Hi Sandee,
see the attachement.
"Sandee Cohen" <forums_noreply@adobe.com> schrieb:
wrong apostroph (German)
created by Sandee Cohen in InDesign - View the
full discussion
Your English ist sehr gut.
I have a feeling InDesign can't help you exactly,
but I'm confused.
In English a single, closing apostrophe is a
closing single quote.
Can you post an image of what it is supposed to be
in German?
I honestly want to know.
Regarding the Guillemets, you can change them in
the preferences, but it's time consuming.
There probably is a way to script the change, so
you can do it easily. But for what language would
you want it? German? French? Something else?
It's very hard to keep up with Europe now that the
EU has blended so many things together. Please
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