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Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)
View ArticleExpanding text fields not moving next fields down the page
I have a multi-page form with several comment boxes that I want to be expandable (if needed). I've managed to get them to expand, but the fields following the field that is expanding dynamically are...
View ArticleHello, i purchase from the web adobe acrobat pro for win instead for Mac how...
I need to change my order but i don't understand how to contact acrobat in rodder to do this, Actually i've Acrobat pro for win but i need the one for MacTksFranz
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC Bildimport aus Zwischenablage
Hi, habe seit ein paar Tagen dasselbe Problem... Hast du es eventuell schon gelöst? Ich habe alle möglichen Einstellungen probiert, nichts hat geholfen, es lief alles wunderbar bis ich auf Photoshop CC...
View ArticleRe: My hard drive crashed. Lost Photoshop 11 software. When hard drive fixed,...
Moving this discussion to the Photoshop Elements forum.
View ArticleMy InDesign document has two page 1s and I can't get the page numbers to...
My InDesign document has two page 1s and I can't get the page numbers to work. Help! How do I fix this?
View ArticleRe: Lightroom does not sync with LR Mobile
Hi Guido, Yes it works now! Thank-you very much! It is great and encouraging to know that there is excellent support for your product! Thank-you very much for replying and trying to help me with the...
View ArticleRe: Recently installed java script and after that now Adobe 11 will not open....
Adobe 11 meaning what program?
View ArticleRe: Move files from one folder to another javascript?
I have a single action, that has three steps. I've made this action into a droplet.exe 1. bat file to move files into processing folder2. IPP3. bat file to move file from processing to archive...
View ArticleRe: My home page on my site won't scroll?
You have an inline style on your <body> tag of overflow:hidden.Remove it and it will work correctly.
View ArticleRe: APPCRASH c0000005 email error
Well I was able to reproduce this issue on another computer with the same version, but using a different PDF document. I have a PDF document with several pages. I extract a page and attach to email...
View ArticleRe: Apply a hyperlink to an anchor tag in Muse to a file created in Edge...
Hi Eric, Moved your query to the Adobe Muse forum. The experts here are better placed to help you. Thanks,Preran
View ArticleIt's not possible to print from muse? Print as a PDF or export as jpg or psd?...
It's any way to get my website out of Muse? I need to send the desig to my client before develop and, as I'm using it for the first time, I've found that I can't export it in anyway!!! How it is...
View ArticleRe: JavaScript-error
Post the program you are using and I will move your message You will likely get better program help in a program forum .The Cloud forum is not about using individual programsThe Cloud forum is about...
View ArticleSlow Performance InDesign CS6
Windows 7 SP1 64 Bit ProfessionalAdobe InDesign CS6 version 8.012 GB Ram128 GB SSD Whenever I try to change from the arrow to the text tool, I have to wait several seconds for the program to make the...
View ArticleRe: cant see uploaded info on web
Make sure you clear your browser cache. If it's still not showing the updates, verify you are uploading to the correct location and you haven't accidentally added another directory level somewhere that...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom Mobile does not sync
Hi Ignacio, I received a reply below from Guido at Adobe: Hi brihi, could you please try to re-sign-in to Lr Mobile on the iPad/iPhone. There was a misconfiguration at the back-end of your account....
View ArticleRe: I have just installed Acrobat 9 @ version 9.0.0 on my Windows laptop. I...
DaveThanks I will try this. I went to the 9.5.5 update right away and didn't install the other updates first.
View ArticleRe: Kann man von Animate CC auch ein GIF oder einSWF etc. machen????
Hi Fred, You can create an animated GIF in a software such as Adobe Fireworks Studio Scribbles: Making a simple animated gif using Adobe Fireworks and import it into Edge Animate. (Animated GIF...
View ArticleGradients
Hi I am following a tutorial on and I'm up to step 1 and I can't find Pewter Radial gradient in the gradient swatch.
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