PSE 11. How do I correct "Corrupt Catalog" on my iMac?. All my photos are...
PSE 11. How do I correct "Corrupt Catalog" on my iMac?. All my photos are backed up on a Lacie External Hard Drive. This is done automatically by Time Machine.
View ArticleRe: Downloading and installing desktop apps from Creative Cloud
Mine is stuck at 90% downloading. Idk how to refresh or start it over again to complete the download. It has been like this more 24 hours
View ArticleRe: How do I combine several mov files into a larger mov file?
ATR and JTS, Thanks to both of you for your help! I had been able to combine several".mov" files into a single file, with transitions. The problem was savingit as a ".mov" file. When I saved using...
View ArticleError signature. app name. Lightroom exe app version mod name...
I hardly use my LIGHTROOM 3.6 upgrade re not knowing how to use it, today I had a problem with bad files and in trying to open the 1st one I got the above message, I dumped lightroom and reloaded from...
View ArticleRe: Drag&Drop Kids Game in AS3 - New at Flash!
Thanks for the reply. I'll try to work on it today. I must say that Flash is a really great dev. tool, but it's not that easy to learn, or even "newbie friendly". On the other end, there are plenty of...
View ArticleRe: How do I copy text from an uploaded pdf file?
Just some observations.PDF page content that is an image (and music notes may very well be that in a given PDF) then all that can be exported is the image.Only an image editor can "edit" such eh.As to...
View ArticleRe: how to unlock owner password
Once you have the password, open the document in Acrobat (NOT Adobe Reader), use File > Properties, click the Security tab, change the Security Method to NONE. Enter password when requested.
View Article30 bit depth display support in Lightroom 5?
Hello all, I am looking to do some upgrading to my computer systems soon, including a new monitor. I know that Photoshop supports a 30 bit display (10/channel) but I can not for the life of me find an...
View ArticleI have a serial key for Elements 10 which i purchased 3 years ago. I want to...
Where can I find Elements 10 to download?
View ArticleRe: Real name instead of Screen name displayed
OK - First of all, by evidence of all the answers to the main question I took t for granted that the issue was resolved - that's a good enough reason in itself to lock it down - but I am probably...
View Articlei have problems with the adobe id it has reached 6 devices but i only own an...
wenn ich mich bei meinem ebook reader mit meiner adobe id anmelden möchte bekomme ich die mitteilung, dass bereits zu viele geräte mit dieser id benutzt werden
View ArticleRe: YouTube Intro: Critique?
Yeah Titler: underestimated tool. Had a hard time reading the text after completion; gone very quickly. I would look for some sort of complimentary colors. Now its gray on gray.This is a great place to...
View ArticleRe: I dont want to use this community for help. How do I contact technical...
Welcome to the Community Forum that you do not want to use for help.........or do you? from > company > contact us Select product and work your way through the menus until you find...
View ArticleRe: I have a serial key for Elements 10 which i purchased 3 years ago. I want...
Hi oldbelvidere, You can download Photoshop Elements 10 from : then use the purchased serial number to activate...
View ArticleRe: links
For anyone to suggest anything you are going to have to provide a great deal more detail.OS? MS Office version? Do you have Acrobat installed? Which version? Is it fully updated?Are you using PDFMaker...
View ArticleRe: Google play and Adobe air: Security Alert: You are using a highly...
@Paul DarkySo, all that nimitja said is worthless? The final answer is WAIT? No, it wasn't worthless, don't be so harsh. It's true what he said about AIR using OpenSSL 1.0.1g.The problem is...
View ArticleRe: How to embed PDF on my website
"post on my website" implies some kind of forum / bulletin board / blog software in use. Is that is the case than that software isn't going to support what you want eh. Be well...
View ArticleRe: I can't get Photoshop CS6 to recognize TWAIN
A third-party idea is Vuescan. It supports 32/64 bit and can function as a standalone or Twain driver with features not found in WIA and with support for many scanner models. You can download an eval...
View Articlepanorama problems
having trouble using photo merge with CS4; get this message: Fatal error, component missing. /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS4/Client/4.0.0/VersionCue.framework. I am...
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