Re: Apply symbol screener tool at full strength (or change underlying symbol...
I don't understand the goal of this.You don't want them to be either black or white in one symbol set? Not the gradual change?
View ArticleRe: Can't export to 2.35.1 ratio (720x306) to disc?
DVD and BD disks have fixed settings. That is how they work. If you want just the image then encode to a different codec such as H.264 and stick it on a thumbdrive.
View ArticleRe: Can you resize timeline?
Unless you feel like you need all of those properties visible, you can hide several of those columns. Right-click in the title bar of the columns you don't want to see, and you can choose to hide them....
View ArticleRe: Losing image quality after importing to PP
Thanks for the reply:1. With "Free MP4 converter"2. Yes the look ok. The problem only occurs now and then.
View ArticleRe: UNIQUE constraint failed
Hello! Thanks for the quick reply.OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.4LR Classic 8.3.1Thanks for helping!KRDaniel Am 08.08.2019 um 17:16 schrieb Sahil.Chawla <>: UNIQUE constraint...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Stock Vector won't open in Illustrator
You're right. It crashes Illustrator or at least takes more than 5 minutes (that's the time it's using my CPU and having me starring at a white Illustrator window) to open... Looping in KanikaS for...
View ArticleRe: Automatic Number Generation When Opening an Acrobat Form
You can change the script to only populate the field if it's empty.
View ArticleRe: Switching between Kelvin and -100 - +100
maxwellg2013 wrote So I want to make preset packs to sell on my wesbsite but I have now realized why my presets never turn out right. Since I am taking photo photos in raw I am adjusting the...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom all of a sudden says "This file could not be found"?
Lightroom didn't change the drive letter, Windows did. If you change the letter of the drive in Windows back to what it was previously, your problem should be gone.
View ArticleRe: Can't purchase stock images (error message)
Hello H., Can you provide some more details regarding this error? This is a common error with many causes. What were trying to purchase/license? I see by your Adobe ID that you are a member of a team....
View ArticleRe: Form calculation does not work in some readers/computers
Thank you Bruce, I will check the link.There were times when I downloaded PDFs from other sites and got the purple note, but not when I've made my own file.I have Acrobat Reader DC and Adobe Acrobat 9...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom Classic 8.3.1 won't recognize Sony A7R3 RAW files
Download the latest version of the free DNG converter and see if that fixes the issue but as Sahil states, with the correct version, this shouldn't be necessary. Digital Negative (DNG), Adobe DNG...
View ArticleRe: Develop module more pixelated than library module - why?
If the "Answer" was incorrect, misleading or easily misinterpreted in some way, isn't the best place to discuss that in the same thread as the answer post was given? I will defer to the moderator(s) on...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Stock Vector won't open in Illustrator
Thanks for responding so quickly! I have Adobe CC and the version is 23.0.1 (64-bit).
View ArticleCopy footnote contents and place it to an anchored frame
Hi Scripters!I saw peter kahrel's sidenote scripts.But i need something else.How can i address the first footnote after my insertionPoint and copy its contents to an anchored textframe with a specific...
View ArticleQuick Question: What is (...)/ae_bogus_file.txt under My Recent Files
I just installed After Effects CC 2018 and under My Recent Files was listed [Program Files/Adobe/Adobe After Effects CC 2018/Support Files/Presets/ae_bogus_file.txt] I'm just curious as to what exactly...
View ArticleHow to set rounded rectangle corner radious a different default size
Hello. So i want to change my default size of corners on rounded rectangle tool from 10px to 40px how do i do that
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