Doesnt the 93% include those old mobile browsers?
I doubt anyone knows the real figures but lm using a lot of modern javascript now for development, which also probably wont work on old mobile browsers.
Should l go back to using table layout to cater for the couple of percent of pensioners still using Spectrum ZX?
Prefixing is an issue, how many years back prefixing support do you go before dropping support for some browsers. I still have a version of safari on my machine which needs all the flex prefixing, which is undesirable in terms of code bloat in the css documents. I decided to leave that particular prefixing out and havent had any reports that users are unable to see the websites lve built. The version of safari l have doesnt even show vue unless l convert the javascript using bable, there are a few old browsers and browser versions around which are probably not worth taking into consideration.
I think you have to say at some point l dont support this or that anymore as if you dont it halts your progress. As long its only a few percent affected personally l dont see an issue and you can take advantage of all the goodies that make life as a developer more simpler