Hi, everyone. I need help from all my Lr. gurus!
After a recent update, a few months ago I noticed that Lr. changed how images are stored. I'll try to explain without confusing everyone.
Normally, when I upload images into Lr., it creates a Lr. access link and that link i usually stored on my external hard drive. The actual photos are then placed by Lr into a folder with a date (ex. 2019-08-01), and I keep those organized by dates on an external hard drive as well. All edits, including PSCC edits done via Lr automatically go into that folder. So usually my desktop computer is not clogged up with edited images as I use it only to edit images and not store anything on them.
During import into Lr, in the Library section, it shows FROM and TO. And recently I noticed that Lr. stopped creating image folders like 2019-08-01, but rather started placing all edits into the folder where images were originally imported from, which is on an external hard drive. And I didn't mind at all as long as I knew where my edits were being stored at.
So I kept editing, thinking all Lr. work is on an external hard drive. However, my desktop memory was getting smaller and smaller with every edit. I decided to test and see if I accidentally re-directed the link during import. Nope, in Lr. it still shows that my images and edits are stored on external hard drive, but my computer memory is still getting smaller without me doing anything else except editing. It looks like all edits are also stored somewhere on LOCAL DISK (C) but I opened every file in there and can't seem to find it.
Please help. Any advice is greatly appreciated!