Re: creative cloud app download error
Jeff - I read that before posting and it was NOT helpful - As you can see in the screen grab that I posted that it does NOT have an error code associated....And I did try un-installing and...
View ArticleDeleted Edge text still rendering in Muse?
Hello All, I built an animation in Edge Animate, then published it to .oam and placed in Muse. I didn't like some text i had placed using the Edge text tool, so I deleted the placed animation from...
View ArticleHow to type Hindi digits?
Hi, In Dreamweaver how to type digits (numerals) as Hindi (1234/١٢٣٤).?
View ArticleRe: creative cloud app download error
H2oonstone did you discover any errors within your download logs?
View ArticleRe: Empty symbol but need it reload
I figured out how to reset the Youtube video upon hiding thanks to Heathrowe's answer and FigFrance's contribution to the thread found here: I set up...
View ArticleRe: Paragraph styles
Create the paragraph the way you want. With it selected, choose newparagraph style from the paragraph styles panel menu. It will be createdusing the attributes of the selected paragraph.
View ArticleRe: Audio from video won't stop playing in the background
I figured out how to reset the Youtube video upon hiding thanks to Heathrowe's answer and FigFrance's contribution to the thread found here: The secret...
View ArticleRe: bc responsive templates - frameworks
BC does not offer a framework on the platform, Just various different templates that they source and format to work with BC.The templates they offer are in the partner portal, They are normally...
View ArticleI have paid for an annual service 3 times but I am still being charged...
I signed up for annual service but every time I use the service I get another bill. Who can I contact on the phone to get this issue resolved.Gail
View ArticleRe: Form Fields & Text Positioning
I am coverting a word document to a pdf and then adding form fields.
View Articlefile too large
I bought this so I could convert my ebooks to word so I can study and make notes! Is there a way to solve this?
View ArticleRe: Will "update" overwrite CS6?
There are CS6 updates available which will become disabled when you no longer subscribe. These are feature bearing updates. I would recommend that any additional concerns you post in the forum for...
View ArticleEmail web form (for newsletter) - how to Stop having it create a wierd first...
Hi, We have a webform that captures just a customers email address. The trouble is it wierdly makes their email address their first name too.. Our webform code is:[code]<form...
View ArticleRe: CS4 not accepting serial number
Carrp do you receive the message that your serial number is invalid when you install Creative Suite 4 to default installation location? Were you able to locate your serial number under your account?
View ArticleRe: ERROR: "Swf compilation failed. Please verify if any of the actionscrpt...
I fixed it by previewing just 3 slides at a time. The project previewed AOK on certain groups and not others. So, I narrowed it down and then deleted the 1 slide that was causing the problem. You...
View ArticleRe: Find and Replace from a list?
Forget what I wrote about sorting the length order, I see that I have search for whole words in the script which would deal with most cases by far
View ArticleRe: How many DVD menu templates come with Premiere Elements 12 boxed edition?
Andrew Thanks for the reply. Do you want me to name all the Premiere Elements 12 DVD templates so that you can do a cross check with those you see in your Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1? Typically each...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom link to PS Panorama merge Not working with Photoshop CC 2014...
I found reinstalling Photoshop CC 2014 fixed and removing all preferences did the job for me.
View Articleoxc000007b help
after premiere pro wouldnt export media i decied to uninstall and reinstall. now this is what happens an error sign and i cant find anything on it for premiere pro please help
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