Re: All html code in my Dreamweaver Code editor is appearing in indigo blue...
What colour do you expect the code to appear in and which self drop down menu does not appear? If the problem is not code related, please upload a screen capture image of what you are describing. If...
View ArticleExcelグラフをPDF出力し、そのPDFを印刷するとグラフに余分な線が出る問題について
お世話になっております。表題件の問題について、原因や解決策があればご教示ください。 <現象>Excel2010で作成したグラフをMicrosoft XPS Document WriterでPDFに出力し、そのPDFを印刷するとグラフに余分な線が出てしまいます。・Excel→PDF の時点では、グラフは元のExcelと同じ状態です・PDFから印刷すると、グラフに余分な線が出ています...
View ArticleRe: Feature Request: Include TIMELINE LABELS in the new interactive code...
I agree- this would be a simple and useful addition.
View ArticleRe: Re: GREP modifiers
hey thank you so much for that - that one works way better.thanks
View ArticleRe: My preferences are not saving in Photoshop Elements 11
jdvadusty If your question relates to Photoshop Elements 11 and not Premiere Elements 11 as it seems to, you have posted in the wrong forum. Please post your question in the Adobe Photoshop Elements...
View ArticleRe: Spam report thread [active]
This person sent a PM to me out of the blue. m_muaz01 Here's the content of the message. It does not contain any link I can see. Dear Mr Doe, My Name is Maman, I came from Indonesia, and I'm working...
View ArticleRe: Problem with Adobe Pro and Reader on terminal server
Hi, We have already logged a case for the same issue. The engineering team will have a look at it and it should get fixed by the next release. Thanks,Vinod
View ArticleRe: Difference between 1080p 24 and 1080p 29.97?
New What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system it is running? If you already have Premiere Elements, I am surprised that you asked since the description of...
View ArticleBlank CC app window
I have a CC account and I have now tried to install my CC applications in my new computer. I have a MacBook Air with Mavericks 10.9.4 installed. I downloaded the CC app and installed it and it appears...
View ArticleAdding HTML content in text frame
I'm a little bit frustrated when adding some copy to edge. In order to add a simple hyperlink for example in my paragraph of text, I need to use the replace text field where I can add the <a...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 5.5 outputs JPEGs Canon 'Digital Photo Professional' can't...
Yep, mentioned fix for LR5.5 that will result in 5.6 :-)
View ArticleEverytime i sign into photoshop it says "You Have Been Signed out"
Everytime i sign into photoshop it says "You Have Been Signed out"
View ArticleRe: Problem Accessing Bridge from Photoshop
The differences between your System Info and mine are in the hardware.I don't see how these can influence the running of a second app from a menu item. Besides, I also have Premiere Pro CC 1024 and...
View ArticleRe: coldfusion 10 with creamweaver cs5 and cs6 hiding saved files?
Hi Jay, About 12 years ago, when using DWMX and Coldfusion I came across the same problem, so nothing is new and, apparently, nor has it improved. If you are using an AntiVirus program, try turning off...
View ArticleRe: Trouble with ipa size after changing assets
Thanks very much Neil. Much appreciated.I am unfortunately out of the office for the night, so I can't get access to the files or DPS, but I will share the folio first thing in the AM. In the meantime...
View ArticleRe: problema de illustrator Windows 8.1 Preview
Mil gracias por este post, realmente solucione el problema. Gracias.
View ArticleAS3: Basic Animation Problem
Hello community, I'm new to CS3 and am having the following difficulties with animation: I added ~40 lines of code to the first frame, which in theory does the following:Upon clicking the ZDelta...
View ArticleSCORM Tracking in iPad?
Hello Guys,I'm an Articulate user. Articulate requires Tin Can package to enable tracking and to be viewed in iPad.Tin Can requires LRS which is not available in Moodle as for the moment and it will...
View ArticleEdge Animate file error occures after html is exported from Muse
I get this error message every time i view my exported html file made in muse, the file is a page that contains edge animate and that's the only thing that errors out, for some reason my browser wont...
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