Re: Need help finding a hosting site for business
I think I find what I was looking for . . . go figure, this morning I just type "page flipping html5" and get it.Here is the link Advanced Photoshop Issue 111 | FlipHTML5 Thanks to all :-)
View ArticleRe: Using Stroke to Knockout Layer Below
A black Stroke clipping masked to a white instance of the Smart Object would allow or using Blend If settings. Colorizing that stack of Layers could be done by putting them in a Normal Group and using...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC 2014: Filter "Ölfarbe" verschwunden
Ihr schreibst da einen Mist. Natürlich macht Adobe Marktforschung. Natürlich erlaubt ein nicht unerheblicher Teil der Nutzer, dass die anonymisierten Anwendungsdaten an Adobe gesandt werden.Sonst ist...
View ArticleRe: CS5 Dreamweaver on Windows Vista. Will not open at all. Please advise
When DW starts acting weird, the first thing to try is Deleting Corrupted Cache in DW If that doesn't help, try Restore Preferences. Note: your work space, custom...
View ArticleRe: AE CC2014 Settings won't sync.
Are you expecting the settings from the previous version, After Effects CC (12.x), to come across automatically to the current version, After Effects CC 2014 (13.0), through Sync Settings? That's not...
View Articleexporting images differ
Hi Folks, First post, only getting started with photography in general and have been using lightroom without issue for the past three months, however after trying to export some edited images from...
View ArticleSimplest way to remove a piece of background content in a moving shot where...
Hi all I'm fairly new to after effects. I've done some basic cleaning work with the rotobrush and also the motion tracker before which worked ok but I now have a scene to fix that is proving more...
View ArticleRe: Install indesign cs6 from creative cloud
Georg wrote: Thanks for your reply.I tried to find the download like you described. I'm not able to find the drop-down.I'm using Creative Cloud in German - is this the problem? Luis wrote: Access to...
View ArticleRe: exporting video with cc 2014 has issues
I haven't seen anything yet with some brief tests. Will be reviewing a 90 minute export this evening.
View ArticleMinus Front Error: "The filter produced no results. Please select two...
Hello Adobe Community, I am a beginner to Adobe Illustrator and I'm currently working on some homework for my class. I'm using the most current version of Adobe Illustrator (creative cloud 17.1). I...
View ArticleRe: wrong apostroph (German)
Hi Sandee, see the attachement. Jens "Sandee Cohen" <> schrieb: wrong apostroph (German) created by Sandee Cohen in InDesign - View thefull discussion Jens, Your...
View ArticleHELP!!??? Trouble with PS CS-6 displaying/ producing grainy and pixelated...
Help!??? I am having trouble with PS CS-6 displaying/ producing/ saving grainy pictures when import NEF files!!! Hi all,When I import all NEF or RAW files into CS6 from Bridge and Camera Raw from the...
View ArticleRe: Cell phone video lip sync problem
I am very familiar with codecs and wrappers John. The point in my mind is that I should not have to be... If Premiere imports it, why doesn't it edit it properly? Why not reconvert it to constant frame...
View ArticleRe: when importing a clip to adobe premiere elements 11 the sound on the...
if7yg What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 11 running on? If Mac, was your purchase the Adobe Premiere Elements 11 Editor from the Mac App Store? Be that as it may, what are the...
View ArticleAdobe Texture Pro
In the new Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 the Adobe Texture Pro is in the Panels but is not showing up on my desktop when I launch Photoshop. How can I get it to show up? It's really useful for adding a...
View ArticleRe: CS6 E Bridge Slow to load thumbnails, 'building criteria'
Is there a reason you left your comment blank, Omke? Can't think of any valid reason except this dreadful new forum format does not seem to work correctly with email. If I don't use a quote it is...
View ArticleRe: Need help finding a hosting site for business
I'm glad you found what you were looking for but how does this site have anything to do with web hosting?? Nancy O.
View ArticleUmzug von adobe CS 5 auf einen anderen Rechner
Die Installationsroutine benötigt eine weiteren key von einem weiteren Adobe product um CS 5 upgrade installieren zu können. Ich habe keinen anderen. CS 5 ist auf einem anderen Rechner installiert und...
View ArticleRe: Audio Sample Rate Auto Change Issue
I would be inclined to believe that the 'bad' audio file actually is 11kHz. Have you tried verifying that in Audition?
View ArticleRe: illustrator exporting to png problem
I didn't find the settings or preferences folder anywhere, but I reset the preferences by holding alt+ctrl+shift while opening the file..that fixed the problem it seems
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