Its all in your mind its adding an embossed look to what your eyes see on your flat screen which is displaying a radial gradient. You eyes see the gradient you mind is playing a trick on you. Your perceives or interprets the gradient as embossed. Look again its concaved.
Re: Gradients
Re: Select and perform operations on multiple markers at the same time
It's 2019 and this is still a problem? Are the devs even aware that features like this should be common sense for any professional software of this caliber? I guess common sense is not so common then.
Re: Access denied Pro DC using Adobe sign
Currently experiencing same issue with the email change! Please help!! Thanks
Is Acrobat Pro compatible with the new Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6?
Re: Error: We're sorry, but a system error occurred. If you do not receive a payment confirmation email in the next few minutes, please try again or contact customer service.
Having the exact same issue. Have tried 3 times but keep getting that same error.
Re: Can't Install PSE 11 on Mac
Alright, I understand now. We downloaded the Windows version, and it seems I do not have access to the Mac version, so she can't download it onto her computer. I hate Macs. In fact, I hate Apple products in general. Thank you for your help, guys. I guess I will just let her borrow my old PC.
Re: content aware fill in after effects
wait so what your saying is the reason my object or surface isnt doing as great of a job could be the fact my computer cant handle after effects?
Re: FAO Ben
Don't worry, we are working on it
Re: Step-by-Step Create New Catalog with Existing LR & New Imports
WobertC - Done. Thank you
Now that I've moved everything to the new RAID, I notice LR runs slower. After some research, here are the differences and tips on found online:
(1) First, the original RAID was a RAID 10. The new RAID is a JBOD.
(2) Catalog (lrcat) and Previews (lrdata) files are no longer on home drive (SSD). They are on JBOD.
(3) I'm in the process of deleting all of the Smart Previews because I don't use them.
With all of this work, I've removed a significant amount of old LR files/catalogs/etc from my home drive and now have room to move the catalog back to the home drive (SSD).
If I choose to move the Catalog (Ircat) file from the JBOD back to the home drive (SSD). How do I do this? For example, it is as easy as dragging it from the JBOD to the home drive and launching LR?
When I complete this project, I am going to write out a full step-by-step guide (with options) so the next person will have a clean template to follow.
Problem setting up Facebook in publishing services
When I try to set up Facebook in publishing services: My account authorizes correctly, but my Facebook albums do not display in the album section. If I click "create new album," once I provide a name, it asks for location. I tried every facebook location on my acct., but everyone gives an "album responded with an error message." And then LR won't let me save my changes because "no album is selected!"
Also, when I try to use LR Email manager through File>email, my email will not validate, even though I know the email is working and the credentials are correct?
OS 10.13.6; Chrome Version 75.0.3770.142 (Official Build) (64-bit); LR Classic 8.3.1
I'm at a loss of where to go from here, my Facebook page and email work fine, but LR can't seem to link up with them. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Photos synced to mobile look different
I'm still relatively new to Lightroom so there may be a very simple or obvious fix for this, but if so, I can't seem to find it anywhere. When I edit a photo in Lightroom and then add it to a collection that automatically syncs to my mobile device the photo looks completely different when I open it on my iPhone. The exposure and highlights look different, blacks and shadows are very dark, etc and it is extremely hard to make it look the same as it did on my Mac. Somebody please help! I am very stumped.
- Victoria
Re: Best Website for Designs & Templates for Political print ads
He is not a leader, Steve, just an instigator.
Re: Problem syncing videoclips Lightroom mobile desktop with iOS devices
We will take a look at these files to see what the issue is. It's possible that the format is not supported.
Re: FAO Ben
I dont think l've been unreasonable in requesting some clarification of why posts have been removed, why the personal grievances and accusations. The css grid thread was perfectly reasonably and light hearted up until post 18. As a representative of Adobe l would not expect to be subjected to the ocassional abusive outbursts, as in your recent responses, which l view now more as personal grievances than considered responses.
Theres reslly nothing to lose, this forum is as good as dead.
Im outta here now. lve put my point across, hopefully as it contains nothing hugely offensive it wont be deleted, thats all l have to say on the matter.
Forma de pago
Como puedo anexar mi cuenta skrill a dobe stock para recibir pago por las imagenes que yo envíe?
Re: Source and Program Monitor Freeze After few minutes
Same issue. And I'm seeing it happen during thumbnail view and list view; thumbnail views are still fine and responsive even. It's the program monitor window that dies.
I'm assembling clips together, scrubbing through my source clip, dropping them in the timeline. Fine.
Double click thumbnails to open a new source clip. Fine.
I think there was audio during this clip. Click on the "Drag audio only" button to check the audio waveform. Fine, BUT!
Now the video portion of the program monitor window is frozen. No matter what I do where I go I got nothing. Even exiting the program doesn't work. I need to "End Task" to close out.
So I try again. This time avoiding the audio waveform.
All is good but I have another clip I want to check for audio. But now I have to play it normally and listen for dialogue.
Click on play...
Frozen, nothing works. Have to End Task to get out of it.
Third time through. Going though files in list view. Watching files 1 by 1, pulling clips out as needed. Try to open the next file. Suddenly frozen, not working anymore. If anything the problem happened when I clicked out of Adobe Premiere to scroll up the webpage I have in the browser on my other monitor. Click back to Adobe to watch the next file. Frozen.
This problem is making a 6 hour culling section take my entire 4 day weekend. I'm researching Adobe alternatives now because this is basically un-useable. Please fix this soon or I'm jumping ship.
PS: I tried the steps "Real Quiz" mentioned and they didn't work.
Re: content aware fill in after effects
Yeah, pretty much. Your machine 's working its little heart out just to run AE, to say nothing of using something complicated like content aware fill.
Re: Source and Program Monitor Freeze After few minutes
Please post your issue on the bug/features UserVoice system. This is a fairly rare issue but hammers anyone who gets it. Any data on media, effects, the computer, and steps you've tried would be good to get to the engineers.
Plus Adobe lives by metrics. Anything filed there makes The List ... so please file this.
I'm on my phone or I'd post the link but it's on the top of the Overview page of the forum.