AutoTrim & Include Subfolders From A Folder & Preserve Subfolder Structure &...
Hi! I salute you all! First of all I want to excuse my english (it's not my native language)! In 2014 we are dealing with thousands of files (video, audio, etc.), because of the present powerful...
View ArticleRe: serial is not working anymore
If you were told by Adobe Support you need to contact the supplier then there is not much anyone here can do to help you get around that.
View Articlephotoshop cs5 freezes when loading files into stack
hello, first of all I had the same problem with the trial version of adobe photoshop cs6 then cs5I tried cs6 first, it happened, when I use loading files into stack it takes 5 minutes or so to load my...
View ArticleIssues with converting Word files to PDF via macro
I have a weird issue with the Acrobat Add-In. I want to transform many Word files with the Add-In into PDF files. The printer is no option because it causes other problems.So I created a small macro...
View ArticleRe: Captivate 8, Adobe_eLearning_Asset_LS21.exe hangs everytime it goes to...
Good Morning, I tried a different directory with the same result. The file size is 670,262kb. Thanks, Brian S. Krell
View ArticleRe: I try to install Acrbat XI Standard for thr 1st time I get a invalid...
Use the CHAT link rather than the forum. It will be Adobe who have to help, sadly.
View ArticleRe: HTML input field sending incorrect events
Hi Zhihong, I've now tested on a OS X 10.7.5 desktop; my laptop is running OS X 10.9.3.Both OSX 10.7 and 10.9 show the problem, running PPro 7.2.2 (33). I can't test on Windows as Creative Cloud will...
View ArticleRe: Dreamweaver CS6 Crashes after Switching Windows
Hi all, Are your files on your local computer or at a remote location? I am also asking around for other solutions. Stay tuned. Thanks,Preran
View ArticleRe: Issues with converting Word files to PDF via macro
Your macro is not using Acrobat or the add-in at all. This is the built in, inferior, PDF converter that is part of Word.
View Articlehow do i let a pptx presentation run on its own
PPTX allows for an automatic showing of the slides in a loop. Is that possible in Adobe connect?
View ArticleRe: YouTube Widget Not Working in Captivate 7
The only way I know would be with a widget using the YouTube API in AS3. That way you can listen for the end of the video and continue to the next slide when it is complete. You would not use the...
View ArticleRe: Dreamweaver cs6 on Windows 7 unresponsive when using third party template...
Hi plansmart, Thank you for sharing this information with us. Which editor are you using other than Dreamweaver? I would still suggest that you check the validity of the code using...
View ArticleRe: How do I add a jpg to perspective ?
1. embed your jpeg. 2. draw a rectangle on the perspective grid. 3. select both, Object > Envelope Distort > Make with top object
View ArticleRe: Need help with Blend problem
It doesn't answer your Blend question, but this is how I would make that: --OB
View ArticleRe: Is there any way that I can not have to sign-in to Muse every two or so...
Thanks for answering. I contacted online support and, in case anyone down the road searches in regard to this issue, they told me to delete the OOBE and MBLStore folders from the following location:...
View Articlepptx: How do i change the time, each page is shown? ?
On the share document pod, when u upload a pptx presentation, u can set the presentation on automatic.Only problem, all separate pages are shown 5 secs. How do i change the timespan?
View ArticleRe: 16-bit color depth for gradients?
but was wondering, hoping, if there was any option to export internally generated gradients from InDesign as 16-bitby exporting to pdf first, which will not rasterize the gradient up to this point....
View ArticleRe: Most comprehensive sample yet posted to GitHub + more
Adobe has really dropped the ball on this transition from flash based extensions (create with Configurator) to HTML5. Documentation is very poor and basics are not fully explained. I do not understand...
View Articlereader install hangs
I try to install reader or flash player & install hangs when the blank box pops up. I have tried w/ both IE & chrome. Both are set to enable java script.
View ArticleRe: Issues with converting Word files to PDF via macro
May be, but doesn't solve the problem ^^ I got this command with recording a macro while I clicked on Acrobat => Create PDF.
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