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Looking for a starting path to create C++ Photoshop plugins


Hi guys! I want to go further than Javascript because I want speed and I've been looking all over the internet and I can't find any how to's to get started on C++ plugins for Photoshop, some kind of easy examples like hello world. I tried the PS 2017 SDK but it seems really not that clear. Is there somewhere or someway I can know the foundation of this? I really don't mind about C++ language but more like how to create a c++ plugin and make it work on Photoshop. Thanks in advance!

Re: Normalising image within Lightroom.


Hello JimHess,


First of all thank you for your time and for your input. Unfortunately this is not addressing my dilemma... but english is not my first language and I just might have not explained my self that well.


I am not looking for automatisation of "the process".

What I want to know is how "the process" should be addressed / dealt with.


I will drop couple examples/scenarios:

1) when you work with film, you first colour correct the footage (normalize the image), then you colour grade the footage (adjust it to your liking or accordingly to the context).  I am want to know how to do the image colour correction as it seams that every photographer immediately skips to colour grading the picture

2) another example: I know how to read histogram and the scene. I know how to adjust blacks, whites and I know where +- skin should reside. So I believe I can get very precise exposure. I want to know how to do this for colours and skin tone (=skin colour)

3) yet another example. I know how to in Photoshop get a read out on RGB values under cursor. Based on those values you can calculate if your image has correct skin colour and tweak the values accordingly. I don't know how to do that in Lightroom.


Basically my issue is that I don't know how to colour correct an image in LR. Everything I do (and most of the people I believe do) is just guessing or editing to their liking (which should be the next step)


I just want to get more technical and understand things and have consistency. Not within one shoot, but within my whole portfolio.


I hope I explained myself better.


Thank you

All the best



Re: Adobe Captivate 9 Software Simulation Issue With High Density Display in Windows 10

Re: ExtendScript Debugger v1.x Needs a Rethink

Re: Acrobat Pro DC Textfelder addieren die ein bestimmten Text beinhalten


It does not add up the fields with content text


  var count = 0; 

    for (var i=10; i<=19; i++) { 

        if (this.getField(i).valueAsString != "") count++; 


    event.value = count; 

Re: ¿Adquirir un bono o licencia para activa el modulo revelado en Lightroom 6?

Re: Acrobat Pro DC Textfelder addieren die ein bestimmten Text beinhalten


No, it just counts how many fields have a value that isn't empty.

Do you want to add their actual values, ie sum them up?

Re: Licencia para fotomontajes


El montaje a entregar tiene ya las capas acopladas?

Si carece de licencia de usuario, sólo se puede limitar a imprimirla o publicarla.

Re: Are LR Classic and CC truly compatible?


Not foolish at all Jim. It’s a good way to get your originals straight from the phone into the cloud and down into Classic.


Adobe has stated that all future development of the eco system will be restricted to Lightroom; so don't expect any changes to Lightroom Classic.

Re: How Do I create new Catalogs from within a MAIN catalog?


I don't use the Adobe Cloud as its too limited for space. I only have files on external drives.

Thanks for the input about one Catalog... I guess I should thing this over then?...

Re: Secuencia Predida


Checked your back up? (and i dont mean auto save).

Re: Captivate replaces missing fonts (which are not missing) with Tahoma


Well I've digged into my Event Viewer and scanned my internet traffic with Wireshark.


TK and Adobe Fonts do NOT behave identically when communicating from and to my IP. I think there is a f... up with the handshake between the licenses....



Re: bmp file


I still have a copy of Photoshop 7, and I checked: it had this feature as well as today's versions.


File > Save as.

BMP format.

Advanced button.

Choose the format you need.

Re: Photoshop brushes disappeared


@Gorgi could you post a video somewhere showing this?  I'd love to help but I can't reproduce the problem.  Seeing what you're running into would really help.  (youtube, dropbox, etc).  Thanks!

Re: PDF created in Illustrator is freezing for 4-5 seconds while scrolling


chrisl41501719  schrieb


1. First see if any images are much higher than 300dpi. This could just be a drawing problem because of the size of a photo / pattern swatch, or transparency.


2. Open you work in Acrobat. - Save a copy (just in case). - Then go to Pre Flight and analyze - look for error messages.

Acrobat can often fix these issues easily.


3. If that doesn't work, you can flatten the art (but this is destructive so make sure you have a backup). Flattening transparencies is either VERY easy or nigh impossible - depending on the file. You can try flattening everything at once or you can open in illustrator and flatten problem layers separately.

I have downloaded the file and checked it.

1. There is only vector artwork in it. But just a lot of it. And transparency. It's even slow in Illustrator.

3. When you flatten that specific artwork, you will end up with even more paths, which will slow down the presentation even more.

Re: How Do I create new Catalogs from within a MAIN catalog?


Thanks for suggestion. Its how I used to do it, but I was convinced otherwise by photographers when I was on a workshop...

I'll think about it a but more before making that decision then. Thanks for tips on how to export!


Re: How To Size Docs For Jpeg Export? [Title edited/Moderator]

Re: Invisible cursor in Photoshop Elements 2019


This was something I found on a different forum when I was searching for a solution, and it didn't help. But I appreciate the info!

Re: Normalising image within Lightroom.


KRSTF  wrote


The thing with CMYK is that I know the skin formula in CMYK read outs.

You do, for one kind of CMYK output. The numbers, depending on the recipe of CMYK and it's black gen is all over the map. Moot as LR doesn't nor needs to provide CMYK but again, CMYK is highly device dependent, a really inappropriate color model for this kind of work: Lab isn’t' and is supported in LR.

Here's a video on correcting skin tones without having to resort to CMYK:

Low Rez (YouTube)


High Rez



A visual too:



Premiere Pro から After Effects Composition に差し替えるでフッテージを AE 上に移した際に、AE のスタートタイムが0:00 のため、29.97fps の影響で1フレのギャップなどずれる


29.97 Non drop で普段映像を仕上げています。

映像カメラで撮影素材を Premiere Pro で編集し、CG や合成箇所のみ Replace with After Effects Composition で

フッテージを AE 上に移して作業して、最終的にはPremiere 上で完パケています。


ただ、Premiere で編集したフッテージを AE に移した際、スタートタイムが0:00 からのため、

29.97fps の影響で1フレのギャップでの絵抜けや、ズレ、

Out 点が数フレーム短くなってしまう事が度々起こります。


例えば、Premiere 上の差し替えたin 点 タイムコードが AE 上のスタートタイムに反映させる方法など、



Premiere → AE に移して作業する際に、29.97 fpsの30フレームでなはい刻みではない箇所で

In Out 点が発生してしまうのを避けるワークフローなどありましたら、


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