,Robert C. Fay (ISM+Lab Manual+TB)

Cornerstones of Financial Accounting, 3rd Edition_Jay Rich, Jeff Jones, Maryanne Mowen, Don Hansen (ISM+Excel Template Solutions +TB)

Cost Management Strategies for Business Decisions, 4e_Ronald W. Hilton,Michael W. Maher,Frank Selto (TB)

Economics for Business 5th edition, 5E_John Sloman,Kevin Hinde,Dean Garratt (IRM+TB)

E-Marketing, 6E_Judy Strauss,Raymond Frost (IRM+TB)

Experiencing MIS, Third Canadian Edition with MyMISLab, 3E_David M. Kroenke,Andrew Gemino,Peter Tingling (IRM)

Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2nd Edition_David S. Kidwell, Mark Brimble, Anup Basu, Liam Lenten, Dianne Thomson, David W. Blackwell, David A. Whidbee, Richard L. Peterson (TB)

Fundamentals of Economics, 6th Edition _ William Boyes, Michael Melvin (IM+TB+Internet Exercises)

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 3E_Gary Dessler (IRM+TB)

Health Care Economics, 7th Edition_Paul J. Feldstein (ISM+TB)

Human Physiology, 12e_Stuart Ira Fox (TB)

Information Systems Today Managing in the Digital World, 6E_Joseph Valacich,Christoph Schneider (IRM+TB)

Information Systems Today, 5E_Joseph Valacich,Christoph Schneider (IRM+TB)

Introduction to Management Accounting, 16E_Charles T. Horngren,Gary L. Sundem,Jeff O. Schatzberg,Dave Burgstahler (ISM+IRM)

Management A Focus on Leaders, 2E_Annie McKee (IRM+TB)

Management, 12E_Stephen P. Robbins,Mary Coulter (IRM+TB)

Marketing Management An Asian Perspective, 6E_Philip Kotler,Kevin Lane Keller,Swee Hoon Ang,Siew Meng Leong,Chin-Tiong Tan (IRM+TB)

Marketing Research An Applied Orientation, 6E_Naresh K Malhotra,SPSS SPSS (IM+TB)

Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases, 6th Edition_O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline (IRM+Case Notes+TB)

Media Impact An Introduction to Mass Media, 2013 Update, 10th Edition_Shirley Biagi (IRM+TB)

Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 7th Edition_Ann Ehrlich, Carol L. Schroeder (IRM)

Microeconomics A Contemporary Introduction, 10th Edition_William A. McEachern (IRM)

Performance Management, 3E_Herman Aguinis (IRM+TB)

Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 12E_George E. Rejda,Michael McNamara (IM w TB)

Quality & Performance Excellence, 7th Edition _ James R. Evans (IRM+TB)

Survey of ECON, 2nd Edition _ Robert L. Sexton (IRM)

Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior, 5E_Jennifer M. George,Gareth R. Jones (IRM+TB)

Information Technology for Management Improving Strategic and Operational Performance, 8th Edition Turban, Volonino (TB)

College Accounting, 2e_John J. Wild,Vernon J. Richardson,Ken W. Shaw (ISM)

Introductory Statistics Exploring the World Through Data_Robert Gould,Colleen N. Ryan (ISM+TB)

Biological Science, First Canadian Edition with MasteringBiology_Scott Freeman,Michael Harrington,Joan C. Sharp (TB)

The World of Psychology, 7E_Samuel E. Wood,Ellen Green Wood,Denise Boyd (IRM+TB)


Strategic Brand Management, 4E_Kevin Lane Keller (IRM)

Strategic Brand Management, 3E_Kevin Lane Keller (IRM)

Electronic Commerce 2012 Managerial and Social Networks Perspectives, 7E_Efraim Turban,David King (IRM+TB)

Environmental Geology, 9e_Carla W. Montgomery (TB)

Abnormal Psychology, 2E_Deborah C. Beidel,Cynthia M. Bulik,Melinda A. Stanley, (IRM+TB)

Applied Statics and Strength of Materials, 5E_George F. Limbrunner,Leonard Spiegel, P.E., Deceased (IRM)

The Changing Earth Exploring Geology and Evolution, 6th Edition_James S. Monroe, Reed Wicander (IRM+TB)

Fundamentals of Economics, 5th Edition_William Boyes, Michael Melvin (IRM+TB)

Introduction to Business Statistics, 7th Edition _ Ronald M. Weiers (ISM+TB)

Understanding the Law, 6th Edition _ Donald L. Carper, John A. McKinsey (IRM+TB)

BUSN 4, 4th Edition _ Marcella Kelly, Jim McGowen (IRM+ISM+TB)

BUSN 5, 5th Edition _ Marcella Kelly, Jim McGowen (IRM+ISM+TB)

BUSN 6, 6th Edition _ Marcella Kelly, Jim McGowen, Chuck Williams (IRM+ISM+TB+Urban Outfitter Cases)

MKTG 7, 7th Edition _ Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel (IRM+TB)

Foundations of Business, 2nd Edition_William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor (IRM+TB)

Business, 11th Edition_William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor (IRM)

Managerial Economics THEORY, APPLICATIONS, AND CASES_W. Bruce Allen,Keith Weigelt,Neil A. Doherty,Edwin Mansfield (ISM+TB)

Health Assessment and Physical Examination, 5th Edition _ Mary Ellen Zator Estes (IRM)

Understanding Food Principles and Preparation, 3rd Edition_Amy Christine Brown (IRM+TB)

Management Information Systems, plus MyMISLab with Pearson eText, Global Edition, 13E_Jane P. Laudon,Kenneth Laudon (IM+Lecture Notes)

Management Information Systems with MyMISLab Global Edition, 12E_Kenneth Laudon,Jane Laudon (IRM+TB+Lecture Notes)

Management Information Systems, 13E_Kenneth C. Laudon,Jane P. Laudon (IRM+TB+Lecture Notes)

Microeconomics, Thirteenth Canadian Edition with MyEconLab, 13E_Christopher T.S. Ragan,Richard G Lipsey (IRM+TB)

Labor Relations Development, Structure, Process, 11e_John A. Fossum (ISM+TB)

Business Statistics Plus MyStatLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 6E_David M. Levine,Timothy C. Krehbiel,Mark L Berenson,David F Stephan (ISM+TB)

Business Statistics A First Course, 5E_David M. Levine,Timothy C. Krehbiel,Mark L. Berenson (ISM+TB)

Foundations of Financial Management with Time Value of Money card 14e Stanley Block SM (ISM)

Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System, 5th Edition_J. Scott Harr, Kären M. Hess, Christine M.H. Orthmann (IRM+TB)

Microeconomics, 4E_R. Glenn Hubbard,Anthony P. O'Brien (IRM+TB)

Crime Victims An Introduction to Victimology, 8th Edition_Andrew Karmen (IRM+TB)

The Basics of Social Research, 6th Edition_Earl R. Babbie (IRM+TB)

Operations Management for MBAs 4e Meredith (IRM+TB)

Modern Management Concepts and Skills, 12E_Samuel C. Certo,Trevis Certo (IRM+TB)

Managing Behavior in Organizations, 6E_Jerald Greenberg (IRM+TB)

Management_Luis R. Gomez-Mejia,David Balkin (IRM+TB)

Chemistry, 10th Edition_Kenneth W. Whitten, Raymond E. Davis, Larry Peck, George G. Stanley (IRM+TB)

The Future of Business The Essentials, 3rd Edition _ Lawrence J. Gitman, Carl McDaniel (IRM+TB)

Business, 10th Edition _ William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor (IRM+TB)

The Future of Business The Essentials, 4th Edition _ Lawrence J. Gitman, Carl McDaniel (IRM+TB)

Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis A Practical Introduction to Management Science, 6th Edition _ Cliff Ragsdale (ISM+TB)

International Financial Management International Edition, 2E_Geert J Bekaert,Robert J. Hodrick (ISM+TB)

BUSN, 3rd Edition _ Marcella Kelly, Jim McGowen (ISM+TB+IRM)

Principles of Marketing, 15E_Philip Kotler,Gary Armstrong (IRM+TB)

International Financial Management, 6e_Cheol S. Eun,Bruce G. Resnick (ISM)

Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, 6E_Kenneth E. Clow,Donald E. Baack (IRM+TB)

Managerial Accounting Decision Making and Motivating Performance Plus NEW MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package_Srikant M. Datar,Madhav Rajan,Charles T. Horngren (ISM)

Accounting Information Systems The Crossroads of Accounting and IT, 2E_Donna Kay,Ali Ovlia (IM)

Operations and Supply Chain Management, 13e_F. Robert Jacobs,Richard B. Chase (ISM)

Digital Design and Computer Architecture,2e_David Harris,Sarah Harris (ISM)

Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities,6th E_Donald DePamphilis (ISM w TB)

Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 12E_Stephen P. Robbins,Timothy A. Judge (IRM+TB)

Introduction to Optimum Design,3rd E_ Jasbir Arora (ISM)

Intermediate Financial Theory_Jean-Pierre Danthine (ISM+PPT)

Fundamentals of Logic Design, 6th Edition_Charles H. Roth, Jr., Larry L. Kinney (ISM)

Principles of Leadership, International Edition, 7th Edition_Andrew J. DuBrin (IRM+TB)

Organizational Behavior Managing People and Organizations, 11th Edition_Ricky W. Griffin, Gregory Moorhead (IRM)


Organizational Behavior Tools for Success, 2nd Edition _ Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M. Gully (IRM+TB)

Prinicples of Macroeconomics, 7th Edition _ Fred M. Gottheil (IRM+TB)

Effective Management, 6th Edition_Chuck Williams (IRM+TB)

Human Resource Management, 1st Edition_Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M. Gully (IRM+TB)

Management Accounting Information for Managing and Creating Value,6e_Kim Langfield-Smith, Helen Thorne, Ronald Hilton (ISM+TB)

Managerial Accounting,6th E_Ronald W Hilton (ISM)

Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, 6E_Terry Felke-Morris (ISM+TB)

Statistics Informed Decisions Using Data, 4E_Michael Sullivan, III (ISM+TB+Mini Lectures+IG)

Microbiology with Diseases by Body System, 3E_Robert W. Bauman, Ph.D (IRM+TB)

Management A Focus on Leaders,1e_Annie McKee (IRM+TB)

Fundamentals of Statistics, 4E_Michael Sullivan, III (ISM+TB)

Physics Technology Update Plus MasteringPhysics with eText -- Access Card Package, 4E_James S. Walker (TB)

Diversity Amid Globalization World Regions, Environment, Development, 5E_Lester Rowntree,Martin Lewis,Marie Price,William Wyckoff (TB+Answer Key)

Nutrition An Applied Approach, MyPlate Edition with MyNutritionLab plus MyDietAnalysis, 3E_Janice Thompson,Melinda Manore (TB)

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation,4th E_Melissa Schilling (TB)

Sociology in Modules,1e_Richard T. Schaefer (TB)

Investments An Introduction, 11th Edition_Herbert B. Mayo (ISM+TB)

Human Anatomy, 7E_Elaine N. Marieb,Patricia Brady Wilhelm,Jon B. Mallatt (IRG)

Human Anatomy, Media Update, 6E_Elaine N. Marieb,Patricia Brady Wilhelm,Jon B. Mallatt (IRG+TB)

Human Anatomy & Physiology, 7E_Elaine N. Marieb,Katja Hoehn (TB)

Strategic Human Resource Planning, 4th Edition_Monica Belcourt, Kenneth McBey (IRM)

Core Concepts in Pharmacology, 3E_Leland N. Holland, Ph.D,Michael P. Adams (TB)

Business Analysis and Valuation Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases, 5th Edition_Paul M. Healy, Krishna G. Palepu (ISM)

Business Statistics Communicating with Numbers 1e Sanjiv Jaggia Alison Kelly (TB)

Business and Society Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 14th Edition_Anne Lawrence, James Weber (TB)

International Management Culture, Strategy, and Behavior,8e_Fred Luthans , Jonathan P. Doh (ISM+TB)

Essentials of Marketing, 12e_William D. Perreault, Jr,Joseph P. Cannon,E. Jerome McCarthy (TB)

Managerial Accounting, CDN Edition w Connect Access Card,1st E_Ronald Hilton Michael Favere-Marchesi (ISM+TB+IM)

Industrial Organization Theory and Practice, 4E_Don E. Waldman,Elizabeth J. Jensen (ISM)

Operations Management, 11E_Jay Heizer,Barry Render (ISM+TB+IRM)

Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 7E_Elaine N. Marieb (IG)

Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology with Essentials of InterActive Physiology CD-ROM, 8E_Elaine N. Marieb (IG+TB)

Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology with Essentials of InterActive Physiology CD-ROM, 9E_Elaine N. Marieb (IG+TB)

Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 10E_Elaine N. Marieb (IG+TB)

Statistics for Business & Economics, 12th Edition_David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, James J. Cochran (ISM+Case Solutions+TB)

Multinational Management, 6th Edition_John B. Cullen, K. Praveen Parboteeah (IRM+TB)

Intercultural Communication A Contextual Approach,5th E_James W. Neuliep (TB)

PFIN3, 3rd Edition_Lawrence J. Gitman, Michael D. Joehnk, Randall Billingsley (ISM+TB)

Elementary Statistics Technology Update, 11E_Mario F. Triola (ISM+TB)

Personal Financial Planning, 13th Edition_Lawrence J. Gitman, Michael D. Joehnk, Randy Billingsley (ISM+TB)

Management of Information Security, 3rd Edition_Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP, Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP (ISM+IM+TB)

Statics and Strength of Materials, 7E_Harold I. Morrow,Robert P. Kokernak (IM)

Employment Law, 5E_John J. Moran (ISM+TB)

Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics,4e_Neil J. Salkind (TB)

Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, 7E_David M. Levine,David F. Stephan,Kathryn A. Szabat (ISM)

Construction Project Management, 3E_Frederick Gould,Nancy Joyce (IM w TB)

World Prehistory and Archaeology, Second Canadian Edition with MyAnthroKit, 2E_Michael Chazan (ISM+TB)

Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies, 8E_Frank J. Fabozzi (ISM)

Intermediate Accounting, 19th Edition_Earl K. Stice, James D. Stice (IM+SM+TB)

International Monetary & Financial Economics_Jos Daniels,David VanHoose (ISM+TB)

Terrorism and Homeland Security, 8th Edition_Jonathan R. White (IM+TB)

Accounting Information Systems The Crossroads of Accounting and IT, 2E International_Donna Kay,Ali Ovlia (IM+TB)

Marketing Management with MyMarketingLab Global Edition, 14E_Philip Kotler,Kevin Lane Keller (IRM+TB)

Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice, International Edition, 4th Edition_Ray Surette (IRM+TB)

Forensic Accounting Hopwood, Leiner, and Young, 1st edition (TB)

Real Estate Principles, 11th Edition_Charles J. Jacobus (ISM+TB)

E-Business, International Edition, 8th Edition_Gary Schneider (ISM+TB)

Personal Financial Planning_Lewis J. Altfest, L.J. Altfest & Company, Inc (ISM)

Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, 5E_Richard J. Larsen,Morris L. Marx (ISM)

Corporate Finance Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 3E_Jonathan Berk,Peter DeMarzo (ISM)

Business LogisticsSupply Chain Management and Logware CD Package, 5E_Ronald H. Ballou (ISM)

Business and Professional Communication in the Global Workplace 3e H.L. Goodall (TB)

Effective Leadership, International Edition, 4th Edition_Christopher F. Achua, Robert N. Lussier (IRM+TB)

Effective Leadership, International Edition, 5th Edition_Christopher F. Achua, Robert N. Lussier (IRM+TB)

Principles of Marketing, Ninth Canadian Edition with MyMarketingLab, 9E_Philip R Kotler,Gary Armstrong,Valerie Trifts,Peggy H. Cunningham (TB)

Effective Project Management, International Edition, 5th Edition_James P. Clements, Jack Gido (IRM+TB)

Understanding Your Health, 11e_Wayne A. Payne,Dale B. Hahn,Ellen B. Lucas (TB)

Managing Engineering and Technology, 5E_Lucy C. Morse,Dan L. Babcock (IRM+TB)

Human Physiology An Integrated Approach, 6E_Dee Unglaub Silverthorn (TB)

Global Marketing Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, and Global Management,5e_Johny Johansson (IRM+TB)

CB5, 5th Edition _ Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris (IRM+Cases+TB)

MR 2, 2nd Edition _ Tom J. Brown, Tracy A. Suter (IM+TB+Data Files)

MM 4, 4th Edition _ Dawn Iacobucci (IM+Cases+TB)

Managerial Accounting, 10th Edition_Susan V. Crosson, Belverd E. Needles (IRM+Excel template solutions+Exercise Set B Solutions)

New Venture Creation Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 9e_Stephen Spinelli,Robert J. Adams (TB)

The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator, 5E_Leigh Thompson (IRM+TB)

Financial Accounting An Integrated Approach, 5th Edition_Ken Trotman, Michael Gibbins, Elizabeth Carson (ISM+TB)

The Management of Strategy Concepts, International Edition, 10th Edition_R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, Michael A. Hitt (IRM+TB)

Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, 5E_Robert L. Mott (ISM)

Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, 4E_Robert L. Mott (ISM)

Global Investments, 6E_Bruno Solnik,Dennis McLeavey (ISM+TB)

Social and Personality Development, 6th Edition_David R. Shaffer (IM w TB+PPT)

Personal Finance Turning Money into Wealth 5e Arthur J. Keown (ISM)

Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 16e Yacht Carol SM (ISM+IM)

International Human Resource Management, 6th Edition _ Peter Dowling, Marion Festing PhD, Allen D. Engle, Sr. D.B.A (IRM+TB)

Interpersonal Skills in Organizations (4th edition) by de Janasz, Dowd, Schnider, 2012 (ISM)

Absolute Java, 5E_Walter Savitch,Kenrick Mock (ISM+TB)

Introductory Chemistry Concepts and Critical Thinking Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package, 7E_Charles H. Corwin (TB)

Principles of Economics An Asian Edition, 2nd Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw, Euston Quah, Peter Wilson (ISM+TB)

Introduction to Corrections_Robert D. Hanser (TB)

Humanities, The Culture, Continuity and Change, Volume 1 Plus MyArtsLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 2E_Henry M. Sayre (IRM+TB)

Humanities, The Culture, Continuity and Change, Volume 2 Plus MyArtsLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 2E_Henry M. Sayre (IRM+TB)

Macroeconomics Canada in the Global Environment 7e Parkin Bade (ISM)

Contemporary Strategy Analysis 7e Robert Grant (IRM+TB)

Corporate Financial Management, 5E_Glen Arnold (IRM+TB)

Exploring Microeconomics, 3rd Edition_Robert Sexton, Peter Fortura, Colin Kovacs (IRM+TB+MCQ,s)

Concepts in Federal Taxation 2014, 21st Edition_Kevin E. Murphy, Mark Higgins (ISM)

Engineering Economy with Companion Website Access Card  International Edition, 15E_William G. Sullivan,Elin M Wicks,C. Patrick Koelling (ISM+TB)

Engineering Economy International Edition, 15E_William G. Sullivan,Elin M Wicks,C. Patrick Koelling (ISM+TB)

Project Management Processes, Methodologies, and Economics, 2E_Avraham Shtub,Jonathan F. Bard,Shlomo Globerson (ISM)

Project Management for Information Systems, 5E_James Cadle,Donald Yeates (ISM)

Abnormal Psychology, 7E_Thomas F. Oltmanns,Robert E. Emery (IRM+TB)

Abnormal Psychology, 15E_James N. Butcher,Susan Mineka,Jill M. Hooley (IRM+TB)

Corporate Finance, 1st European Edition, David Hillier, Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield (ISM)

Cost and Management Accounting, 7th Edition_Colin Drury (IRM+TB+Case Notes)

Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13th Edition_Larry J. Siegel, John L. Worrall (IRM+TB)

Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2e Lalwani Butcher Javadpour (Quizzes+Cases+IM)

Cost Management A Strategic Emphasis, 5e_Edward Blocher,David Stout,Gary Cokins (TB)

Introduction to Criminal Justice, 14th Edition_Larry J. Siegel, John L. Worrall (IRM+TB+Lesson plans+Case Briefs)

Multinational Business Finance Global Edition, 13E_David K. Eiteman,Arthur I. Stonehill,Michael H. Moffett (IRM+TB)

Multinational Business Finance Global Edition, 12E_David K. Eiteman,Arthur I. Stonehill,Michael H. Moffett (TB+IM+Excel Problems)

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications & Visualization, 3E_Gary K Rockswold,Terry A Krieger (ISM+TB)

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications & Visualization, 2E_Gary K. Rockswold,Terry A. Krieger (ISM+TB)

Statistics Plain and Simple, 3rd Edition_Sherri L. Jackson (TB)

Pharmacology for Nurses A Pathophysiologic Approach, 3E_    Michael P. Adams,Leland N. Holland, Ph.D (TB)

Pharmacology for Nurses A Pathophysiologic Approach Plus NEW MyNursingLab with Pearson eText (24-month access) -- Access Card Package, 4E_    Michael P. Adams,Leland N. Holland, Ph.D,    Carol Urban (IRM)

Motivation Biological, Psychological, and Environmental, 3E_Lambert Deckers (IRM w TB)

Market Regulation_Roger Sherman (ISM)

Intermediate Accounting, Vol. 1 with MyAccountingLab_Kin Lo,George Fisher (ISM+TB)

Infants and Children Prenatal Through Middle Childhood, 7E_Laura E. Berk (IRM+TB)

Fundamentals of Investing Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText --- Access Card Package, 12E_Scott B. Smart,Lawrence J. Gitman,Michael D. Joehnk (IM+Case Solutions+TB)

Foundations of Finance Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 8E_Arthur J. Keown,John D. Martin,J. William Petty (ISM+TB)

Forensic Accounting 1e Hopwood  Leiner Young (ISM)

Essential Statistics, Regression, and Econometrics_Gary Smith (ISM)

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 3E_Mark A. Weiss (ISM+PPT,s)

Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management_Michael Armstrong (IRM+Case notes+PPT,s)

Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 11e_Paul A. Copley (ISM+TB)

Management, 11th Edition_Ricky W. Griffin (TB)

Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Media Upgrade, 11E_George B. Thomas, Jr,Maurice D. Weir,Joel R. Hass,Frank R. Giordano (ISM+TB)

Modern Management Concepts and Skills, 13E_Samuel C. Certo,Trevis Certo (IRM+TB)

Criminal Justice Mainstream and Crosscurrents, 2E_John Randolph Fuller (IRM+TB)

Women and Justice It's a Crime, 5E_Roslyn Muraskin (IRM w TB (Discussion Questions only))

Criminology Theories, Patterns, and Typologies, 11th Edition_Larry J. Siegel (IRM+TB)

Law, Business, and Society, 10e_Tony McAdams,Nancy Neslund,Kiren Dosanjh Zucker (TB)

Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals, 11E_George B. Thomas, Jr,Maurice D. Weir,Joel R. Hass,Frank R. Giordano (ISM+TB+Answer Manual+TI Manual)

Environmental Economics and Management  Theory, Policy and Applications, 5th Edition_Scott J. Callan, Janet M. Thomas (IRM)

Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation, 2nd Edition_Andrew Metrick, Ayako Yasuda (ISM)

Psychology Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 11E_Carole Wade,Carol Tavris,Maryanne Garry (IRM+TB)

Psychology, 10E_Carole Wade,Carol Tavris (IRM+TB)

Essentials of Sociology A Down-to-Earth Approach Plus NEW MySocLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 10E_James M. Henslin (IRM+TB)

Entrepreneurial Finance, 5E_Philip J. Adelman,Alan M. Marks (IM+TB+Excel)

Life The Science of Biology ,9e_David Sadava,David M. Hillis,H. Craig Heller,May Berenbaum (TB)

College Accounting, 11E_Jeffrey Slater (ISM)

Intermediate Microeconomics,A Modern Approach,8th E_Hal R. Varian (ISM+TB)

Human Resource Management Gaining a Competitive Advantage, 5e_Raymond A. Noe (TB)

Fundamentals of Logic Design, 7th Edition_Charles H. Roth, Jr., Larry L. Kinney (ISM)

Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric The Use of Reason in Everyday Life, 11th Edition_Nancy M. Cavender, Howard Kahane (IM+TB)

Fundamentals of Investing Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText --- Access Card Package, 12E_Scott B. Smart,Lawrence J. Gitman,Michael D. Joehnk (TB)

Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry, 10th Edition_Clayton W. Barrows, Tom Powers, Dennis Reynolds (TB)

An Introduction to Management Science A Quantitative Approach to Decision Making, 12th Edition_David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, R. Kipp Martin (SM+Case Sol+TB)

Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings, 5th Edition_Patrick A. Gaughan (TB)

Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition, 9e_Carol Byrd-Bredbenner,Gaile Moe,Donna Beshgetoor,Jacqueline Berning (TB)

Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals, 12E_George B. Thomas, Jr,Maurice D. Weir,Joel R. Hass (ISM+TB)

Using MIS, 6E_David M. Kroenke (ISM+TB)

Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, 3E_Anthony J. Wheeler,Ahmad R. Ganji (ISM)

Living Religions Plus NEW MyReligionLab with Pearson eText --Access Card Package, 9E_Mary Pat Fisher (IM+TB)

Management Leading & Collaborating in the Competitive World 9e Bateman Scott Snell (TB)

Managerial Accounting Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment, 8e_Ronald W. Hilton (TB)

Managerial Economics, 3rd Edition_Luke M. Froeb, Brian T. McCann, Michael R. Ward, Mikhael Shor (Instructor Notes+TB)

MIS Essentials, 3E_David M. Kroenke (IRM+TB)

Multinational Business Finance International Edition, 11E_David K. Eiteman,Arthur I. Stonehill,Michael H. Moffett (ISM+TB)

Multinational Business Finance, 10E_David K. Eiteman,Arthur I. Stonehill,Michael H. Moffett (ISM+TB)

Principles of Biochemistry, 5E_Laurence A. Moran,Robert A Horton,Gray Scrimgeour,Marc Perry (TB)

Principles of Genetics,6th Edition, International Student Version Snustad, Simmons (ISM)

Principles of Human Resource Management, International Edition, 16th Edition_George W. Bohlander, Scott A. Snell (IRM+TB+Teaching assistance manual)

Radiative Heat Transfer,3rd E_Michael Modest (ISM)

Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 5E_William Mendenhall,Terry Sincich (ISM+Data Files)

Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics, 14E_Frederick E. Giesecke,Ivan L. Hill,Henry C. Spencer,Alva E. Mitchell,John Thomas Dygdon,James E. Novak,Shawna E. Lockhart,Marla Goodman (ISM)

Technical Drawing, 13E_Frederick E. Giesecke,Alva E. Mitchell,Henry C. Spencer,Ivan L. Hill,John Thomas Dygdon,James E. Novak,Shawna E. Lockhart (ISM)

United States Health Care System, The Combining Business, Health, and Delivery, 2E_Anne Austin,Vikki Wetle (IM+TB)

United States Health Care System, The Combining Business, Health, and Delivery_Anne Austin,Vikki Wetle (TB)

International Business Law, 6E_Ray A. August,Don Mayer,Michael Bixby (IRM+TB)

Enterprise Resource Planning_Mary Sumner (IRM)

Essentials of Business Law_Henry R. Cheeseman (ISM+TB)

Experiencing MIS, 4E_David M. Kroenke (IM+TB)

Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives,3rd e_Suresh Sundaresan (Solutions)

Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6E_Ramez Elmasri,Shamkant Navathe (ISM+Lab Manual)

Global Strategic Management, International Edition, 3rd Edition_Mike W. Peng (IM+TB+Integrative Cases)

An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, International Edition, 9th Edition_Don M. Chance, Robert Brooks (ISM+TB)

Applied Calculus for The Managerial, Life and Social Sciences, 1st Edition_Soo Tang Tan, Dan Ashlock, Petra Menz (ISM)

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications & Visualization, 3E_Gary K Rockswold,Terry A Krieger (TB)

Bioprocess Engineering,Kinetics, Biosystems, Sustainability, and Reactor Design_Shijie Liu (ISM+Excel Sheets)

Chemical Engineering Design Principles,Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design,2nd E_Gavin Towler,R K Sinnott (ISM)

College Accounting, 12E_Jeffrey Slater (ISM+IRM+TB)

Computer Networks,A Systems Approach,5th E_Larry Peterson,Bruce DavieMary Sumner (ISM+Lab Manuals)

Contemporary Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications, 14e_William F. Arens,Michael F. Weigold,Christian Arens (TB)

Corrections in the 21st Century, 6e_Frank Schmalleger,John Ortiz Smykla (TB)

Economics (Arab World Editions),1e_Ashraf Eid,Amany El Anshasy,R. Glenn Hubbard,Anthony O'Brien (ISM+TB)

Engineering Mechanics Statics, 13E_Russell C. Hibbeler (ISM)

Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce, The, 7E_Henry R. Cheeseman (IRM+ISM+TB)

Exceptional Children An Introduction to Special Education, 10E_William L. Heward (IM w TB)

Introduction to Hospitality, 6E_    John R. Walker (IRM)

Introduction to Hospitality, 5E_    John R. Walker (IM+TB)

Introducing Public Administration, 6E_Jay M. Shafritz,E.W. Russell,Christopher P. Borick (IM w TB)

Introducing Public Administration, 8E_Jay M. Shafritz,E.W. Russell,Christopher P. Borick (IM w TB)

Financial and Managerial Accounting Information for Decisions, 5e_John J. Wild,Ken W. Shaw,Barbara Chiappetta (ISM)

Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling, 6th Edition_Richard S. Sharf (IM w TB)

Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling, 5th Edition_Richard S. Sharf (IM w TB)

Public Relations Strategies and Tactics, 10E_Dennis L. Wilcox,Glen T. Cameron (IM w TB)

Social Media Marketing,1e_Tracy Tuten,Michael R. Solomon (IM+TB)

Learning QuickBooks Pro and Premier Accountant 2012, 6E_Terri E. Brunsdon (ISM+TB+IRM+PPT,s)

Law and Society, 10E_Steven Vago (IM+TB)

Global Issues, 4E_Richard J. Payne (TB)

Mathematical Ideas Expanded Edition, 11E_Charles D. Miller,Vern E. Heeren,John Hornsby (ISM+TB+Active Learning Questions)

Mathematical Ideas, 12E_Charles D. Miller,Vern E. Heeren,John Hornsby (ISM+TB+IG)

Basics of Social Research Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 3E_W. Lawrence Neuman (IM+TB)

Crafting & Executing Strategy The Quest for Competitive Advantage Concepts and Cases with Connect access card 19e Arthur Thompson (IM+TB)

Human Resource Management (Arab World Edition) with MyManagementLab_Akram Al Ariss,Gary Dessler (IRM+TB)

Economics Today The Micro View, 16E_Roger LeRoy Miller (IRM+TB)

Economics Today The Macro View, 16E_Roger LeRoy Miller (IRM+TB)

Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus, 10E_Allyn J. Washington (ISM)

Basic Technical Mathematics, 10E_Allyn J. Washington (ISM)

Criminal Procedure, 6E_Marvin Zalman (IM w TB)

Systems Analysis and Design, 7E_Kenneth E. Kendall,Julie E Kendall (ISM+IM+TB)

Community-Based Corrections, 9th Edition _ Leanne Fiftal Alarid, Rolando V. del Carmen (IM+Lesson Plans+TB)

Community-Based Corrections, 8th Edition _ Leanne Fiftal Alarid, Rolando V. del Carmen (IRM+TB)

Community-Based Corrections, 7th Edition _ Leanne Fiftal Alarid, Paul F. Cromwell, Rolando V. del Carmen (IRM)

Marketing Management A Strategic Decision-Making Approach, 8e_John W. Mullins,Orville C. Walker, Jr (ISM+TB)

International Financial Management, 2nd Edition_Jeff Madura, Roland Fox (ISM+TB)

M Advertising, 1st Edition_William F. Arens,David H. Schaefer,Michael F. Weigold (TB)

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 5th Canadian Edition_ Brealey, Richard; Myers, Stewart; Marcus, Alan; Maynes, Elizabeth; Mitra, Devashis (ISM+TB)

Essentials of Federal Taxation,1st E_Brian C. Spilker,Benjamin C. Ayers,John R. Robinson,Edmund Outslay (TB)

Using Quickbooks Accountant 2012 for Accounting, 11th Edition_Glenn Owen (IM)

Interacciones, 7th Edition _ Emily Spinelli, Carmen García, Carol E. Galvin Flood (Testing Programme+Other Instructor Resources)

The Real World An Introduction to Sociology,2nd E_Kerry Ferris,Jill Stein (TB)

Public Speaking Strategies for Success Plus NEW MyCommunicationLab with eText -- Access Card Package, 7E_David Zarefsky (IM+TB)

Public Speaking Strategies for Success, 6E_David Zarefsky (IRM+TB)

Marriages and Families, 7E_Dr. Mary Ann A. Schwartz,Dr. BarBara Marliene Scott (IRM+TB)

Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management, 7E_Wayne F Cascio,Herman Aguinis (IRM)

Terrorism and Homeland Security, 7th Edition_Jonathan R. White (IRM+TB)

Organizational Behavior, 3rd Edition_Michael A. Hitt, Adrienne Colella, C. Chet Miller (IM+TB)

The Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics,3rd E_David Moore,George P. McCabe,Layth Alwan,Bruce Craig,William M. Duckworth (TB)

Economics of Social Issues, 19e_Ansel M. Sharp,Charles A. Register,Paul W. Grimes (ISM)

Principles of Financial and Managerial Accounting Using Excel® for Success, International Edition, 1st Edition _ James Reeve, Carl Warren, Jonathan Duchac (ISM+IRM+Excel Template Solutions+TB)

Principles of Accounting, International Edition, 24th Edition_James M. Reeve, Carl S. Warren, Jonathan Duchac (ISM+TB+Excel Solutions)

Nutrition and You, MyPlate Edition, 2E_Joan Salge Blake (IRM+TB)

Nutritional Sciences From Fundamentals to Food, 3rd Edition _Michelle 'Shelley' McGuire,Kathy A. Beerman (IRM+TB)

Principles of Operations Management, 9E_Jay Heizer,Barry Render (ISM+IRM+TB)

Business and Professional Communication in the Global Workplace 3e H.L. Goodall (TB)

Impact A Guide to Business Communication, Eighth Canadian Edition with MyCanadianBusCommLab, 8E_Margot Northey,Joan McKibbin (IRM+TB)

Managing the Public Sector, International Edition, 9th Edition _ Grover Starling (IRM+TB)

Managerial Accounting 9th Canadian Edition 9e Garrison Chesley Ray Alan Libby (ISM+IRM+TB)

Accounting Information Systems Basic Concepts & Current Issues, 2e_Robert L. Hurt (TB)

A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis,Brian Bradie (ISM)

Managing the Public Sector, 9th Edition_Grover Starling (IRM+TB)

Organisational Behaviour On The Pacific Rim, 3e_Steven L McShane,Mara Olekalns,Tony Travaglione (ISM w Cases)

Genetic Analysis An Integrated Approach_Mark F. Sanders,John L. Bowman (TB)

Global Business Today, 3rd Canadian e_Charles Hill,Thomas McKaig (TB)

Quality & Performance Excellence, 6th Edition_James R. Evans (IRM+TB)

Using Management Accounting Information Case Decision Approach, 2nd Edition_Steve Adams, Don Keller, Lee Pryor, Mary Harston (Solutions with cases)

Supply Chain Management, 4E_Sunil Chopra,Peter Meindl (ISM+TB)

Essential Cosmic Perspective, Books a la Carte Plus MasteringAstronomy with eText -- Access Card Package, 6E_Jeffrey O. Bennett,Megan O. Donahue,Nicholas Schneider,Mark Voit (TB+Media Work Book)

Entrepreneurship, 2e_Robert D. Hisrich,Michael P. Peters,Dean A. Shepherd,Peter S. Mombourquette (TB)

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 9th Edition_Gerald Corey (TB)

Learning and Behavior, 7th Edition _ Paul Chance (IRM+TB)

Contemporary Nutrition, 9e_Gordon M. Wardlaw,Anne M. Smith (TB)

International Management Managing Across Borders and Cultures, 5E_Helen Deresky (TB)

Managing Human Resources, 14th Edition_George W. Bohlander, Scott A. Snell (IRM+TB)

Criminal Law Today, 5E_Frank J. Schmalleger,Daniel Hall (IRM+PPT,s)

Employment Law, 6E_John J. Moran (IRM)

Environmental Law, 8E_Nancy K. Kubasek,Gary S. Silverman (IRM)

Human Resource Management, 11E_Gary Dessler (IRM+TB)

Personal Finance, 10e_Jack R. Kapoor,Les R. Dlabay,Robert J. Hughes (ISM+TB)

Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2nd Edition_John Bessant, Joe Tidd (ISM)

Advanced Financial Reporting A Complete Guide to IFRS_Derry Cotter (ISM)

International Economics,2nd e_Robert C Feenstra; Alan M Taylor (TB)

Network Security Private Communication in a Public World, 2E_Charlie Kaufman,Radia Perlman,Mike Speciner (Exercises Sol + Lectures)

Social Psychology, 9th Edition_Saul Kassin, Steven Fein, Hazel Rose Markus (IRM+TB)

Calculus, International Edition, 10th Edition_Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards (IRG+TB+Section Projects)

Computer Forensics Investigating Data and Image Files, 1st Edition_EC-Council (Lab Solutions+TB)

Computer Forensics Hard Disk and Operating Systems, 1st Edition_EC-Council (Lab Manuals + TB)

Computer Forensics Investigation Procedures and Response, 1st Edition_EC-Council (Lab Manuals + TB+ Final Project)

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2014 Comprehensive, 16th Edition _ June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja (SM+TB+IM)

College Algebra, 6E_Robert F. Blitzer (ISM+TB+Mini Lectures)

College Algebra, 5E_Robert F. Blitzer (ISM+TB)

Sociology A Brief Introduction, 7E_Alex D Thio (IM w TB)

SOC 3, 3rd Edition_Nijole V. Benokraitis (IM+TB)

C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 4th Edition_Barbara Doyle (ISM+TB+IM)

Marine Biology, 9th Edition_Peter Castro,Michael E. Huber (ISM+TB)

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, 8E_John L. Havlin,Samuel L. Tisdale,Werner L. Nelson,James D. Beaton (ISM)

Leadership Theory and Practice,6th e_Peter G. Northouse (TB)

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers An Introduction to Nutrient Management, 7E_John L. Havlin,Samuel L. Tisdale,Werner L. Nelson,James D. Beaton (ISM)

Death, Society and Human Experience, 11E_Robert J. Kastenbaum (IRM+TB)

Essentials of Economics, 3e_Stanley L. Brue,Campbell R McConnell,Sean Masaki Flynn (ISM+TB)

College Algebra and Trigonometry A Unit Circle Approach, 5E_Mark Dugopolski (ISM+TB)

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 9E_Frederic H. Martini,Judi L. Nath,Edwin F. Bartholomew (ISM+TB)

Services Marketing Interactive Approach, 4th Edition_Raymond P. Fisk, Stephen J. Grove, Joby John (IRM+TB+Suggested Cases)

Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, Third Canadian Edition with MySearchLab, 3E_Jeffrey S. Nevid, Ph.D,Beverly Greene, Ph.D,Paul A. Johnson,Steven Taylor,Melanie Macnab (IRM+TB)

Mastering the Codification and eIFRS A Case Approach_Natalie Tatiana Churyk, Thomas C. Pearson, Thomas R. Weirich (ISM)

Psychology of Prejudice, The, 2E_Todd D. Nelson (IM w TB)

Systems Analysis and Design, 10th Edition_Harry J. Rosenblatt (ISM+IRM+TB)

Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World, 8E_Jeffrey S. Nevid, Ph.D,Spencer A. Rathus,Beverly Greene, Ph.D (IM+TB)

Accounting & Auditing Research Tools & Strategies, 7th Edition_Thomas R. Weirich, Thomas C. Pearson, Natalie Tatiana Churyk (SM+Cases Notes)

Adult Development and Aging, 1st Edition_John C. Cavanaugh, Fredda Blanchard-Fields, Joan Norris (IRM)

Algebra and Trigonometry, 4E_Robert F. Blitzer (ISM+TB)

American Corrections, 10th Edition_Todd R. Clear, Michael D. Reisig, George F. Cole (IRM+TB)

Auditing and Assurance Services An Asia Edition, 1st Edition_Larry E. Rittenberg (ISM+TB)

Basics of Social Research Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Second Canadian Edition with MyResearchKit, 2E_Lawrence W Neuman,Karen Robson (IRM+TB)

Biology , 2e_Robert Brooker,Eric P. Widmaier,Linda E. Graham,Peter D. Stiling (TB+Collaborative Exercises)

Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World_Peter W. Cardon (TB)

Business Communication Essentials, Third Canadian Edition with MyCanadianBusCommLab, 3E_Courtland L. Bovee,John V. Thill,Jean A. Scribner (IM+TB)

Calculus A Complete Course with MyMathLab, 8E_Robert A. Adams,Christopher Essex (ISM)

Calculus A Complete Course, 7E_Robert A. Adams,Christopher Essex (ISM+TB)

Chemistry A Molecular Approach_Nivaldo J. Tro (Lab Manual +TB)

Children and Their Development, Second Canadian Edition with MyDevelopmentLab, 2E_Robert V. Kail,Anne Barnfield (IRM+TB)

Corporate Finance The Core Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText --- Access Card Package, 3E_Jonathan Berk,Peter DeMarzo (ISM+IRM+TB)

Corporate Finance The Core, 2E_Jonathan Berk,Peter DeMarzo (ISM+TB+IRM)

Corporate Finance, 3E_Jonathan Berk,Peter DeMarzo (ISM+IRM+TB)

Criminal Justice A Brief Introduction, 9E_Frank J. Schmalleger (IM w TB)

Effective Training Systems, Strategies and Practices, 3E_P. Nick Blanchard,James Thacker (IRM+TB)

Effective Training, 4E_Nick P. Blanchard,James Thacker (IRM+TB)

Effective Training, 5E_Nick P. Blanchard,James Thacker (IRM+TB)

Essentials of Financial Management, 1st Edition_Eugene Brigham, Dr. Joel F. Houston (ISM+Worksheets)

Experience Human Development, 12th Edition_Diane E Papalia,Ruth  Duskin Feldman (IRM+TB)

Family Business, 4th Edition_Ernesto J. Poza (IRM+Cases Notes)

Financial Accounting, International Edition, 11th Edition_ Marian Powers, Belverd E. Needles (ISM+TB)

Financial Management and Policy, 12E_James C. Van Horne (Excel Solutions)

Fundamentals of Investment Management, 10e_Geoffrey A. Hirt,Stanley B. Block (ISM)

Fundamentals of Management Essential Concepts and Applications, 5E_Stephen P. Robbins,David A. DeCenzo (TB)

Fundamentals of Management, 8E_Stephen P. Robbins,David A. De Cenzo,Mary Coulter (IRM+TB)

Fundamentals of Management, Seventh Canadian Edition with MyManagementLab, 7E_Stephen P. Robbins,David A. DeCenzo,Mary Coulter,Ian Anderson (IRM+TB)

GEOL, 2nd Edition_Reed Wicander, James S. Monroe (IRM+TB)

Global Business Today, 8e_Charles W. L. Hill (TB)

Hotel Operations Management, 2E_David K. Hayes,Jack D. Ninemeier (IRM)

Human Resource Management Plus NEW MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 13E_R. Wayne Mondy (IRM+TB)

Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 7E_Laura E. Berk (IRM+TB)

International Corporate Finance, International Edition, 8th Edition_Jeff Madura (IRM+TB)

International Relations, Brief, 6E_Joshua S. Goldstein,Jon C. Pevehouse (IM w TB)

Intro Stats Technology Update, 3E_Richard D. De Veaux,Paul F. Velleman,David E. Bock (ISM+TB+Active Learning Questions)

Intro Stats, 3E_Richard D. De Veaux,Paul F. Velleman,David E. Bock (ISM+TB)

Introduction to Accounting Information Systems, International Edition, 8th Edition_James A. Hall (ISM+TB)

Introduction to Financial Accounting, 11E_Charles T. Horngren,Gary L. Sundem,John A. Elliott,Donna Philbrick (ISM+TB+IM)

Labor Relations Striking a Balance, 3e_John W. Budd (TB)

Labor Relations Striking a Balance, 4e_John W. Budd (ISM)

M Marketing, 3rd Edition_Dhruv Grewal,Michael Levy (TB)

Management Global Edition, 11E_Stephen Robbins,Mary Coulter (IRM+TB)

Management, Global Edition, 12E_Stephen P. Robbins,Mary Coulter (IRM+TB)

Marketing 2014, 17th Edition_William M. Pride, O.C. Ferrell (IRM+TB)

Marketing Research Asia Pacific Edition, 2nd Edition_William G. Zikmund, Steve D Alessandro (formally Ward), Hume Winzar, Ben Lowe, Barry J. Babin (IRM+TB)

Microeconomics,3rd E_Paul Krugman,Robin Wells (ISM+TB)

MKTG, Second Canadian, 2nd Edition_Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel, Harish Kapoor, Richard Appleby , Janice Shearer (IRM+Cases Notes+TB)

Mosaicos Spanish as a World Language, 5E_Matilde Olivella Castells,Elizabeth E. Guzmán,Paloma E Lapuerta,Judith E. Liskin-Gasparro (IRM+Testing Programme)

Nutrition An Applied Approach, 3E_Janice Thompson,Melinda Manore (ISM+TB)

On Cooking A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 5E_Sarah R. Labensky,Priscilla A. Martel,Alan M. Hause (IRM+TB)

Organizational Behavior and Management, 10e_John M. Ivancevich,Robert Konopaske,Michael T. Matteson (ISM+TB)

Philosopher's Way, The Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas, 3E_John Chaffee (IM w TB)

Philosopher's Way, The Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas,4e_John Chaffee (IM w TB)

Physics for Scientists and Engineers A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics and Mastering Physics 2e Randall D. Knight (TB)

Prentice Hall's Federal Taxation 2013 Individuals, 26E_Thomas R. Pope,Kenneth E. Anderson (ISM+TB+IRM)

Principles of Economics An Asian Edition, 2nd Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw, Euston Quah, Peter Wilson (ISM+TB)

Psychology Around Us, Canadian Edition_Ronald Comer, Elizabeth Gould, Nancy Ogden, Mike Boyes (TB)

Psychology, 6th Edition_James S. Nairne (IRM+TB)

Quality Control 8e Dale H. Besterfield (ISM+TB)

Small Business Management Launching and Growing New Ventures, 5th Edition_Justin Longenecker , Leo B. Donlevy, Terri Champion, Carlos W. Moore, J. William Petty, Leslie E. Palich (IRM+TB)

Social Gerontology A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 9E_Nancy Hooyman,H. Asuman Kiyak (IRM+TB)

Social Inequality Forms, Causes, and Consequences, 7E_Charles E. Hurst (TB)

Social Inequality Forms, Causes, and Consequences, 8E_Charles Hurst (IM w TB)

Statistics Informed Decisions Using Data, 3E_Michael Sullivan, III (ISM+TB)

Substance Abuse Information for School Counselors, Social Workers, Therapists and Counselors, 5E_Gary L. Fisher,Thomas C. Harrison (IM w TB)

Supervisor's Survival Kit, 11E_Cliff B. Goodwin,Daniel B. Griffith (IRM+TB)

The Evolution of Management Thought, 6th Edition_Daniel A. Wren, Arthur G. Bedeian (TB)

The Labor Relations Process, 9th Edition_William H. Holley , Kenneth M. Jennings, Roger S. Wolters (IRM+TB)

The Law of Emergencies,Public Health and Disaster Management_Nan Hunter (ISM)

The Western Experience, Volume 1, 10th Edition_Mortimer Chambers,Barbara  Hanawalt,Theodore Rabb,Isser Woloch,Lisa Tiersten (ISM+TB)

The Western Experience, Volume 2, 10th Edition_Mortimer Chambers,Barbara  Hanawalt,Theodore Rabb,Isser Woloch,Lisa Tiersten (ISM)

Thinking Mathematically, 5E_Robert F. Blitzer (ISM+TB)

Understanding Business Strategy Concepts and Cases, 2nd Edition_R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, Michael A. Hitt (IRM+TB+Cases Notes)

Understanding Nutrition, 13th Edition_Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes (IRM+TB)

Western Heritage, The Combined Volume, 9E_Donald . Kagan,Steven Ozment,Frank M. Turner (IRM+TB)

Western Heritage, The Combined Volume, 11E_Donald . Kagan,Steven Ozment,Frank M. Turner,Alison Frank (IRM+TB)

Business Statistics For Contemporary Decision Making, 7th Edition_Ken Black (ISM+Cases Sol+TB+Other files)

Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace, 5e_Iris Varner,Linda Beamer (TB)

Corporate Finance, 10e_Stephen A. Ross,Randolph W. Westerfield,Jeffrey Jaffe (ISM+Cases Notes+TB)

Operations Management,8th E by Ritzman (ISM)

Auditing and Assurance Services, 15E_Alvin A Arens,Alvin A Arens,Mark S. Beasley (ISM+TB)

Human Resource Management, 13E_R. Wayne Mondy (IRM+TB+PPT)

Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, The, 5E_Thomas Nagle,John Hogan,Joseph Zale (IRM)

Becker's World of the Cell, 8E_Jeff Hardin,Gregory Paul Bertoni,Lewis J. Kleinsmith (TB)

Derivatives Markets, 3E_Robert L. McDonald (ISM+TB)

Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life, 9th Edition_Christina Hoff Sommers, Fred Sommers (IRM+TB)

Understanding Nutrition, 12th Edition_Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes (IRM+TB)

THINK Marketing, First Canadian Edition_Keith J. Tuckwell (IM+TB)

The Web Collection, Revealed Premium Edition Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, Flash CS6 and Photoshop CS6, 1st Edition_Sherry Bishop, Jim Shuman, Elizabeth Eisner Reding (SM+IM)

The Economy Today, 13th Edition_Bradley R Schiller,Cynthia Hill,Sherri Wall (TB)

Systems Analysis and Design 4e Dennis Wixom Roth (ISM+TB)

Supply Management, 8e_David N. Burt,Sheila D. Petcavage,Richard L. Pinkerton (IRM+TB)

Personal Nutrition, 8th Edition_Marie A. Boyle, Sara Long Roth (IRM+TB)

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage Concepts, 4E_Jay Barney,William S Hesterly (IRM+TB)

Statistics for Business and Economics, 12E_James T. McClave,P. George Benson,Terry Sincich (ISM+TB)

Sociology Your Compass for a New World, 4th Edition_Robert J. Brym, Lance W. Roberts , John Lie, Steven Rytina (IRM+TB)

Research Methods in Psychology Evaluating a World of Information,1e_Beth Morling (TB)

Psychology From Inquiry to Understanding, 3E_Scott O. Lilienfeld,Steven J Lynn,Laura L. Namy,Nancy J. Woolf (IRM+TB)

Psychology From Inquiry to Understanding, 2E_Scott O. Lilienfeld,Steven J Lynn,Laura L. Namy,Nancy J. Woolf (IRM+TB)

Programming with Mobile Applications Android™, iOS, and Windows® Phone 7, 1st Edition_Thomas J. Duffy (IM+SM+TB)

Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning, 17e_Sally M. Jones,Shelley C. Rhoades-Catanach (TB)

Principles of Microeconomics, 5th Canadian Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw, Ronald D Kneebone, Kenneth J McKenzie (IM+TB+MCQ,s)

Principles of Management, 1st Edition_Hill, Charles W. L.; McShane, Steven (TB)

Principles of Macroeconomics, 5th Canadian Edition_N. Gregory Mankiw, Ronald D Kneebone, Kenneth J McKenzie ( IM+TB+MCQ,s )

Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics with Knight Workbook Plus Mastering Physics _Randall D. Knight (ISM+TB+IG)

Philosophy A Text with Readings, 11th Edition_Manuel Velasquez (TB)

Personal Finance, 5E_Jeff Madura (ISM+TB)

Parallel Programming Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers, 2E_Barry Wilkinson,Michael Allen (ISM)

Organic Chemistry, 8E_Leroy G. Wade (TB)

Operations Management, 5th Edition_R. Dan Reid, Nada R. Sanders (TB)

Oceanography An Invitation to Marine Science, 7th Edition_ Tom S. Garrison (IRM+TB)

Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 8th Edition_Linda Kelly DeBruyne, Kathryn Pinna, Eleanor Noss Whitney (IRM+TB)

Multinational Business Finance, 11E_David K. Eiteman,Arthur I. Stonehill,Michael H. Moffett (TB)

Mirror for Humanity A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 8e_Conrad Phillip Kottak (TB)

Marketing Real People, Real Choices, 7E_Michael R. Solomon,Greg W. Marshall,Elnora W. Stuart (IRM+TB)

Managerial Statistics, International Edition, 9th Edition_Gerald Keller (ISM+TB)

Managerial Economics & Business Strategy, 8e_Michael Baye (TB)

Management Skills & Application, 14e_Leslie W. Rue,Nabil A. Ibrahim,Lloyd L. Byars (TB)

Management 2e Thomas Bateman (TB)

Literature A Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, 12E_X. J. Kennedy,Dana Gioia (IRM)

Listen,7th e_Joseph Kerman; Gary Tomlinson (TB)

Legal Environment, 5th Edition _ Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson (IRM+TB)

Learning and Behavior, 7th Edition_Paul Chance (IRM+TB)

Law and Economics, 6E_Robert B. ******, Jr.,Thomas Ulen (ISM+TB)

Law and Economics International Edition, 6E_Robert B. ******, Jr.,Thomas Ulen (ISM)

Issues in Aging, 3E_Mark Novak (IRM+TB)

Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, An, 2E_Robert D. Holtz,William D. Kovacs,Thomas C. Sheahan (ISM)

Introduction to Biotechnology, 3E_William J. Thieman,Michael A. Palladino (TB)

Information Technology Project Management, 4th Edition_Jack T. Marchewka (IM+TB)

Information Systems Management, 8E_Barbara McNurlin,Ralph Sprague,Tung Bui (ISM+TB)

Human Relations Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills, 11E_Andrew J. DuBrin (IM w TB)

Human Intimacy Marriage, the Family, and Its Meaning, 11th Edition_Frank D. Cox, Kevin Demmitt (IRM+TB)

Human Adjustment,1st E_John Santrock (TB)

Foundations of Finance, 8E_Arthur J. Keown,John D. Martin,J. William Petty (ISM+TB)

Foundations of Finance The Logic and Practice of Financial Management, 6E_Arthur J. Keown,John D. Martin,J. William Petty,David F Scott (ISM+TB)

Finance Applications and Theory,1e_Marcia Millon Cornett,Troy A. Adair, Jr.,John Nofsinger (ISM+TB)

Essentials of Economics, 3E_R. Glenn Hubbard,Anthony Patrick O'Brien (ISM+TB)

Essentials of Corporate Finance, 8e_Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan (ISM+TB)

Essentials of Contemporary Management, 5th Edition_Gareth R Jones,Jennifer M George (TB)

Enhanced Discovering Computers, Complete Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World, 2013 Edition, 1st Edition_Misty E. Vermaat (IM+SM+TB)

Employment and Labor Law, 8th Edition _ Patrick J. Cihon, James Ottavio Castagnera (IM+TB+Quizzes)

Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7e_Kenneth Rosen (ISM+TB)

Digital Design, 5E_M. Morris Mano,Michael D. Ciletti (ISM)

Decision Analysis for Management Judgment, 4th Edition_Paul Goodwin, George Wright (ISM)

Data Structures Using C++, 2nd Edition_D.S. Malik (SM+TB+IM)

Criminal Investigation, 10th Edition_Christine Hess Orthmann, Kären M. Hess (ISM+TB)

Criminal Evidence, 8th Edition_Judy Hails (ISM+TB)

Criminal Courts Structure, Process, and Issues, 3E_Dean J. Champion,Richard D. Hartley,Gary A. Rabe (TB)

Criminal Courts Structure, Process, and Issues, 2E_Dean J. Champion,Richard D. Hartley,Gary A. Rabe (IM+TB)

Corrections,Exploring Crime, Punishment, and Justice in America,3rd E_John Whitehead,Kimberly Dodson,Bradley Edwards (IG+TB+Lesson Plans)

Comparative Criminal Justice Systems A Topical Approach, 6E_Philip L. Reichel (IM w TB)

Company Accounting and Financial Statements, 4th Edition_Paul De Lange, Robert Rodgers, Edward A. Clarke (ISM)

College Physics, 9th Edition_Raymond A. Serway, Chris Vuille (TB)

College Algebra, 6th Edition_James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, Saleem Watson (TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Text and Exercises, 7th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, William E. Hollowell (IRM+TB)

Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Principles and Practices, 9th Edition_ Arnold J. Goldman, William D. Sigismond (IRM+TB)

Canadian Police Work, 3rd Edition_Curt Griffiths (TB+MCQ,s)

Canadian Advertising in Action, Seventh Edition, 7E_Keith J. Tuckwell (IRM+TB)

Canadian Advertising in Action, 9E_Keith J. Tuckwell (IRM+TB)

Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology Plus MasteringBiology with eText ,4e_Eric J. Simon (IG +TB)

Campbell Biology, 9E_Jane B. Reece,Lisa A. Urry,Michael L. Cain,Steven A. Wasserman,Peter V. Minorsky,Robert B. Jackson (IG+TB)

Calculus with Applications, 10E_Margaret Lial,Raymond N. Greenwell,Nathan P. Ritchey (IRG+TB)

Calculus Early Transcendental Functions, 5th Edition_Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards (ISM+TB)

Business Statistics A First Course, 2E_Norean R. Sharpe,Richard D. De Veaux,Paul F. Velleman (ISM+TB)

Business Research Methods, 11e_Donald R. Cooper,Pamela S. Schindler (ISM)

Business Law Today, Standard Text & Summarized Cases, 10th Edition _ Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz (ISM+TB)

Business Law Principles for Today's Commercial Environment, 4th Edition_David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings (ISM+TB)

Business Law and the Regulation of Business, 11th Edition _ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts (ISM+TB)

Business in Action, 6E_Courtland L. Bovee,John V. Thill (IRM+TB)

Business Communication Essentials, 6E_Courtland Bovee,John V Thill (IRM+TB)

Business Communication Building Critical Skills, 5e_Kitty O. Locker,Stephen Kyo Kaczmarek (TB)

Business Analysis and Valuation Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases, 3rd Edition_Krishna G. Palepu, Paul M. Healy, Victor L Bernard (ISM with cases + Additional Cases)

Business Analysis & Valuation, IFRS Edition, Text and Cases, 3rd Edition_Krishna G. Palepu, Paul M. Healy, Erik Peek (ISM + MCQ,s+PPT,s)

Bank Management & Financial Services, 9e_Peter S. Rose,Sylvia C. Hudgins (TB)

Auditing and Assurance A Business Risk Approach, 3rd Edition_Christine Jubb (ISM+TB)

Astronomy Media Workbook (Download only with SkyGazer 5.0), 7E _Michael LoPresto (IG w TB)

Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Volume, 22nd Edition _ David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, 22nd Edition_ David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings (IM+TB)

An Introduction to Policing, 7th Edition _ John S. Dempsey, Linda S. Forst (IRM+TB+Lesson Plans)

An Introduction to Policing, 6th Edition_John S. Dempsey, Linda S. Forst (IM+TB)

America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System, 11th Edition_David W. Neubauer, Henry F. Fradella (IM+TB+Case Briefs)

American Government, 11E_Neal Tannahill (IM w TB)

American Government Policy and Politics, 10E_Neal Tannahill (IM w TB)

American and Texas Government Policy and Politics, 10E_Neal Tannahill (IM w TB)

Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 9th Edition_Terence A. Shimp, J. Craig Andrews (IRM+TB)

Managerial Economics, 12th Edition_Mark Hirschey (IM+Cases+TB)

Calculus Early Transcendentals 10e Anton Bivens Davis (ISM+TB)

Society The Basics, 10E_John J. Macionis (TB)

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