Duplicating Shapes causes weird Extra Lines. Why?
Excel Write Issues
Hi All,
Finding the stack in InDesign file and write this in Excel file with contents and page number.
While we write other than english languages (i.e., Japanese, Germany etc..) in Excel, blank excel is produced.
Is there any best way to write the array or string in excel?
This is dummy text write in Excel File "рцедля"
var myReport = new File("~/Desktop/abc.xls");
Thanks in Advance
How does Google do it?
Hello, all,
On Google Maps, if you type in a location and hit enter you are directed to that location on the map. If you zoom in and out, the URI will change; if you slide the map in any direction, the URI will change. That way, you can copy the URI, paste it into another browser, and you get the same everything in the other browser (map or satellite; zoomed in status; etc.)
How does Google do that? Just curious.
^ _ ^
Re: Looking to partner with an experienced extension dev
Hey Dave, I'd be very interested in this. I have over 70 open source panels on my github here:
Inventsable (Tom Scharstein) · GitHub
I even have a Yeoman generator for my personal setup that allows me to generate, stage, and sign new extensions in less than a minute (very rapid prototyping):
GitHub - Inventsable/generator-cep-vue-cli: Yeoman generator for Adobe CEP extensions with Vue-CLI-3
Let me know! Email is tom@inventsable.cc
Re: Creative Cloud subscription invoicing per email
I just had to retroactively enter 6 months of Adobe invoices into my finances due to their not being emailed to me automatically. Time consuming and time-wasting! This is a dead simple issue for Adobe to remedy and there's no excuse for not providing that option.
Dehaze Missing
I recently started taking night sky pictures and starting looking online to find out the best way to edit them. In almost every single article they say to use the Dehaze slider, however I do not have this option in the Basic Panel or Effects Panel. Do I have to add this? I updated Lightroom last night but I still do not have the Dehaze option.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Re: Importing slideshow from Photoshop to Premiere Elements 12
You may be better of posting your query here Premiere Elements
I can move this thread for you if you like
Re: Searchability of OCR without opening the PDF?
Hi Adrian,
About the only thing I can come up with is two folders: one that receives the files that need to be OCRed, and the other that have had that done.
It wouldn't be automatic but it would be very easy to know what files have been processed and which have not.
Re: Video stops half way through even fully rendered
I would have to see workflow details and the modified properties of your timeline to have any idea what is going on. Just info for the videos gives us no clue. There is also no clue to the format of the videos.
Divide and Round Up answer
I have two fields, field A and field B. Field A needs to be divided by Field B and the answer needs to be rounded up. Example: 2÷5=1
How can I code this?
var AA = this.getField(“UNITSWEEK”).value;
var BB = this.getField(“MAXDAYSWK”).value;
if (BB==0) event.value = "";
else event.value = Math.ceil (AA / BB);
Re: Output modules disappeared overnight
They should be in your preferences file. Use the Preferences panel to locate the preferences file and check the last modified by date.
Custom Conversion Variable (eVar) not reflecting in omniture report
We are using adobe analytics for our enterprise application. We are setting some custom values through custom conversion variable (eVar) programmatically by taking reference of Using s.linkTrackVars and s.linkTrackEvents .
Example :
s.linkTrackVars = 'eVar211,eVar212,events';
s.linkTrackEvents = 'event20';
s.eVar211 = 'test1';
s.eVar212 = 'test2';
s.events = 'event20';
s.tl(true, 'o', 'custom link track');
Evars are getting reflected on omnibug plugin of chrome browser correctly whereas its not reflecting on omniture tool at path `Reports > custom conversion`. Please help to understand on following points -
- After what time interval `eVars` gets reflected on omniture tool once its set ? is it possible to reflect it at realtime ?
- Is there another way to set `eVars` to custom changing values ?
Problems with Premier Pro CC 13 using Apple Mac Book Pro
This is a list of problems I am having with the new version of Premier using my MAC>
Premier creates new Finder folders when using AutoSave. This will become an endless collection of folders within Finder. In time it could create a system problem. It also is very confusing until one figures out what is happening in the autosave process. When Autosave is disabled the user must create his own backup file system to have available a recent copy of his project.
Premier also stores Adobe libraries and the Premier application in the Apple Cloud in ICloud IDrive. It also stores all the Premier Projects. I need a document to explain what is an isn't needed in this configuration. This is using storage space on both the Mac and Apple Cloud.
Thanks for the help,
Re: How can i fix this
am still stuck, do you have a step by step guide.. to help me fix..it..like for example this : fl.showIdleMessage(false); even how do i execute it
Re: Problems with Premier Pro CC 13 using Apple Mac Book Pro
Please post this in the Premiere Pro forum Premiere Pro . This is the InDesign Forum.
Re: Cutting a pizza
I tried a few of these and had no problem.
If two of you are saying there are issues, maybe there is something. Not sure align to pixel grid or some setting may cause. Cant say I use either the grid tools on a daily basis, over many many years have never expereinced an issue.
Re: Duplicating Shapes causes weird Extra Lines. Why?
How are you copying the shapes, not seeing any issue using Alt + the Move Tool
Re: Technologies used for Adobe Photoshop?
Actually we have to make a case study on it so i need to know what are the platforms used on it's front end and back end
Re: Select NEF or JPEG To Edit
STLnikon wrote
I shot a group of photos. Some I did RAW+JPEG, the others were JPEG. I imported them into Lightroom. I do get NEF+JPEG for the photo "pairs" and only JPG for the single shots n the Grid view. All well and good. But if I select a photo to edit (Lightroom or Photoshop) it defaults to the NEF file. Is there a way to change the default to JPG?
My main import objective is the NEF and JPEG file pairs to have the same name. I primarily work with JPEG but plan to ease into NEF file edition.
Not really in LR. If you open PS and then navigate to the folder where you imported the RAW + JPG files you will see the corresponding JPGs and you can open them in PS.
LR actually imports the JPG files and records them in the LR database file (The Catalog File) then hides it from the users view.
There is no way to Reimport them as separate files unless you first remove the RAW files from the LR catalog and set the option as noted below and then reimport both RAW & JPG.
To stop that you need to set the option to Treat JPG files next to RAW files as separate files. Then when importing images that were taken as RAW + JPG on your camera the JPG will show as a separate image in LR.
BUT why would you want to edit the JPG when you have the same shot as a RAW file?
Re: Crash Report for "Premiere Pro"
I do not have to give up this error because I have not save data