dbilger wrote:
I just installed the update to 5.5, and in the last hour it has crashed 4 times. I get the error below. never had a problem until I upgraded. Ironically, I updated it because I wanted the bug fixes, but all I got were bugs. Is there actually anything I can do to try to fix it? Running Win 8.1. And like I said, worked fine until I updated.
For the customers who experienced the Lr 5.5 instability issue on Windows 7/8, are crashes only happen after you have worked in Lr 5.5 a while? There might be some Windows resource leaks. Could you describe the typical steps that you do while in Lr 5.5 when the crash happens?
1) Have you turned on the Lightroom mobile sync for the catalog?
2) Before you launch Lr 5,5, could you bring up the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl - Alt - Del works). From the Task Manager's View menu, pick "Select Columns..." and make sure that "GDI Objects", "Threads", "Memory - Working Set" and "Memory - Private Working Set" options are checked and then hit okay.
3) Launch Lr 5.5 and in your normal routines, monitor the numbers in the above selected columns in the Task Manager and see if those keep going up.