One again, no manuals, no answer to question online. Can someone please tell me how to import a slideshow created in Photoshop to Premiere? I already have a video in progress, also a slideshow I created in Photoshop. As I recall, I simply migrated it. But now when I try to do the same thing, I get an error message. I'm, sure you want to know what the error message says: "The importer reported a generic error."
Must the slideshow be processed in someway? I have manuals for older versions of both programs (PS 4.0 and Pre 2.0) and they say import the slideshow and complete the project. But, they do not say HOW to import the slideshow to Premiere. In Pre 12 I click on Add Media and go to the Organizer where the slideshow project appears. But when I click on "Edit Project in Premiere Elements," I get the error message. To say I am frustrated is a major understatement!