Thanks for the reply.
Adobe does have an "Adobe Feature Request/Bug Report Form" that you could file.
You wrote
Or do you give this info to their helpdesk
The answer is no. This is strictly a user to user environment here, with infrequent posts and involvement by IDs with an Adobe Staff tag.
The green line saved closed project to orange line re-opened project is a long known problem for all Timeline content. I do not recall
prior mention of the issue being specific to one format or another, as in your case of .jpg versus .psd. Because of the unknowns
in the whole issue and in spite of the fact that we both are seeing this jpg vs psd difference in Premiere Elements 12 on our different computers, I wonder how repeatable jpg vs psd is in this matter based on system to system. I will do more testing on this.
Please update us on your progress when you get the time.