Photoshop CS6 でブラシの筆圧設定が反映されない
Photoshop CS6 を使用しているものです。この度、突然Photoshopの筆圧設定が効かなくなってしまいました。添付画像のように、「筆圧感知」等の設定も行い、ペンタブのドライバーも再インストールしてみたのですが治りません。(設定の変更は「ハード円ブラシ」で行いました)ちなみにペンタブは・WACOM Intuos pro M・ドライバー:Windows V6.3.8-4Jwiです。...
View ArticleRe: Flash CC freezing! Help!!
you're welcome. p.s. please mark helpful/correct responses.
View ArticleRe: How to restore audio in iOS 8 (beta 5) after requesting mic access?
Another bit of info, in my app I check for the microphone ahead of when it's needed, to provoke the permissions dialog (rather than waiting for the time when the recording is due to start). So, the...
View ArticleRe: AEM - ad hoc enable tag - adhocenable
You might need to post here: nce-manager.html
View ArticleRe: I need fuctional chapter markers, please...
I don't know if it is still the case but with earlier Premiere versions the chapter markers did not work unless you gave them a name.
View ArticleA location on cc sphere object link to 3d layer
Hi, I want to track a location on cc sphere object and link it to 3d layer. I made a basic setup. You can find project link below. Scene contains CC Sphere Object , 3d Layer and simple camera rig....
View ArticleRe: Give me back my Color Variations!
PSE 11 has the color variations feature on Windows, so I assume it will have it on the Mac version.
View ArticleRe: Help! Photoshop CS6 hangs when using brush, clone, healing brush tools...
nope no progress. still happens with the white window fix and still happens in cc2014.
View Articlehow to export and "up res" SD project to HD?
I have an old SD project (Doc film) that I would like to "up res" to HD for possible distribution (HULU and other platforms). Some of them require 1920x1080 size format, hence the conversion. When...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Lightroom 4 for Windows Vista
Yes, the disc is readable on both PC and Mac and the serial number is cross-platform.
View ArticleWhere is "Advance - Extend Features in Adobe Reader"
I have added fields to my form and I can't find the Advance Extend Features in Adobe Reader anymore in the top menu bar. Where is that at now in Acrobat Pro?
View ArticleRe: Ever growing image gallery
Hi, I appreciate the response but I don't think this will work as the client needs to be able to update it himself.
View ArticleRe: Query about Numbering Properties
I think I've figured this out. All properties are updated with "Set" but there is a toggle I hadn't noticed before called "As Is".
View ArticleRe: GREP #123456 or #123456-78
Hi Peter, Very good, but not sure (?=\s) is wise. If we consider we only find #xxxxxx or #xxxxxx-xx, I propose: #\d{6}(-\d{2})*\b
View Articlerotate element around pivot while maintaining horizontal orientation
Can't seem to figure this one out, I am sure it's something simple I am missing. Basically I want to rotate text around a center pivot (in a circular motion) while maintaining the text's horizontal...
View ArticleRe: Where is "Advance - Extend Features in Adobe Reader"
In Acrobat Pro XI it's under File - Save As Other - Reader-Extended PDF - Enable More Tools...
View ArticleRe: please advise: trim techniques
Steve, In the event you haven't yet resolved this question, here is a technique for detecting and removing silence. It may or may not apply to your exact situation, depending on what you're trying to...
View ArticleRe: Premiere Elements 10 Hangs at Loading Importerquicktime.prm then resets
This is a heavily firewalled/proxy corporate network. To test that, I moved the machine to an external network without any of the network restrictions. And it loaded just fine. So this makes me wonder...
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