pixxxel schubser Please accept my apologies for my rudeness. If you look at my past questions, you'll see that I normally do give feedback and also mark answers as helpful. In fact the only ones that are unmakred are the ones which were unanswered.
What happened with the Duplicate Layer name project was that my computer went for repairs. When it came back, I had moved on to other things and had completely forgot about it! I know that's not really an excuse, but I didn't mean to skip the feedback on purpose. I do actually contribute on other sites and get frustrated by "help vampires" who ask for help but never give any back, so I am ashamed that I have become one. However, I will make an extra effort to return to my past good habits!
The difficult is:
- items in nested nested grouped … groups
I think that's the problem I've got. In the documents where the script does work, the items are nested in groups.