Uninstall Dreamweaver CC Trial
I just installed Adobe Dreamweaver CC from the Creative Cloud. I can't find where you uninstall it, so I deleted the Dreamweaver folder. It still says on Creative Cloud that it is installed yet I can't...
View ArticleRe: installed latest muse update, now shows creative cloud window with...
Thanks Jeff. My issue has been resolved.Mike Mike Barsness<Removed by Moderator>
View ArticleRe: hi i cant seem to open a pdf it shows error 1 i have no idea ..........
and I get this error too: There was an error opening this document. Acrobat cannot open this file because a task is still active in Acrobat. Please return to Acrobat and end the task before opening...
View ArticleRe: Console Output
Unless I'm doing this wrong, when I put a $.writeln() statement in a jsx file that is called from html js (for the extension panel), it does nothing other than make the script stop. Only Alert() seems...
View ArticleProblems downloading Camera Raw update 7.4 for viewing raw files in CS6 from...
I am having trouble opening Raw files from my Nikon D7100 with CS6. I understand that there is a Camera Raw update (7.4) but when I download it to my Mac Photoshop does not recognize the new version...
View ArticleRe: I can't find where to download older versions of apps. I have only CC...
Glad to here that the given solution worked.Please close the discussion by marking the correct answer. Cheers!~ Arpit
View ArticleRe: How to uninstall Media Encoder CC in Mac OS (after Media Encoder CC 2014...
Thanks, but which applications (and versions) do use it? And once they are removed how do I uninstall it as an uninstaller is not listed here as shown in the link you sent....
View ArticleRe: solid line under radial grad which blends to nothing so line shows through
In that case you need to apply opacity masks.Adobe Illustrator * Transparency and blending modes
View Articleinstall acrobat pro when i have lost the original download file?
ow can I install acrobat pro when I have lost the original download file?
View ArticleRe: Spacebar HandTool disabled
I've just run into the exact same problem as everyone else here. The only things that have changed recently are (in order of least recent to most recent): I added an Apple Magic TrackpadI swapped out...
View ArticleRe: Missing Oil Painting Filter
Um, no. You're allowed to start whatever version of Photoshop you want, and it's well-known behavior that operations will use the one that's running. Regarding Oil Paint being missing, they took it...
View ArticleRe: Possible to round font size if in decimal with AppleScript?
Sure, it's entirely possible (I'm working on a project another artist started). I ran Object> Path> Clean Up beforehand, so that should have deleted any empty text. Is there a way to intercept...
View ArticleWhat do I have to do to get all functions of Photoshop CC to work on my laptop?
I realize it is probably my graphics card but it is an Intel HD Graphics Core i5, but PS isn't recognizing it. I have tried everything including updating etc. I have an Inspiron 17R N7010Oil Paint is...
View ArticleRe: Batch replace a colour with another colour
pixxxel schubser Please accept my apologies for my rudeness. If you look at my past questions, you'll see that I normally do give feedback and also mark answers as helpful. In fact the only ones that...
View ArticleRe: Shadow disappears from Photoshop to Illustrator
Not a mask, a path. Clipping paths by themselves have no effect on pixels in Photoshop. They are for the benefit of external applications. Look in your Paths palette for a clipping path, not the Layers...
View ArticleRe: Develop Module is not working after the latest 5.5 update.
Before you run the downloaded installer, make sure that you have moved the existing Lightroom 5.5 (or 5.4, 5.3, etc.) to the Trash and emptied the Trash. (Before emptying the trash, make sure that...
View ArticleWhat presets to use for slideshows?
I'm trying to create a slideshow using still images with Premiere Element 12. What preset should I use?I've already created one, the quality looks good on the screen, but once I burn it on a DVD, the...
View ArticleCatelogs
If I have multiple users working on the same Lightroom Catalog at once, how can I keep Lightroom from automatically creating other Catalogs?
View ArticleHELP! updated today and now I can not open ANY pdf files in acrobat or...
Acrobat could not open 'Planner.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)....
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