Re: "Edit in Photoshop CC" launches Photoshop, but doesn't open the image.
Re-installing Photoshop CC (or CC 2014) should resolve this problem. (At least it has for many others.) The key is to *not* uninstall any PS version after you have gotten it working, because it seems...
View ArticleRe: After Photoshop Elements quit working for the second time in three...
The version is 12. Following Kglad's links I once again downloaded the trial version offered there. Then when prompted, I entered my serial number and finally was once again able to run the program. My...
View ArticleRe: Best Export Settings for SD in Premiere Pro CS6?
For PC playback, you always want Progressive (no fields), as interlaced video never works well for PC or web videos. I would recommend using H.264 and then there are many presets available. Look for a...
View ArticleRe: Muse CC 2014 wants Serial Number, though i pay monthly for muse It's not working. Can't establish aconnection to the server.
View ArticleRe: I can not open raw files in my ps elements 8 from my Canon EOS 60D
According to your second reference, ACR 6.2 is compatible with PSE 8 and I have 6.2 installed on my PSE 8 system.True enough. Well spotted.
View ArticleRe: Adobe Photoshop CC2014 crash in windows 7 64bit
Hi there, Was the program working fine before hand? Have you updated recently? I haven't had any problems with PS CC and I'm running a Windows 7 64 bit machine. Take Noel's advice and make sure you...
View ArticleRe: Flashing lines appear in exports
Andrewadpro wrote: Premier Pro Creative cloud does not work on the latest Mac Pro with mercury playback engine on as rendered footage with alfa channel creates flashing lines! when will this be sorted...
View ArticleRe: Real World Configuration for Media/Output/Project/Cache Drives
Hmmm... as I said earlier, I have been searching and reading what the forum has to say, but haven't found anything that deals specifically with the bottleneck of the number of TB2 buses vs. the...
View ArticleRecovery of Illustrator file. Is it possible to do?
Is there anyway in the universe to recover am Illustrator file that was recently saved over? I'm on PC.I’m using Windows 7. I tried to recover my .ai file by using of some shareware recovery tools, but...
View ArticleRe: How do I open a photo from Mac Finder in Lightroom?
Oh yeah, that script is the bomb. Still not exactly what I need for all situations, but it helps a bunch. It may depend on how you've got your OS set up, but since I use Default Folder X on the Mac I...
View ArticleWill PS continue to work after 1 year if I pay the full year subscription...
The newer subscription policy has me skeptical. Is there still an option to buy the latest version of PS that I will own regardless of what I choose to do regarding renewing my subscription? From...
View ArticleRe: Linking curved and straight objects into one object
Ok this worked for one object, but why not when i try to make another identical object the same way, expand is greyed out and add to shape area doesn't do anything? Only the merge button seems to work...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 5.5 crashes
dbilger wrote: I just installed the update to 5.5, and in the last hour it has crashed 4 times. I get the error below. never had a problem until I upgraded. Ironically, I updated it because I wanted...
View ArticleRe: Request Filtering
On page 17 of the Lockdown Guide it shows locking down from the root of theserver. I tried that, then on page 24 where it shows to remove the blocksfor individual site, that did not work. CF ignored...
View ArticleRe: How do I open a photo from Mac Finder in Lightroom?
I can certainly get a URL for a file easily (eg file://localhost/Users/me/Pictures/2014/2014-05-21/P1000xxx.JPG), but I'm no scripter. I might have some existing scripts or Automator workflows that use...
View ArticleIllustrator CC crash on start up (Windows 7 64bit)
Hi, my Illustrator CC will load up with the splash screen, then bring up the workstation, but 1-2 seconds after opening the workstation windows gives an error message saying that the program has...
View ArticleKeine Eingabemaske bei Creative Cloud Anmeldung
Seit kurzem kann ich keine Anmeldung mehr an der Creative Cloud vornehmen. Der App-Manager startet zwar, aber es erscheinen keine Eingabefelder zur Anmeldung (siehe Screenshot). Bis letzte Woche...
View ArticleAm using Nikon D5300. Recently uploaded to LR 5.5. GPS data from camera is...
Am using the new Nikon D5300 which has built in GPS. Worked fine with LR 5.3. Now updated with LR 5.5 but GPS data from the camera is NOT coming in to LR 5.5. Any suggestions??
View ArticleExporting Multiple Artboards of Different Formats Easily
I have one document with multiple artboards. I need to export each artboard with different formats and ppi. Is there a way I can do this quickly and efficiently without having to export each artboard...
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