Re: How do I re-install Elements 10 from an old computer to a new computer? I...
I have the boxed version. And it is good on two computers. One is on my work computer, the other one is on my home desktop. I deleted the program but didn't deactivate it. Now that I'm trying to...
View ArticleRe: Issue with Captivate 8 and SumTotal Learning Maestro LMS -
You're viewing this in Google Chrome (according to your screenshot). Is this Chrome version 36?
View ArticleRe: I have installed a trial of Adobe illustrator on my macbook pro. I want...
Just trace it and then edit the options afterwards. Tracing is "live", you can push the buttons and see what happens. See the manual also.
View ArticleI am unable to unlock the "Add Text Comment". PLEASE HELP
It wont let me type in text onto the pdf document. I was able to do so before but not anymore. I right clicked the text that I had previously written & then chose "properties", but it wont let me...
View ArticleRe: My Nikon D810 NEF/RAW File Size
There is support in the release candidate for Camera Raw 8.6 as well. So that should be an indication that native support for your NEF files will be available in the next Lightroom update. I would...
View ArticleRe: Is there a way how to recover this damaged Captivate project file?
See this page re options for recovering corrupted projects:
View ArticleRe: What Does "The importer reported a genetic error" mean?
The problem has to do with a particular set of Organizer Slide Show objects. They are not importing for some reason. My Slide Shows of both earlier and later vintage seem to import to the Premiere...
View ArticleRe: How to add closed captioning to audio not on the timeline?
Can you please explain this a little more clearly? I'm uncertain as to what you're trying to achieve here.
View ArticleMpg to mpg encoding after edit - file huge
I am in the process of editing videos and muting small chunks of sound out here and there, and then I am saving them again as mpg. I am trying to save them using the same settings of quality and size...
View ArticleRe: Using an old version on new computer
Depending on the OS version of your new computer you may not have a choice but to upgrade. What OS is the new computer? Captivate 3 will not run on Windows 8 (and possibly not even on Windows 7).
View ArticleRe: フォントが存在しない
View ArticleRe: Any Benefit to Upgrading Video Card only? i7 950 @ 3.07, 12GB RAM, GTX 470.
Thanks for the PCPartspicker tip. Was looking for that. I am not sure if my GPU card is defective. Hoping that would improve things for me. And I, too, am waiting for the next series of...
View ArticleRe: Campos obligatorios en Dreamweaver CC
Have the first value empty - required works on empty values.<select required> <option value="">Please select</option> <option value="one">One</option></select>
View ArticleRe: I'm told that my license has expired but I can't get to a place to renew...
You haven't given us enough info to go with. If you had a full version of any product of CS6 or prir then if you get a message that your license has expired, you need to ignore it and ask for help...
View ArticleRe: iBooks Author 2.1.3 Requirement
I don't have a copy of the Apple authoring rules, but in their marketing materials they always connect "Mutli-Touch" books with books created with iBooks Author. I don't think it's precluding EPUB 3...
View ArticleRe: Cannot re-install CS5
Thanks for your reply. When I originally tried to reinstall I was directed to a trial CS5 site, which asked for my serial number. When I entered the number I received a pop up which stated my number...
View ArticleRe: Focus Area Select Not Working
You're welcome, and I agree, it should at least warn you if it comes up short of RAM. In researching a bit for my answer above, I set out to try the filter on a number of images, some of which should...
View ArticleRe: "too many connections from this IP"
Assuming that you are talking about the remote server and using a browser to view the site, Dreamweaver has no influence. You will need to find a solution from your hosting provider.
View ArticleRe: still trying to get correct serial numbers that computer will accept
This appears to be one of three postings for the same problem ( two other forums ) and you are getting responses in those others but do not appear to be responding to them. You haven't provided any...
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