Re: Future of Flash Builder?
It seems to forums have little to no ops that answer questions,I really wish they did, ive had open issues for over a week now with fb and mac, your best hope imop is to call them and agonize through...
View ArticleRe: iPad embeds pdf and won’t create attachment to e-mail
I'm having the exact same problem with this.I should send a PDF as attachment from the iPad app to some customers, tried to send it as Flattened copy, but it only appears as a wrong image on another...
View Articledwsync.xml was denied error
I am using a site from catalyst templates. I added a new image to a slide but Dreamweaver do not want to synchronize it. It returns a dwsync.xml was denied. Any idea what is wrong?
View ArticleRe: iPad email
I'm having the exact same problem with this.I should send a PDF as attachment from the iPad app to some customers, tried to send it as Flattened copy, but it only appears as a wrong image on another...
View ArticleRe: me bajé en creative cloud pero no me sale premiere que hago?
Utilizas un sistema operativo de 64 bits? Es algo imprescindible.
View ArticleRe: Adobe Premiere elements 12 publishing problem.
This year I got Premiere Elements 12. The previous years, I have had Premiere Elements 10 and it had worked fine and effective. I am using the same program to rip files of youtube as I did last year...
View ArticleRe: Attachments that are emailed from Adobe for iOS will not open properly...
I'm having the exact same problem with this.I should send a PDF as attachment from the iPad app to some customers, tried to send it as Flattened copy, but it only appears as a wrong image on another...
View ArticleRe: New ACR RC released... Looking forward to seeing new features in LR
Yes, that's how it's been for a while now, ever since 8.0. For instance, CS6 users didn't get the radial gradients in ACR which CC users have. M
View ArticleRe: The Scout CC installer stalls. I am behind a proxy that needs...
Hi, I don't know what is a "managed network". I am on a corporate network and cannot change its settings nor ask to. Port opening is just not possible, I need to authenticate through the proxy. Thanks
View ArticleRe: lost my srink expand close tool bar photoshop cc
Hello,to my knowledge you have to delete your preference file. Resetting the preferences will restore Photoshop settings to factory defaults! For a MAC I found this solution: Command+Option+Shift....
View ArticleProblem with Acrobat XI Pro
Few days back I have removed the Acrobat XI Pro pdf editing tool from my PC. But it still shows in my CC Installed apps list so I cant Re install it now....
View ArticleRe: Chrome will not allow Loading of pdf file on ( probably ) expired Adobe XI?
station_two, you should realise that once you have added your valued contribution to a forum discussion, then all of the replies will go to you, whether directed to you or not; and that because of...
View ArticleRe: No matter what I have set for the foreground color, the "replacing" color...
What does "replacing color" mean? what tool/ function? What images? What system? What version of PS? What else? You need to be a lot more specific and provide more info. Mylenium
View ArticleAcrobat PDF Printer don´t work
When I choose File->Print->"Adobe PDF Printer" from any application (i.E. "Ai") I get following two windows. The first Window will disappear with 100%, but the second don´t and no file will be...
View Articledownload and write a video file
hi I’m trying to download a video using xhr and then write it to the local file system using cep.fs.writeFile() from this API:The other API — Medium The following codes loads the video and shows it in...
View ArticleDPS Single Edition für Android?
hallo zusammen, Wird es möglich sein mit der DPS Single Edition eine Android App zu erstellen? Und wenn ja wann? GrüßeWWW
View ArticleRe: Adobe CC Desktop is grey, no Apps showing.
A friendly man at Adobe Helpdesk advised me to create a new user (admin). This did the job! Now the Desktop App works perfectly.
View ArticleRe: Converting Nikon raw file
Yes, it's normal. DNG is a more generalized intermediate format and may require to fill in info just for compatibility reasons like padding chroma sub-sampling and the like. Mylenium
View ArticleIs Wacom pressure sensitivity ever coming to InDesign?
I'm fond to use handwritten text and graphics but to get variable stroke width in InDesign I can only use predefined styles, not the natural dynamic stroke width I can get in Illustrator and Photoshop....
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