Re: Illustrator CS5 15.0.2 crash when Save for Web and Devices (Mac)
Oh I was concretenz-9RYBra
View ArticleRe: Missing Library presets in Encore CS5.1. Is there a download for this?
No I downloaded the CS5.5 creative suite a few years ago. Although all the products are CS5.5, for some reason Encore is CS5.1. I'm sure why that is, but the library is completely empty.Encore was not...
View ArticleRe: What is the maximum file size I can send with SendNow
I think most services are limited to 100 MB files. [topic moved to SendNow forum]
View ArticleRe: I'm having trouble with how the font/font size appears once its in InDesign.
Sure. The first screen shot is the PDF after it's placed in InDesign. The second one is the PDF.
View ArticleRe: help with sign in error
Adobe ExportPDF Annual (Other,Multiple Languages) Subscription price US$23.88/annual This is what I purchased. It appears that I was going to be able to convert pdf to word- that's why...
View ArticleSlow Motion that works?
Is it possible to simply slow-motion a 3:24 clip without having so many difficulties? I'm attempting to slow motion my entire clip at the same speed, beginning to end. 1) Time > Time RemappingI...
View ArticleRe: Site won't launch in MUSE
Hey, Abhishek.. I have a single muse file that won't load, too. Any chance you could take a look at it?
View ArticleRe: Any hope for Adobe Bridge's Flickr Export feature?
How do you open a case with them?
View ArticleRe: help with sign in error
There seems to be a delay between signing up (and paying) and the time you can actually use the service. I suggest to Contact Customer Care - use the blue Still need help? button to chat with an agent....
View ArticleRe: installation problem, uninstalled app .. can i reinstall it again?
Then you'll have to download it again, e.g. from
View ArticleRe: Photoshop Elements 12 and Canon 70 D
Just go to Editor>Help>updates and update camera raw. (This won't work if you're using XP or Vista.)
View ArticleRe: If I purchase photoshop download do I need an internet connection to use...
If it's a permanent license you would need an internet connection for download, activation and updates. Creative Cloud, download, updates and anytime the app needs activation by sign in. Usually you...
View ArticleRe: why cannot I open a downloaded .pdf file?
Thank Youto all whoresponded to my troubleIhave solved this problemdid thesourcecode of the pluginand everything fellinto place)))) Thanks againto all!!!
View ArticleRe: How to reinstall CS4 after computer crashed
It says that I don't have the source (or archive?) files. When I've Googled this before, it says that I need to contact Adobe to get an override, but I can't find a working number, email, or "chat"...
View Articleall of my word files converted in hiroglyphics
I am not sure why but all of the pdf files that I am converting to word documents are coming up jumbled and in different fonts
View ArticleRe: my comp says shockwave is installed, but does not work. how can i find...
What exactly does "not work" mean? Check it at
View ArticleRe: When uploading to FTP the changes I made on my website, it goes through...
Thank you. I got it to finish but the changes didn't show up. sigh, I'll try again tomorrow, thanks for your help.
Why is everybody posting Flash Player questions in the Shockwave Player forum???
View ArticleRe: Adobe Flah doesn't work althogh I followed all instructions I found
Why is everybody posting Flash Player questions in the Shockwave Player forum???
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