Re: To reinstall Acrobat 8 Upgrade I need to present previous versions e.g. 3...
Windows 7? Then don't waste your life minutes fumbling with an Acrobat 8 - Windows 7 combination.If you are to be using Win 7 you'll need the current release of Acrobat (XI). "X" will function but it...
View ArticleRe: Error 201; CC desktop app constantly logged out, won't redownload
LawnSnark, I feel your pain. I'm dealing with this b.s. too. I was hoping to complete a project at home this weekend. Guess that was wishful thinking....... Why hasn't an Adobe Rep. replied to this...
View ArticleRe: hi everyone. How can download adobe acrobat 9 standard
Try this: Download Acrobat products | 9, 8 Be well...
View ArticlePS tools & features fail....
I just got the Complete Creative Cloud (as offered in their latest deal) this week on my Mac. But only certain features are working. There are a bunch of image and layers things that aren't...
View ArticleHow can I open a PDF file in Story without the format changing?
I have tried to open my script that's a PDF file in Story and the format is not the same. Could someone please tell me what I should do?
View Article書き出した映像が3秒に1回程度ぶれる
質問ばかりですいません。元画像やプレミアでのプレビューでは問題ないのに、プレミアから書き出すと3秒に1回程度、映像にブレが出てしまいます。(気づかない人もいるくらいの微妙なブレですが、気づくと気になる感じです)この理由や解決法がわからず困っています。 元動画はcanon5DⅢで撮影していますが、この現象が出るのは数本のみで、同じ設定で撮影したの動画でもほとんどのものは問題ありません。...
View ArticleRe: how to send a writable PDF
You can use the PDF form tutorials at the following link to learn: eo+OnDemand+Infographic+HTML/...
View ArticleRe: Install Helper Hangs
Thanks, Willener, but those are the offline installer files I eventually download and use. Yes, they work in installing the latest version, but by the next update, the Installation Helper still hangs...
View ArticleRe: how to enable cuda acceleration
Thank you, Peru Bob... I’ll try that this weekend...
View ArticleRe: PS tools & features fail....
Check your image mode, and bit depth -- grayed out means that the item is disabled because it can't work on the current image/selection/layer.My guess is that you are using 32 bit/channel by mistake...
View ArticleRe: How can I convert the projects files (*.prel) to a AVI or WMV format? Is...
Dear friendYou not only helped me but also helped a team from the museum where I work. Thank you so much!
View Articleblindtext lorem
gibt es eine Extension für die Erstellung von Blindtexten? Wie lorem ipsum.?Wie werden Blindtexte in den neuen Softwareversionen von Adobe erstellt?
View ArticleRe: What kind of discount does apple employees get?
This is a user to user forum - the chance of getting a meaningful answer to the question here is something less than zero. And it's nobody's business anyway.
View ArticleRe: how to enable cuda acceleration
That didn’t work, Ann... after restarting PP... perhaps I need to restart my computer... will try that later... thank you..
View ArticleFiles saved in my MAC cannot be opened
Some files downloaded from the internet and saved in my mac cannot be opened
View ArticleRe: how to enable cuda acceleration
Thank you, Bill... I’ll try reinstalling my GTX580 and see it that helps...
View ArticleImplementing CAPTCHA
Hi, Currently, the application is using Cold Fusion 9. Soon to upgrade to Cold Fusion 10 or 11. I would like to implement CAPTCHA on the login page. Is there any information on how to implement CAPTCHA...
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