Re: Edge Code Start Up Bug
Edge Code should save your responses (I'm assuming that you've clicked "No" to the Survey dialog) in your user settings, so it sounds like those are not getting saved. Which operating system and...
View ArticleRe: Encore cs6 stops transcoding (no hangs, errors)
Actually I am trying to build a .iso The folder option also exhibits the same problem. I have not tried burning to DVD option.
View ArticleRe: Edge Animate CC June 2014 Update Paste Problem
This screenshot for pasting a rectangle.
View ArticleRe: PS CC will not let me import a supported file to edit. Has anyone else...
What do you mean by "import" images? Are you talking about editing files in Camera Raw? Is it a raw file? From which camera? Exactly what version of Camera Raw are you using?
View ArticleRe: Alte CC Produkte deinstallieren und 2014er behalten?
das wüsste ich auch echt gerne!
View ArticleRe: No 3D or 4K dcp? is there an upgrade available?
But in following that link, there seems to be no option to actually buy said upgrade? Odd... Thoughts?
View ArticleRe: OS X 10.9.3 incompatible with Premiere Pro
Thanks Ann, I have been following all the forums but was hoping the Adobe update might have resolved it.
View ArticleRe: hola buen dia como hago para cargar una pagina con tiempo, no es igual...
Ok, I get it now. You are asking why it takes longer to load a page in Dreamweaver CC as opposed to Dreamweaver CS6. Maybe you could give us a link to your page so that we can try it on our own system....
View Articleerreur extraction de l'archive LR5.5
après téléchargement j'ai message "éditeur inconnu" et " un problème s'est produit lors de l'extraction de l'archive. Téléchargez à nouveau pS 5.5 Installer" / je l'ai fait à plusieurs reprises après...
View ArticleRe: No 3D or 4K dcp? is there an upgrade available?
Also - they seem to indicate there's an updated wraptor.bundle that needs to be installed in Media Encoder 8.0. However, it seems to be the same version as the one that came installed in my Media...
View ArticleRe: Over 4 mins to start AE CC 2014 on Mavericks???????
I've seen a couple of reports of this, and it seems to be a problem with After Effects failing to establish communication with the component that it uses to communicate with Apple's 32-bit QuickTime...
View ArticleiOS and Android persistent data save
I want to save user score, tried shared objects and also file save(in both applicationStorage and Documents directory) but the data is deleted on game unistall or update.
View ArticleProgram starts off great... then slows to a hault
Does anyone else have this issue? Could it be a Memory Leak?
View ArticleOpening Lightroom reverted my mobile work
I have been using Lightroom Mobile for a few days with 2 collections synced. I opened Lightroom on my desktop and one of my 2 collections reverted all the images and flags and star ratings to what my...
View ArticleRe: disable or trap multitouch gestures
There are bound to be times when you would have to use the Home button, as the only way to recover from a situation (like, if things were locked up and you had to hold the home button and power button...
View ArticleRe: new to dreamweaver
ok..this is the html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html...
View ArticleRe: Help! Question, how do I move an image along with the text
Look into anchored objects.
View ArticleRe: Porqué desde Creative Cloud me da la opción de actualizar el Photoshop CC...
Hola Federico , mil gracias. Lo que pasa que sí tengo instalado el Creative Cloud porque compre la membresia de aplicación única que es el Adobe Muse y la pago mes con mes. CUando instale creative...
View Articleold computer died, how to unassociate the cc install on it
I have adobe cc installed on 2 pc's ( legally purchased adobe cc )One of my pc's died and went to heaven.How do I install CC on the new pc I replaced it with
View ArticleThe interface is so big, that I can only see a small section of the screen.
I installed Photoshop CC 2014 on Windows 8.1 operating system. I inadvertently checked a preference in the 'experimental' I think, that has caused the interface on my 17'' Dell CRT to be so big that I...
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