i just purchased Adobe XI Pro. when can i download it?
I just purchased Adobe XI Pro. When can i download it and use it on my computer?
View ArticleRe: can't make a page
no i have not published it yet - just started making it and have been stuck on this one thing for awhile.the only way it seems i can see/click on my other pages im trying to add from my menu is by...
View ArticleRe: How do you change the size of the "Page Information?"
I don't think so but you can always add your own data. If you check in the Illustrator Scripting forum some scripts have been posted to add this sort of data.
View ArticleRe: Teams license expriation
Unfortunately that doesn't have the info I need. I'll likely have to call in to Adobe.
View ArticleRe: Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 won't open under my current admin profile.
Hello Mylenium, Is this what you need to determine what is causing Illustrator CC to crash upon opening the program? SourceAdobe Illustrator CC 2014 SummaryStopped working Date7/22/2014 1:00 PM...
View ArticleRe: I want to align a shape to a line segment.
An alternate method is to select these 3 points with the hollow arrow tool. Then use Object > Path > Average,
View ArticleRe: GREP #123456 or #123456-78
If you want to restrict this so it doesn't find parts of strings with too many numbers, but you can accept anything else, then use #\d{6}(-\d{2})*(?=\D|$) The \D means "not a digit," | is the "or" and...
View ArticleRe: Finding and replacing Paragraph Style of last line in a bulletted list?
YES! Kai you are awesome, this is perfect and will save so many hours!! Thank you!!!!
View ArticleRe: Animation export problem
Problem solved , there were both layers and frames in the layers palette , same number of each when I loaded a gif from another source , or due to my following some option I thought I should do , like...
View ArticleRe: Finding and replacing Paragraph Style of last line in a bulletted list?
Hi Kai, I do it with a little grep search.
View ArticleEditting PDF documents that were created by a MAC doesn't work because of...
Editting PDF documents that were created by a MAC doesn't work because of font incompatability. How can we get MAC fonts and load in our Adobe Acrobat Pro 9?
Is it a path with a Brush applied? It will only work on a stroked path.
View ArticleRe: Indesign CC 2014 crashes when printing
You mean you ran it on InDesign and this fixed for both apps? If I try to run it on Illustrator, it says I have to pick an InDesign app to fix. Illustrator still crashing after I ran on InDesign, but...
View Article[08/07/2014] New Release of Flash Player
Adobe would like to announce that a new version of Flash Player, AIR, and Primetime will be released within the next 1-2 weeks. The new version(s) are: * Flash Player (version 14)* AIR (version 14)*...
View ArticleBridge CS4 - AutoCad 2014 previews
Is there a way to produce thumbnail previews for AutoCad files? This would really be helpful for searching files. At this point Bridge only provides the ACAD icon, but it seems like I remember seeing...
View ArticleRe: When going from a Mac-based Ai to a PC based Ai, the documents "Font" are...
Thanks Larry I'll get back to the PC and try it! Blessings,Rich
View ArticleHow to switch from CS6 windows version to mac version?
In December 2012, I upgraded to photoshop CS6 for windows, but my computer didn't meet system requirements and I have been unable to use CS6. I am now able to buy a new computer and want to switch to...
View ArticleRe: help with table that push the div
I think what Ken means is WHERE ON THE PAGE (WHEN ITS LIVE ON THE WEB) DO YOU WANT DIV2 TO APPEAR? The key word here is "WHERE" - you are answering "HOW" instead of "WHERE".
View ArticleRe: Can't save Illustrator File
What OS and version? What version of AI? Where are you saving the file? What have you changed since the last time it worked?
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