I don't know how geeky you want to get, but if you're comfortable navigating around folders and zip files, here's a manual technique that will work...
Close Photoshop first, then:
- Download the 8.5 manual update link from here: Don't run the installer, but instead just Open the zip file in Windows Explorer.
- Navigate inside the zip file to find the resources inside that correspond to the 64 or 32 bit Photoshop version that you're running. I assume you have installed the 64 bit version, so the rest of the instructions will concentrate on the 64 bit Camera Raw.8bi only. Here's the path:
setup.zip \ payloads \ AdobeCameraRaw8.0All-x64-050614143245 \ Assets1_1.zip
The file within Assets1_1.zip, named 1002, is actually the Camera Raw.8bi file for 64 bits, just with a different name.
- Copy 1002 to your folder on your computer where your Camera Raw.8bi normally lives, e.g.,
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CC\File Formats
- Rename the old Camera Raw.8bi file to Camera Raw.8bi_8.0. It's important that the extension is changed to something other than .8bi.
- Rename 1002 to Camera Raw.8bi
- Run Photoshop and verify the Camera Raw version by choosing Help - About Plug-in... - Camera Raw.