Re: uninstall for cs5
Jodeecostello the exact location will be the Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers folder. A similar process is employed to remove the Creative Cloud version of our applications. You can find...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop online help does not display is the root directory for where the forums are as well as other resources. But Help is part of a different user directory, so this URL isn't even close to being accurate. Since it...
View ArticleRe: Just updated Muse and now I cant get the states to change color on mouse...
Hello, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I believe I am able to reproduce the same issue you two are experiencing. Just in case, can you both send me the following to
View ArticlePdf form
I'm trying to download a pdf form on my ipad it keeps telling me to download the latest version of Adobe reader I have done this and still nothing any ideas ??
View ArticleThird Party Plugins
Hello. I recently downloaded Premiere Pro CS6 from my CC subscription. I was expecting all my plugins to transfer over from Final Cut Pro 7, but they did not. I did some research of how to move them...
View ArticleRe: I just created a catalogue mistake and i can't find my photos.......
Go to File > Open Recent and find your most recently used catalog.
View ArticleRe: phonegap build extension not available for dreamweaver cc trial
View ArticleRe: Re: Issues when importing Word document with endnotes
As promised, The longer, somewhat technical* story * This is still something of an understatement. The underlying problem is that Microsoft Word is written by Americans, for Microsoft Windows. The...
View ArticleHow to I find the 5 star rating system for Dreamweaver cc
I installed it, it says it's installed, but I can't find where it installed its self. Where do I find it to install in my pages Thanks
View ArticleRe: Creative Cloud & proxy server
Hi, I was wondering if you found a solution for this or did Adobe answer you? We are experiencing the same issues.
View ArticleRe: in building BC App. Media downloads, forms and gallery - Can I fetch...
Thank you Liam for the response. do you have any workaround to this?
View ArticleRe: How do I transition to using a new external hard drive in LR4?
See: Is Your Hard Drive Full? Here’s How to Move Images to Another Drive in Lightroom. « Julieanne Kost's Blog
View ArticleRe: Why does figure numbering re-start in each of my chapters?
> ... but figure numbering restarts at 1. Then something is resetting F: prior to that Figure para. In addition to the issues listed earlier, suspects also include, but are not limited to:last para...
View ArticleRe: i have a product code that is not working. What do I do?
Is this a serial number or a redemption code? You should probably visit this page for information: Find your serial number quickly
View ArticleRe: Convert to word not working - answers to form questions missing
Ok, so I've just gotten access to Acrobat X Pro and Distiller X . Will either of them do the job for me?I'm happy just to get the data out, I already know the questions.
View ArticleHow to Access PHP Files
Need to access PHP files (.ctp) with Dreamweaver and SEO attributes. For example, want to "Insert" Meta Keywords. The files I am accessing have those fields "greyed-out" they are not available. Is...
View ArticleRe: Flash Player errors on all browsers
Sweet, that's great to hear. I googled for that error message, and what I gleaned based on reading a bunch of the threads was that it wasn't directly related to the DRM vouchers, but to a Local Shared...
View ArticleRe: Hi,I'm having problems with Lightroom CC,as when I go to the Develop...
This is an indication that Lightroom is not connected to your subscription. Verify that your are logged into the Creative Cloud desktop app, or try logging out and back in again to refresh your...
View ArticleRe: How do I make typekit font appear in temp BC site
There are some tests that you can run in the browser so we can see why the Typekit fonts aren't loading on your website. 1. Clear your site cache so that the Typekit files are requested from the...
View ArticleRe: Where can I download a Japanese trial version of Indesign?
Darn, what a pain. Oh well, thanks very much for your help, Joel.
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